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Fantasy Warrior Chronicles Plot and Rules



  • Welcome to the Warrior Chronicles!
    Current admins:

    Mari, Rosie, and Cookie.

    Deep within the green of woodland outskirts, within the territory of lore, a sinister presence has made its existence known between the detached kingdom. A slayer has come to overthrow the two Kingdoms to give rise to his own. Taking kits one by one to their condemned fate, to give rise to his own Kingdom, the Kingdoms are accusing one another for their wrongdoing, resulting in further isolation between the two.

    Kits are now put on high security, nursing mothers refuse to leave the bounds of their Kingdom, and resources are dwindling, and fast. StarClan has been mute since, after leaving this prophecy, “Deep within the heart of stone, the soul rages for more bone”.

    The Kingdoms are running out of options to survive. Will they come together, or share the same demise?

    The Kingdoms
    Much like their lore counterparts, Nixie Kingdom & Pixie Kingdom have been deceiving and running amok against each other. Their mockery and malicious tricks have cast each Kingdom farther away from each other, resulting in betrayal and deception.

    Pixie Kingdom shares the characteristics of Pixies of lore, mischievous, benign creatures with a knack of harmless games, which can be taken into the extremes. They are harmless as best, unless provoked. Their carelessness can often result in tragedies, that is if they are given the opportunity to be offensive.

    Nixie Kingdom has derived their brute power from the Nixies of lore, witches of the deep blue, sirens of the waves. They are always on high alert, and wary of any outside influence. Their pride can be deadly, as their malicious attitude can take control of their overall being.

    Creatures of lore, now given the bodies of felines, live together outside human influence, to continue their games for time to come.

    Pixie Kingdom

    “Pixies dwell in the twilight, between day and night, between the heavens and the earth, between the conscious and the unconscious... where all things are possible, where our past and future meet, where we meet ourselves coming back. When we dance with the pixies, we dance with the reflections of our true selves and the true nature of the world.”

    Nixie Kingdom

    “A shape-shifting water fairy from early German folklore, the Nixie is infamous for singing enchanted songs to lure human prey to watery deaths. The Nixie is usually a malicious female river mermaid."
    Fairy Room

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