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Wanted RP partner


New Member

So.. to keep this short and simple:

-Prefer somewhat detailed and long replies (at least a paragraph or two) unless we're talking to each other. If two characters are talking it's nice to give the other character time to respond before continuing- ya know?

-Consistent: Someone who at least replies once a day if not more- but if you're particularly busy on some days, that's fine too.

-Good Grammar: This is self-explanatory.

Plots I dislike:

-Modern Drama

-Battle based RPs

-Vampires and Werewolves

-Fandom based RPs (simply because I am not part of many fandoms)

Unless it's: Undertale or Wolf Among Us >

Love those two fandoms<

Stories and Plots I like:

- Historical <3 Love everything about this one

- Sci Fi As long as it's well thought out

- Fantasy <3

- Mystery Again, needs to be well thought out

- Modern with a twist For example: we're all trapped in a weird crooks game or something

- Romance integrated into another genre

- etc.

Lastly, I LOVE Dark, Twisted, Crazy, Fucked-up characters (nothing disgusting like rapists or anything but I like playing villains that aren't as bad as they seem). So I suppose you should expect cussing from my characters?

I have a few story ideas...

1. History/Action You're the daughter of a noble family, however due to some upcoming trouble (maybe you're mischievous, someone is targeting your family, your guards are untrustworthy, etc.) they decided to hire a thief with a little bit of a reputation to guard you. As the plot thickens we eventually have to help each other out. Guards target my group of thieves and you're in trouble with the royal family? Something like that.

2. Assassins/Angst (but fun angst!)/Modern/Mystery

There's an assassins guild that's located somewhere near Japan- on one of those unclaimed islands. Most people who join don't know what they're getting into, however it's too late to back out once you're in. People join because of debt issues, to run away, to teach themselves martial arts, and there are also the one's who enjoy killing. Anyways-

You're out on a mission one day to finally remove the target you've been tracking for days when you get a call from your oh-beloved not so beloved friend who tells you to scram before you get caught in something bigger than yourself...

In both scenarios I think it'd be cool if the characters started out hating each other and slowly become friends as time went on.'

PM or reply below if you're interested! I know I seem a little picky but I am open to new ideas and suggestions!


Hello! ^^

I'm just wondering if romance is a requirement? It wasn't specified but I just want to make sure.
No of course not! I suppose the first suggestion leans toward romance?

Otherwise I'm open to suggestions or #2.
I'm interested in the first plot. The only question I have is if you're okay with just doing realistic face claims? I prefer that over anime. I don't know which you prefer so... Thats why I'm asking. xD
@QueenOfDisaster I'm okay with either. I usually do drawings or paintings of characters. I found a little trick that if you type "fantasy" and whatever you're look for such as "thief, assassin, warrior, mage, etc." It gives you a good variety of characters on google.
Oh okay. Well, I'm still interested in the first plot. So if you'd like to rp with me or start talking about it, pm me please?
Vlass said:
@QueenOfDisaster I'm okay with either. I usually do drawings or paintings of characters. I found a little trick that if you type "fantasy" and whatever you're look for such as "thief, assassin, warrior, mage, etc." It gives you a good variety of characters on google.
I know I'm butting in this part of the conversation. He is right. I haven't been able to find half of what I want unless adding fantasy added to it. You may find that one particular thing you like that hasn't bee used or that really speaks to you.
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So I'm in a lot of RPs at this point so I probably cannot RP with anyone else- sorry!

Thanks for the interest, and if anything you're free to steal the ideas and RP with someone else.

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Interested! I'm up for anything, Just PM me. My grammar is good, although I could make simple mistakes due to the fact I'm not a native English speaker. I'm also an experienced role player. Everything you just listed is EXACTLY what I'm into.
Is this still open? I'd love to write with you!

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