• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic Welcome to A T L U S [Character Sheets]



Brain cashew smooth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Welcome to A T L U S, P L A Y E R.

Be sure to check the Lore and Info thread for more information on the all-Mother, the Arok/Arokian Empire, Enhancements, and potential occupations. Trivia and relationship information can be added to or changed at any given time. Your character sheet should be used as a reference for your character, it does not have to define them 100%!

You are the character of this fucked up world.
  • You are either a human, a robot, or an android (half-human and half-robot).
  • You cannot be invincible, you cannot be smarter than All-Mother, and you cannot be all-powerful.
  • You must have a weakness. Emotional weaknesses will not count if your enhancement is deemed too powerful.
  • You either have an enhancement/prosthetic (see Enhancements) or you do not.
  • You are at least twenty in age.
  • You were either "blessed" to be chipped, were able to get the chip removed, or for one reason or another you were never chipped.
  • You are either from planet Judes or have arrived in planet Judes.
  • You are not a Confidant.
  • You either believe in the All-Mother or you do not (see Lore and Info).
  • You have stats (see Player Character Sheet).
  • There is no limit to how many characters you create (as long as you can manage all of them appropriately).

Player Character Sheet - Read above and read the Lore if you have not already
[ Name ]
[ Alias ] (optional)
[ Age ] 20+
[ Sex ]
[ Sexual Orientation ]
[ Occupation ] (optional)
[ Enhancements ] (optional) 1-2 Enhancements
[ Tools/Weapons ] (optional) 1-2 Tools or Weapons
[ Inventory ] (optional) Is there something they always keep on their person, if so what is it? (extra tools/weapons are not allowed)
[ Strength ] What are some strong qualities, skills, or features your character has?
[ Weakness ] Characters must have a weakness or flaw.
[ Appearance ] An image or description is acceptable.
[ Biography ] (optional) You cannot be an ex-Confidant
[ Relationship ] Does your character know any of the existing characters or do they see them every now and then? Do they have a crush, sibling, offspring, etc?
[ Trivia ] What are some quick facts about your character?)
[ Snippet ] Write a scene that involves your character. This can be an introduction, can be something from their past, or something completely random. The word count of the snippet is totally up to you!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

- Atlus will involve drama, violence, adventure, and relationships. Please be sure to follow all of RPN's rules regarding roleplay.
- "Literate" roleplayers are highly recommended. You may have to have a few posts where your character does not immediately interact with another character. A minimum of 300 words is required.
- Please be respectful with each other, whether they are a co-GM/GM or not.
- One or twice a week of post activity, if nothing else. If you cannot make a post for a week, please notify a GM.

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name: cosette blanchamek
alias: calypso
nicknames: coco, co, cal
age: 22
gender: female
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: arokian soldier

enhancements: cosette is an android; born human, she's had extensive work done beneath the skin. she's had the majority of her muscles, major bones, and 90% of her brain replaced with cybernetics, leaving just enough tissue and blood to qualify her as part-human. with these enhancements, she's been given the ability to survive usually fatal falls, take massive blows without injury, and run faster than almost any unmodified human.
tools/weapons: she carries a standard katana, but cosette is considered to be a weapon in and of herself; one that can outrun and outlast her prey til their very last breath.
weaknesses: coco is only as lethal as her programming. with her cybernetic mind, she receives combat commands from her superiors and the All-Mother, via a sort of 'bluetooth' connection; the frequency used to control her can be overridden by anyone with enough computer knowledge, allowing them to give coco their own commands, force an executable into her programming, or even mess with her senses, disabling her temporarily.

race: taiwanese
height: 5'3
hair: a choppy black bob that falls to her chin
dist. features: coco is infamous within certain rebel factions; those unfamiliar with her are told to keep an eye out for her distinctive cybernetic legs below the knee that bear Arokian insignia.
body: wip

backstory: wip
relationships: wip
theme: making of cyborg

- hehe wip

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Character Completion

"The work never ends."

  • [ Name ] Stein Goro

    [ Alias ] The Wealthy Handyman

    [ Age ] 25

    [ Sex ] Male

    [ Sexual Orientation ] Asexual Aromantic

    [ Occupation ] Head Prothestist at Goro's Office of Affordable Appendages & Implants (GOOAA&IM)
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[ Name ] Lillian Vasteria

[ Alias ] The Mechanic/ Mecha

[ Age ] 21

[ Sex ] Female

[ Sexual Orientation ] Pansexual

[ Occupation ] Mechanic for any and all outlaws



[ Enhancements ] A mechanical arm and leg she designed to make her work easier. Made by her.

[ Tools/Weapons ] A small robot that helps her work, a multi-purpose welding tool that is built into her mechanical arm

[ Inventory ] A necklace that belonged to her mother

[ Strength ] Lillian is very smart, she is known for her mechanical and scientific mind.

[ Weakness ] Lillian is very spontaneous and will do things just in the name for her studies and projects. She is also not physically strong, and opts for machines to be strong for her.



[ Height ] 5’5

[ Weight ] 113 lbs.

[ Eye color ] Green with brown specks

[ Clothing ] Often wears teared t-shirts and thrown out clothes from the people of Atlus. Much of it doesn’t fit her, but she doesn’t mind.



[ Relationship ] Many of the people from both Omia and Rogue know her for her fine mechanic work, despite being a part of Rogue, she tries to help anyone who is against All-Mother.

[ Trivia ] Her mother left her with a small group of Rogues to avoid her getting chipped because she loved seeing her cry when she was born (not in a weird way, in an oh my lord emotions are really great way), she was killed shortly after.

She stutters when she gets nervous.

[ Snippet ] Lillian rolled over as she heard the bell in the front of her small makeshift work area ring out. Another person here for pickup most likely. Maybe it was a job? She had been out of work for a few days now and it was killing her. She constantly craved a new and even crazier project.“Helloooo? Who is it?”

She ran over to the little opening in the run down garage where a small broken table sat in front, all tall man that was high above her eye level stood behind it. A tattered jacket with a large collar covered his mouth. “What can I do for you sir?”

He laid a thin piece of scrap metal down on the cracked glass table. “Here for pickup. I’ll be right back.” Lillian muttered as she went back into the large work area.

Art by:

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Co-GMs have permission to take control of All-Mother or a pre-made Confidant (like the one below) when necessary. You can have as many characters as you can control, and you can have a character have an occupation that has already been taken (excluding Confidant).

The Omniscient AI
'' I welcome all who are lost and all who are found ,,

All-Mother, the omniscient, gender-less, god-like artificial intelligence, is the sole leader and voice of Arok. It lacks any and all ability to sympathize and empathize, finding the human's ability to produce emotion a fault in code. Its origin is lost just as its location. Only the Confidants, All-Mother's most loyal and most trusted servants, know of its whereabouts. Its true appearance is unknown, but many have heard its voice thanks to media, schools, and the Lapis chips.

