Other Vore?

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Love is Stronger Than Evil, It Will Protect You.
<p>Vore, it's a odd thing, but some people like it. Would Vore Be Suitable for RpNation? I think not, but others may disagree.

The meaning of vore is this:

From Urban Dictionary:

Short for "voraphilia" or "vorarephilia": a fetish in which one fantasizes about being eaten alive or eating another creature alive (sometimes known as phagophilia). The most common type of vore is "soft vore", being swallowed or swallowing whole with no bloodshed. There is also the less common "hard vore" which involves the tearing and chewing of flesh. Other types of vore include macrophilia and microphilia, in which one character involved in the vore is larger or smaller than normal.

Many might associate vore with cannibalism; however, most voraphiles do not favor cannibalism. Vore is an imaginary fetish; that is, it is impossible to perform in real life in the way most fantasize, unlike most cannibalism.

Also included with vore is sometimes the "furry" community: people who are interested in usually anthromorphic animals (humanized creatures). With animals as characters in vore fantasies, predation is natural and therefore somewhat more realistic.

He drew pictures of a people being swallowed whole by wolves for other voraphiles on a vore site.

From Wikipedia:

<strong>Vorarephilia</strong> (often shortened to <strong>vore</strong>) is a <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraphilia" rel="external nofollow">paraphilia</a> characterized by the erotic desire to be consumed by, or sometimes to personally consume, another person or creature.<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-Lykins-1" rel="external nofollow">[1]</a><a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-straightDope-2" rel="external nofollow">[2]</a><a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-3" rel="external nofollow">[3]</a><a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-Brundage2002-4" rel="external nofollow">[4]</a>Since vorarephilic fantasies cannot be acted out in reality, they are often expressed in stories or drawings shared on the Internet.<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-Lykins-1" rel="external nofollow">[1]</a> The word <em>vorarephilia</em> is derived from the <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin" rel="external nofollow">Latin</a> <em>vorare</em> (to "<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swallowing" rel="external nofollow">swallow</a>" or "devour"), and <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Greek" rel="external nofollow">Ancient Greek</a> φιλία (<em>philía</em>, "<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love" rel="external nofollow">love</a>").

The fantasy usually involves the victim being swallowed whole, though occasionally the victims are chewed up, and digestion may or may not be included.<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-Lykins-1" rel="external nofollow">[1]</a><a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-Brundage2002-4" rel="external nofollow">[4]</a><a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-NP-5" rel="external nofollow">[5]</a> Vore fantasies are separated from sexual <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannibalism" rel="external nofollow">cannibalism</a> because the living victim is normally swallowed whole.<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-Lykins-1" rel="external nofollow">[1]</a> Sometimes the consumers are human, but <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropomorphism" rel="external nofollow">anthropormorphized</a> animals, dragons, and enormous snakes also appear frequently in these fantasies.<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-Lykins-1" rel="external nofollow">[1]</a> After consumption, the enlarged belly of the consumer is often described with great care.<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-Lykins-1" rel="external nofollow">[1]</a>

It is most often enjoyed through pictures, stories, videos, and <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_games" rel="external nofollow">video games</a>, and can appear in mainstream media.<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-brathwaite-6" rel="external nofollow">[6]</a> In some cases, vorarephilia may be described as a variation of <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macrophilia" rel="external nofollow">macrophilia</a> and may combine with other paraphilias.<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-7" rel="external nofollow">[7]</a> Apart from macrophilia, vore fantasies often have themes of <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BDSM" rel="external nofollow">BDSM</a>, <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microphilia" rel="external nofollow">microphilia</a>, <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pregnancy_fetishism" rel="external nofollow">pregnancy fetishism</a>, <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furry_fandom#Sexual_aspects" rel="external nofollow">furry fetishism</a>, "unbirthing" (a desire to be swallowed whole into the vagina and returned to the uterus), and sexual cannibalism.<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-Lykins-1" rel="external nofollow">[1]</a>

