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Fandom Welcome To Mystic Falls


Resident Old Guy
6:45 Am. Monday morning. Mystic Falls


"Another animal attack here in mystic falls." The voice from the TV echoed throughout the house as the reporter spoke. "Victims are being found drained completely of blood and police officials are warning citizens of Mystic falls to stay out if the forest and on the streets at night until this animal has been.." the reporter was cut off by the channel quickly being changed to another news channel where a picture of a missing girl was being shown. "In other news police are still unaware of the whereabouts of local bartender Veronica Davis who was last seen leavi6the mystic grill last week at midnight." The TV soon shit off as a man with dirty blonde hair placed the remote on the side of the couch and leaned back over to what looked like an unconscious woman and continued to suck on the side of her neck, a thick red fluid dripping from the side of his mouth as he pulled away and she soon jumped up herself and immediately placed a hand on her neck. "Where am I? What happened?" She began panicking as she looked over at the man who quickly held out a finger to hush her. "Shhhh Veronica..now listen closely." They both locked eyes with one another as he began to compel her "You'll stay here and won't leave until I say so, you wanna be here so don't bother asking anymore questions..now go get cleaned up." He said as he broke eye contact and right on cue she jumped up and did exactly as she was instructed, leaving the man alone "Mhm well now that I've finished breakfast I guess I better get to school." He said with a slight smile as he grabbed his daylight ring and headed out the door.


(Sorry it took so long guys, this rp is pretty much free roam until we develop some sort of plot)​
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Ann Marie was in the forest feeding off a teenage boy. He was compelled to stay quiet. She drank and drank. He wasn't dry of blood though. When she was finished with her meal, there was a good amount of blood left. "Now look at me," she said to the boy, "right in the eyes. You will drink my blood so your neck wound heals. Then you will go home and clean yourself up. Make sure no one sees you. Get ready for school, then go to school. By the time you are at school, you will have forgotten this ever happened, and that I even exist." She bit her arm. She put it to the boy's mouth so her blood would flow in and his bite marks would heal. He then left. She went to her house. Eh, I'll go to school tomorrow.
Kyle sat across from a woman in her kitchen and put his hand out. "Give me your hand." The woman obeyed immediately and he took it. Kyle picked up a knife and looked the woman in the eyes. "I know you're scared right now. But, you don't have to be. I'm not gonna kill you. There's no point in that. It'd just leave me with a pointless mess to clean up." He gently slid the knife across her wrist and held it over a glass cup. The blood dripped generously until the cup was full and Kyle wrapped her wrist in a handkerchief. "I am not a savage. So why don't I return the favor?" Kyle looked into the woman's scared eyes and sighed. "Relax you'll better afterwards." He slit his own wrist and dripped blood into a second glass. The wound quickly healed over. Kyle smiled at the woman and pushed the glass containing his blood towards her. "Go ahead. Drink up." The woman followed the compulsion and drank down the blood in one go. "Good. Very good. Now, that we have concluded with that little business. I will be on my way." The scared woman looked up in some relief and Kyle smiled. He leaned down and gently grasped her chin, looking her in the eyes. "As soon as I leave I want you to throw out the handkerchief, wash the two cups, and take a nap. When you wake you will know nothing of what has occurred here today." Kyle picked up his glass of blood and took a six from it. For a moment, he allowed himself to enjoy the ecstasy of the warm liquid before finishing the rest off and gently setting the glass down. "Thank you for your time." Kyle nodded politely and exited through the back door. He pulled out his phone and headphones. Kyle went through his music and selected a song. "The time's they are a changing.."

A N A L I S E--L A V E X E N



Daylight Necklace

Ana awoke this morning in a particularly good mood. Maybe it was because of the wild night she had or because she was going to be a sub for the English teacher was, but whatever the reason she woke up dancing. She was in the shower listening to "All My Friends" as she started washing all the dirt and dried up blood. Wait... Blood. She muttered a few choice words and quickly hopped out of the shower, tripping over herself and the rug. On more than one occasion she almost broke her neck but she finally made it back to her bed and yes, indeed, the stranger from the night before was still there. Wrapped in the towel, she shook him, forcing him to wake up. He kept groaning, telling her to leave him alone, which she did not take all too lightly. So since he decided he didnt want to get up, she punched him and he sat up. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" She just gave him a sinister smile and examined his neck, where she had bitten him the night before. So she had already cleaned her mess before falling asleep. Good girl. Locking eyes with him, she compelled him to forget even coming to her place, forget even meeting her, and definitely forget the morning and to leave. It always amazed her how fast compulsion worked as she watched the male stumble out. Now she could get back to getting ready.

