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Realistic or Modern We Were Dead Already { Zombie RP }

@LadyStanhope Sure no problem but from what I have seen your English is better then some people who has it as a native language.
I am from East Africa so if you are planning to RP in the wee hours of the morning, i will not be there. Right now its 10:50am EAT.
LadyStanhope said:
Yeah, I was wondering about that, too. Maybe same general area, but not as a group?
If we're not in a group as a whole, so you want to pair up and find the rest together. We can that's ok
Well, Nie prefers company:) I'd say yes. Sorry about the confusion, I understood the individual words, I just couldn't make sense of the sentence.
LadyStanhope said:
Well, Nie prefers company:) I'd say yes. Sorry about the confusion, I understood the individual words, I just couldn't make sense of the sentence.

No worries, reading it back, I didn't understand it either !!
@LadyStanhope @AidanCee Hi, sorry!! ^^; Yeah, I kinda left it up to whatever you guys wanted =P If you want to be together/with someone or not, it's totally cool w me uwu Just as long as you're relatively close so we can all meet up eventually (if we haven't already haha)
@HollowForce I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but... if it's possible, could you use a little more proper grammar...? ^^; If it's difficult or isn't your first language, I'd be happy to help =) I just know I used to get super confused at posts like that, so I wanted to make sure everybody understands =P Again, really not trying to sound rude or offensive ^^; Ty!!
TheFlyingWriter said:
@LadyStanhope @AidanCee Hi, sorry!! ^^; Yeah, I kinda left it up to whatever you guys wanted =P If you want to be together/with someone or not, it's totally cool w me uwu Just as long as you're relatively close so we can all meet up eventually (if we haven't already haha)
Thank you! I'll post later today, then, most likely together with @AidanCee, as soon as I can. Sorry, my days are kind of hectic now, but I'm still excited for this roleplay. :)
Well. I just got a phone call, so... Sorry, @AidanCee ! I post it now, and I'll pray to Lloth that I can actually get back later today...

Everybody, feel free to point out my grammar mistakes...
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