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Fandom Walt's Dreamers and Doers (Disney College RP)


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Walt's Dreamers and Doers


"The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique."
~ Walt Disney

In Character

Does anyone really enjoy student-life participation requirements?

The idea is simple enough. Statistics show that students who are more involved in their university have lower rates of drop out.

Enter Walt’s Dreamers and Doers. Here gather the misfits, the outcasts, the ignored, and the misunderstood. Founded on ideals of individuality, quirkiness, and oh yeah- Walt Disney -what began as a do-nothing title to add in your account under student participation has blossomed into something much bigger than anyone could have anticipated.

Getting through college is no walk in a theme park, but when you have friends like these, there’s no better time or place to start making your dreams come true.

This is a casual RP based on an extracurricular organization called Walt’s Dreamers and Doers, and the members are all college students based on characters from the Disney Universe. While the setting is a university, the main focus will be on character interactions and the time they spend together at the club.

The GMs for this RP are MyUsualTriumph MyUsualTriumph and Wishfully Wishfully , and you can contact us via PMs

or post in the OOC if you have any questions!

Rules for posting:

- Please post at least once every two weeks. If you have not posted in two weeks without letting

the GMs know, you will be considered inactive and must resubmit your character for approval.

- The post minimum is 2-3 paragraphs (~400 words).

- Tag users whose characters you are interacting with.

- Most importantly: have fun!

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Finn Downard
Meeting #1 - Club Room​

"Of course, it was a left at Frontierland Way, not a right at Tomorrowland Speedway..." Phineas muttered to himself as he finally pulled into the student parking lot at WDU. You'd think after three years in attendance, he'd stop making these ridiculous directional errors, but, no luck. His friends used to joke that Phineas would even forget his own name if it wasn't sewn into his underwear. The sad part was that they were probably right. But, Finn was getting better about remembering things. It was certainly a long-term project. Finn reached and removed the keys from the ignition of his blue mini cooper, taking a minute to look over the clownfish keychain. He smiled at it fondly. His mother had gotten it for him when he joined the swim team at school his freshman year of high school. There was something about it... He could look at it and remember things he had previously forgotten.

Finn had not forgotten how exciting today was going to be. Two years ago, Finn found himself in a really lonely place. Attending WDU meant moving away from his friends and family, and his roommate the first year had not been that friendly of a person. He stayed away from his dorm room, and spent a lot of his time more or less wandering around on campus. That was until a bubbly girl in a polka dotted dress invited him to some club called Walt's Dreamers and Doers.

And now he was the president.

Finn spent the day preparing for the first meeting. He was excited, but also kind of nervous. Excited, because he'd finally be seeing his friends again. But, nerves were inevitable. He felt a huge weight on his shoulders to keep the club on the up and up. They'd done some recruiting over the past two weeks before clubs actually began meeting and there were some new recruits interested.

Walt's Dreamers and Doers was for everyone, and he hoped new members would make it their home just as the others had made it theirs. Finn glanced at the clock. 4:25. People would be arriving any minute now. With an anxious grin, he pulled up the agenda on the projector. Here goes nothing.

Guillaume Henderson
location: Dreamer's and Doers Club Meet
mood: Happy

outfit: X
with: N/A (open to interaction)
mentions: Chastity
tags: N/A

"Morning in Paris, the city awakes to the bells of Notre Dame."

'Hmm, this room seems roomier than last year...' Guillaume muttered to himself as he finally reached his dorm room, the same one he had lived in last year. The fact that it appeared more spacious probably had something to do with the fact that his former roommate was not taking up an absurd amount of space with comic books strewn all over the place. That had almost driven him mad last year. He and said roommate Lucas had got along rather well apart from the comic books that had managed to end up on his side of the dorm. Considering they were the guys prized possessions, he sure was careless with them.

Placing the last of his things on his side of the room, Will stretched, checking his watch. In a few minutes he was to head over to a club meeting. Being the socialite he was, Will was in many extracurricular activities, but by far his favourite was Walt's Dreamers and Doers. It was the club he had been in since his first year at WDU and it held a lot of special memories for him, like the first time he met his now best friend Chastity, who he had an inkling would probably be asleep and miss part of the first club meet of the year. Leaving the room he began making his way to the club meet, when he got there, people were already arriving and he shot them a signature bright and friendly smile.
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James pulled up into the parking lot in his old pick up truck.The WDU parking lot was still pretty empty, giving the athlete a perfect parking space. He wore his usual black t-shirt with blue gym shorts. "I really need a haircut." he muttered to himself as he pushed his dark brown shaggy hair out of his eyes. He carried his light blue backpack on his left shoulder. Looking at the university he couldn't help but remanence on his day at WDU. It seemed like a whole new world to him, he was excited and also a tiny bit scared. The club really helped him meet friends and grow. That was how he met Natalia. The two were similar, both liked track, lived healthy lifestyles, and were family oriented.