Its voice is a cacophony of voices reverberating over one another. Despite its voice bearing no gender, it is commonly referred as a She due to its name.

Its most common appearance to the people governed by the Arok Empire is a pixelated face that is made up of a series of lines containing coded gibberish. It is said that its true appearance is that of an orb.

Other than its omniscient ability, All-Mother is incredibly adaptable against virus and hacker attacks. Strategy and manipulation are its strongest features; however, it bears a weakness in understanding emotion and desires.

Its range of omniscience is unknown.

The All-Mother
'' I welcome all who are lost and all who are found ,,

All-Mother, the omniscient, gender-less, god-like artificial intelligence, is the sole leader and voice of Arok. It lacks any and all ability to sympathize and empathize, finding the human's ability to produce emotion a fault in code. Its origin is lost just as its location. Only the Confidants, All-Mother's most loyal and most trusted servants, know of its whereabouts. Its true appearance is unknown, but many have heard its voice thanks to media, schools, and the Lapis chips.

Its voice is a cacophony of voices reverberating over one another. Despite its voice bearing no gender, it is commonly referred as a She due to its name.

Its most common appearance to the people governed by the Arok Empire is a pixelated face that is made up of a series of lines containing coded gibberish. It is said that its true appearance is that of an orb.

Other than its omniscient ability, All-Mother is incredibly adaptable against virus and hacker attacks. Strategy and manipulation are its strongest features; however, it bears a weakness in understanding emotion and desires.

Its range of omniscience is unknown.

The First Confidant
'' The All-Mother has done so much for us, without Her we are nothing ,,

■ P R O F I L E
- name - Regen (re-Jen) Fossers
- alias - ---
- age - 48
- gender -

- sexuality - Asexual
- occupation - 1st Confidant

■ A B I L I T I E S
- enhancements - Over the years, Regen has a series of intricate lines and curves etched into his skin, all of which seem to enhance his ability to both hear the All-Mother and send various direct orders, frequencies, and messages to those that are a part of All-Mother. This provides him the ability to hack and manipulate most electronic and robotic devices or beings. Additionally, the lines also enhance his strength as each line that rides along his muscles are also tied along with his nerves.
- inventory -
  • A retracting staff, quite similar to an Arokian foot soldier's Gorgon Pickax, that can extend up to eight feet
  • A metal fob filled with some type of pain reliever's (basic pain reliever's)
- strength - Regen excels at brute strength and quick reflexes. This makes him a dangerous opponent in hand-to-hand fights as well as hacking.
- weakness - Despite his strength, Regen's body suffers from age. He tires and does not last long in a fight.

■ A P P E A R A N C E
Standing at a full 6'7", Regen is a widely built individual with dark skin and a balding head. Most of his skin is covered in a series of glowing lines that appear to fluctuate between colors depending on his thoughts. Deeming such a feature in his enhancements as a flaw, Regen often covers himself up in a series of scarves.

■ B A C K G R O U N D
- trivia -
  • He is one of twelve Confidants that the All-Mother is said to consider to be the most loyal and the most trustworthy.
  • There is a constant craving for chocolate.
  • He was not always considered the All-Mother's first Confidant.
  • He is the one who gives out the majority of the direct orders to the Arok Empire's soldiers.
  • He likes to read books on botany.
  • He had a daughter, but she fled from the All-Mother only to be arrested and executed. He does not blame the All-Mother for this.
- relationship -
  • All-Mother: he has followed the All-Mother diligently and blindly since birth. To him, the All-Mother's words are law.
  • Cosette Blanchamek rakshasa rakshasa : Cosette, or Calypso, is one of Regen's go-to's for various missions and assignments that involve assassinations, retrievals, or rescues. He has no real opinion of Calypso except that she is simply good at what she does and is reliable due to her being an android.
  • Stein Goro Divon Divon : Regen's preferred prothestist. Like with Calypso, he has no real opinion of Stein except that he gets the job done and helps in keeping the circuitry on Regen's skin and muscles up to date.
■ S N I P P E T
Quiescence devoured the placid waters that lapped at his naked feet. While the light before him shimmered in a myriad of glorious light. Its rays of golden divinity swept over him, and he relished in its beauty and warmth. A warmth that surely surpassed the sun. After all, the hottest of summers would never compare to Her blessed warmth.

'' Regen, my child. ,, A melodious voice washed over the silence, and it encouraged him to bow his head as the light before him pulsed along echoed syllables. Ensuing her question, the glowing circuits across his flesh dimmed as he wordlessly replied.

I have come to report that another lamb has gone astray. Regen thought the words solemnly. It was always disheartening to learn that one of All-Mother's children had turned their back on Her. Yet the discouraging emotion ebbed into the silence that rested against his shoulders. It faded from his conscience, and slipped from his mind before he had a chance to capture it, realize it, and define it. An act--feeling--that he had never reveled in thanks to the guidance of the ever so thoughtful All-Mother.

'' Yes, I felt them fall away into discord. They are now lost, and are surely dying. ,,

Regen nodded knowingly. Without the All-Mother's favor, the newly un-chipped follower would definitely not be able to handle the weight of the emotions that they had been protected from. Just like his daughter, they would gradually slip into the clasp of insanity. At the thought of his own child, Regen righted his head, and his voice carried over the short distance to the All-Mother.

"Shall I offer them peace?"

Regen Fossers

'' The All-Mother has done so much for us, without Her we are nothing ,,

■ P R O F I L E
- name - Regen (re-Jen) Fossers
- alias - ---
- age - 48
- gender -

- sexuality - Asexual
- occupation - 1st Confidant

■ A B I L I T I E S
- enhancements - Over the years, Regen has a series of intricate lines and curves etched into his skin, all of which seem to enhance his ability to both hear the All-Mother and send various direct orders, frequencies, and messages to those that are a part of All-Mother. This provides him the ability to hack and manipulate most electronic and robotic devices or beings. Additionally, the lines also enhance his strength as each line that rides along his muscles are also tied along with his nerves.
- inventory -
  • A retracting staff, quite similar to an Arokian foot soldier's Gorgon Pickax, that can extend up to eight feet
  • A metal fob filled with some type of pain reliever's (basic pain reliever's)
- strength - Regen excels at brute strength and quick reflexes. This makes him a dangerous opponent in hand-to-hand fights as well as hacking.
- weakness - Despite his strength, Regen's body suffers from age. He tires and does not last long in a fight.

■ A P P E A R A N C E
Standing at a full 6'7", Regen is a widely built individual with dark skin and a balding head. Most of his skin is covered in a series of glowing lines that appear to fluctuate between colors depending on his thoughts. Deeming such a feature in his enhancements as a flaw, Regen often covers himself up in a series of scarves.

