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Fantasy Welcome To Olympus (ALWAYS ACCEPTING!)

"Fine" he said walking into the Forrest attempting to sense the tree's life span "hm" he walked further into the woods and his foot stepped on one of the straps causing a rope to grab him and hand hand him from a tree. "WHAT THE HELL" he shouted, the was something about this that felt so familiar. He though for a second and then a sneer formed in his face "TALIA!" he shouted now remembering who the girl was "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" he spoke in Greek instead of English not caring if the girl could understand him or not.
Cychotic Cychotic
Talia burst out in laughter as the god yelled at her in Greek, doubling over as her laughs shook her body. She watched with amusement as the god hung from his foot, dangling from the skies. When she finished cackling, she straightened, wiping tears from her blue eyes.

"Nothing is wrong with me," she gasped, gulping in much needed air. "How could you not remember me? After all we've been through?" Her eyes twinkled as joked, sparkling from the joyous tears.

"You look so very odd hanging from there," Talia laughed, brushing her hair away from her face. "But it suits you. Your anger looks more like happiness when upside down."

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
He attempted to decay the rope but his powers weren't working "Damn it" he reached in his jacket and took out a throwing knife, throwing it at the girls foot "let me down"
Cychotic Cychotic
Talia's eyebrows raised at the knife on the ground. She knelt down, plucking it from the soil and blew the dirt off of its surface. "Thank you for the gift," she chuckled, pocketing the object.

"I will let you down, maybe...." she began, her eyes wandering as she thought. "Let's make a deal. You take me to go meet mighty Thanatos since he doesn't want to see me. Swear an oath to bring me there, and I'll let you go." Talia had some words to say to Nekros' father, as she had a long history with him. It had been a while since he heard her angry words, maybe he had forgotten just what he had done to her.

She shook her head as the air turned cold, but the iciness remained around her. Her frown deepened and she let out a sigh.

"Swear this oath and you can go."

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
"Fine I swear on the river Styx that I will take you to see my Father NOW LET ME DOWN" he screamed his eyes turning slightly black from his anger

Magus heard his brother yelling "oh gods" he grumbled and teleported to his brother and talia. He held back laughter when he saw his brother hanging from a tree by a rope screaming and yelling
Cychotic Cychotic
"That's more like it," she murmured, the air around her stiff and devoid of her cheeriness. Talia only gave a nod towards Magus as she snapped her fingers, watching as Nekros toppled down.

She whipped her body away from the two, straightening her shoulders, her gaze narrow and hostile. "Lead me to him," she breathed, her voice tight with venom. The goddess trudged forward, not turning back to see if the brothers followed her.

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
"I believe that is something I have not named, but it uses laser technology to create a laser 'net' that cuts on impact. Usually it would go through whatever it was being shot at, slicing them into little squares"
"That sounds pretty useful. If it's hot enough, it can cook cubes of meat, you just have to cut off the hairy ends."
Aisha hefted the weapon.
"Do you have like a... bear, or something?"
"That sounds pretty useful. If it's hot enough, it can cook cubes of meat, you just have to cut off the hairy ends."
Aisha hefted the weapon.
"Do you have like a... bear, or something?"

Verstand was not really amused with the cooking comment, it didnt seem very logical to her to cook organics. Maybe to other organics it made sense to cook each other after you killed them and eat them. Cannibalism is a thing among organics. "A bear?" She was now confused with this question.
Nekros flipped and landed glaring at the girl "whatever" He snapped his fingers and a door appeared infront of the girl allowing her and the brothers to enter the underworld.
He walked in front of her waving his hand so that the gate to their mansion would open "Welcome to the house of death" he mumbled walking in
Cychotic Cychotic
Verstand was not really amused with the cooking comment, it didnt seem very logical to her to cook organics. Maybe to other organics it made sense to cook each other after you killed them and eat them. Cannibalism is a thing among organics. "A bear?" She was now confused with this question.
"Well, I don't know what you keep here. I picked a powerful animal to see how effective the net is. Something I can shoot this at."
"Well, I don't know what you keep here. I picked a powerful animal to see how effective the net is. Something I can shoot this at."