"Thanks for driving." a female voice said and shut the door. James and Natalia carpooled together frequently. Natalia wore black dress pants with a white ruffled blouse. Her long blond hair was tied back in a ponytail. Instead of a backpack the business minded women opted for a briefcase which had her laptop and other notes. She was happy to come to the club, hopefully help any new comers that needed help. The transition was exciting but could be confusing too.

"Of course. Can't believe how fast the years are flying by, you know?" James asked. Natalia couldn't help but agree. It did seem like yesterday she was saying good bye to her family when she left for WDU. Now she was almost done with school, just another year left. The duo headed onto campus and towards the club meeting.

"Morning." James said happily and had his classic goofy grin. It was only Finn and Guillaume in there so far. "Good morning." Natalia added and smiled. She couldn't help but chuckle at James's goofy grin. The duo sat next to each, waiting for more people to pour in and get the meeting started.

Katherine Darlington
location: Dreamers and Doers Meeting Point
mood: queasy, apprehensive, ridiculous
outfit: X
with: N/A (Open to interaction)
mentions: N/A
tags: N/A

"I'm too tired to listen, and too old to believe all these childish stories."

Katie had truly been doing her best to keep a low profile on her first day at Walt Disney University. Anonymity was what she wanted, and so she kept her head low, her shoulders slightly hunched and her hands in the pocket of her skirt one clutching her favourite ballpoint pen for life. Although she was avoiding direct eye contact with most everyone, she was still very much observing the various students around campus. The fictional archetypes and stereotypes were rife, just by body language and apparel she could draw up wild stories of who they all might be in her head. Though she quickly tried to push her imagination to the back of her mind once she realised what she was doing.

'Making up wild stories about people is a perfect way to make friends, great start Katherine,' she chided herself under her breath just as a cheery girl in red and white polka dots approached her, making Katie jump suddenly.
'Hi there! Welcome to WDU, feel free to check out our club!' the girl beamed at Katie, who gave her an uneasy smile and politely took the flyer she was holding out for a club called Walt's Dreamers and Doers.

'Um, thank you. I'll be sure to....take a look...'

In her rational mind, Katie was completely opposed to joining a club of complete strangers, but the less rational, more emotional Katie secretly craved the opportunity to talk to someone again. It had been so long since she'd trusted anyone but her little brother Daniel, and even they were now growing apart.

After an intense battle waged between both sides of her mind, Katie heaved a sigh and trudged along to the meeting place, head down and hand still clutching her pen. A few people were already milling about when she arrived, and she hung close to the exit, so she could make a dash for it if needs be.
coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
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Demitri Videl
Location: Club meeting room | Wearing: This | Interacting with: Katie PixieDust PixieDust

Demitri strolled through the courtyard, past the new freshmen with maps unfolded comically as they struggled to locate buildings. He avoided the section littered with clubs and organizations trying to recruit new members. He’d been there and done that. It was his last year at WDU, and he wasn’t about to join anything new at this point.

Demitri was involved in plenty of extracurricular activities, though most of them were for advancing his career, and many weren’t affiliated with the school. The only real club he’d joined just for kicks was Walt’s Dreamers and Doers, and that had only been to fill the university's social activity requirement. Yet, somehow he found himself returning every year, and now here he was again.

He walked through the door, immediately greeting everyone with a hello. He stood in the doorway and scanned the room, noticing that a few of the others had already arrived. Demitri gave a nod to everyone, though he didn’t see anyone he was particularly inclined to talk to more than another. Then from the corner of his eye, he noticed someone not sitting with the others toward the center of the room.

“If you’re going to stand next to the door like that, the least you could do is open it for people walking in, darling.” He rolled his eyes when he didn’t receive an immediate response. Demitri glanced over and saw a female dressed in pastel that he didn’t recognize. Well then, maybe it was too soon for jokes with this one. “Oh come on, lighten up- I’m only teasing. You must be new here. Name’s Demitri."

Celeste Wallace
Location: Dorm room | Wearing: This | Mentions: Cassandra @Revalia

Celeste grabbed the last two bags from the trunk of her aunt’s car, letting out a sigh of relief. She could’ve sworn she didn’t have that much stuff, but it had taken quite a few trips to get all her things into the dorm room. Celeste set her bags down on the sidewalk and gave her aunt a hug goodbye.