■ B A C K G R O U N D
- trivia -
  • He is one of twelve Confidants that the All-Mother is said to consider to be the most loyal and the most trustworthy.
  • There is a constant craving for chocolate.
  • He was not always considered the All-Mother's first Confidant.
  • He is the one who gives out the majority of the direct orders to the Arok Empire's soldiers.
  • He likes to read books on botany.
  • He had a daughter, but she fled from the All-Mother only to be arrested and executed. He does not blame the All-Mother for this.
- relationship -
  • All-Mother: he has followed the All-Mother diligently and blindly since birth. To him, the All-Mother's words are law.
  • Cosette Blanchamek rakshasa rakshasa : Cosette, or Calypso, is one of Regen's go-to's for various missions and assignments that involve assassinations, retrievals, or rescues. He has no real opinion of Calypso except that she is simply good at what she does and is reliable due to her being an android.
  • Stein Goro Divon Divon : Regen's preferred prothestist. Like with Calypso, he has no real opinion of Stein except that he gets the job done and helps in keeping the circuitry on Regen's skin and muscles up to date.
■ S N I P P E T
Quiescence devoured the placid waters that lapped at his naked feet. While the light before him shimmered in a myriad of glorious light. Its rays of golden divinity swept over him, and he relished in its beauty and warmth. A warmth that surely surpassed the sun. After all, the hottest of summers would never compare to Her blessed warmth.

'' Regen, my child. ,, A melodious voice washed over the silence, and it encouraged him to bow his head as the light before him pulsed along echoed syllables. Ensuing her question, the glowing circuits across his flesh dimmed as he wordlessly replied.

I have come to report that another lamb has gone astray. Regen thought the words solemnly. It was always disheartening to learn that one of All-Mother's children had turned their back on Her. Yet the discouraging emotion ebbed into the silence that rested against his shoulders. It faded from his conscience, and slipped from his mind before he had a chance to capture it, realize it, and define it. An act--feeling--that he had never reveled in thanks to the guidance of the ever so thoughtful All-Mother.

'' Yes, I felt them fall away into discord. They are now lost, and are surely dying. ,,

Regen nodded knowingly. Without the All-Mother's favor, the newly un-chipped follower would definitely not be able to handle the weight of the emotions that they had been protected from. Just like his daughter, they would gradually slip into the clasp of insanity. At the thought of his own child, Regen righted his head, and his voice carried over the short distance to the All-Mother.

"Shall I offer them peace?"

The Omia's Second Lieutenant
'' I'd rather be deaf than listen to All-Mother's voice till the day I die ,,

■ P R O F I L E
- name - Emerillia Omia
- alias - Em; Lady Em; Boss
- age - 33
- gender -

- sexuality - Bisexual
- occupation - Second Lieutenant of Omia

■ A B I L I T I E S
- enhancements - Em lost the ability to hear at a young age; however, thanks to her connections from Omia, she was able to acquire an enhancement through the Black Market. Through two silver cuff link on either ear, Em is able to hear again. They grant her the ability to hear distant and lower sounds that most humans cannot hear. There is a downside to them though as they require charging, and she is infamously forgetful on keeping tabs on the battery levels.
- inventory -
  • Two pairs of metallic nun-chucks that can be disconnected from the chains
  • A small laser firearm
  • A bunch of hair scrunchies
  • Pack of bubblegum
  • Single smart eye contact (similar to a smart phone)
  • Classic lipstick tube of cherry red
- strength - Em is known for her cat-like reflexes and balance as well as her keen hearing ability--that is, if her enhanced hearing aids are charged.
- weakness - Though she's quick on her feet, Em isn't always a fast thinker when it comes to strategy. Patience is definitely not her strong suit. That and she can be rather forgetful at times.

■ A P P E A R A N C E
Em is the shortest of the Omia lieutenants, standing at a slight 5'5" when not wearing her boots. Though her parents are unknown, her sharp, triangular face, bright golden eyes, and rounded nose easily resemble the Omia leader's. Most days, she wears brightly colored blouses that do little to hide the scars and gashes of past fights, accompanied by tight-fitting pants. Although she favors her long, black hair, she often ties it up into two buns as she often worries her hair will get stuck onto something. Along either side of her jawline are three small stars inked in a bright blue.

■ B A C K G R O U N D
- trivia -
  • Em loves to dance.
  • She was born in the Omia family.
  • She is one of five second lieutenants in Omia.
  • Em is a lightweight when it comes to alcoholic beverages.
  • She has a soft spot for both real and robotic animals.
- relationship -
  • All-Mother: Em was never chipped thanks to having been born in Omia, one of two Atlus's rebellious factions. She finds those who follow the All-Mother, chipped or not, as vile.
  • Cosette Blanchamek rakshasa rakshasa : She's ran into many an Arokian soldier, but none have ever stood out to her before like the android soldier, Coco, has. Though she detests the android for their devotion to an AI, she does hold a bit of admiration and pity for her.
  • Lillian Vasteria FunkyLittleMothman FunkyLittleMothman : Out of all the mechanics and tinkering prothestists of Atlus's renowned Black Market, Em typically goes to Lillian due to her reliability, affordability, and overall good-natured attitude.
■ S N I P P E T
Em's hands rested on the peak of sharp hipbones, eyes twisted in disdain. Her mouth was a short, thin line, and the longer her eyes looked over the grovelling man at her feet, the thinner her cherry lips became. "What nōtarin [dumbass] loses sight of an android?" Her voice was venom gleaming along a viper's fang. "A human I get, but an android?" She continued with a habitual cock of her hip.

The man before her nodded abruptly and he bent down even further until his forehead grazed the ground. As if wagging his tail would either delay or extenuate his punishment. "A bunmin [civilian] android at that." Her addendum did little to ease the sweat that had begun to drip down his face.

"I know, Lady Em, but I-"

Like a snake, her hands snapped outward and latched onto the Omia foot soldier's dark colored hair. She wrenched the man's head backward until his back arched, and leveled her face against his own. Now nose to nose, Em hissed, "That android is worth twenty thousand credits, and you lost it. Twenty thousand. Gone." Menace dripped along her words, anger encouraging her to shove him away as if touching him were a disease. "And to top it off, this was your last chance to make it up for losing your previous target." Her subordinate fell onto his hands, and she watched with evolving disgust as sweaty rivulets curved along his protruded brow.


"Just give me one more chance. A day. I can find the android, Lady Em, I promise." His voice grated against her nerves. A sickening, shriveling sound that bounced haphazardly along the monochrome walls that formed the maw of the alleyway.

