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Fantasy Welcome To Olympus (ALWAYS ACCEPTING!)

"The only realm we have ever existed in is this one, in these forms that is. We are reborn into completely new deities, perhaps changing our domain as well." She said, which was her belief of what happens anyway. "The point is to give new possibilities to every realm that exists, if one only ever exists then there is only one version of everything. Different stories and legends, different tests and hypothesis, but only one outcome to all of them. With a new realm comes new outcomes" This
"Huh... so I'm guessing our ultimate goal would be to find or create the perfect universe? That would be a pretty great accomplishment."
Aisha's belief was that most things had to have an ultimate purpose. The alternative would be... not at all good to think about.
Nekros sighed and walked through the portal into the disgusting flower meadow "sorry...." he mumbled apologizing for his father
Cychotic Cychotic
"Magic and light, sometimes depicted as a moon god because of my mother" he shrugged
((Falling asleep while typing this, will be in first thing in the morning))
"It's not your fault," she replied, giving him a broken smile. "Besides, I should have made him swear on the River Styx like he said. This wouldn't have happened then..."

Talia plucked a flower, crushing it in her palm with a sigh.

"This isn't really your scene, isn't it?" She waved her hand across the field, the flowers quickly losing their petals and slowly withering away. The girl had no use for the place anymore and its forgotten memories. "You aren't like your father," she spoke after thinking for a moment. "You're a decent god."

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
"My father is an asshole with no regard for anyone but himself and my mother on occasion " he sighed sitting down, the flowers instantly died as he made contact. "All he wants is entertainment and he doesn't care who he hurts to get it" his voice cracked a little showing some emotion but he quickly hid it "he doesn't care about anyone" he mumbled
Cychotic Cychotic
Talia situated herself next to the god and placed a hand on his shoulder as if trying to comfort him. "Your father should care. About his sons, at least. It isn't fair for you."

She took a deep breath and released. "At least you're smart enough not to do rash things like I do," she murmured, her eyes cast down as they watered.

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
"Any retaliation I give towards my father ends up with pain " Nekros said, his voice now void of emotion. He pulled up his sleeve and revealed a Long gash going down the side of his arm "I guess cuts from a death gods scythe don't heal that well" he shrugged " but you learn to deal with his tyranny after a few hundred years"
Cychotic Cychotic
((A whole backstory is happening now XD))
"Huh... so I'm guessing our ultimate goal would be to find or create the perfect universe? That would be a pretty great accomplishment."
Aisha's belief was that most things had to have an ultimate purpose. The alternative would be... not at all good to think about.

Nekros sighed and walked through the portal into the disgusting flower meadow "sorry...." he mumbled apologizing for his father
Cychotic Cychotic
"Magic and light, sometimes depicted as a moon god because of my mother" he shrugged
((Falling asleep while typing this, will be in first thing in the morning))

"Perhaps, perhaps not. I do not believe any universe will ever be perfect" She said, shaking her head. "Perfection is impossible, with mortals around that is"


"You are sick" She responded instantly, reaching forward and her hand closed around his forhead in a crushing grip. "A fever, I knew it" She growled/
"Perhaps, perhaps not. I do not believe any universe will ever be perfect" She said, shaking her head. "Perfection is impossible, with mortals around that is"


"You are sick" She responded instantly, reaching forward and her hand closed around his forhead in a crushing grip. "A fever, I knew it" She growled/
Aisha shrugged.
"Monkeys and typewriters. It could happen."
She rubbed the back of her head.
"Am I bothering you..? You seem kind of annoyed. I can go if you want."
Aisha shrugged.
"Monkeys and typewriters. It could happen."
She rubbed the back of her head.
"Am I bothering you..? You seem kind of annoyed. I can go if you want."

"If you wish to leave, then leave" She said simply, looking at her. "If you wish to stay, stay. You came here to see weapons, you saw them. Anything beyond that is your choice now"
FrostXShadow FrostXShadow Caleb could sense the fear in this guy's being that he got from his father.... Fear. A good thing at times. It makes sure we don't do stupid things.... But through it is one of the many ways we become slaves. Fear traps us, controls us, makes us poor shadows of our former selves.

And in this boy he could sense MUCH fear.

Caleb walked into the place, not attempting to be stealthy, nor actively looking to announce his arrival. He watched Nekros.... Smelling, sensing, hearing everything around him. Analyzing every little detail about him, down to the amount of each chemical in the body.