The make up alone took her forever, just as her hair did and she was out of the house in the next 2 hours. It was sure to be an exciting day meeting some new, and possibly older, people that she would temporarily be working with. Only because they would be new toys, considering she would be needing one. The last one really wasn't any fun. As she walked into the school, she started feeling nauseous and a pang of regret for ever agreeing to being the sub for the next few weeks. High school were the most annoying years of her life and now here she was, back for more. Except now, she would be teaching the little monsters that she used to be. "Back to this hell hole for a bit."
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McKenzie Woke up from the sound of her alarm ringing, She groaned in annoyance as she laid up and tapped the button. She got up from her bed and made her way to the bathroom, Were she brush her teeth, take a shower, then flatiron her hair, Then put on makeup. Once she was done she exited the bathroom and picked an outfit from her closet which was, A Black T-shirt, that was open in her chest area, And grey leggings, She had a black sweater on and she wore Her black converse. When McKenzie exited her room she walked downstairs and went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple and took a bite. She waved goodbye to her parents, Her Foster Parents. McKenzie's Real Parents were gone. McKenzie walked out the house and walked to school. As she entered the school a couple of students probably looked at her, This is was nothing new to her.


Brian Was Sitting at The Mystic Grill sipping on his drink, As he observed everyone in there. He was searching for his next meal, But something distracted him when he seen a Hot blonde girl arrive inside. Brian smirked to himself and placed his glass on the counter and walked to the girl. "Hey, I'm Brian" He greeted grabbing her hand and kissing it gently. The girl blushed and pulled her hand away slowly, "So, What made a pretty young girl come over here?" Brian asked. "Same, Reason why your here, To get a drink I guess" She replied. "Yeah, For A Drink, Now you wouldn't mind if I take you to the back and have a drink?" Hr says looking into her eyes. "With Me? Yeah Sure" She accepted cheerily. This was too easy. Brian grabbed her by her hand and made his way to the back of the grill he wanted a drink, But The girl was sure not getting a drink, She had no idea that she would be the drink.




The difference between you and me is that when you wake up, your nightmare ends.



And like the last night and the night before last, Shaye woke up with a scream.

She bolted up from her bed, sheets clinging to her the sweat of her skin and her breath coming out in raspy, rushed draws. She brought her hand to her throat, checking to make sure that what she'd seen- What she'd
been in was nothing but a dream. She sighed in relief when she felt nothing there, running a hand through her hair and closing her eyes to try and calm herself.

She had been having the same dream for over a month now. And even though she couldn't remember much of what happened in it after she woke up, bits of it would come back as memories to haunt her through the day. Flashes of blood-splattered walls, screams of pain, images of lifeless bodies and monsters with reddened eyes and blood-soaked fangs came back at random intervals throughout her day to scare the ever living shit out of her. It was almost as if the nightmare ws mocking her, following her around and giving tiny pieces of itself just to mess around with her for it's own amusement. And she despised it.

She opened her eyes again, quickly figuring out that the post-dream freak out was not going to go away soon. She instead decided to look over at her clock, noticing that she still had a good 20 minutes to get ready and- Wait,

She groaned, quickly flinging the sheets off of her and sprinting into the bathroom to at least look somewhat presentable for the day.


She stepped out of the shower and quickly throwing on a towel, grabbing her tooth brush and rinsing it off to perform her daily hygenic routine. After, she rushed out the room, quickly grabbing a random outfit and throwing it on. She looked at the clock, hoping she wouldn't be too late and -
5 minutes left, shit.

She rushed down the stairs, ignoring the questioning glance from her father and the slightly irritated but yet somehow still fond look from her mother. "Bye dad, bye mom, love you!" She called out as she sprinted out the door, choosing to ignore the familiar 'tsk' sound from her mother and the slight snicker from her father.

She got to the bus stop just in time, boarding it before the doors could close with a slight leap. She smiled in satisfaction, choosing to be oblivious to the bus driver's questioning stare and deciding to go sit in her usual seat.
'Today was gonna be normal,' she thought. 'It was going to be nice and normal, and she was gonna have fun.' She firmly decided, putting the dark remnants of today's nightmare in the deepset of her mind. She was determined to make this day as enjoyable as possible.

So determined, she was oblivious to the dark feeling that was piling in her stomach: The feeling that someone was watching her.



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Ann Marie decided it would be boring just sit there all day, and that going to school would be most ideal thing to do, considering there was nothing else to do and the fact she should establish herself in this town. She quickly gets ready and drives herself to school.

She goes to the admissions office. Before the lady at the desk says anything, she compels her to think that she has the correct paperwork. She begins socializing with a few people. She did this to find some people she could bite, and to establish herself in the town further. She then decides to find a few people she'd actually like to be friends with.

