Other What is it about Rp that makes you enjoy it?


What is it about role-playing that makes you enjoy doing it?

I know for me it helps with keeping my writing skills sharp, but more than that I enjoy getting to be so many different people and interact with others in worlds different from my own.

What is it for you?
It's a way to escape for me. I like the idea of escaping to a land of magic where I can be whoever I want and people aren't mean to me unless I want them to be. But, I mean, I'm a kid so it's probably mostly the magic. xD

[SIZE= 8px]And I have friends....[/SIZE]
For me, it's the human element mostly. I love being able to explore different characters and how they interact with each other and the world around them. I just find it endlessly fascinating to be able to produce so many radically different individuals when I don't understand these views myself as well. Prince from a wealthy but brutal nation? Fairy/human hybrid trapped in another world? It's just so fascinating to be able to see all of this.

Another big point of that is the actual analysis. I love character analysis more than anything else in writing. I love applying tools like the MBTI, the Empathy Quotient, the Classical Temperaments, Arcana (ala Persona), and others to characters. It's so interesting to see how they intersect yet diverge. It's just so much fun to see how different yet similar people are.

Of course, the magic and escapism are a huge part too. I absolutely love exploring new words especially with how crappy ours is. It's just so interesting to see how different and diverse worlds can be depending on who made them.

And there's also the fact it's an easy way to make friends.
probably just escaping the real world and putting some creative thought into an imaginative figure. it just helps you get away for a bit. an inexpensive form of relaxation and entertainment lol
When a friendly relationship happen with time and then a badass fight occur at the end for the greater cause. Bromance > Love.

This is what i enjoy the most in a RP after all, the thrill of seeing character i love dying in epic moments.
Helps my amateur writing skills, widens my fantasy and dictionary and is generally fun to have someone else criticize your work (be that either good or bad). The fact I'm addicted to it now and can't stop roleplaying is a whole different thing, I swear.
For me, it's this sense of being in control yet also not. I like writing in general, but unlike writing a story on your own, an RP is a collaborative effort. For the most part, you can never know for sure how another character will react unless it is your own. Sure, you can take a guess based on their personality and behavioral patterns, but a guess is all that it is in the end. I guess I just enjoy how unexpected things can happen which can cause the RP to take a different turn.
With real life happening, stress, work, school, family, etc. I find myself having a pleasant time just writing. Writing essays for school is nothing compared to creative writing in role-playing. I can't really put it into words, but role-playing gives me a sense of imagination freedom. It's like being the director of your dream movie. 

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