Cychotic Cychotic The female. A lively young sport. Very different from the male. A... cheerful deity. This one was far more pleasant than the necromancer in the room.
It was nice seeing that Dio was happy. Demetrius couldn't help but smile a bit, seeing as his two favorite things were together right now.
Quickly poofing into a bathing suit, that you couldn't see because he was still wearing his owl cape, he knelt down and listened to what some of his friends had to say.
"They seem to like you." He smiled up at Dio.

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Dio gasped again and smiled happily. "Do you really think so?! Yaaay!" Dio clapped his hands, before kissing him on the cheek. "I love manatees so much. I wish I could have them as my domain animal. They're so freaking cool!"
"If you wish to leave, then leave" She said simply, looking at her. "If you wish to stay, stay. You came here to see weapons, you saw them. Anything beyond that is your choice now"
"Well... I guess I should go home, then. It was nice meeting you."
Aisha pats Verstand on the shoulder.
"You should have a little more optimism. Things aren't so bad, you just need to look harder. See ya!"
She steps through a portal and back to her room, sighing and looking around.
"Back here, huh... what do goddesses do when they're bored..."
Aisha hangs a homemade 'please knock' sign on the door and lies down on her bed, closing her eyes.

((Open for interaction again))
((Slightly confused, so did Caleb just randomly teleport to where Nekros and Talia are orrrrr?? And if so how did he know where they were?)) xpstitch xpstitch

"uh no I'm not" Magus said swatting the girls hand away "do you just randomly go around diagnosing people" Magus asked with s curious look, who was this lady? Why had she randomly grabbed his head. He took a step back afraid she was going to grab him again
((Slightly confused, so did Caleb just randomly teleport to where Nekros and Talia are orrrrr?? And if so how did he know where they were?)) xpstitch xpstitch

"uh no I'm not" Magus said swatting the girls hand away "do you just randomly go around diagnosing people" Magus asked with s curious look, who was this lady? Why had she randomly grabbed his head. He took a step back afraid she was going to grab him again

"I assure you, its deadly" She said, "I know sickness when I see it, and you are very very sick. I will get rid of it" She said, crossing her arms. "And you will be clean again"
"I do not believe I am sick, but what do I know" he shrugged. Magus was confused because he had never been sick in the 5 thousand years he has been a god. "So what do I have exactly" he crossed his arms.
"I do not believe I am sick, but what do I know" he shrugged. Magus was confused because he had never been sick in the 5 thousand years he has been a god. "So what do I have exactly" he crossed his arms.

"You have what everyone else has" She said, though didnt name it. "I can cure you, it will only hurt just a little" She promised/
"Okay fine" he sighed not even going to try and fight anymore "cure me the madam" he offered attempting to be his usual nice self "still confused on what I have exactly" he shrugged
(Yeah he teleported. Though he didn't exactly know that that's where THEY were. He only went there because he could sense Nekros's fear. He was drawn to the fear. He didn't know until arriving there that the fear was Nekros's. He just knew SOMEBODY was afraid, just not WHO) FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
"Okay fine" he sighed not even going to try and fight anymore "cure me the madam" he offered attempting to be his usual nice self "still confused on what I have exactly" he shrugged

She grabbed his arm and held it out. "Good thing I am always prepared" She said, and in her hand was conjured a syringe with an intimidating needle with greenish liquid in it. "Alright, you arent afriad of needles are you?"
"Trust me I've probably seen more needles than you have" he rolled his eyes and held his arm up "what do I have that requires a needle?" He asked staring at the green liquid.
"Trust me I've probably seen more needles than you have" he rolled his eyes and held his arm up "what do I have that requires a needle?" He asked staring at the green liquid.

"You sure do ask a lot of questions" She commented, kind of irritated with all the questions. "If you must know, this is the cure" She said, sticking the needle into the vein and pushed down the plunger steadily. "Then you will be fine"
"Okay well is his fast acting orrrr" he asked "because I don't feel anything" he mumbled and watched as she injected the green liquid into his body. He just let her do it knowing that his godly blood would just filter out whatever she injected into him
"Okay well is his fast acting orrrr" he asked "because I don't feel anything" he mumbled and watched as she injected the green liquid into his body. He just let her do it knowing that his godly blood would just filter out whatever she injected into him

She pulled back, now realizing whenever the sickness would be injected it would just disappear right before her eyes in his veins. Was he... Resistant? She grit her teeth, the syringe disappearing. "This is... Unexpected" She growled, started to slightly twitch.
"Well I am a god, a god of magic at that so I don't get sick" he shrugged "why is that such a shock to you....were you trying to make me sick." He raised an eyebrow at the girl questioning her

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