Video Games What are your favorite games?

Currently, I’m really into the farming-type of games like Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley. The music is so calming and tending to the farm and crops leaves me feeling accomplished. It’s just fun to watch the seed grow!

But if we were going the nostalgia route, my favourite game of all time is probably what got me curious about video games in the first place. I remember seeing Final Fantasy X-2 and being excited to see three female characters on the cover. Mind you, I was super young and hadn’t been exposed to the gaming world. I just couldn’t put it down so I spent my birthday money on it since the price was really reasonable at that point (it’s been plenty of years since it’s first release). It was the good ol’ days...
Currently, I’m really into the farming-type of games like Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley. The music is so calming and tending to the farm and crops leaves me feeling accomplished. It’s just fun to watch the seed grow!

But if we were going the nostalgia route, my favourite game of all time is probably what got me curious about video games in the first place. I remember seeing Final Fantasy X-2 and being excited to see three female characters on the cover. Mind you, I was super young and hadn’t been exposed to the gaming world. I just couldn’t put it down so I spent my birthday money on it since the price was really reasonable at that point (it’s been plenty of years since it’s first release). It was the good ol’ days...
I love Stardew Valley! It's abbsolutely near the top of my favorite games list
Definitely! It’s like going to a virtual home and getting to live that peaceful farm life. Plus, I actually like getting to know the villagers. They’re super interesting!
They are! Though I will say I've gotten to the point I have to play with a dialogue expansion mod because I've pretty heard all their lines before.
They are! Though I will say I've gotten to the point I have to play with a dialogue expansion mod because I've pretty heard all their lines before.

Awesome! I haven’t gotten to that point yet. I’ve just started it again since I can play it on mobile now and haven’t actually ever finished it before. But I can only imagine how much you’ve enjoyed it from having the dialogue sound familiar! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! 😊
Awesome! I haven’t gotten to that point yet. I’ve just started it again since I can play it on mobile now and haven’t actually ever finished it before. But I can only imagine how much you’ve enjoyed it from having the dialogue sound familiar! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! 😊
Same to you! I've been playing it for about two years. I'm just now about to finish the Town Center. I'm also married to penny and have two kids. Next go around I'm probably gonna marry Abigail
overwatch,, is kinda a big one? i wouldn't say its my FAVORITE game but i have over 1000+ hours in it lmaoo and did also spend £5 on an overwatch league skin heh
but my fave games probably are (lolol this list gonna be looong):
detroit: become human (still a connor stan 💔)
legend of zelda: breath of the wild (and the loz series in general tbh)
dragon age series
pokemon series
animal crossing
dark souls 3 (still not beat it, but im at the stage where getting my ass beat is fun, instead of purely rage inducing lmao)
night in the woods
the walking dead games
darkest dungeon
we need to go deeper
mario series
(some of the) sonic the hedgehog series
among us
the sims 4 (but heavily modded)
skyrim (but modded)
crash bandicoot series!! (still tryna 100% the nsane trilogy heh)
assassins creed series (loooved the old games, and love the new games too)
tomb raider series
stardew valley
and prolly more but brain is empty rn 💔

and guilty pleasures are probably like
wii party
wii sports
mario party
and pretty much all the stuff i can play with my family sksjsjsjsh
Same to you! I've been playing it for about two years. I'm just now about to finish the Town Center. I'm also married to penny and have two kids. Next go around I'm probably gonna marry Abigail

Aww, that sounds wonderful! I actually just got to the Flower Dance Festival and I love the animated sequences! The pixelated style is really charming to me. Hopefully, the second time will be just as fun!
Aww, that sounds wonderful! I actually just got to the Flower Dance Festival and I love the animated sequences! The pixelated style is really charming to me. Hopefully, the second time will be just as fun!
The style is just so wholesome. I actually wish there were more sequences like teh Flower Dance.
Aww, I could play Minecraft for hours too. The music is amazing and I like just building away on peaceful. And if I wanted a little excitement, I could always turn the settings to hard and hunt for monsters.
I prefer playing it with friends. Playing it alone is depressing for me
I prefer playing it with friends. Playing it alone is depressing for me

