Viewpoint What Kind of Narrator are You


Ray of Sunshine
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Disclaimer: This thread (or at least, this op post) does not cover first person narration. Sprry first person narration fans.

So, in roleplaying there is one thing that almost all of them should have in common, every post is narrated by a narrator. And that narrator is you, because you wrote the post. But there are many types of narrations. So what kind of narrator are you? Are you a serious narrator who narrates the facts, all the facts, and nothing but the facts? Are you a lemony narrator who makes snide/snarky comments, goes off on assides, and ocassionally expeesses their own opinions on what's going on in the story? Or are you something else entirely that I couldn't think of?

These are the questions I ask and I humbly request answers to them. Please.
I feel like I tend to be a combination of narrator types. It also heavily depends on the personality type of my character involved in the post. I've juggled four different personality types all at once before and my style varied a little bit depending on which character was speaking and interacting in the world at the time. I can do goofier narration that focuses more on the colorful aspects of the world, but I can also do a depressing narration that sees only the bad that the world has to offer. I definitely focus on the details of the world around my characters and feel compelled to describe the scene before I jump into what my character is doing. I feel like you have to give life to the world around you before you can give life to your characters within it.
I just realized I forgot to say what I myself am in the op.

I'm definitely Lemony most of the time. I like funny things. But sometimes, when it's necessary, I get serious.
I guess I'm a not-so-serious narrator. My vocab and grammar is limited since I am not an english speaker, so if I try to make a post that is too serious I usually end up stressing myself somewhere in the middle and get burnt up really fast. I make writing more enjoyable by trying to insert jokes here and there, whether it through me as the narrator or through my character's wacky behavior. Kumo Desu ga Nani ka and Bartimaeus Trilogy influence my writing style a lot in the recent years.
I'm generally influenced by whatever I'm currently reading (or reading about on TV Tropes) at the moment, similar to how I adopt characteristics of my favorite characters in real life.
I focus a lot on details, and as a GM I try to relay as much relevant information as I can. Obviously, I try to add some good description as well, but I'm usually relatively straightforward. I usually don't make outright jokes as a narrator unless it serves a purpose or acts as a good descriptor for something. And, obviously, funny situations and characters can still exist, even if the narrator is humorless.

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