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Warning: 5 Amazing RP Ideas Inside


{vair-dee} ღ
The following plots are some ideas I'm interested in roleplaying. My only preference is that you're 18+ and literate. No smut will be tolerated or allowed, please fade to black. If you're interested in any of the plots, please discuss them with me HERE and please ping me.

Besides the plots listed below, I'm interested in....

  • an apocalypse plot with this character
  • a Master x Slave plot with this character
  • a best friends with eating disorders plot with this character
  • an airplane crash/stuck on an island plot
  • a Divergent or Chobits roleplay with OC's
  • vampire RP's with my OC Draven

Alice In Horrorland - Fandom/Horror/Fantasy My character, Alice, is now a grown woman, college-aged. Her adventures in Wonderland left her wishing for more. She finds herself daydreaming about the place she once visited and longing to go there once again. One day her dream comes true, but not in the way she had hoped. As she's reading in a chair by the mirror in her bedroom one night, your character, Ecila, a girl who looks just like her except with red hair and eyes, comes through the mirror and whisks her away into a version of Wonderland that Alice never thought possible. Alice's "clone," Ecila, has taken over Wonderland and turned it into a macabre place, where murder, twisted mind games, and torture are all the norm. Alice must team up with her friends to destroy Ecila.
Alice In Horrorland - Fandom/Horror/Fantasy (( Other characters in Wonderland can be played by us both as we cross their paths. Here's a picture of Alice and Ecila: Click. ))

The Twins - Romance/Horror/Slice Of Life My characters, twins
The Twins - Romance/Horror/Slice Of Life Maggie and Kendra, set up a dating profile together posing as just one person because they think it'll be fun to take turns being with the same guy. Your character, a handsome male, likes what he sees and contacts Maggie to set up a date. They date on and off for a few months, the twins taking turns going out with him, and after a few months things start to become serious. Maggie and Kendra become jealous of one another, each of them falling in love with your character. One night your character knocks on the door to pick up Maggie but hears a scuffle in the house. He rushes inside only to find Kendra dead on the living room floor, Maggie standing above her lifeless body with a knife in her hand.

We would start this RP out in the beginning, which is where the "slice of life" stuff comes into play. They would go on dates, the twins would have fun intermingling with him, etc. After your character finds the other twin dead in the house, anything could take place. He could become an accomplice by helping her hide the body, he could be aroused by the fact that she killed her own sister for him, they could end up enjoying what had happened and start killing elsewhere, etc. The playing field is completely open.

The Host - Fandom/Scifi/Romance My character,
The Host - Fandom/Scifi/Romance Evelyn Meyers, was once a human. Now she is the shell of a human inhabited by a Soul. Most of the Souls have left Earth since the humans found a way to remove them from their hosts, but a few remain. Evelyn is one of those that remain. She wanders alone, searching for a place to fit in among everyone else. Your character finds her dirty and dehydrated in the Arizona deserts and takes her in, but no hospital will help her because of what she is. Your character has to take care of her under the watchful eye of your disapproving friends and family, and eventually romance blossoms. But little do you know that Evelyn had the whole thing planned. By gaining your trust and love, she harbors more Souls back to Earth, inhabits them once again, and rids your kind of the technology they need to remove Souls from their hosts. They will take Earth over for good this time, or will they?

Raintree Manor - Horror/Gore taken

Your Worst Nightmare - Horror/Crime/Serial killer x Detective taken
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I literally am interested in almost all of these plots. Were there some that you were interested in more than others? If I was forced to pick, Your Worst Nightmare, The Twins, and Raintree Manor are probably my favorites, but I love them all!
@Verdi I'd be interested in the Twins RP, slice of life that takes "slice of life" a little too literal sounds fun.
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@FaithWynters Oh thank you, I'm glad you like them! I'd love to do Worst Nightmares. Do you have a particular detective character in mind?

@GhastlySquash Great! Who did you have in mind for your character? And do you prefer to RP via forums or over PM?

@SavvyCross Fantastic. I'm really quite excited to try this one out. Honestly, I came up with the idea on a whim after seeing the picture of the two sisters. The same questions that I asked Ghastly go for you. Do you prefer PM or forums? And what kind of couple will you be playing?

I don't have preset characters usually, but I can make one up for you rather quickly--depending on how much information you like in your character sheets. :) Maybe we could PM about your preferences?
@GhastlySquash If you're fine playing a male, I prefer that for this particular RP. I don't have any preferences for your character though, what he looks like, whether you use real, drawn, or anime pictures, etc. Though for his age, I think he should be around the same age as the twins, though I don't mind him being older! I'm all for the young female x older male thing. The twins are both 23, btw. Let's see, do you want to do character skeletons or just go along with the RP?
Probably just go along with the rp! We can have pictures but it would be fun to learn personality and backstory through the dating!
@GhastlySquash Okay, that's what we'll do then! I'll set up the forum. Do you think we should start off with me making an intro of the twins, and them coming up with the idea to make the profile?

Do you have any ideas for the apocalypse plot or is it still up in the air? I'd love to spitball with you and see if we can come up with something.
@Kiroshiven It's definitely open to ideas! I don't have a certain plot in mind. So I'd love to brainstorm with you. What did you have in mind?
I've got an idea of a rebel group fighting for the freedom of the people being experimented on in the last known human city. Your character gets caught up in a raid led by my character and it goes from there. It's a rough outline and could use some tweaking, obviously, but that's a concept I like.
@Verdi The experiments are trying to make humans surpass their normal limitations. They vary from robotic enhancement, to DNA splicing, to trying to unlock the mind's power through any means necessary. This normally comes with the robotic enhancements so that the body can handle all of the changes, but yeah. The experiments do tend to succeed, but the people aren't volunteering for them as they usually are traumatic, painful, and distance your from your friends and family.
Verdi said:
@GhastlySquash Okay, that's what we'll do then! I'll set up the forum. Do you think we should start off with me making an intro of the twins, and them coming up with the idea to make the profile?
@Verdi Yeah that sounds like a great idea, just send me a link to the forum when you can!
So, I would love to do the best friends with eating disorders thing. So long as it's done in a sensitive and realistic way. Also, I am wondering exactly what you mean. Do you want to have a roleplay where two best friends both have eating disorders, or something where only one does and the other finds out?

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