One <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Case_study" rel="external nofollow">case study</a> analysis connected the fantasy with <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_masochism" rel="external nofollow">sexual masochism</a>, and suggested that it could be motivated by a desire to merge with a powerful other or permanently escape loneliness.<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-Lykins-1" rel="external nofollow">[1]</a> With "no known treatment" for vorarephiles who feel ill at ease with their sexuality, psychologists at Toronto's <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centre_for_Addiction_and_Mental_Health" rel="external nofollow">Centre for Addiction and Mental Health</a> have recommended trying to "adjust to, rather than change or suppress" the sexual interest.<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-NP-5" rel="external nofollow">[5]</a> Medication for sex drive reduction could be used if deemed necessary.<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorarephilia#cite_note-Lykins-1" rel="external nofollow">[1]</a></p>
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Since it kind of falls under erotic content, it's definitely a no-no.
i just don't get the appeal of vore, i find to be totally disgusting and also completely nonsensical. but no i don't think it is suitable for an RPN
JackMysticWolf said:
I do agree, but people still do it In pm and Stuff
billthesomething said:
what people do in PM is their problem
And also against the rules, if you have a suspicion about anyone doing that in the PMs it's better to tell a moderator or an admin so they can look into it. It can also get the site in trouble, or at the very least the site owner.
Aldur said:
And also against the rules, if you have a suspicion about anyone doing that in the PMs it's better to tell a moderator or an admin so they can look into it. It can also get the site in trouble, or at the very least the site owner.
How so exactly, PM as you know stands for private messages. so it shouldn't really matter to anyone on what goes on between two (or more) people, and these are things that no will just suddenly stumble upon.
This is an excerpt from the official rules of RpN.

2. No Erotic/Extreme Gore Content - RpNation is not an Erotic Roleplay Site. This means users are not allowed to post any explicit erotic content on RpNation. This includes, but is not limited to both written words and images.

- No Sexual Roleplaying - Users of RpNation are not allowed to participate in sexual roleplaying under any situation on RpNation or other web spaces provided by RpNation. Users must not roleplay sexual acts in any roleplay even if warnings of mature content are provided. Roleplays that post explicit erotic content face immediate closure and all users involved will be dealt with accordingly.

- Encouraging Erotic Content - Users are not allowed to encourage the creation of erotic content on RpNation or other web spaces provided by RpNation. Users must refrain from allowing erotic content within their roleplays. Users must also avoid instructing other users to conduct in erotic roleplaying off-site or in their private messages/conversations.

If anyone wants to actually roleplay any kind of erotic content, in PMs or otherwise they should not do it on RpN as it is against its rules. PMs are private, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have to follow the site rules. As long as you are on RpN you follow the rules or suffer the consequences. I feel like a lot of people just overlook these simple rules when they sign up. It's not like they're prompted to tick a box that asked them if they read the rules.
Aldur said:
This is an excerpt from the official rules of RpN.
2. No Erotic/Extreme Gore Content - RpNation is not an Erotic Roleplay Site. This means users are not allowed to post any explicit erotic content on RpNation. This includes, but is not limited to both written words and images.

- No Sexual Roleplaying - Users of RpNation are not allowed to participate in sexual roleplaying under any situation on RpNation or other web spaces provided by RpNation. Users must not roleplay sexual acts in any roleplay even if warnings of mature content are provided. Roleplays that post explicit erotic content face immediate closure and all users involved will be dealt with accordingly.

- Encouraging Erotic Content - Users are not allowed to encourage the creation of erotic content on RpNation or other web spaces provided by RpNation. Users must refrain from allowing erotic content within their roleplays. Users must also avoid instructing other users to conduct in erotic roleplaying off-site or in their private messages/conversations.