“Thanks for helping me move, Aunt Eva. I’ll call you in a few days once I’m settled in…if I’m still alive.” The middle-aged woman laughed and assured Celeste that she would be fine and that college would be a blast. Celeste wasn’t so sure, but she hoped so. Within a few minutes, her aunt’s car was gone, and she was standing alone on the sidewalk. There was no going back now, that was for sure.

Celeste made her way up to the dorm that was slowly becoming more familiar to her. Of course, her bags were all sitting in a pile and had yet to be unpacked; however, she didn’t want to make too much of a mess before her roommate arrived. After they got room assignments, Celeste reached out on social media in hopes of breaking the ice. She was lucky. Cassandra seemed like a really nice girl that she would get along with, but Celeste couldn’t help but be a little nervous to meet her in person.

She sat down on one of the beds and pulled out her phone to check the time. The phone had been on silent, and she hadn’t noticed the call from her mother while she was busy moving in. Celeste played the voicemail and sighed as her mother’s voice apologized for not being able to drive her to the campus for move-in and assuring her that they’d see her soon and she’d do great in college. Pretty typical. Celeste couldn’t be bothered or let it dampen her spirits- she was ready for a new start and new friends.

Chastity Briar
location: WDU Parking lot
mood: dazed, flirty and sleepy
outfit: X
with: Cassandra and Luke
mentions: Will
tags: @Revalia r e i r e i

'You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.'

Chastity Briar rolled over slightly in her sleep, a small smile gracing her beautiful features as she became tangled further in her pale pink floral duvet. She wrapped an arm under her pillow as though it were a suitor she had spent the night with and continued to doze in dreamland, probably thinking about that exact scenario. It was now nearly three-thirty in the afternoon and yet nothing could stir her from her slumber until...

The sound of her door opening and a new presence had entered. The pale blonde opened one eye, knowing it was her sister Cassandra come to interrupt her. She promptly pulled the covers over her head, ignoring her, but just as she did so, the sheets were unceremoniously pulled from her and the chill of the sweet candle scented air hit her, causing her to wrap her arms around herself. Sitting up, her grey eyes darted to her sister and she tilted her head to one side, her bed hair flopping onto her face so she didn't look quite so graceful for once. She pouted. 'Cassie I was sleeping, now I'm cold!'
'Oh put a sock in it Rosie, we are going to be late because of your lazy bum,' Cassandra said.

Despite Chastity being the elder sibling, she hardly acted as such most of the time. Especially when sleep was involved. 'Come on and get up. We don't want mum and dad to come bugging us more than they already did to me.' Chastity's face fell and she nodded her understanding at this, knowing full well their parents would give them a hard time over the simplest of things. She ran a hand through her messy mane of golden hair and slumped slightly.
'Okay, okay, just let me text Will to ask what time the....' Chastity suddenly let out a small gasp and placed a slender hand to her lips. 'Oh it's a club meet today isn't it?' she said, as though Cassie hadn't just been talking about that exact thing.

She scrambled out of bed, picking up random clothing she had strewn all over the floor and shoving them into her already full suitcase (mostly filled with non-essentials like hair curlers and fashion magazines). The girl resembled an over excited golden retriever. She barely registered anything her sister was saying to her now as she packed and repacked, changing her mind on what outfits she should take back to university with her.

Once she was finally done, she headed to her car, turning on her go to driving song 'A Thousand Miles' by Vanessa Carlton and began singing (or attempting to) as she waited for Cassie to join her. Once she was in the car she continued to sing as they drove, much to Cassie's chagrin. 'Go on, the sooner we get there the sooner my ears will stop bleeding. You know you move so well you really should stick to dancing Rosie.'

Chastity smiled brightly, clearly not registering the sugar coated insult. "Aww thanks sis, I just wish they would let me dance for a living,' she sighed, referring of course to her parents. Her face suddenly fell as she finally registered Cassie's comment. 'Wait...what's wrong with my voice?'
'Oh nothing, you must've misheard me, your voice is simply outstanding Rosie.' Chastity shot her sister a fond smile, rolling her eyes at her sarcasm as she parked in the university parking lot and stepped gracefully out of her car, her long legs on display as she got to her feet and looked around for a familiar face, forgetting that she had somewhere to be.

