We're The Animals Of The School

((Sorry ^^" Yeah, I should've been more clear))

((Hold up, I just mixed up characters D: I don't believe Alissa is drawing ><))
(Yeah, Lol.)

Alissa glanced up at Xan and blushed softly- Just barely. She took out another journal and placed it on his desk ever so gently, then smiled. "You can keep it." her voice was gentle and smooth, then she leaned back in her seat again.
Xan's eyebrows raised when he received Alissa's entire journal instead of one page that he requested. For someone who couldn't get so surprised about things, Xan wasn't really expecting this. Those four words that she said made Xan like her voice, it was velvet smooth in a way he has rarely heard from somebody. "Wow, thanks but...you sure I can?" Xan asked her. "I have to admit, you're pretty generous," his smile was soft.
Alissa shrugged her shoulders "Of course you can." she hesitated once he complimented her and blushed softly again "Thank you." she looked into his eyes then smiled gently and looked back to the teacher, twirling her pencil.
"Xan? Do you know? Which answer is it?" the teacher had called on him while Xan was too busy wanting to speak some more. "Letter A," Xan answered. The teacher had his brows raised for a seconds. "Yes, that's...correct," he replied, then turned his back on the students again to write on the board. Xan glanced back at Alissa, a silly smile on his face. "I kid you not, that was a pure lucky guess," he quietly chuckled. "I don't even know what we're talking about,"
Alissa giggled and tapped her pencil lightly on the table and smiled at him "Thats good that you got it correct, Fore if you hadn't you may have moved you." she smiled again and watched the teacher slightly as he shuffled around.
Xan smiled back at her. "Aw, well I can't imagine that. I might need to talk to you if I'm feeling down," he replied. He managed to write some notes down to at least make it look believable that he was doing work. It's not like he needed the information, once he wrote things down he rarely ever looked at them again anyway. Plus, Xan's photographic memory was pretty good. Always came in handy when he was walking around town and remembering what street names were there to let him know which hidden shortcuts were available. "Hm...you're---"

"Alexander. Stop talking," the teacher cut him off. He shrugged to the teacher, making a gesture of zipping his mouth and throwing his lock. With the pencil Xan had, he wrote down on a different piece of paper and showed it to Alissa. It said: 'I feel bad that I haven't gotten to know you yet. You're an interesting girl' and put a smiley face beside it.
Alissa giggled softly and wrote a note as well it said; Well, I'm new here. :) But we could always get to know each other. She then started to take notes again, her cheeks were pink as she blushed.
Xan chuckled lightly after reading her little note. He scribbled some notes, glancing up and down from the board to his paper. He created words in graphite and it trailed across the lines. Then just as quickly, Xan got back to their chat paper. And he wrote down, 'How about ice cream after school? In return of you giving me this journal, I'm buying. How about it? :D ' Xan always liked knowing new people. It was sort of in his blood to meet more and more.
Xan wrote back down, 'I'm a red fox. Not the most intimidating-looking creature for a guy, but hey, what can I do right? What's your animal type?'. Whenever he transformed into a fox, and he didn't notice there were kids around, they would chase him to try to squeeze the adorable life out of Xan's fox body. But it's not like foxes were supposed to be harmless, they could still bite. But that wasn't in his nature, really. Xan was kind of curious what kind of animal type she was too.
Alissa smiled, 'I am a black leopard.' She blushed, her bright eyes flickered up to the teacher, they had spent possibly an hour or so in this class. it would be time to go soon. She leaned back smiling.
Hmm, so a black leopard? It suits her, Xan thought. And it really did, because they were pretty sleek-looking and in a way elegantly mysterious. Xan glanced at Alissa, catching the sight of her blush but not pointing it out loud. He just grinned. 'When you blush it's adorable. Sorry, had to say it :3', Xan wrote down, and chuckled softly. For something random and extra, he drew a stick person holding an ice cream and standing in front of a parlor. Xan drew an arrow to it, and by it was in parentheses: '(Can't wait for ice cream now. My sweet tooth aches for it)'.
((Last post for tonight. I gotta get my resties))

Xan smiled at the comment she wrote on the paper. The bell rang. As the students sighed with relief and got smiles, he stood up from his seat with her. "Ah, wait. I never got your name! As the teacher said before, my full name is Alexander. But I prefer to be called Xan. Everborne," he introduced himself. Xan performed an exaggerated bow just to be a little silly. He looked up at her with his green eyes and smiled. "Pleased to meet you, miss,"
Alissa smiled and did a perfect curtsy, "I am Alissa, Please to meet you as well Sir." she blushed softly and slung her backpack over her shoulder, her neon pink sweater even brighter against the black, white, and red of her backpack.
Xan grinned and stood upright again. "I'm hoping we have next class together? Shall we go, Miss Alissa?" he had that goofy smile on his face because he couldn't help but like the fact of how silly they were acting right now. "I have history class next,"*Xan told her. "What about you?"
"Of course," Xan smiled, and began walking with her to the classroom. "I'd be an idiot not to, right?" he said, putting both hands behind his head. "Hey, I got a question. What was your old school like and what do you think of this one so far? Well, I mean, besides the mean teacher you just had," he smirked a bit. Hanging in places outside of school felt better to Xan, hence the reason why he rarely ever went straight home after the hours. He was just that type of adventurous person, you could say.
(I am thinking about making a new thread, it will be about zombies, do you think you might join?? but it is going to be realistic)

Alissa smiled, "
No, You would not be an idiot." she giggled then hesitated "Well... At my old school, it was all normal humans." she said softly and looked up at him and shrugged "I like this one better so far due to the other animal- people." she looks down at the checker board floor.
((Hmm zombies? Sorry, but I'm not fit for that genre :l Plus have four roleplays going on right now too. Sorry again))

"Yeah? I like this place, but mostly because of the places outside this school, you know?" Xan answered. And just because there were more animal-people here, didn't mean they were entirely harmless to others. But that wasn't something Xan was worried about either, he knew how to defend and fight. "Like the ice cream parlor for example. Their flavors change at least every week," he smiled thinking about it. They didn't have common flavors there, which is why he loved that place.
Alissa nodded "True. But its better to you your real self here then have to hide your animistic side from the normal human. she said as they approached their class room.
"You're right," Xan agreed. Though he knows lots of humans, not many disowned him after finding out he could transform into an animal. The fact that they're all different from humans shouldn't matter anyway, it's the personality that counts. They entered the history class, and seeing how the teacher wasn't here yet, Xan stood behind the desk. "Alright, class. Turn to page three-hundred and forty two," he purposefully made his voice sound high-pitched. "Miss Alissa! Don't just stand there, get your textbook! Five weeks of detention!" he was imitating the elder lady who was their teacher. Xan couldn't hold it in anymore and he just laughed.
Alissa smiled and laughed as well, she sat down in her seat and pulled out her text book, then looked up at him "Don't like this teacher either?" she asked and smiled

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