If anyone wants to actually roleplay any kind of erotic content, in PMs or otherwise they should not do it on RpN as it is against its rules. PMs are private, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have to follow the site rules. As long as you are on RpN you follow the rules or suffer the consequences. I feel like a lot of people just overlook these simple rules when they sign up. It's not like they're prompted to tick a box that asked them if they read the rules.
You make a point, however i still stand by what i said earlier and that i can't see any harm coming from acting out erotic content in PMs, but don't take this as me encouraging people to do that. all i am saying is that if two people decide to use the PMs here to act out their erotic fantasies then they can go ahead for all i care, because what they do in there, is between them and it should not matter to me (or you) of what they do or don't do in the PMs. and yes rules are important but some rules being broken is okay as long as no one is harmed.
billthesomething said:
You make a point, however i still stand by what i said earlier and that i can't see any harm coming from acting out erotic content in PMs, but don't take this as me encouraging people to do that. all i am saying is that if two people decide to use the PMs here to act out their erotic fantasies then they can go ahead for all i care, because what they do in there, is between them and it should not matter to me (or you) of what they do or don't do in the PMs. and yes rules are important but some rules being broken is okay as long as no one is harmed.
Let's put it this way. User A, who is over 18, finds user B, who is under 18. They RP together, form somewhat of a trusting relationship and they wanna do a 1x1? No harm was done so far, right? Okay, they do that in a PM and it's all good so far until user A's character wants to get physical, right? User B might or might not want to continue, but either way, it's against the rules. An underage person, roleplaying erotic content is not only against the rules but also illegal. If this thing gets out and it's not dealt with from an early stage, people won't care that the Administration didn't know about this or that the site owner was completely clueless about it. He will face criminal charges and the site might as well go down because of that.

It's against the rules. Period. You don't like it, take it to the Staff. They'll tell you the same thing. RpN does not allow erotic content.
billthesomething said:
You make a point, however i still stand by what i said earlier and that i can't see any harm coming from acting out erotic content in PMs, but don't take this as me encouraging people to do that. all i am saying is that if two people decide to use the PMs here to act out their erotic fantasies then they can go ahead for all i care, because what they do in there, is between them and it should not matter to me (or you) of what they do or don't do in the PMs. and yes rules are important but some rules being broken is okay as long as no one is harmed.
Can you verify that the partner you are ERPing with is over 18? Or even over 16? The site, since its servers are based in the US and the site owner is a US citizen, must comply with a set of regulations known as COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) which has articles within it that require website owners to provide, where practicably possible, protection for children to prevent them being introduced to or otherwise harmed by sexual or graphic violent content. On RpN, we provide this by requiring all site users to be 13+, to have parental permission if under 18 and to refrain from engaging in roleplays of a sexual nature. Additionally, imagery or text that are extremely graphically violent and/or sexual are banned. Users found to be performing these sorts of RPs will be dealt with by the Administration, with strong punishments for the initial act and greater penalties for repeated infractions.

RpNation is a site that likes to have younger members using the whole site with some degree of safety. If you want to RP sexual or graphically violent content, there are plenty of other sites to do it on.

Captain Hesperus

-RpNation Administrator
Aldur said:
Let's put it this way. User A, who is over 18, finds user B, who is under 18. They RP together, form somewhat of a trusting relationship and they wanna do a 1x1? No harm was done so far, right? Okay, they do that in a PM and it's all good so far until user A's character wants to get physical, right? User B might or might not want to continue, but either way, it's against the rules. An underage person, roleplaying erotic content is not only against the rules but also illegal. If this thing gets out and it's not dealt with from an early stage, people won't care that the Administration didn't know about this or that the site owner was completely clueless about it. He will face criminal charges and the site might as well go down because of that.
It's against the rules. Period. You don't like it, take it to the Staff. They'll tell you the same thing. RpN does not allow erotic content.
I understand that. but as i have stated before what happens in the PM is their Business. and i don't particularity care if someone does erotic content in the PM. i don't want this site's mods to become big brother.