She walked to her car and grabbed her water bottle filled with blood, but it wasn't noticeable that there was any blood in the bottle. She then packed her bag for class.

(I was thinking maybe I would be in your class and you would smell the blood, @oLyinKingo)

A N A L I S E--L A V E X E N



Daylight Necklace

For now her class seemed to empty. Most likely due to the fact that people liked to spend as much time as possible AWAY from classes. She drew her name on the board, just like the stereotypical substitute she was. Reading over her fancy script, she scoffed at herself. "Oh, you would write your name on the board all obnoxiously now wouldn't you Lise?" Shaking her head, she put her things down on the desk and went over the sub notes. Students were walking in now and taking their seats gossiping among themselves. It wasn't until she started smelling blood that she slowly looked up and around for the source. When she thought she had it, a small smile crept across her lips. It was always fun meeting what she called 'high school vamps.' Vampires that attended high school because either they had to, or because they wanted to. Either way, it was always intriguing. She tried to catch the girls eye, wanting to speak to her. Mostly about her method of having blood around.

(Lovely~ @Thalia Raiz )
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Ann Marie came into the classroom and saw they had a substitute. And this one was eyeing her. Definitely a vampire. She thought. She winked at the teacher. She sat in her seat and set out all the needed supplies.

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Alistair sighed and combed his fingers through his hair as he walked into the school, students instantly greeting him since he was "The cool" teacher even though he just taught art and his only classes were during fifth and seventh period which gave him a lot of free time to roam around the school and make sure everything was going well. He decided to make his way to the English room since he remembered there being talk if a substitute and decided to make sure they were all settled in..and grav a snack if possible. But to his surprise when he arrived, he could instantly tell she wasn't human even though he didn't know how he knew so he just decided to approach casually. "Hi, you must be the new substitute." He gave a friendly smile and held out his hand. "I'm Mr. Verbeck the art teacher but you can call me Alistair since a majority of my students do." His eyes locked onto hers as he spoke and tried to read her, figuring out her motives.


Jason was running down the block shirtless, He had his earphones in his ear, Listening to his music. He was proably late for School, But he didn't care. Jason continue his run Until, He Saw A Mansion, The Top was brown And the house was born decorated in brown. Jason took off his earphones and walked to the house he looked through the window to see if anyone one was home, It didn't look like it. Jaosn Snuck to the back of the house and took out a key from his shorts. He was a expert of breaking into houses, Once Jason manage to open the door he entered and closed the door behind him and locked it. He walked to the living room And plop down on the couch, He turned The TV on and kicked His feet Up on the table, And rested his hands behind his head. He was enjoying watching Tv, Until He heard bodies comung from the closet, He quickly turned off the TV and tiptoed to the closet, He sniffed, Trying to gain a sense. Human. He sensed a Human. Jason quickly turned the Knob to see a Young Lady sitting there frightened, He recognized her. "Veronica?" He raised an eyebrow.


Bethany finished writing the last part of her song, When she was done she closed her notebook and sighed in relief. She got up from the chair and walked to the manager of the grill. "Okay, I'm done with writing my song, When I come back from school I'll performer it okay?" She explained. The manager crossed his arms and nodded "Okay, But make sure after school, Your here on time understood?" He stated. Bethany nodded quickly and grabbed her bag and placed her book inside and slinged it over her shoulder and waved bye to the manager. She was on time because she still ended up catching the bus as usual. She sat in the back of the bus, As the bus drove off she stared at the back of a blonde girl. She felt a vibe off of her. @MarenXDenominator12


McKenzie Had Went to her first period of class, She sat down and took out her supplies and notice A Substitute and Mr. What's his name? She didn't really do art she just sleep in that class to be honest, Actually if were being honest she sleeps in all classes but is awake when it's needed. Mckenzie looked down and played with her nails as she waited for the teacher to start teaching. She shrugged her shoulders and put her head down on the desk and placed her hoodie on and wrapped her arms around the desk. @oLyinKingo @Thalia Raiz @EclipseRising

A N A L I S E--L A V E X E N



Daylight Necklace

She would have to make it a task to talk to the girl as she winked back at her after class, wanting to be a bit more discreet in when she talked about the supernatural. Her fingera drummed against the desk as she watched more students pile into the classroom, listening in on their obnoxious conversations. One was between two girls talking about which one of them had a better weekend. Another was the typical guy conversation about the girls they 'scored' during the weekend. Oh how she missed the typical high school conversations. A smirk crept on her face and her thoughts were interrupted by a particularly good looking male. She stood up as he greeted her and turned that smirk into an almost sinister smile. "Well, correct you are, Mr. Verbeck. I'm Analise LaVexen. You can call me Ana or Vex."

@Thalia Raiz @EclipseRising
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