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Fantasy Welcome To Olympus (ALWAYS ACCEPTING!)

Demmy quietly listened to what Dio had to say about his day, but one thing confused him. "....A booty call?" He giggled. "That's weird!" The animals didn't use words like that. "I guess we can go see the manatees. Oh! I also want to show you a new animal! But, you can't tell anyone about it until I know where to put them."

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Demmy quietly listened to what Dio had to say about his day, but one thing confused him. "....A booty call?" He giggled. "That's weird!" The animals didn't use words like that. "I guess we can go see the manatees. Oh! I also want to show you a new animal! But, you can't tell anyone about it until I know where to put them."

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Dio gasped and flipped around to face him.
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Dio's outburst had startled the Owls and Demetrius. "Ok, ok, I will take you!" He sat up and held onto Dio's hand. In an instant they were in the middle of a bunch of manatee who were minding their own business. "I'll show you these guys first and then I will show you the new animal..."

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
"My father is a lazy ass god of death who likes to put all his work on his son" he stated walking into the mansion. "No I don't particularly like my father but he is my father so I deal with him" he walked to a door and waved his hand across it. "Ready to meet the god of death.....again?" He smirked "remember don't look him in the eye or you will see your death" he shrugged "apparently zues is going to kill me in a few thousand years"

((Sorry didn't see the notification Cychotic Cychotic ))
Dio's outburst had startled the Owls and Demetrius. "Ok, ok, I will take you!" He sat up and held onto Dio's hand. In an instant they were in the middle of a bunch of manatee who were minding their own business. "I'll show you these guys first and then I will show you the new animal..."

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Dio immediately poofed into his swimming suit (I can't get my pants wet!), and began to pat some of the sea cows on the back.
"Look at how cute they are, Demmy!" The wine god squeaked, before awkwardly hugging one. The huge grey monoliths piddle paddled around for a bit, casually acknowledging their existence, before one came up to Demetrius and nuzzled his leg, as if to say 'Hello, friend. What is your business here?"
"I already know my death," she murmured, pushing open the door and stepping through. Her mouth opened, and words tumbled out in a boom.

"Thanatos, I'm back," Talia shouted, her hands close to her sides in the shape of fists. Small bouts of dark flowers bloomed in her footsteps, dark like her eyes upon looking that the god.

He stared at her, with a small smirk on his lips as he looked her up and down. Thanatos' gaze landed on Nekros as if questioning his son.

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
"I swore on the river styx" Nekros mumbled

"If it isn't my dear Talia" Thanatos spoke. His voice was the point between scruffy and extremely deep but the words slid of his tongue like silk "How have you been" he looked at his son a gestured to the flowers

Nekros waved his hand over the flowers causing them to wither and die
Cychotic Cychotic ((I imagine Thanatos as being a Extremly Dark humorous guy)))
Talia looked Thanatos straight in the eye, already knowing the fate awaiting her when the time came. "Cut the crap," she snapped, irritation lacing her tone as she watched the flowers wither. "You know exactly why I'm here."

Her lips trembled as she though of Florian, the outcome he had met was unfair, and Thanatos himself knew exactly of it. There was no reason why her friend was dragged into the Underworld just because Thanatos had wanted him as a servant.

She shook her head, prepared to launch a series of obscenities if need be.

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
(works fine with me! I would like to say that Thanatos was the one who killed off Talia's best friend in the human world and promised to allow Talia to free said friend if she ever came back. The friend serves Thanatos, but Talia doesn't know that he died quite a while ago and can't be freed.)
"I'm sorry my dear but I really don't know" He smirked and leaned forward on his throne interlocking his fingers "Do explain" he motioned for her to continue leaving the grin plastered in his face as if nothing was wrong with the situation

Nekros leaned against the wall inwardly groaning at his fathers behavior towards the goddess
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Talia hissed, clenching her teeth together. "Florian. You said you would free him when I came," she spat, the flowers growing rapidly along the walls and floor, each one dark.

Her eyes shone with fury and the temperature continued to drop

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
Verstand said nothing, turning and leaving the area. When Aisha was out of the room it locked behind her. "Ragnarok has been long overdue" She said, mostly to herself. She was ready for everything to just be wiped out and start anew.
Aisha shrugged.
"Maybe the mortals still need to do something... you said we won't remember this realm after it ends, right? So does that mean we've done this before? What's the point of that?"
Aisha shrugged.
"Maybe the mortals still need to do something... you said we won't remember this realm after it ends, right? So does that mean we've done this before? What's the point of that?"

