West Blue Arc: The Mistbound Remnants



Rumors and whisper's, idle chatter that fluttered through the wind was all it was, yet the opportunity to potentially restore himself was one that Abel could not pass up. Among the dark web of secrets that meandered through the shadows of society, stories of mechanical monsters had began to stir up hope within the young man. Abel at present wanted nothing more than to remember, to remember the full story about his past and to find answers for the nightmares that have been haunting him ever since his escape from Dr. Abraham's facility, though finding someone who dabbled in the art of human experimentation was quite tricky, either being a man or organization that hid within the darkness or a notable scientist far out of his reach; thus when the fabled rumors of an island harboring mechanical monsters reached his ears, Abel could not have been more happier; perhaps whoever it was or whatever it was that had created these 'things' could help give him what he wanted.

Thus after months of gathering as much information as he could; which if written down in a small book would have amounted to nothing more then a few 'short stories' alongside the name 'NeoGenesis Island' appearing several times, Abel finally made his plans; boarding a ship that was scheduled to sail past the island's supposed location. The plan was a simple one; all he needed to do was to hijack a lifeboat once the ship he was on was nearest to the island which by his calculations would be passing close to Neogenesis Island by nightfall, the perfect time to slip unnoticed and disappear.

The cruise ship's crew unsuspecting, Abel's plan went without a hitch and he soon found himself rowing towards the island under the cover of darkness; something he would soon discover to be the worst possible choice he could have made. Fate was a cruel mistress, the small dinghy he had managed to smuggle himself aboard and steal was attacked and reduced to nothing more then a pile of debris; some kind of creature ambushing him from the darkness of the depths below.

With an explosion of water, Abel's boat was thrown into the air, the impact of the strike causing it to shatter upon impact. Mid air and in darkness, Abel's eyes glowed ever so slightly as he used his tail to correct himself during his descent into the waters below. Target sighted and swords at the ready, Abel pressed the trigger, the two spike like additions at the base of the pommel extending forward into the water below and burying themselves into the beast's rotting flesh; a second and much smaller trigger was pressed and Abel was pulled towards the monster he had just ensnared, the wire reeling him towards the beast and under the surface of the water. His next motion was to fix himself upon the back of the shark as he pulled the spikes out; twirled the daggers and re-fixed them into the shark; this time blade first.

He dug both of his swords into either side of the shark, just above each pectoral fin and wrapped his legs around pelvic and anal fins; his face resting against the side of the dorsal fin. Given his position, Abel forcefully steered the monster towards the island; the thrashing beast putting up a strong fight all the while , though given the submission hold Abel presently had it at, the beast could only struggle in futility as he was ridden and stirred ashore. Though the closer they got; the more frantic the beast became and once they were close enough, Abel pulled his daggers out and leaped off the beast; swimming the short distance that remained.

Finally reaching land, Abel's body collapsed into a heap on the beach; his power core effectively used up during the rodeo and requiring half a days time to fully replenish itself. Simply, Abel remained motionless and defenseless on the floor as he entered a 'standby mode'.

Just over half a day later, Abel's eyes begun to stir; opening and closing ever so slightly as he 'booted' up once more. As his eyes adjusted; his vision fell upon the sight of a crab standing before him; its claws raised into the air in a defensive manner as it 'faced off' with Abel; though this threat was quickly ignored as Abel pushed himself up into a sitting position; his hands rummaging through his disheveled hair as he got rid of the muck and sand that had buried itself inside and upon completion of this 'arduous task', Abel began to take in everything else.

Soon glancing down to his right leg, part of the flesh that covered his bionic leg was now exposed, most likely caused by the friction of the shark's rough skin/metal exterior against his own; though aside from a few scratch marks the mechanical leg seemed to be in working order. Abel was designed for combat; a simply tussle such as this was hardly enough to hinder the bionic components he had on him; if his durability was that low than the Chimera Project he had been apart of was doomed from the beginning. Sighing and leaning up to get a better look, Abel gave the leg a few quick movements to confirm its functionality before he began to scour his surroundings.

The first thing he picked up was the sound, his ear's twitching as his enhanced hearing picked up the faint sounds of a village, the various chorus of the village activity telling him that he was close to civilization. A faint smile spread across his face, perhaps they could give him information. With a grunt, Abel stood up, re-strapped his blades and began the walk towards the village

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Stacy Beauregard
Things got quiet as Stacy walked for a while. Quiet gave her time to think. Time to think would never be beneficial for anyone who wanted others to make impulsive decisions because time to think almost always led to their reversal. Well… unless the person in question was an idiot and couldn’t realize that their decision had been impulsive. Stacy, luckily, wasn’t that bad.