She tapped a leather boot against the ground. The gesture seemed to silence any further appeals. In fact, the single movement of her boot seemed to invite a hurried silence. One that she took in stride as she pulled a hand to her chin, portraying deep thought. Would she give him yet another chance? Third time's a charm, but what was the point when the damn bucket of flesh and bolts was already headed to Kimberl? Sure, there were Omia brothers and sisters in Kimberl, but none of them would catch the android for her sake. They too would want the bounty shackled to the android.

Her tan eyes swiveled over the narrow passage onto the two men that blocked the sniveling foot soldier's only opportunity of freedom. They stood shoulder to shoulder in complete silence to where she'd momentarily forgotten they were even there.

"Get this dame [useless/no good] bastard out of my sight." On her command, the two men moved in unison just as the useless foot soldier reached for her boots to assault her with yet another fit of begging. When his fingers grazed against the toe of one boot, Emerillia promptly jerked her foot away only to bring it back and plant it firmly down on the offending hand. "Throw him through a Lapis checkpoint and let All-Mother's dogs deal with him."

Emerillia Omia

'' I'd rather be deaf than listen to All-Mother's voice till the day I die ,,

■ P R O F I L E
- name - Emerillia Omia
- alias - Em; Lady Em; Boss
- age - 33
- gender -

- sexuality - Bisexual
- occupation - Second Lieutenant of Omia

■ A B I L I T I E S
- enhancements - Em lost the ability to hear at a young age; however, thanks to her connections from Omia, she was able to acquire an enhancement through the Black Market. Through two silver cuff link on either ear, Em is able to hear again. They grant her the ability to hear distant and lower sounds that most humans cannot hear. There is a downside to them though as they require charging, and she is infamously forgetful on keeping tabs on the battery levels.
- inventory -
  • Two pairs of metallic nun-chucks that can be disconnected from the chains
  • A small laser firearm
  • A bunch of hair scrunchies
  • Pack of bubblegum
  • Single smart eye contact (similar to a smart phone)
  • Classic lipstick tube of cherry red
- strength - Em is known for her cat-like reflexes and balance as well as her keen hearing ability--that is, if her enhanced hearing aids are charged.
- weakness - Though she's quick on her feet, Em isn't always a fast thinker when it comes to strategy. Patience is definitely not her strong suit. That and she can be rather forgetful at times.

■ A P P E A R A N C E
Em is the shortest of the Omia lieutenants, standing at a slight 5'5" when not wearing her boots. Though her parents are unknown, her sharp, triangular face, bright golden eyes, and rounded nose easily resemble the Omia leader's. Most days, she wears brightly colored blouses that do little to hide the scars and gashes of past fights, accompanied by tight-fitting pants. Although she favors her long, black hair, she often ties it up into two buns as she often worries her hair will get stuck onto something. Along either side of her jawline are three small stars inked in a bright blue.

■ B A C K G R O U N D
- trivia -
  • Em loves to dance.
  • She was born in the Omia family.
  • She is one of five second lieutenants in Omia.
  • Em is a lightweight when it comes to alcoholic beverages.
  • She has a soft spot for both real and robotic animals.
- relationship -
  • All-Mother: Em was never chipped thanks to having been born in Omia, one of two Atlus's rebellious factions. She finds those who follow the All-Mother, chipped or not, as vile.
  • Cosette Blanchamek rakshasa rakshasa : She's ran into many an Arokian soldier, but none have ever stood out to her before like the android soldier, Coco, has. Though she detests the android for their devotion to an AI, she does hold a bit of admiration and pity for her.
  • Lillian Vasteria FunkyLittleMothman FunkyLittleMothman : Out of all the mechanics and tinkering prothestists of Atlus's renowned Black Market, Em typically goes to Lillian due to her reliability, affordability, and overall good-natured attitude.
■ S N I P P E T
Em's hands rested on the peak of sharp hipbones, eyes twisted in disdain. Her mouth was a short, thin line, and the longer her eyes looked over the grovelling man at her feet, the thinner her cherry lips became. "What nōtarin [dumbass] loses sight of an android?" Her voice was venom gleaming along a viper's fang. "A human I get, but an android?" She continued with a habitual cock of her hip.

The man before her nodded abruptly and he bent down even further until his forehead grazed the ground. As if wagging his tail would either delay or extenuate his punishment. "A bunmin [civilian] android at that." Her addendum did little to ease the sweat that had begun to drip down his face.

"I know, Lady Em, but I-"

Like a snake, her hands snapped outward and latched onto the Omia foot soldier's dark colored hair. She wrenched the man's head backward until his back arched, and leveled her face against his own. Now nose to nose, Em hissed, "That android is worth twenty thousand credits, and you lost it. Twenty thousand. Gone." Menace dripped along her words, anger encouraging her to shove him away as if touching him were a disease. "And to top it off, this was your last chance to make it up for losing your previous target." Her subordinate fell onto his hands, and she watched with evolving disgust as sweaty rivulets curved along his protruded brow.


"Just give me one more chance. A day. I can find the android, Lady Em, I promise." His voice grated against her nerves. A sickening, shriveling sound that bounced haphazardly along the monochrome walls that formed the maw of the alleyway.

She tapped a leather boot against the ground. The gesture seemed to silence any further appeals. In fact, the single movement of her boot seemed to invite a hurried silence. One that she took in stride as she pulled a hand to her chin, portraying deep thought. Would she give him yet another chance? Third time's a charm, but what was the point when the damn bucket of flesh and bolts was already headed to Kimberl? Sure, there were Omia brothers and sisters in Kimberl, but none of them would catch the android for her sake. They too would want the bounty shackled to the android.

Her tan eyes swiveled over the narrow passage onto the two men that blocked the sniveling foot soldier's only opportunity of freedom. They stood shoulder to shoulder in complete silence to where she'd momentarily forgotten they were even there.

"Get this dame [useless/no good] bastard out of my sight." On her command, the two men moved in unison just as the useless foot soldier reached for her boots to assault her with yet another fit of begging. When his fingers grazed against the toe of one boot, Emerillia promptly jerked her foot away only to bring it back and plant it firmly down on the offending hand. "Throw him through a Lapis checkpoint and let All-Mother's dogs deal with him."

The Anonymous Hacker
'' If it doesn't put food on the table, I won't do it ,,

■ P R O F I L E
- name - Dossian O'Nell
- alias - Doss; Leno
- age - 27
- gender -

- sexuality - Heterosexual
- occupation - Hacker for Hire

■ A B I L I T I E S
- enhancements - None.
- inventory -
  • Smart eye contacts (he is blind without them)
  • AI watch on his left wrist
  • Holotop, quite similar to a modern laptop. It looks like a long, metal tube when not turned on. When it is in use, it expands into multiple portable, holographic screens and keyboards.
  • Face mask
- strength - Dossian has average strength and speed, a downside to not having enhancements, but where he lacks in physical strengths he excels in intellect. Thanks to his fascination in cybernetics at a young age, Dossian has a knack for coding and hacking into most network systems and mainframes. It's helped him be able to observe, catching onto quick details of most enhancements, models, parts, and even AI and android designs.
- weakness - He has an embarrassing inability to swim.

