Other What is your Spirit Animal?

I'm a hummingbird wtf xD Says that I enjoy life as it happens, which actually can be quite accurate, but not always :P
Mine would presumably be a cat of some sort, maybe a lion but possibly just a regular cat.

Not necessarily powerful, but can be quite intelligent at times (can also be very stupid).

Can be quick/agile but like to take my time doing certain things.

Although not necessarily powerful (as previously stated), still quite capable of defending.

Other reasons are involved too, but I could go on and on for too long about it.
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I would say your typical house cat is my spirit animal. I share a lot of common traits with my own felines so it makes sense to me.
A Jellyfish. Essentially empty and ends up going with whatever dumb bullshit is happening because it's the way of life. Also if I'm messed with there is just regret.... because of poison.
My spirit animal is raven. My mythical spirit animal is Dragon. I like dragon more.
Mine would have to be Tiger. My second would be Red-Tailed Hawk though. They are so beatiful and graceful on the thermals
[QUOTE="A Guileless Fable]I thought this would be something fun to do if you're bored and all.
My spirit animal is ... take a guess.

If you guess Whale than you are partially correct

as my spirit animal if a Giraffe (First One At Least) [Ha I put First and One together. I'm so evil]

No the question is, what is yours?

I-I am your partial spirit animal?
Twelve questions later and I am an owl. I feel like these quizzes always peg me wrong though as I don't consider myself intuitive nor can I usually "see beyond deceit".

Personally I would like it if my spirit animal were a fox simply because they are my favorite!
Heh, mine is an owl apparently. :') Seems like a lot of people are getting owl, too. Coincidence? I think not.
I had taken the quiz firsthand, and I had gotten butterfly (which, frankly, was probably the one I least expected). Unsatisfied, I strived to try out different "Spirit Animal" quizzes and got very different answers. Here is the list of outcomes, in order;




And finally, wolf.


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