I don’t mind playing independently. It’s definitely better with friends, but I have to share my console with my brother so I can’t always meet up with my friends, aside from our different schedules. I remember doing those Hunger Games type of maps with me and going through the custom maps that other people made like The Hogwarts Castle. People are so creative! It’s so nice to see their worlds/maps.
Ninjala, Mario Fanchise, FNAF Fanchise, Brawlhalla, Girls x Battle 2, Deltarune, Undertale, BattleTale, Case: Animatronics, BlazBlue Cross Tag Team, Pokemon Series, Fall Out, Call Of Duty, Minecraft, Roblox, And Many More.
I've played a lot of games, so it's extremely difficult to narrow down my exact "favorite." I do have a favorite genre, which would definitely have to be RPGs or MMO's. I also really love horror games. I'm not really much of a solo gamer anymore, although I used to play single-player a lot when I was a kid.

This being said, my favorite and most-played game at the moment would without a doubt have to be:

I know, you're looking at my profile and have a few inklings as to what it might be, however. My favorite game is actually Ape Escape. I've never felt more joy in my entire life than the euphoria of catching monkeys, and I stand by that. My favorite in the series is Ape Escape 2 and writing this is making me wanna replay it for the 4th time! I love the characters and the gameplay and it reminds me of being young and carefree, definition of a comfort game.
All other games I like are hold significance to me in some way OR are fun, while Ape Escape has been both for me, not to say significant ones aren't fun but they're more novel- y'know? Some other games I like include Katamari Damacy, Omori, Genshin Impact and TWEWY.
I feel like talking so I'm gonna explain each's importance to me:
Katamari Damacy- I watched my mom play this when I was little and it AMAZED me that you could pick up anything in the environment and sparked my love for programming and open-world games where the sky's the limit. Love the music and the general style as well!
Omori- I've waited on this game since 2016 and I don't regret a moment of it, lived up to all my expectations and more. I've been a fan of Omocat's works that whole time too- feels like I spent a chunk of my life watching it happen.
Genshin Impact- OPEN. WORLD. ANIME. Checks all my boxes. I'm a sick gacha-enjoyer but the fun comes from being ftp and getting Venti anyway through sheer perseverance, ohoho~
TWEWY- Oh man, I first played this on my 3DS and got it recently for switch. I remember going out on the town with my mom and playing it while we were in the car or walking around, at the barber's shop, and most importantly at night before bed. I'd bring up the menu, plug in my headphones and play the CDs I found in the shops when I didn't have a phone. This game is so unique visually and gameplay-wise, had a big impact on my art and preferences.
Over the years the cycle of what is favorited and what isn't has changed, but here are some titles that once held favor with me.

- Pokemon: Crystal

- I-Ninja

- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

- Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

- Team Fortress 2

- Dark Souls

- Sid Meier's Civilization 5

- The Elder Scroll 5: Skyrim

- Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Currently in the cycle of being my favorite are the following:

- Garry's Mod

- Dawn of War: Dark Crusade

- Ravenfield
I don’t really have a favourite genre of games. I like different games for different reasons so this is a tough question. All things considered, I’m most drawn to ones with a good storyline/character progression or some creativity or strategy involved in the mechanics. If I’m not, I’m inclined to put it down and move onto the next.
I'm sort of abyamal at skillfully playing a game, so point & click is my go to genre.
Currently playing a lot of ESO tho, despite that.
Especially memorable games:
Ace Attorney
Ghost Trick
Death Mark
Silent Hill 2
Dragon Age 2
i unfortunately don't do too much gaming, but oxygen not included is an old favorite of mine that i find myself returning to when i have the time. animal crossing, cookie run, and among us are also fun. yes i'm mostly on mobile don't @ me 😭
  • Far Cry 5-I will replay it until I die.
  • RDR2 and RDO (at least, when the servers of 1-5 people were a thing) A good 400 hours later, my interest has died off some.
  • Stardew Valley-must have like, 400 hours of that over several files on three different systems. Still love it.
  • Cozy Grove on the Switch is new, and adorable.

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