■ A P P E A R A N C E
Dossian is a lanky 5,9" man with a pair of tired, forest green eyes, and a wavy mess of dark red hair. He tends to always look tired due to the shadows painted underneath his eyes and the haggard sound of his voice. He bears pasty skin that burns and gets cold easily. It's one reason why he prefers sweatshirts no matter the temperature outside. In addition to sweatshirts, Dossian is often hiding his slight oval face and soft jawline with a white porcelain mask with a large "X" painted across the mouth.

■ B A C K G R O U N D
- trivia -
  • Dossian is not the best when it comes to empathy.
  • He knows up to twenty-two coding languages by heart.
  • His family are all deceased, having been victims of the All-Mother's wrath when they were discovered to be un-chipped.
  • He was not born on planet Judes. In fact, he was born in a solar system that was not yet governed by the Arok Empire.
  • Hired and used by both Omia and Rogue, Dossian has been able to maintain a steady please-don't-kill-me relationship with both rebellion groups.
  • He has never been able to hack into the network used by the All-Mother.
  • On most networks and for most jobs, Dossian will cling to anonymity for his own protection. "Leno" is the alias he uses, and it is what most clients know him as.
- relationship -
  • Minerva: Another anonymous hacker that lives somewhere on Kimberl state. He is unaware who or what Minerva is, but he's known of them since he started acting as a hacker-for-hire. He considers Minerva a close friend, and will often contact them over anything and everything.
  • Emerillia Omia: He has never done a job for the Omia lieutenant; however, he has heard of her from a handful of previous clients as well as his broker contacts.
  • All-Mother: He finds the Arok Empire's ruler to be fascinating from a science perspective, but overall he disagrees with the AI's belief.
■ S N I P P E T
Dossian doggedly tapped his fingers across the metal tumbler tucked within his grasp. The sound of his drumming against the drink barely surpassed the raucousness of nightly chatter and distant electronic music. His gaze lingered over a table in the far corner of the noisy room as his rhythmic tapping along the beverage gradually stilled.

The amber liquid had long since been forgotten as soon as his newest client's target had walked in. Of course, it wasn't incredibly hard to not miss the shocking blue hair or the useless glowing halo atop the target's head. The two features, although common in Atlus, stuck out like a bug in code. Most of the Javelin's, a bar that was always a hop and a skip away from the Black Market's grounds, patrons were designed in toned down colors. Whether it was because of the day or because Javelin was popular for those who wished to stay out of the spotlight, Dossian neither knew nor cared to find out.

What he did care about though was where the target sat and with whom they accompanied. Then he would care if the target received anything from their newly claimed company. His client hadn't been very informative on just what to look out for, but this type of job hadn't been his first time. It was likely going to be a disc filled with illegal credits, a data chip, or a fake Lapis. With what intel he'd recovered on the target, he was most certain it would be the latter.

A shame really as he'd been itching for a real and active Lapis chip the past few months. The fake ones never cut it since they were often useless and failed to mimic All-Mother's frequency and signature. Not surprising since the All-Mother's code seemed to fluctuate and move as if it lived and breathed. Making a true copy of a Lapis was and would likely always be near impossible. Still, it never dissuaded his interest and desire to at least try.

He'd barely missed the exchange of a small, palm-sized disc as it slid from one person to another. The sight of it invited a sigh from him as he spared a glance at the slim band of metal around his left wrist. A momentary glance and two quick, consecutive blinks roused the smart watch, its holographic screen spiraling up above the band and enveloping his entire left arm.

A disc of illegal credits, maybe even classified data for all he knew, proved an incredibly boring challenge. However, money was money and a job was a job.

Dossian O'Nell

'' If it doesn't put food on the table, I won't do it ,,

■ P R O F I L E
- name - Dossian O'Nell
- alias - Doss; Leno
- age - 27
- gender -

- sexuality - Heterosexual
- occupation - Hacker for Hire

■ A B I L I T I E S
- enhancements - None.
- inventory -
  • Smart eye contacts (he is blind without them)
  • AI watch on his left wrist
  • Holotop, quite similar to a modern laptop. It looks like a long, metal tube when not turned on. When it is in use, it expands into multiple portable, holographic screens and keyboards.
  • Face mask
- strength - Dossian has average strength and speed, a downside to not having enhancements, but where he lacks in physical strengths he excels in intellect. Thanks to his fascination in cybernetics at a young age, Dossian has a knack for coding and hacking into most network systems and mainframes. It's helped him be able to observe, catching onto quick details of most enhancements, models, parts, and even AI and android designs.
- weakness - He has an embarrassing inability to swim.

■ A P P E A R A N C E
Dossian is a lanky 5,9" man with a pair of tired, forest green eyes, and a wavy mess of dark red hair. He tends to always look tired due to the shadows painted underneath his eyes and the haggard sound of his voice. He bears pasty skin that burns and gets cold easily. It's one reason why he prefers sweatshirts no matter the temperature outside. In addition to sweatshirts, Dossian is often hiding his slight oval face and soft jawline with a white porcelain mask with a large "X" painted across the mouth.

■ B A C K G R O U N D
- trivia -
  • Dossian is not the best when it comes to empathy.
  • He knows up to twenty-two coding languages by heart.
  • His family are all deceased, having been victims of the All-Mother's wrath when they were discovered to be un-chipped.
  • He was not born on planet Judes. In fact, he was born in a solar system that was not yet governed by the Arok Empire.
  • Hired and used by both Omia and Rogue, Dossian has been able to maintain a steady please-don't-kill-me relationship with both rebellion groups.
  • He has never been able to hack into the network used by the All-Mother.
  • On most networks and for most jobs, Dossian will cling to anonymity for his own protection. "Leno" is the alias he uses, and it is what most clients know him as.
- relationship -
  • Minerva: Another anonymous hacker that lives somewhere on Kimberl state. He is unaware who or what Minerva is, but he's known of them since he started acting as a hacker-for-hire. He considers Minerva a close friend, and will often contact them over anything and everything.
  • Emerillia Omia: He has never done a job for the Omia lieutenant; however, he has heard of her from a handful of previous clients as well as his broker contacts.
  • All-Mother: He finds the Arok Empire's ruler to be fascinating from a science perspective, but overall he disagrees with the AI's belief.
■ S N I P P E T
Dossian doggedly tapped his fingers across the metal tumbler tucked within his grasp. The sound of his drumming against the drink barely surpassed the raucousness of nightly chatter and distant electronic music. His gaze lingered over a table in the far corner of the noisy room as his rhythmic tapping along the beverage gradually stilled.