"The only realm we have ever existed in is this one, in these forms that is. We are reborn into completely new deities, perhaps changing our domain as well." She said, which was her belief of what happens anyway. "The point is to give new possibilities to every realm that exists, if one only ever exists then there is only one version of everything. Different stories and legends, different tests and hypothesis, but only one outcome to all of them. With a new realm comes new outcomes" This
"Now now ms. Innocence lets cool down" he chuckled for a second "no pun intended" he laughed and gestured for Nekros to keep killing the flowers. "And as for our adorable Florian...well let's just say he is ohhhh how do you say...dead" The death god shrugged

Nekros killed the flowers but almost felt sorry for the way his father was treating the goddess, she was going through what he does, the drag god promises you something and then breaks it. He knew the situation all too well
Cychotic Cychotic
It was nice seeing that Dio was happy. Demetrius couldn't help but smile a bit, seeing as his two favorite things were together right now.
Quickly poofing into a bathing suit, that you couldn't see because he was still wearing his owl cape, he knelt down and listened to what some of his friends had to say.
"They seem to like you." He smiled up at Dio.

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
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Talia stared at Thanatos, hatred burning in her blue irises as she heard the news. She blinked once in shock and then let out a broken laugh. "You must be lying. You have the ability to keep him alive, he is alive." The walked towards the god, getting close enough to strangle him before speaking again. "Bring him here."

Flurries of petals surrounded her in an angry swarm, she would not let him take away what was hers. He had promised. If not kept, Talia wouldn't know what she would do to him.

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
"Yes I could bring him back to life if I wanted, but I love watching you squirm so I'll Pass on that" he chuckled loving the amount of rage and hatred that was pouring through the girls aura

Nekros hated this, he wanted to stop it but in reality he was to afraid to step up to his father. I mean he is the Personification of death it's self while he was just a god of all things dark and scary. He would never be a match for his father.
Cychotic Cychotic
"You promised," she seethed. "So. Bring. Him. Back." The ground around her began to freeze as Talia's body shook with a combination of anger and melancholy.

"Make him bring Florian back," she whispered to Nekros, knowing her words were useless. Talia took a step back from Thanatos. Looking at the god disgusted her to no end and she wished to see his features trapped in a never-melting ice.

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
"Should have made me swear on the river but guess what. You didn't" Thanatos laughed

"Okay enough" Nekros finally said walking away from the wall and over his father and Talia "Let's go Talia you aren't gonna get what you want from him so drop it and let's go. I can arrange for you to see his spirit depending on were he is" he offered to the he girl trying to be nice for once.
Cychotic Cychotic
Nuri calmly walked through the hallways of Olympus, her one eye that wasnt covered by the eyepatch looking straight ahead. She was looking for... Well she really didnt know. She thought she felt something dark come to Olympus, some dark presence. Oh well, she'd find that out later.
Magus formed on Olympus right infront of Nuri with a blinding yellow light "they just had to go see father" he mumbled to himself not even noticing the girl standing right there
Magus formed on Olympus right infront of Nuri with a blinding yellow light "they just had to go see father" he mumbled to himself not even noticing the girl standing right there

Nuri backed up in surprise, putting up a hand to shield her eye from the light. When it faded away, she sw a god. She tilted her head, "Who are you?" She asked, lowering her hand. She didnt like him, something was... Wrong.
Talia looked at Nekros, her petals disappearing as she stepped away from Thanatos, her eyes wearing defeat. She gave Nekros a nod, and placed her hand on the wall, stabilizing her shaking.

"Thanatos, may you regret the day you crossed me," she whispered. "I'll go with you to see his spirit..." Talia said to Nekros, leaving the wall and attempting to stand upright. Her energy was drained, emotionally and physically, the anger subsided for just a moment.

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
Magus opened a portal and dragged Talia through before his father could say anything. They appeared in one of the lower towns, a small house and a man was walking out locking the door behind him "there you go" Nekros pointed to the man
Cychotic Cychotic

Magus turned and looked at the strange lady "Magus" he stated simply still grumbling about his brother "who are you?" He asked looking the stranger over
Magus opened a portal and dragged Talia through before his father could say anything. They appeared in one of the lower towns, a small house and a man was walking out locking the door behind him "there you go" Nekros pointed to the man
Cychotic Cychotic

Magus turned and looked at the strange lady "Magus" he stated simply still grumbling about his brother "who are you?" He asked looking the stranger over

"Nuri, what is your domain?" She demanded, crossing her arms.
Talia straightened herself at the sight of Florian, her mouth open slightly in shock. "Ian?" she whispered. The man turned, his white hair rustled as he turned to look at her.

"Who are you?" he asked, confusion in his furrowed brows.

She bit her lip, knowing that Thanatos had wiped the man of all memories of the goddess. Her eyes closed and she willed herself not to collapse into a crying fit. She took a deep breath and turned to Nekros. "Let's go." A portal formed and she stepped through, returning to the flower-filled meadow she once sat in.

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow

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