Time to think led her to realize a few details, though. She had no idea what she would do if she encountered any one of these creatures on her own, she had no idea if anyone in her crew would wait for her before they actually left the island for good, and she also had no idea how long the light would still be shining before daylight darkened to night. All of those things that she didn’t know made her decision to wander off on her own - all the way up to the mountain top - a dangerous decision. However, Stacy didn’t see how being on her own was entirely problematic as long as she did smart things with it rather than impulsive things. There were many things she imagined she could do with the quiet that her crewmates would’ve never been able to give her the time for.

“Welp,” she muttered to herself. She really supposed it was a good thing she stopped herself before she got into any trouble.

After stopping in the middle of a conglomeration of trees, Stacy took some more time to think and to plan things out for herself because everything went better with a plan. There were a few things that she could do and she meant to get about doing them, to get about being productive with her time alone in the quiet air.

Traps were easy and they were also not too meticulous or materials mandatory. She would need some help, though. It was with that intention in mind that Stacy found herself doubling back towards the village. She wasn’t looking to rejoin the others - not yet - and, in fact, she desperately hoped that she didn’t find them so soon. There were things she wanted to get done first.

It didn’t take too long before she was stumbling upon some small crowds of people who were all eagerly working on getting all of their out and about business taken care of before nightfall and as she maneuvered through them all, Stacy was focused on finding anyone who seemed even slightly willing to talk. Unfortunately, with everyone as rushed as they seemed to be, there weren’t many that fit that description. There had to be somebody, though, and eventually, there was. It was a man in a hat - a pirate hat, actually - although absolutely nothing else about him screamed pirate at all. Stacy ventured to guess he was just wearing it because he could.

“Excuse me, sir,” Stacy said as she walked up to him, managing to get his attention qite easily. “I’m here as a part of a crew and we were intending to supply up here, but your town’s… well, problems… seem to be making that rather difficult for us. Many of the supplies we need are made of metal, you see, and I’ve been led to believe that it’s being hoarded rather than shared so I’m trying to help you guys out. I’ve heard of these creatures that come down at night. Do you know of any paths they tend to take more often than others?”

The man’s expression only darkened with fear at each word that she spoke and he immediately started shaking his head. “A wee lady like you won’t stand a chance, Miss. They… they’s scary, they is. You don’ wanna know where they come from.”

Now it was Stacy’s turn to shake her head. “I do stand a chance,” Stacy corrected him. Reaching into her toolbelt, she pulled out her screwdriver and twirled it in her fingers like a toy. “You see, I actually have some metal and even though it might not look like a lot, I can make it go a long way. And there’s more to fighting than how much steel you have, too.” Very lightly, she tapped her head with her tool. “And intelligence is one thing I doubt these things have much of.” Her voice boomed with confidence as she explained things more.

“A’right. A’right. But don’t blame me if you come back with a peg leg.” He still didn’t seem satisfied with the situation but he started drawing up what looked like a very pathetic sketch of the island for her.

Stacy merely huffed at his words and then waited patiently. She knew herself well enough to know that if someone did blow her leg off, she’d make herself something a lot more awesome than a stupid peg leg. Stacy wasn’t about to become that kind of pirate. Despite wanting to comment, she didn’t add any further objections. He was already consenting to help her and that was enough for her to be somewhat content with the situation. She eyed his drawing with some skepticism as he added a small outline of what would turn out to be the town.

“So if this is the town,” he pointed, “and this is the mountain,” and again he pointed on his makeshift map, “then this is probably an adequate path of where they come from.” The lines he drew were a bit chaotic from there, but Stacy could make out the important spots… where the lines intersected. Judging distance might be a bit tricky since she doubted his map was to scale, but it was something for her to work with.

“Thank you,” she said, taking the map and letting him scurry back into his home.

Most of her plans were things she could make on her own. There was one final thing that she needed, though. Something that she could light on fire, something that no one would want to give up… rum.

And so her next footsteps were leading her towards the tavern.

Stormborn Targaryen Stormborn Targaryen
Ichiro Yamazaki

The air in the tavern was stagnant, tinged with the peculiar odour of greasy food, oaken barrels, and a trace of something acidic… vomit, perhaps? The windows had been flung open earlier in the day so as to clear the stench, but no breeze had as of yet blessed them with its presence. There were a handful of patrons present, a few sodding drunks dozing off in the corner as a trio bickered amongst themselves by the counter, the bartender providing commentary whilst polishing a stained glass. Amongst this jolly bunch sat a lone figure stooped over a table, nursing a drink of his own. Scraggly grey-blonde locks framed a long face, unfocused pupils peering aimlessly across the room as the stranger sucked the dark amber liquid through a plastic straw. His body was physically present, but currently his mind was a thousand leagues elsewhere, swimming in a sea of bitter regret. As much as it pained him, it was at times easier than being locked in the equally hopeless present.