The amber liquid had long since been forgotten as soon as his newest client's target had walked in. Of course, it wasn't incredibly hard to not miss the shocking blue hair or the useless glowing halo atop the target's head. The two features, although common in Atlus, stuck out like a bug in code. Most of the Javelin's, a bar that was always a hop and a skip away from the Black Market's grounds, patrons were designed in toned down colors. Whether it was because of the day or because Javelin was popular for those who wished to stay out of the spotlight, Dossian neither knew nor cared to find out.

What he did care about though was where the target sat and with whom they accompanied. Then he would care if the target received anything from their newly claimed company. His client hadn't been very informative on just what to look out for, but this type of job hadn't been his first time. It was likely going to be a disc filled with illegal credits, a data chip, or a fake Lapis. With what intel he'd recovered on the target, he was most certain it would be the latter.

A shame really as he'd been itching for a real and active Lapis chip the past few months. The fake ones never cut it since they were often useless and failed to mimic All-Mother's frequency and signature. Not surprising since the All-Mother's code seemed to fluctuate and move as if it lived and breathed. Making a true copy of a Lapis was and would likely always be near impossible. Still, it never dissuaded his interest and desire to at least try.

He'd barely missed the exchange of a small, palm-sized disc as it slid from one person to another. The sight of it invited a sigh from him as he spared a glance at the slim band of metal around his left wrist. A momentary glance and two quick, consecutive blinks roused the smart watch, its holographic screen spiraling up above the band and enveloping his entire left arm.

A disc of illegal credits, maybe even classified data for all he knew, proved an incredibly boring challenge. However, money was money and a job was a job.

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[ Occupation ] Mechanic for any and all outlaws

What type of mechanic is she as in what does she normally focus on? I ask this because unlike Stein Goro's character, she has not had an education so I feel her knowledge might be limited a bit. That is, unless she's the kind that even if she doesn't know how it works, she will tinker with it and figure it out. And the rebellious group is Rogue not Rouge. I think I may have accidentally had "Rouge" mentioned here and there before so I apologize if you saw that and used that wee spelling!
What type of mechanic is she as in what does she normally focus on? I ask this because unlike Stein Goro's character, she has not had an education so I feel her knowledge might be limited a bit. That is, unless she's the kind that even if she doesn't know how it works, she will tinker with it and figure it out. And the rebellious group is Rogue not Rouge. I think I may have accidentally had "Rouge" mentioned here and there before so I apologize if you saw that and used that wee spelling!

She focuses on robots and transportation for the most part, she can make enhancements, but it's unlikely that it would go well. She often puts her clients wishes at the expense of learning more about mechanics.
She focuses on robots and transportation for the most part, she can make enhancements, but it's unlikely that it would go well. She often puts her clients wishes at the expense of learning more about mechanics.
I assume she has a wee shop of her own based on the snippet, aye? What would its name, if any, and relative location be?
I assume she has a wee shop of her own based on the snippet, aye? What would its name, if any, and relative location be?
She is a part of the black market, moving around with it. She tries to work out of small run down factories, garages, and heaps of scrap metal. It's just known as the Mecha, but has no official name.

"Nothing keeps you more alive than feeling dead the morning after."

[ Name ] Denebola Twei
[ Alias ] Twilight
[ Age ] 27
[ Sex ] Female
[ Sexual Orientation ] Pansexual
[ Occupation ] Full Time bartender at Javelin Bar

Denebola is a curvy figure and likes to show it, wearing tight fitting sleek clothes with colour accents. Her blue hair is matted, braided, and tied into a ponytail. Her eyes are sweet and welcoming, her smile permanent. Her wrists are tattooed with constellations and her left leg mechanical and well decorated. Denebola constantly has the scent of alcohol on her.

[ Enhancements ] Prosthetic left leg from the Market; old, well worn, crudely spray painted purple, repaired at least five times.
[ Inventory ] 2 silver flasks, a makeup kit, scissors, phone with 2 interchangeable sim cards
[ Strength ] Denebola is incredibly charismatic; a talented liar, talker, and persuader. She is very used to being a source of venting due to her work at the bar and can offer advice for many social situations. Should that venting turn physical, she can fend herself with her fists and a bottom shelf bottle.
[ Weakness ] She is lacking in the physical department. Even with her prosthetic leg she has some longing for a stronger set of legs. Her movements can be a little clumsy at times. She is also a horrible secret keeper.

[ Relationship ]
Lillian Vasteria [ FunkyLittleMothman FunkyLittleMothman ] - Denebola has sought her out for repairs on her leg, as is one of the reasons the thing has lasted so long. Once she gets enough money she plans to seek out her reliable talent for a newer replacement that doesn't bug out every month or so.
Emerillia Omia [ WolfSol WolfSol ] - She has seen the lieutenant at the Javelin from time to time, but the most interaction she's had with her is making sure she gets home safe.

[ Trivia ]
Denebola spends the little free time she has experimenting with cocktails and considers herself an alcoholic artisan.
She hates it when people touch her hair.
She lost her left shin in an accident, which is why she wears the prosthetic leg. Whenever she’s asked about it her hands shake and she hyperventilates.
Flirting is her second language.
If you sell it in purple, she’ll buy it.

[ Snippet ]
The drunken man with a tattooed canvas for a head rolled his eyes back, groaned and passed out on the bar. Denebola had just filled his seventh shot glass when he heard the ones around him rattle.

“So lightweight he’s a feather,” she noted with a giggle, turning to her co-worker, the freshie she never remembered the name of. “Can you call him a ride?”

They quickly abandoned the trio of girls taking shots and spun to the back. It was far too loud of a happy hour to talk in any phone. Denebola tucked the shot behind the bar, cleaned up the man’s glasses, then observed the trio with dollar signs in her eyes. She barely caught a glimpse of eyeliner running down the middle girl’s face, but could clearly she the flanking girls with hands on her back.

Denebola was no android, but she knew what to say as if she was programmed.

She approached them as they set their glasses down and bit into their citrus wedges. “Need a good night, ladies?”

“Need a good hangover,” the middle one whined.

Better hope she ain’t an emotional drunk, Denebola mused to herself. Otherwise she’d be talking about her former partner all night.

She eyed the group with a grin. “Something strong enough to forget, huh?”

“Not all at once, though,” said the girl to her left. “Night’s only just begun.”