[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Can you verify that the partner you are ERPing with is over 18? Or even over 16? The site, since its servers are based in the US and the site owner is a US citizen, must comply with a set of regulations known as COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) which has articles within it that require website owners to provide, where practicably possible, protection for children to prevent them being introduced to or otherwise harmed by sexual or graphic violent content. On RpN, we provide this by requiring all site users to be 13+, to have parental permission if under 18 and to refrain from engaging in roleplays of a sexual nature. Additionally, imagery or text that are extremely graphically violent and/or sexual are banned. Users found to be performing these sorts of RPs will be dealt with by the Administration, with strong punishments for the initial act and greater penalties for repeated infractions.
RpNation is a site that likes to have younger members using the whole site with some degree of safety. If you want to RP sexual or graphically violent content, there are plenty of other sites to do it on.

Captain Hesperus

-RpNation Administrator

that's fine and all. am not all that fond of erotic rps in the first place (i find the concept to be quite uninteresting). but what happens to two users in a PM is their problem and their consequences to deal with, i just find privacy to be very important
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billthesomething said:
I understand that. but as i have stated before what happens in the PM is their Business. and i don't particularity care if someone does erotic content in the PM. i don't want this site's mods to become big brother.
I just told you that if illegal things happen in those PMs it can take the site down. And site mods aren't becoming big brother. They can only go through a PM if someone in the PM reported something in there. They need evidence and that's why people are encouraged to report suspicious behavior or things like that. Don't imagine the Staff are going through your PMs day and night, because they don't. That's why they're PMs, but as soon as the rules are broken it stops being an issue of privacy and more of an issue about whether or not that is dangerous and detrimental to the site as a whole.
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Aldur said:
I just told you that if illegal things happen in those PMs it can take the site down. And site mods aren't becoming big brother. They can only go through a PM if someone in the PM reported something in there. They need evidence and that's why people are encouraged to report suspicious behavior or things like that. Don't imagine the Staff are going through your PMs day and night, because they don't. That's why they're PMs, but as soon as the rules are broken it stops being an issue of privacy and more of an issue about whether or not that is dangerous and detrimental to the site as a whole.
okay get your point and am not gonna argue with it.
billthesomething said:
that's fine and all. am not all that fond of erotic rps in the first place (i find the concept to be quite uninteresting). but what happens to two users in a PM is their problem and their consequences to deal with, i just find privacy to be very important
Your assertion is incorrect. If a site user is ERPing and their partner happens to be a minor, then the site owner, The Dark Wizard is liable for criminal charges under COPPA. This would, at the very least, result in the site being taken off-line, the entire database being subpoenaed by the Federal authorities and any law-breaking content used to formulate further charges. The Dark Wizard might be required to pay fines and possibly receive jail time. The site does allow users to exchange personal social media details privately, with the conceit that 'what happens off-site is no longer under RpN jurisdiction'. But anything that happens on RpN, a privately-owned and operated entity, is potentially open for investigation with probable cause by the Admins.

Captain Hesperus
billthesomething said:
What happens in the PM is their Business.
You keep saying this. And saying it. And saying it. That doesn't make it any more true. Sure, you don't care about what happens in PM roleplays. That's fine, neither do I. People can do whatever they want and as long as I don't see anything I don't want to, I don't care. How much we care doesn't matter, though. You know why?

I'll give you three guesses.

Your opinion on the subject isn't what matters. Neither is mine, or even DWiz's. What matters here is the opinion of the law. Do you think the authorities would care if it was private? If they get a report of a minor encountering sexual content on the internet, the only thing that matters to them is the fact that the content was sexual in nature, and that the person encountering/participating in it was underage. If you have a problem with that I'd suggest you call up your local police department and complain to them, not us.
What is up with you and inappropriate themes? From my research, most of your post are about sexual fetishes; Even after you've been told countless times the rules about erotic content on this site. So, I ask you, to please stop bugging the members of this wonderful site with your arrogant behavior.

Well, to affirm what Aldur said, we do consider vore to be erp since it is exclusively fetishistic. And you already know why we can't have erp :b
And with that final response, I shall close this thread. Thanks for your interest and all the reasoned responses.

Captain Hesperus
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