The pale skinned man had been uneasy from the moment their vessel entered the dense haze which encompassed the island. At the time he chocked it up to the lousy weather and withdrew into the relative comforts of the galley. It was the navigator’s job to lead them safely ashore, and so he trusted them to fulfill that simple responsibility. Clearly that had been a mistake. The captain didn’t do them any favours at the time either, and after the storm passed here he was, all these months later. One of the last of the Privateers. Yeesh, it sounded like something out of some bawdy drinking song. He should’ve known better when the lot decided to leave the Grand Line to ‘Stock up and regain their footing’. Should have cut his losses and jumped ship before they returned to the West Blue, but it was too late to grieve about it now. And yet what else was there left to do besides that? Every crew which had come to these shores since his arrival had become stranded as he had been, few having the gall or the grit to try and stand their ground against the steely contraptions that ran wild on the island. Of course, you’d be pretty foolish to try and slash your way through them without a strategy, as the handful of individuals who had tried to do so proved.

The man was returned to reality as a harsh slurping noise punctured the tedium of the tavern. Glancing down, he came to realize that the source was his own glass as only ice cubes remained, tinkling softly as he twirled the straw around. Oh well- it’s likely enough for the time being anyways, he thought to himself as he pulled himself up from the stool, grimacing as his joints cracked and groaned in protest. Checking his person to assure himself that his satchel remained by his side, the figure reached for the staff resting on one of the nearby beams. Using the stick to support his weight, the wiry fellow nodded once at the bartender, who was continuing to wipe the same glass he’d been cleaning earlier, confirming that his tab had been paid before proceeding to hobble his way out.

As he swung the wooden door open, the wayfarer grimaced as the sun’s rays assaulted him, the light reflecting off his glasses effectively blinding him. The figure stumbled a bit before regaining his balance, bumping into another body in the process. Jeez, I must seem like a bumbling drunkard, staggering about as I am, he thought grimly to himself as he turned around so his back faced the sun. Eyes bleary as their vision cleared, the reedy man came to realize that the person he’d collided with was a woman, an unfamiliar face. “ ‘Scuse me, miss.” He apologized softy, turning away to continue on his way… and yet hesitating. Peering once more at the lady before him, he noted the dual pistols which rested at her sides, the surly, determined look about her. He certainly couldn’t recall seeing her around these parts before, and given that the villagers had been whispering about a pirate crew being the latest victims of area’s unique… fauna, suspected that she was part of that same group. As grim as it all was, some fresh faces were always appreciated to liven things up a bit. Rummaging through his bag, he eventually pulled out a bottle of gin, deftly removing the cork before raising it in a mock toast. “Welcome to NeoGenesis- hope you folks have a pleasant stay.” He mumbled before taking a miserly sip and swiftly returning it to the safety of his satchel. “So, what brings you out to these parts? Sightseeing, perhaps?”

Lady Warlock Lady Warlock
An End to a Beginning

The suffering of years on Neogenesis Island came to an abrupt and violent end within a day's time from the Shattercrest crews landing. Having gathered strong and intelligent allies both from the sea and those trapped on the island themselves, Garret managed to have just the right team for the job it seemed. For by the time night fell the day of their arrival, members new and old had set plans into action. The prime among these was the plans of Ferra, Yukihime, and Stacy.

When night fell the first creatures began to descend the mountain. One seemed to be isolated from the others, and it was this one the advanced party of Ferra and Yukihime would try their plan on. Garret distracted the creature as Ferra immobilized it with her Recompense and Yukihime did her... naked melting thing. There were shy coughs and averted eyes from many, but not from Alex Q. Draw, who stood ready to fire into the creature as Yukihime stepped away. The poor creatures chest cavity had been melted through and it's beating heart was slagged into nothigness. Yet it continued on.

Well continued until several rifle rounds went through it's skull at least. At this time the creature ceased to struggle, as if it's life had been entirely ripped out of it in one shot. Seeing this, the gathered women theorized, based off villager information and Ferra's tangle with the shark, that not only did the head have to be destroyed, but the heart as well to truly kill them. This information was passed along to the villagers who waited at Stacy's choke point. Her own plan was a bit more....pyrotechnic.

The main horde of creatures crossed through a narrow, wooded crevasse about halfway up the mountain. Here Stacy put her plan to action. On each side of the crevasse, villagers had been waiting for Stacy's signal to drop barrels of rum onto the creatures below. As they did the creatures seemed to react with unsurety of how to proceed. In their moment of unsurety, the second part of Stacy's plan came into play. Glass bottles filled with a bit more rum, and the very sparing oil the village had to offer, had lit flaming rags stuck out of them. These were thrown into the crevasse and lit the liquered up creatures ablaze. For half a minute they seemed to just keep moving while alight, but eventually they too fell still.