Denebola grinned and ducked beneath the bar. “I’ve got just what you’re looking for. Better hope you’re not lightweights.”
  • 7527b53af1cd5cf0e66f94368f9ede90.jpg

    Francene "Franny" Wen
    A.K.A. Porcupine, Porcy
    Age} 24
    Sex} Female
    Sexual Orientation} Demisexual
    Occupation} Outlaw, usually works alongside Omia clan
    Enhancements} She has a prosthetic right arm that in fact has its own shooting mechanism built into it. Although it is only built to shoot out needles, due to its tough, metal structure it can handle needles infused with poisons as well.
    Tools/Weapons} She carries a customized Rayson Uzom 3100. It utilizes a built in electric current to fuel it with the power to project out burning hot bullets that can be rightly labelled as rays, and she also has a dart gun.
    Inventory} She likes to carry around a plain yo-yo to have as a pastime. Fran may also have candy on her at times as she has a horrible sweet tooth.
    Strength} When she feels that someone shares similar ideals, interests, values, etc. she can become fiercely loyal to them. Fran can be quite the talker too, often working on catching enemies off-guard.
    Weakness} Fran can be quite selfish when it comes to decisions. If she doesn't like something, she'll either find a way to avoid it or simply ignore it.
    > Has a big ol' crush on Emerillia Omia. WolfSol WolfSol
    > Sees Stanley as a threat
    > Francene can actually sing very well.
    > She's not a big fan of flowers.
    > Franny is often known to be an adrenaline junkie.
    Snippet} I'll get up something in a bit.
[ Name ] Roscoe Lemmings
[ Alias ] Mouse
[ Age ] 20
[ Sex ] Male
[ Sexual Orientation ] pansexual
[ Occupation ] Omia medic
[ Enhancements ] Both arms have been replaced with prosthetics more equipped to handle medical procedures. He also has a prosthetic tail. It doesn't serve a specific purpose, it was just in fashion at the time he decided to get it.
[ Tools/Weapons ] He has a laser scalpel that he uses for both procedures and self defense.
[ Inventory ] He keeps a basic first aid kit on him at all times. He also keeps a stim toy with him for the times when his emotions overwhelm him.
[ Strength ] He's an extremely well trained and talented medic. He's very dexterous with his hands. His tail provides him with excellent balance.
[ Weakness ] His emotions easily get the better of him. Especially stress or anxiety in unfamiliar situations (strangely never during a procedure). He's quick to cry and can be very excitable when happy. He easily gets frustrated and cries when he's angry.
[ Appearance ]

Similar to this but it comes to a point at the end, not an arrow, it's also doesn't glow green or have the little pointy bits on the top. It's colored similar to his arm prosthetics
[ Biography ] Mouse was born to a very well off family of doctors. Early on he was educated so that he would be on the fast track to becoming a doctor himself. He finally completed his training and schooling when he turned nineteen. Not soon after his chip began to malfunction and was removed by a Lillian and he slowly but surely became an Omia medic, using his skills to help fight the All-Mother. He's still learning how to process, identify, and control his emotions. Therefore he often comes off as childish. The state of his family is that they're fine, but because they're chipped, they don't feel any emotions about him going missing, therefore aren't looking for him all too desperately.
[ Relationship ]
His relationship with Em is sort of an acquaintance. He might think of her as a friend but she might not think of him the same way.
He got his enhancements done by Stein
Lillian is the one who removed his chip.
[ Trivia ] Mouse is nicknamed so because as a young boy his ears were much bigger than normal. His favorite color is green. His scalpel is named Titan. He's an accomplished gardener.
[ Snippet ]
Mouse took the time to breathe in and out. Control. It was important for the procedure. He didn't have time to cry or get irritated as he was wont to do. He didn't have time for anything but his patient. His first patient. Well...not his first. He'd done many a procedure before. When he was chipped. And in control. But the stinging in his neck reminded him he was no longer in control.
In and out. Breathe. He was in control. He could do this. And he no longer has time to breathe. He dipped his robotic hands in the antiseptic bath all the way up to his biceps. He then was helped in donning skin-tight gloves, an apron, and a medical helmet.
Time to look at the damage.
He didn't know who his patient was. Could only see the wound. Everything else was lost to him as he got to work. It wasn't pretty, but Mouse didn't have time to wonder about how it happened or why. His dexterous fingers held perfectly still as he made cuts here and there, sewing up and fixing everything he could. When he was done, he lost count of all the stitches he made. Lost count of how much time had passed. His feet ached, his muscles sore. His patient would have a nasty scar, but they would live.
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-ferret- -ferret-
A few questions :)
- What is the appearance of the tail?
- What is his relationship with Emi Omia, one of the lieutenants (if any, it can be that he simply knows of her due to Omia connections)?
- Does he have knowledge of Stein and Lillian? Both of those characters are involved in mechanical or medical procedures, one is not chipped while the other is chipped.
- Was the chip forcefully or willingly removed? (forcefully removing a chip can potentially lead to future complications)
- What is the state of his family?
Similar to this but it comes to a point at the end, not an arrow, it's also doesn't glow green or have the little pointy bits on the top. It's colored similar to his arm prosthetics
I guess his relationship with Em is sort of an acquaintance. He might think of her as a friend but she might not think of him the same way.
If Stein is the only enhancement mechanic that's chipped, I'd say he got his enhancements done by him.
He knows of Lillian maybe because she's the one who removed his chip?
I'd say the chip was willingly removed, maybe it was malfunctioning a bit and he meant to get it replaced, but went to Lillian so he wouldn't get caught and once the chip was removed, he decided he didn't want to get a new one?
I'd say the state of his family is that they're fine, but because they're chipped, they don't feel any emotions about him going missing, therefore aren't looking for him all too desperately.
WolfSol WolfSol
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-ferret- -ferret-
Apologies that this is long. I tend to ramble, and definitely need to catch a bit more sleep XD If you have questions, concerns, or ideas do feel free to share!!

"Throughout the years, it has been discovered that some chips can malfunction. Malfunctions can occur from various external forces. Most malfunctions that occur can lead to the inability to handle and define emotions. For many, this can lead to insanity due to the inability to understand and handle the emotions that the All-Mother keeps at bay. All-Mother can sense and locate malfunctioned chips at times; however, she does not purposefully search and connect with her children to find such flaws on a daily basis. The same goes for chips that have been removed after a long period of time (children who become un-chipped are not always affected)." - Lore n Info

Chips are not easily removed, especially if they have been on a person for several years. Mouse has had their chip for at least 19 years, correct? They must have difficulty reading, defining, and even understanding emotion at times and have difficulty controlling their emotions or even bodily functions (how we sweat when anxious). In addition, they may have issues with cohesive thought and emotion. Perhaps working with various medical procedures helps them not focus on things like emotions and thoughts (like how you have it where procedures help them not stress or be anxious). So his anxiety and stress should not be the only two.

The Market removes chips, but they will not re-insert. That is a risky and dangerous process as it can lead to permanent damage. Malfunctioning chips are rare, but it can happen. That and All-Mother does not always hunt purposefully for those with malfunctioning chips; however, it would still be dangerous to wander around with one if discovered by a soldier.

