Other What are some of your favourite sounds?

Any kind of crack or pop or click, usually when I do it.
Wind, water falling or being poured, the sound of music of course
> Rain outside, clashing against the car window
> Calm ocean waves and birds chirping the sound of ‘Good Morning!’
> Gentle acoustic guitar playing
> The kettle coming to a boil
I love the sound of low-fidelity recordings. There's a warmth to the sound of a "lesser" medium of sound record that isn't found in the crisp, digital versions, or even some vinyl records, the little defects that make it seem real and reflect a simpler, slightly slower time.
rain, distant train sounds, thunder, heavy wind, ice hitting the roof, cats purring.. all of this also helps me fall asleep haha its just really relaxing to me? in music i really really like heavy kicks like in electronic stuff esp if im wearing really good earbuds
My all time favourite has got to be stepping on fresh snow. Other than that, i love the sound of thunder (and ofc my baby's laughter)
i don't know why, i absolutely love the sound of guinea pigs eating / munching on their food.
it's so o o o c alming g g g
Interesting thread as it's not a common thing to think about.

I would say... The typical pit pat sound of my dog walking around in the early morning.
My cat purring.
Birds chirping in the early morning.
The wind rustling the leaves.
Church bells in the distance.
Snow crunching, fire crackling, eggs breaking, wind whistling, that little half-purr/half-meow cats make when they’re happy. I have a lot of favorites, honestly.
Soft music, specifically piano or flute.
The sounds of a gentle thunderstorm, or even just rain.
The sounds of the ocean.
Birds singing.
And my all time favorite, the sounds of horses snorting, whinnying, and eating hay; basically horses just being horses. I love horses, they are such beautiful creatures, and just being around them instantly lifts my mood.
an eight-cylinder engine idling
wind through the leaves of a palm tree
rain and deep rolling thunder
ocean waves
typing (on certain keyboards)
Rice Krispie cereal in milk! Almost makes me let it get soggy on purpose. The sound of plugging and unplugging things is also fun.
A very short whistle burst
-like the start of a race...take your mark *whistle*
My pillow shifting under my head
- the fibers rearranging as I put more or less pressure on it
Knuckes/joints popping
- this ones pretty self explanitory
Walking on wet gravel
-its a weird sort of a squishy crunch sound

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