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Fantasy We Be Pirates Rebooted - Out of Character Chat

Solemn Jester]Hey everyone I know the rp has been going slow and I've come up with a suggestion we could time skip to the prison break. I think it would help add some excitement it the rp and get it going again what's everyone think? @femjapanriceball [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6822-animegirl20/ said:
Works for me, also, @Zuka if you're going to join The Ship Mk. II maybe you could during the prison break or something.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Yeah figured you'd say that I was thinking it as I posted that last thing

just going to pop in to say that 100mph is a really slow bullet :)
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Yeah figured you'd say that I was thinking it as I posted that last thing

Ye..Wind can do virtually anything depending on the level of control.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Virtual anything is pushing it but yeah a high enough level of control can do lots

It can outright suffocate someone at range and do pretty much anything but heal. *shrug*
Can't set things on fire, can't bring back the dead, can't make things out of nothing, can't live forever, can't stop time xD lol those are just a few things you can't do with wind magic this has been Solemn jester with power hour where we tell you all about super powers
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[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Yeah I'm not a gun person don't know how fast bullets go

moat bullets, modern ones at least, travel in excess of 600mph
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Can't set things on fire, can't bring back the dead, can't make things out of nothing, can't live forever, can't stop time xD lol those are just a few things you can't do with wind magic this has been Solemn jester with power hour where we tell you all about super powers

You know what I meant >_>. And it can make ice. Technically.
LilyannaGaming said:
Dearly, Sorry for the late post. Wifi decided to Screw up.
Dark Beyond

waving him off, she clicked her fingers. She instantly was surrouned by her wisps. Laughing a bit, she looked to him. "Ahh, so it isn't a trick. Well, then there's no use and trying to trick you there. Don't worry bout the crew. I can handle my own. Now as for you little deal, I can handle the part with the navy. But what's with the ganging up on Fin? He hasn't been a problem to me." She said cocking her head. Sighing she snapped her fingers again, and the wisps moved back to there positions. Lifting her self, up with her powers, she dropped her sword to her side, it fell with a clank on the deck of her ship. She floated over to the blood dragon and was floating directly in front of the captain.

(Also @Mitchs98 )
You're a wee bit behind. All of the Phantom Lords are conversing together at a pub, and since Hades is one of them he's long gone.
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]Not without water you can't

Time for science:

You see, water is in the air. Humidity my friend. All around you. With wind magic one can condense the humidity into one area and freeze it by lowering the air temperature drastically. Thus forming ice.

Mitchs98 said:
Time for science:
You see, water is in the air. Humidity my friend. All around you. With wind magic one can condense the humidity into one area and freeze it by lowering the air temperature drastically. Thus forming ice.


felt this was appropriate here
[QUOTE="Solemn Jester]It's wind magic not humidity magic screw your science xD

Humidity is in the air, thus it falls into the realm of it ^-^. Humidity magic sounds lame and doesn't exsist :P
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]You're a wee bit behind. All of the Phantom Lords are conversing together at a pub, and since Hades is one of them he's long gone.

Oui! Like I said I dint get notifications and only read the one I was tagged in....
Yup fin called a phantom lord council and the Phantom Lords were all transported to the black flag pub by a magic mirror portal so yeah now they're talking about how they're going to save Leon

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