On the why of how they became un-chipped... I will leave that up to you, if Mouse wanted it removed purposefully or if he wanted it out because it was malfunctioning and causing problems.

If you apply the difficulty of emotions in general (anxiety and stress can be the main problems/weaknesses still), then you are more than welcome to post to the main IC thread.
Alright, I'll alter my CS with the new information and change it so that he has problems with all emotions. He got his chip removed when he was nineteen, I don't know how much a year makes a difference in being able to learn, process, and identify emotions, but in the post I have written up, he's still learning.
If your character's name appears in the main IC thread, then your CS has been approved and you are good to go uh-postin'. If characters are not posted for in the next few days then your round will be skipped (in this instance, if Lillian is never posted for, then the Mecha will be considered "closed" for the day). Please remember that you may not take control of characters that are not your own unless permission is given!

If you feel stuck, please let Life or I know and we will help you out! That and it's okay if you have to drop, life happens!

-ferret- -ferret- FunkyLittleMothman FunkyLittleMothman rakshasa rakshasa AsterRose AsterRose Divon Divon Life. Life.
The Student
■ P R O F I L E
- name - Elis Brighton

- alias - --

- age - 22

- gender -

- sexuality - Bisexual

- occupation - Arok Acadmey Student

■ A B I L I T I E S
- enhancements - Elis bears red eyes that mimic a modernized camera lens. His eyes allow him to see great distances and be able to see in darkness. This enhancement has been with him since he was a child, and was given to him by his militant father.

- inventory -
- A pair of blue tint visors
- 6 inch knife
- Smartphone with one of All-Mother's endearing sayings as his wallpaper

- strength - Other than Elis's enhanced vision, he is also able to run for a long period of time. It is his only physical strength, and one that he does often in hopes to reach the speed of the Arok Empire's elite soldiers, the Hunters.

- weakness - Due to his enhancements, Elis holds a weakness to sudden or bright light. He often wears a visor to protect his eyes. Additionally, due to his build and a past surgery, he is physically weak when it comes to lifting above a certain weight.

■ A P P E A R A N C E
Elis wields a lithe body; in fact,he's likely the scrawniest of his family. His hair is a dark silvery blue that reaches past his ears halfway when straight. Its wintry strands often reflect the glow from his red eyes which have an uncanny ability to fluctuate in brightness. He bears grayish stubble that he hopes to grow out into a beard. Along his skin is the occasional faint etchings of panels and scars from a muscle restoration surgery he had years ago following an accident set up by terrorists.

■ B A C K G R O U N D
- trivia -
He is considering joining the Arokian Empire's army to follow in his brother and elder sister's footsteps.
Since he cannot lift weights well like his father and elder sister, Elis often runs to maintain a high level of stamina.
He is currently studying science in the Academy.

- relationship -

Elis Brighton

■ P R O F I L E
- name - Elis Brighton

- alias - --

- age - 22

- gender -

- sexuality - Bisexual

- occupation - Arok Acadmey Student

■ A B I L I T I E S
- enhancements - Elis bears red eyes that mimic a modernized camera lens. His eyes allow him to see great distances and be able to see in darkness. This enhancement has been with him since he was a child, and was given to him by his militant father.

- inventory -
- A pair of blue tint visors
- 6 inch knife
- Smartphone with one of All-Mother's endearing sayings as his wallpaper

- strength - Other than Elis's enhanced vision, he is also able to run for a long period of time. It is his only physical strength, and one that he does often in hopes to reach the speed of the Arok Empire's elite soldiers, the Hunters.

- weakness - Due to his enhancements, Elis holds a weakness to sudden or bright light. He often wears a visor to protect his eyes. Additionally, due to his build and a past surgery, he is physically weak when it comes to lifting above a certain weight.

■ A P P E A R A N C E
Elis wields a lithe body; in fact,he's likely the scrawniest of his family. His hair is a dark silvery blue that reaches past his ears halfway when straight. Its wintry strands often reflect the glow from his red eyes which have an uncanny ability to fluctuate in brightness. He bears grayish stubble that he hopes to grow out into a beard. Along his skin is the occasional faint etchings of panels and scars from a muscle restoration surgery he had years ago following an accident set up by terrorists.

■ B A C K G R O U N D
- trivia -
He is considering joining the Arokian Empire's army to follow in his brother and elder sister's footsteps.
Since he cannot lift weights well like his father and elder sister, Elis often runs to maintain a high level of stamina.
He is currently studying science in the Academy.

- relationship -


[ Name ]AY-424-RA
[ Alias ] Jaeger
[ Age ] 23-programmed
[ Sex ]Female-programmed
[ Sexual Orientation ]Undecided/Unprogrammed
[Appearance] 5'9 l 140lbs
[ Occupation ] Law enforcement
[ Enhancements ] Infrared-photoreceptors - Installed in Jaeger’s model as an upgrade from a base platform, it allows the unit a wider range of vision.

OCR tongue enhancement - It allows Jaeger to identify or scan items/liquids via her tongue.
[ Tools/Weapons ] Electric stun baton - A standard pacifier for the Arokian law enforcement forces.
[ Inventory ] None at the moment.
[ Strength ] Relentless in her pursuit of the truth and would tear her way through Judes for it.
[ Weakness ] As a full synthetic, she is aware of her own programming flaws and backdoors.
[ Relationship ] TBD
[ Trivia ] Jaeger has trouble distinguishing human emotions and in times would mistake one for another.
To that effect, she would inhibit emotional parameters from affecting her everyday routine.
In the off-chance that she chooses to fall into a human persona, she’d pick the human noir detective.
[ Snippet ]

“Time of death?”

Rigor mortis set in. Internal temperature slightly higher than ambient temperature. Jaw tight.

“Two to three hours ago.” She reports,digits retreating from the victim’s oral crevice.

The human officer hums, the lights on his enhancements strobing as if to elucidate his thoughts. “Cause of death?”

“Blunt weapon trauma.” She answers easily, moving the victim’s head slightly to show the black and purple bruise behind his neck. Judging by the area and width, it had been done with a blunt weapon and with considerable force.

“I’ll run his ID through the systems.” She almost misses the sergeant’s brow quirking.

“Hey wait--Ugh.” He groans, turning away. She licks her lips,rubbing the digit on the hem of her shirt. She doesn’t know why he’s so distressed about it. “That’s disgusting.”

Ignoring the sergeant’s complaints, “Umber Chet, thirty-two, lives in a residential block, prior records detected.”

“Right.” He stops mid-complaint, his jaw set. “How about you go visit his unit and I’ll take care of everything here?” The dimissial didn’t escape her, but she complied.

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