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We Meet Again (Miss Gracefull x Miss Fit)

Miss Graceful

New Member
Alright, so I'm horrible at titles, I'll think of a better one later. I'll also make this prettier later when I figure out the coding.

In elementary school, muse A and muse B were rivals, never getting along because of their wildly different personalities. Muse A was the Mary sue type that always got good grades, made friends easily, and tried to be the best they could be. Muse B was the rough type, making snide comments, keeping mostly to themselves, and often being very harsh to muse A. They were both relieved though when they transferred into different schools while entering Junior High, and now almost seven years later they see each other again in the same college. They instantly remember each other and attempt to avoid the other, but get stuck in several classes together, as well as the same co-ed dorm building, and seem to be pushed together at every chance.








Uh, if there's anything else just let me know. c:
Name: Rose White

Age: 18 years old

Personality: Rose is strongly driven to help others. She is normally a very quiet person and prefers to avoid arguments with others, but there are some things she cannot give up on. When she is, rarely, invoked into a fight she rarely lets the fight end until she is sure she has won. She tends to get her feelings hurt easily, even by accident, but will not tell anyone and instead keep it bottled up inside. During stressful or demanding situations Rose hands them very poorly and is unable to think on her feet, having top plan out most of everything she does.

Appearance: Click

Bio: Rose grew up with two caring older sister, both which went to great colleges. And while the three all love each other very dearly, rose constantly felt the pressure to be equal, if not better, to them. This lead to years of her teenage years locked away in her room to study. When she got accepted in her current university she was overjoyed, but her friends all made her promise to go out of her dorm every once in a while. So far her achievements in school have been her only major impact in her life and she worries that she will never be important.

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Name: Jordan Knightly

Age: 19 years old.

Personality: Jordan is a quick thinker, doing better with on the fly plans than really thought out stuff. Being more street smart than book smart is also something about him, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know anything when it comes to that. He tends to get into a lot of fights, even in college. But most of them aren't because he feels insulted. He just tends to step in and take someones place if there is a fight.


Bio: Jordan's parents didn't really care, and still don't. They've wanted to do with him, so he got into fights and got bad grades to get attention. It didn't work. His Aunt has taken him in, and actually does try to help. So he's straightened out a bit since high school. Though he lives on campus, he does visit his aunt every chance he gets for the most part. Though his aunt his tried to talk him out of fighting and the occasional ciggerate, he hasn't really given much thought to it.

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