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Fandom Waking Worlds and Curious Faces -- Yogscast RP

"I never said I knew why it happened, but it did. I can't let it happen again," Rythian reiterated, but when Lalna continued he went silent, looking away from the man. He didn't want to admit it... but the scientist was right. Running head into the Forest would get him killed and he didn't know if Zoeya was in there or not. He could only hope she was with Teep and safe until he could find her.

At the laul in their argument Nano butted in, "Okay, okay, you've got a pretty big problem on your hands... uh... we, we can help out with this, right Lalna? We've got a portal we can help him gear up and, and find this Zoeya person and then we can all be... not... yelling?" She said, her voice raising in tone with her nervous anxiety. She'd been in fights before. She'd been blown up before. But she'd never seen a true argument with Lalna and someone else and it was kind of terrifying to watch the two butt heads like this.
Lalna practically jumped as he had forgotten that Nano was there, somehow. "Right, sorry Nano. Yes, yes we can help him out and give him some gear and such but he's not going anywhere until his wound heals a bit more. If he dies we're not sure where he'll respawn and that won't help anybody. I guess, either we wait or we go looking for Zoeya ourselves."
"I can go scout through the Twilight Forest if you really need someone to do so quickly. I've got a jetpack down stairs and I know my way around to some extent." Nano said with a weak smile.

Rythian just sighed, "Fine, fine, fair enough... But as soon as I've healed enough, I will be leaving..." He muttered. He didn't enjoy being around Lalna, let alone being stuck here for awhile.
Lalna nodded, "Nano, can I speak to you a moment before you go? I'll tell you about who you're looking for." He started pulling her away downstairs before she could say anything. "Alright so, you can hit me over the head for lying later, yes I kind of sort of know this guy but that's besides the point. What I wanted to say is that, well, we've been in all over the Twilight Forest and there's never been much of a sign of anyone else being in there except the people we already know. I don't know if, I guess I have a theory that the Twilight Forest is a sort of pocket dimension that comes with whatever world we're in. So the Twilight Forest that Rythian was in was destroyed with the old world, ah, making this world sort of a copy? Of the one we were originally in. Of course, this is all just my theory, I could be completely wrong I just find it very odd that we never ran into them in there..." He sighed, "What I'm saying is give a good look around for a girl with red hair and uh- what else about her she had like these tattoos on her arm? Oh maybe you- should have asked Rythian what she looks like now before I dragged you down here huh?" Lalna rubbed the back of his head, oops.
Nano sighed before listening to him, her arms crossed at his explanation, "Yea, I'll definitely get you for lying later, but give it to me straight, do you think that the people he's looking for are in the Twilight Forest? I just... he seems close to them and I don't want to get his hopes up..." She said, looking back at the stairs before she looked back at Lalna, a frown on her face.
"Like I said, I don't know. It- it could all just be silly theory. I mean honestly if we wanted to know who was in this world we'd have to talked to the gods themselves." Lalna responded. "I think, a quick look around will be good, but I don't trust you'll find much since we've been around the Twilight Forest before without much sign of someone actually living there besides the monsters. And the time there had never really affected us in the way that it held back Rythian for all that time. It all just seems a bit, odd?"
"Maybe, but I don't know Lalna... this whole place is still weird and odd to me... I mean, Sjin barely taught me anything and Sips blew me up..." Nano mumbled, rubbing her head at the memories and her lack of anything before Sjin... it just felt... empty and she didn't know what to think about it, "All I know is that if they're there, a quick fly around should confirm something, right? So I think I'll ask him what she looks like and I'll head out... but uh... are you both gonna be okay here?" She asked, looking at Lalna with a frown. The tension between him and Rythian had become quite clear to her when they were upstairs.
"Yes, it should. Unless they're underground for some reason it would be easy to cover a lot of the pocket dimension and see if there's any sign of them, but remember that nearly everyone else has been in that dimension, so it's not guarantee that a sign of someone being there means it was them." Lalna paused at Nano's words, are we both gonna be ok here? Lalna thought for a moment. He smiled at Nano, "Perfectly fine I'm sure! I mean hell, I could probably go down the elevators into the basement and out the back door if I have to get outside. Besides, I have a stabby thing, he doesn't! And even if he wanted to choke me to death he probably couldn't get his hands around my fat ass neck." Lalna said in good humor.
Nano frowned, drifting topics as she looked at Lalna, her eyes searching his face as she spoke, "Lalna, what... what was he talking about that you're responsible for what happened? Why does this guy have a grudge against you and why are you so afraid of him." She asked, her voice stern. It was a bit amusing how often Lalna ended up being on the chided end of a conversation with Nano despite her being his apprentice. Normally she'd have let this thing slide, not one to poke at his history when she couldn't remember her own, but this felt... serious this time.
Lalna's smile turned into a frown quickly, his eyes looked a bit distant, perhaps? "Can we talk about that later, maybe? I'll- I'll try to explain to you what I can I promise just, not now." He pleaded.
Nano sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose, "Fine, but you owe me an explanation this time, Lalna. No... no jokes or lies, please." She muttered before walking up the stairs to go consult Rythian on what this 'Zoeya' person looked like and leaving Lalna to his own thoughts and problems.
Lalna sighed and sat down on the bottom step, head in his hands. He needed to think over what he'd tell Nano later. He waited for Nano to come back down, "If you run into any trouble, remember to go for the throat, except on nagas which you should probably avoid. As well as the hydra, and don't go in any mazes. Just remember what I told you about the Twilight forest in general. Oh and our comm devices won't work across dimensions." Once Nano was out the door with a fully charged jetpack on her back, Lalna went to the small kitchenette on the first floor. It wasn't much of a kitchen but it was enough. Lalna picked up a basket of vegetables from the garden that were picked that day and started to wash and cut them up to be put into a soup.
Nano nodded, "I'll be fine, I promise." She said with a smile before she left off for the portal, taking her good armor with her just in case.

