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Fandom War of the Primordials OOC

A couple notes to be aware of.

  1. There will be a meeting in the Big House either today or tomorrow(in RP time), which of the characters are the counselors of their cabin? Not everyone will be, it's fine, but I do need to know.
  2. Your character will not be invited on the quest simply because you want them to be, there has to be a reason. So if your character never associates with anyone, then they won't be invited, if they aren't mildly friendly, then they won't be invited, so on and so forth.
  3. Other stuff, probably.
I think Pierce wouldn’t be one of the counselors just because he’s only been there for two whoops, three years. He’s respected by his fellow campers but not a counselor c:
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I'll bite at being a counselor, but I'll balance it by not having Jessamond being superior but by having a low number of cabin mates.
I could be being dumb, but doesn't Apollo have like a bunch of kids?
Why is it I always have an opposing view from you, or your friend, specifically?
1) seeing as this isn't Exactly related directly to the Percy Jackson plot... Storyline... What have you, I think I can take a liberty or two.
2) the children of the God Apollo really don't affect your character at all
And 3) I specifically said I was writing it that way so that it made sense.

Any more questions?
As i indicates Felicity will be a councellor. Shehas the queen bee status and beenthere for a chunk of years so i assume she would.
I also think Ginny would be due to also being there for a good few years.

I will get a post up by the end of the day (my time) It's 8 at the moment.
Uni has been a bit full on sorry for the delay
Why is it I always have an opposing view from you, or your friend, specifically?
1) seeing as this isn't Exactly related directly to the Percy Jackson plot... Storyline... What have you, I think I can take a liberty or two.
2) the children of the God Apollo really don't affect your character at all
And 3) I specifically said I was writing it that way so that it made sense.

Any more questions?
Dude, chill, it was a question. You don't have to be so hostile about it.
I also think Ginny would be due to also being there for a good few years.

I will get a post up by the end of the day (my time) It's 8 at the moment.
Uni has been a bit full on sorry for the delay
No need to apologize, school obviously comes first. I hope it all relaxes soon for you.
Dude, chill, it was a question. You don't have to be so hostile about it.
I'm gonna be an adult about this. I can tell that I might have some ill or, at the most, less than friendly viewpoints toward this member. Since they have posted already and I haven't, I will go ahead and resign from this rp. Call it a hunch, but I don't want to make any issues when there are none at the current time. Thanks for your consideration and I really do hope this role play goes far. You guys have some truly lovely and unique characters and I hope to write with you all in the future. Thanks!
I'm gonna be an adult about this. I can tell that I might have some ill or, at the most, less than friendly viewpoints toward this member. Since they have posted already and I haven't, I will go ahead and resign from this rp. Call it a hunch, but I don't want to make any issues when there are none at the current time. Thanks for your consideration and I really do hope this role play goes far. You guys have some truly lovely and unique characters and I hope to write with you all in the future. Thanks!
I completely agree, I think that's the best idea. Good luck to you.
So, after some making up behind the scenes, me and Ctrl have buried the hatchet... And I think I made a new friend.

I'm sorry for the earlier outburst and, if you guys will have me, I would like to rejoin.
So, after some making up behind the scenes, me and Ctrl have buried the hatchet... And I think I made a new friend.

I'm sorry for the earlier outburst and, if you guys will have me, I would like to rejoin.
If Ctrl is comfortable with it, then it's allowed, but please avoid any more OOC drama, or any drama whatsoever, that goes for everyone. Let's all get along, please.
So, after some making up behind the scenes, me and Ctrl have buried the hatchet... And I think I made a new friend.

I'm sorry for the earlier outburst and, if you guys will have me, I would like to rejoin.
If Ctrl is comfortable with it, then it's allowed, but please avoid any more OOC drama, or any drama whatsoever, that goes for everyone. Let's all get along, please.
I'm 110% comfortable with it. It was just a misunderstanding.
Yes what my friends said. If there is a said issue or in this case a misunderstanding in any way, its more decent to simply to take it to the DMs rather to have unnecessary drama in the OOC!

Anyways, glad to have you back.
I can see Lily being the counselor of her cabin, if that's not a problem c: (hey its me, miss. late responses)

And also it's good to see that any issues were sorted!
I can see Lily being the counselor of her cabin, if that's not a problem c: (hey its me, miss. late responses)

And also it's good to see that any issues were sorted!
I will still call you miss indecisive lol

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