The villagers rejoiced as the creatures that haunted them so long died. Word got to them from from the advanced party about the head and heart thing. Armed with this knowledge the villagers went about putting out the fires and using spears to pierce heads and hearts for surety. Others went off to hunt the bird creatures they'd seen about the island. It was to be a systematic eradication. With that settled and her plan a success, Stacy went to meet up with the advanved party as they sought out the source of the creatures.

She caught up with them as they neared the peak. They came out above the forested portion of the mountains and into a clearing just below the peak of the mountain. There was a large building here with a body of water at it's side that if the smell was an indication actually came up from the ocean somehow. A shark fin could be seen circling in it for the first few moments they arrived before disappearing underwater. The party ignored it for now and moved into the warehouse where they found an incredibly odd, and to many disturbing, sight. Beakers and machines and contraptions of all kind lined table after table. Bodies of varying states of preservation hung from hooks or laid across tables. Metal bits grafted here and there on their anatomy.

At the far end of the room sat a collection of what appeared to be sea shells of some kind. There was a button on each one, and giving in to curiosity, Garret pressed the far left button. There was a sound of static for a moment that made all those gathered there jump and brandish their weapons. But after a moment the static became a voice. A youngish sound male voice spoke in rapid, fluctuating tones. As if he couldn't decide if he really wanted this to be secret or yelled from the rooftops."

"Log One. I've gained a GREAT POWER. It will help my RESEARCH in ways I cant even IMAGINE! I found a strange fruit in the market place when I descended to THE VILLAGE today. Purchasing it so that I could study it's flavor and possibly grow more. FINDINGS ARE IT TASTED AWFUL! However, I've since gained the ability to breathe life into things that are not. Corpses, swords, food. I can give them the ability to move or act on their own. FURTHER STUDY REQUIRED."

With that the recording ended. Varying looks of concern, curiosity, confusion, and anger crossed the faces of those gathered there. It was not Garret to press the second shell, but an irate Ferra. The same static as before played for a moment, startling only a few this time. Then the same voice came out, though it seemed somewhat aged from before.

"Log Seven. One of my CREATIONS destroyed several of my possesions including logs two through six. Several months have passed and I've MADE SERIOUS PROGRESS. It seems when i create things I must give them a commanded PURPOSE and two points of weakness as balance for THIS POWER. I've BEGUN making an army of sorts out of those pirates who've DIED washing ashore or in fights with our village. They are commanded to preserve the happiness of the village people at any cost."

The recording cut off abruptly with an explosion sound in the background. Most of the looks around the room began to shift to confusion and concern, seemingly afraid to hit the last recording. Yukihime reached out and lightly hit the last recording. The static came out for the third and last time. No one moved in reaction. That voice came once again, only this time it spoke in an even tone. It's energized exuberance seemed worn down by something.

"Log Fourteen. The army had been doing so well for so long. However one of my creatures attacked a civilian today while they were crying. My ability allows me to understand my creations actions in attempt to serve their purpose. This one seemed to think the villagers unhappiness would create more unhappiness around it. So it tried to kill her. While the fact this shows thought and learning to a certain degree, it's very disconcerting.

My shark creation has attacked a ship or two I fear. Though it was not seen in the fog and has not returned recently, the wreckage that has come ashore is clear to me. This is concerning doubly so as I have limited time to figure out the issue. The Marines have extended me an offer. I am to become one of their research and development scientists. In exchange they will reinforce protection and supply the village with food and the like. I have accepted. I only hope I can fix the issue before I leave. At least I know that if I can't, the Marines will protect my home..."

The static at the end left the room in silence. Full understanding was granted to those gathered there. Yukihime gathered up the recordings and the group descended to the village. The gathered recordings were given to the Elder and she was left to decide if the village would know as a whole. The group were celebrated as saviors of the town, and a party was had with what food and booze remained. As night turned into morning, a day with record minimal fog was had. Ship repairs were made by the entirety of the village under Stacy's guidance and it was ready to sail by mid day.

However Garret received an urgent letter calling him away from the Grand Line, just as another ship made landfall. Another Pirate Captain arrived, having done battle with and killing the shark, he was looking for supplies and crew members if there were any to be had. It was almost as if fate itself had lined these events up together. The members that were to be Shattercrest Pirates now had a choice. They were more than welcome to stay with Garret, as he would still go to the Grand Line after a detour. Or they could go with Jin Flyheart and be part of the Horizon Stride Pirates.

The crew members made their decisions, and Garret bid farewell to those he had known for too short a time. He hoped they'd meet on the Grand Line again some day. As he and those who chose to remain with him departed, the newly minted Horizon Stride pirates gathered supplies. They were bound for a very different destination after all!

Lady Warlock Lady Warlock clarinetti clarinetti shadowdude505 shadowdude505 Phayne Phayne Felix Felix

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