The quiet didn't last for long though as steps were heard making their way slowly down the stairs. Rythian, of course, had no fucking patience for sitting still and letting himself heal. Instead he had come to the first floor of the lab to look exactly where he was, keeping close to the wall in case the pain got to be too much.
"Gods fucking damn it Rythian." Lalna mumbled, still keeping to making his soup. He tosses some vegetables into a pot that he'd just cut up. The room was relatively homely, for Lalna. A small kitchenette in one corner, Nano's witchery stove against a pillar, literally nowhere to sit down and eat a meal, and a few chests filled with crap. It was certainly not much to see, but it was a rather small single room with windows all around it and the front door leading outside directly. The whoosh of small wind turbines could be heard through the walls. Yes, certainly homely for Lalna, in the case of having one element of a home and not just constant machines.
Rythian either didn't hear Lalna or didn't respond to it. Just looking around the place in silence, occasionally stopping to deal with the pain before he would continue. At the sight of the witchery stove he frowned, "So now you're getting into magic?" He asked, though his tone was less curious and more dark.
Lalna paused in his cooking, "Rythian, you know that I've dabbled in magics before, right?" He turned around to see what Rythian was talking about, he spotted the witchery stove. "Oh, that's Nano's, she's been working at becoming a witch." The dark tone in Rythian's voice went right over his head, or he chose to ignore it.
"I know you are a frequenter of stupid decisions... regardless..." he muttered, looking back at him, "So she's a witch, is she... I was curious about her... condition. But from the condition of her tools she doesn't seem that reckless..."
"Haha..." Lalna looked away from Rythian, "Well, uh, yeah that's a thing. The flux infection, nasty thing..." He trailed off, just mumbling random things at this point, keeping his eyes down and on the cutting board as he chopped up another carrot.
"What happened to her Lalna?" Rythian said, his voice low as he leaned against one of the walls for support.
Lalna paused in what he was doing, "I don't really, remember. It's all really fuzzy around that time but, she fell into the flux sphere and it affected her and latched on to her and now..." Lalna had a hitch in his breath, he stayed quiet a moment. "I think she fell in."
Rythian frowned under his mask, "A flux sphere... you realize how dangerous it is to not clean the flux up from the environment, correct?" He asked, though it wasn't a real question, more of a chiding as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "I haven't seen an infection as bad as that before... Have either of you been trying to cure it at all?"
"Of course I have!" Lalna set down his knife a bit forcefully causing it to strike against the counter. "Of course we've been trying to cure it. Look, it's none of your business anyways, you'll be thankfully gone in a few days and things can go back to normal around here."
Rythian just stared at him, barely moving at the knife's sound against the counter, "Lalna, your business is always mine as well. Someone has to keep you in line and serve retribution when you fuck up... and this girl... Nano, does she know what you've done? Or did you neglect to tell her that?" He said, his voice low, bitterness creeping back into it now that Nano was away and unable to keep them from butting heads.
"Well maybe you should stop making my business yours!" Lalna forcefully tossed the carrot pieces into the pot. He thought about just how much Nano might know about the flux infection "I- I don't know, I guess she knows something weird is going on but I've never sat her down and talked about it to her I guess." He turned slightly towards Rythian, eyeing him from the side. "She knows that she spaces out, but she always seems to forget those fits that she has, and she knows she needs to be cured!" Lalna tapped his fingers in a rhythm on the counter.
"I didn't mean about her infection. Even a vaguely new magic user can see what the taint does to the land and make an educated guess on where it will go if they are infected. Lalna, I mean about you. You haven't told her anything about the old world or what you did, did you? Don't think I didn't pick up on her confusion during our argument." Rythian said, his arms crossed. He didn't know Nano, but regardless of who she was she deserved to know the truth... the whole truth, in his eyes.

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