'Hey sexy mama, haven't seen you in a while,' someone addressed her and she automatically turned to the source of the compliment, not a bit offended as she always was the type to like attention. The speaker was Luke Raggs, a mutual friend of hers and his tone was only casually flirtatious. Neither of them were really interested in one another, so flirting was very easy. 'Well it's nice to see you too, good looking!' she replied coquettishly, 'Cassie's here too,' she inclined her head toward her sister. She had always had an inkling the boy liked Cassandra more than he would let on, and Chastity loved match making.
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location: club room (dreamers and doers) | with: - | tags: [USER=16338]@PixieDust[/USER] [USER=36399]@Revalia[/USER] [USER=5777]@Wishfully[/USER] 'Are you certain you packed all the clothing you need, pet?'

Lydia glanced over at her laptop screen. She had her mother on video chat whilst she began to unpack some of her belongings. She did love her mother dearly, however she could be a nuisance. Daphnee LeBeau worried far too much about insignificant things. Hence, it had been with regret that Lydia accepted her request to talk.

'Yes mum, I am absolutely sure of it. Please don't-

Lydia could barely say another word before her mother interjected.

'Your socks? undergarments? you know, an extra sweater never hurt anyone...'

'Mum,' Lydia was now visibly bothered. In spite of being known for her patience, she did have the slightest temptation to say a rather abrupt goodbye. 'Everything is here. I can assure you for the ninth time. Now, please tell me if there's anything you would like to address before I leave. I have a club meeting quite soon.'

Her mother heaved a sigh. She was evidently irritated that Lydia had cut her off in the midst of her checklist. 'Well, aside from ensuring that you will not be ringing me up at one in the morning whilst we're all away, I believe everything's sorted?'

Lydia furrowed her brow. The girl could not recall her mother ever discussing a holiday or business trip of any sort. 'Whilst you're all away?'

'Yes, dear. France. Anyhow! It appears as though we have some guests so i'm going to have to love you and leave you. ta-ta, pet,' her mother blew her a quick kiss before quickly switching off the video chat, leaving Lydia baffled.

The second year student slumped back in her chair - something that she would be scolded for at home. However, Lydia could not care less about her poor posture at this point. She felt both overwhelmingly confused and indignant. France? They were going - to France? If that was the case, the spontaneous trip made Lydia feel surprisingly resentful. All the girl had wanted was a little adventure, now her family was seemingly going on one without her. Lydia had half a mind to scream. Though as her mother would say, it would not be very 'lady-like' of her.

Lydia could only hope that her mood would improve before she arrived at the club. It did, barely. However she did not wish to bring down morale. She had entered the room with a faint smile on her face and had been mildly surprised to see a couple of people so close to the exit. She recognized one as Dmitri, yet could not recall the name of the brunette female. She assumed that she was a first year. 'Good morning,' Lydia greeted them both briefly as she quietly shut the door behind her.

Turning back to face the room, she glanced over the few people who had already arrived. She felt partially disappointed upon not yet seeing Cassandra. Though, she held no problem with anyone else in the club - she just wasn't as close. 'Hey,' she waved rather sheepishly to those in the room before taking her own seat - not particularly near of far from anyone.



Location: Campus Outfit: x Mentions: @Revalia PixieDust PixieDust Scenario: Cute Girl.... Tags: @Revalia PixieDust PixieDust

Luke wakes up in his bed, he looks around noticed a girl next to him. He signed, he must have taken her back here after the party last night. He smirked as he started to remember what happened last night. Let's just say he doesn't regret taking her back to her dorm. He quietly leaves his bed, as he gets dressed. Luke had a club meeting today, and he couldn't be late. He grabs his shoes as he finishes getting dressed. He also grabs some paper and a pencil.

Luke then walks outside his dorm, leaving the girl he was with last night still sleeping with a note beside her side of the bed. Giving her his number and asking her to lock the door after she leaves and wakes up. He walks towards the club room, once he's out of his dormitory. He looks around for other members walking to the club room dishearted that he sees none until he sees blond hottie named Chastity and grins. Luke runs to her and said

"Hey sexy mama, haven't seen you in while." It was true, he hadn't seen her since the last club meeting. They are taking different majors so it makes sense that he wouldn't see her around alot. He takes Computer Science while she takes Criminal Law. They wouldn't have many classes together if any. Luke grins happily at her as she smiles at him.

"Well it's nice to see you too, good looking! Cassie's here too!"

Luke blushes and smiled softly at Cassie, Chasity's sister. She has been on his mind multiple times, and never really left. He doesn't understand why she's stuck on his mind. Yea she's beautiful, smart, adorable, happy, sweet, and pretty damn kind. Ok, yea he may have a bit of an issue. "Hello Cassie!" He does his famous smirk and wink as he turns back to Chasity. "Well, I would love to have the honor to escort the lovely and ever so beautiful Chasity to the club if I may?" He looks at Cassie wondering if it would be ok too.



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