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Warlord and the magi


Hate burns like a raging fire
Long ago, in a time long forgotten. When beasts roamed the earth. Great kings ruled their kingdoms. Wars were fought in the names madians and gods alike. That time as fallen into books made of fairy stories. Parents tell their children of the stories, to bring a smile to their faces. To put them to sleep at night. But what they didn't know is all the stories were true. None would know. For a spell was put into place, so none would find out the truth. If the truth were to be found out, all hope would be lost. For the truth would unleash a power none could stand against.

In the year 40 b.c. there was a great war. That spread through the land. None were safe, if you didn't fight you would die. Great King Harold, rained over the world. He was a geatle king, but ruled wisely. People would come from all across the land for his help. And he would help those all in need. That made him loved as well as hated. The people that hated him stayed to the shadows. Waiting for their time to sink the world into utter darkness. They wanted to bring the down King Harold, wanted blood to cover the land. And their god said that it could be done. They prayed to their god of death, for months. For a sign of what was to come. But their prayers fell on deaf ears.

That was until one day he came unto one of his followers.in dream, he showed him. Showed him the way to bring down King Harold, they were to go deep into the forest. There among the creatures was a woman. She had a daugther, the most beautiful in the whole kingdom. She was very special, but they had to turn her to their side. She had to become evil and dark. That was the task that was set before them. They didn't know how they would bring this child into the fold. But none the less. They set out to find this woman and her child. They would not fail in this task.

Deep in the woods, a mother and her child lived a peaceful life. They didn't want or need for anything. The mother was so proud of her daughter, as any mother would be. She had grown up with the most gentle of hearts. Never turning away a hurt animal or person they came across in their woods. Her mother made sure that she would be a gentle soul. Because her daugther was special. She had powers unlike any seen in the world. One could call them god like powers. Her mother had known the truth after her daugther was born. But she would never tell anyone. Because they would all be after her and want her to fight on their side. Be them good or be them evil. Her mother couldn't risk that. She wouldn't lose her daugther. Now her daugther had grown to the ripe age of 20. Thought of as an old maid by most. Having never married or bore any children. But she was happy with her life. The peaceful life she had.

One night while working in her garden, that she loved so much. Having the love for growing things. She heard a scream come from her mother's house. She was horrified to hear the scream. She knew that only her mother was at home. Doing her cooking as she always did at this time of day. All she knew is that she had to help her mother. Gathering her skirt of her long dress. Running as fast as she could back to her home. She wasn't a fighter, in any sense of the word. But she would help her mother any way that she could. Her lungs were burning, as she reached the back steps of her childhood home. Bursting through the back door. She was greeted with the horror before her. Men standing in the little kitchen of her home, her mother laying on the ground in a pool of her own blood. She was shocked and frozen into place. Her body would let her move. No matter how much her body told her run from these men.

They walked around the little kitchen. There was no way out forward. Slowly her body comes to. She starts to back up to the door she just came through. What she didn't know was that there were men on the outside of the door waiting for her. As she makes her way back, keeping her eyes on them. As her foot meets the steps outside. She is grabbed by the men. Fighting as hard as she could, to get free of them. They just held in tighter. One if the men knocked her out. Falling limpy in their arms. They went to work tieing her up and putting her over a horse. They made their way back to their home.

Once they got back, they tried the easy way to get her to come to their side. But she wouldn't have any if it. They had killed her mother. She wouldn't do anything for them. So, they turned to beating her, torturing her and not giving her food. This went on for months. Until she broke. They started to train her in their evil ways. Fighting and dark magic. She was becoming just like they were. Becoming black and evil. They knew the time was coming. They would use her to take over the rain of the king.

As they got ready to take over the king. The king was making ready for them. He found out through his spies that the mean to take him down. They moved in and killing all that came into their path. Her staying back and killing all that she could see. Giving the cover that they needed. Getting to the kings throne room. The king was sitting on this throne. The king looked to be alone. But she, no matter what they did to her. Didn't know if she could do this. She knew that they would kill her if she didn't. This was her moment. Getting her dark magic ready, she hurls all her power at the king. Mages stepping out of the shadows, place her in a spell shield. Her magic wouldn't work. No matter how hard she tried to get it work. It couldn't work, she didn't know what would happen to her.

The men that came with her. All ran their plan had failed. The kings men taking her to the mage quarters. There they placed her in a box. Hiding it from the world never to see the light of day.

The years passed, she was caged in the darkness of the box. All alone, with her actions that she had done. She turned into a ball of guilt of her actions. She lived with that through the ages. Hearing the world pass her by. Moved from place to place. None knowing what was in the box. Thinking it was nothing more then a box sit on their table.

A 1000 years later, tomes have been read. The king now that ruled the land, learned of a box that would help take out his foes. He sent out his Warlord to find this box. They looked high and low for it. They had finally found it. The Warlord thought it was wrong in the kings part to find this box. It was just a box after all. To send out his army and him just for a box. But he did as he was told. And brought the box back to the king. The mages didn't know how to open the box. The worked day and night to open it. Only blood would open the box they found out. That is when the warlord was sent to bring back humans to be killed. All for the opening of this box.

The Warlord hated the king for this. He was called to be the one to kill these humans. With each kill he would hate the king even more. One the last human died for this box. It opened, and the women was spit out of the box. That is where our story starts.

Looking for the warlord for this. If you would like to do this with me. Please pm or comment below. Thank you for taking the time to read my thread.

I'm all about playing a Warlord, especially a vengeful one.

Are you looking for a specific type of Warlord with certain attributes and skills? Or is that open for my imagination?
Church418 said:
I'm all about playing a Warlord, especially a vengeful one.
Are you looking for a specific type of Warlord with certain attributes and skills? Or is that open for my imagination?
Oh please have fun with him!! I would love to see how you make him.
Are you wanting us to be allies or enemies? Or are you wanting that to flesh out through role play?
Alright. Well I'm ready when you are!

I'll also start working on my immediate officers and the units I would command. As a Warlord I would probably be in Command of a conglomerate of allied nations.

In your setting, are there multiple races or is it just humans?
I will work on her. I know what she does and all. But I have to find her picture lol. Picky woman I am lol.

Let's have fun, it can be all types of races. I will get to working on the starter. Oh pm or thread for this?

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