"I do not have a bear, you are the only organic thing in my domain at the moment" Verstand said, looking over at her. "If you wish to see how effective the net is, experience is always the most logical path to follow when trying new things"
"I do not have a bear, you are the only organic thing in my domain at the moment" Verstand said, looking over at her. "If you wish to see how effective the net is, experience is always the most logical path to follow when trying new things"
"...I still need something to shoot."
Aisha looked down at the weapon, then back at Verstand.
"Or are you implying I'm supposed to shoot you?"
Aisha remained silent for a few seconds.
"That's a joke, right? I mean, I'm not gonna die, but it would hurt like a bitch. And what would happen to my clothes?"

"I do not joke, it is not in my programming" She said. "It would hurt, true, but if death is no consequence than what is the real harm?" SHe asked. "As for your clothes, they would be cut along with your body"
"I do not joke, it is not in my programming" She said. "It would hurt, true, but if death is no consequence than what is the real harm?" SHe asked. "As for your clothes, they would be cut along with your body"
"Yeah... I'm not liking where that might go. I'll pass on getting shot."
She put the weapon back on its rack.
"It's a personal thing. I'd rather not get my only set of clothes with me ruined. For several reasons. Also there's the extreme lacerations."
Demetrius couldn't help but blush a little bit. He wasn't really used to these kinds of feelings. It was strange to him, but he guessed he would have to get used to it.
" I didn't do much today.... " Demy (I'm calling him that now) gently, yet awkwardly, let his arm rest across Dios' waist. "I went to visit some of my rainforest friends. The frogs needed to be checked up on. That was fun...oh...but I don't think you would like it very much, there were snakes there." He tried not to giggle at that. He knew that Dio didn't like those things so he made sure they weren't near him. sure they were definitely in his room but just not where Dio could see them.

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
"What was wrong with the frogs?" Dio asked, looking up at him with a happy smile, before grabbing an owl and snuggling it like a teddy bear. He loved spending time with Demy. He was really smart, and he made him smile with how simply he lived his life. It made the wine god feel nice. Plus, he liked the cute animals.
"Yeah... I'm not liking where that might go. I'll pass on getting shot."
She put the weapon back on its rack.
"It's a personal thing. I'd rather not get my only set of clothes with me ruined. For several reasons. Also there's the extreme lacerations."

"If you say so" She shrugged. Organics and their clothes, quite annoying to be honest. "Well, I have the armory to look at and I will be testing out one prototype very shortly. I can show you out or you can accompany me"
Talia took a step forward, following closely behind Nekros. "What do you know of your father?" she inquired, taking not of the surroundings around her. It was a dark, barren place with white grounds and the smell of death lingered on the lands.

"Do you like him?"

FrostXShadow FrostXShadow
"If you say so" She shrugged. Organics and their clothes, quite annoying to be honest. "Well, I have the armory to look at and I will be testing out one prototype very shortly. I can show you out or you can accompany me"
Aisha rubbed her chin.
"I guess I'll take a look. As long as you aren't shooting me."
Aisha rubbed her chin.
"I guess I'll take a look. As long as you aren't shooting me."

Verstand said nothing, turning and leaving the area. When Aisha was out of the room it locked behind her. "Ragnarok has been long overdue" She said, mostly to herself. She was ready for everything to just be wiped out and start anew.
"Some of the frogs were just a bit upset that some of the snakes were taking their territory. So I had to talk with them. It wasn't much..." He mumbled a little. Talking like this to others was not something he was used to. No body asked him about his day cause they thought he was boring. They weren't wrong, he thought.
The little owl, frightened at first, silently nuzzled closer to Dio. Then the rest of the Owls flew back down to be apart of the snuggling.
"S-so Dio. Uhm what did you do today?"

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
"Uhhhhh, I woke up, put on my clothes, showered, went home, made an omelet for breakfast, and took a nap on my throne. Then, I had lunch with Ventra in Italy, and went back home to get her a booty call. Then, I said hi to Del, and then Ventra took Del and Silva to her place to bang. So then, I went to my room, had some yogurt for a snack, and came here to snuggle." Dio said cutely, petting a Barn Owl on the head. "Can we go see the manatees later?"

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