

schaden f r e u d e


<div style="text-align:center;"><p><img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/D9gdwVt.gif&key=f5d8edcc2b7f94cdcf3482aaf330f5de771d84f3846132121c37753f00685200" class="ipsImage" alt="D9gdwVt.gif" /></p></div>


<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><span style="color:#cccccc;"><span style="font-size:24px;">❝ </span></span></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><span style="color:#cccccc;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><em>FOR HIS </em></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><span style="color:#cccccc;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TONGUE</span></em></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><span style="color:#cccccc;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><em> IT COULD NOT </em></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><span style="color:#cccccc;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><em><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">SPEAK</span></em></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><span style="color:#cccccc;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><em> . . . BUT ONLY </em></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><span style="color:#cccccc;"><span style="color:#cccccc;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><em><a href="

rel="external nofollow">F L A T T E R</a></em></span></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><span style="color:#cccccc;"><span style="font-size:24px;"><em>.</em></span></span></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><span style="color:#cccccc;"><span style="font-size:24px;"> ❞</span></span></span></p></div>
<span style="font-family:Vollkorn;">The following thread is a build for a possible future roleplay. Feel free to take a peek and post comments/questions regarding the information and formats at your leisure. There is no guarantee that this thread will be open any time soon. Users cannot use the content in this thread including: format and profile coding, lore, thread information based on the setting and race (word by word copy/paste), and created images (aka graphics manipulated/altered/designed in an image program). I will be linking the original sources (including images) for other users to use at their leisure. </span></p>

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><strong>INFORMATION AND IDEAS FROM M4YH3M & CTF!</strong></span></p></div>

<span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><span style="color:#cccccc;"><span style="font-size:24px;">he stayed behind the assembly hall</span></span></span>

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><strong>BUILD PROGRESS</strong></span></p></div>

<span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><strong>CHECKLIST</strong></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span></p>

<ul><li><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;">Information</span></li></ul><p><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span></p>

<ul><li><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;">Plot </div></li>


<div style="margin-left:25px;"></div>

<span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Setting</span></div><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"></div>



<div style="margin-left:25px;"></div>

<span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Locations</span></div><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"></div>



<div style="margin-left:25px;"></div>

<span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Lore</span></div><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"></div>



<div style="margin-left:25px;"></div>

<span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Races</span></div><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;"></div>


<li><div style="margin-left:25px;">Rules</div></li>

</ul><p><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span></p>

<ul><li><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;">Formats</span></li></ul><p><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span></p>

<ul><li><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"></span><div style="margin-left:25px;">Main </div></li>

<li><div style="margin-left:25px;">General </div></li>

<li><div style="margin-left:25px;">Interest </div></li>

<li><div style="margin-left:25px;">Applications </div></li>

<li><div style="margin-left:25px;">Profiles </div></li>

<li><div style="margin-left:25px;">Graphics</div></li>

<span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><span style="color:#cccccc;"><span style="font-size:24px;">it was there he made his bed</span></span></span>
<span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><strong>INSPIRATION</strong></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span></p>

<ul><li><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;">Preacher </span></li>

<li><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;">The Backwater Gospel </span></li>

<li><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;">From Dusk Till Dawn (TV series) </span></li>

<li><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;">Twin Peaks</span></li>

</ul><p><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><strong>SOURCES</strong></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><a href="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hnogeI7yU7Y/hqdefault.jpg" rel="external nofollow">Random Google Search Find of Shadow Man</a></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><a href="<___base_url___>/threads/native-american-folklore-myths.246996/" rel="">Native American Help</a></span>
<span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><span style="color:#cccccc;"><span style="font-size:24px;">and oftentimes he could be seen returning</span></span></span>
<span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><a href="

rel="external nofollow">Dark Necessities - Red Hot Chili Peppers</a></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><a href="

rel="external nofollow">Small Town Witch - Sneaker Pimps</a></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><a href="

rel="external nofollow">Burn the Witch - Radiohead</a></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><a href="

rel="external nofollow">Wicked Messenger - The Black Keys (Remake)</a></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><a href="

rel="external nofollow">Boogeyman - Black Casino and the Ghost</a></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><a href="

rel="external nofollow">I'm Gonna Put You Down - Gangstagrass</a></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><a href="

rel="external nofollow">Gonna Need a Grave - Urban Country</a></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><a href="

rel="external nofollow">Rosie (Ooh La La) - The Arcs</a></span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"> </span><span style="font-family:Vollkorn;"><a href="<___base_url___>/threads/вооɢᴇʏмᴀɴ-▬-ꜰоʀмᴀᴛs.250320/" rel="">Link to formats for this thread</a></span>

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The following story is an interpretation of a Native American Tribe's Origin of Death story (original link was deleted but here's another reference of different version of the story). This is a complete work of fiction created for the purpose of this thread idea.
In the beginning of this world, there was no such thing as death. Life continued to grow and thrive until there was no room left. Every man, woman, and animal had no idea what could be done. There was no way for them to simply stop creating life. And, the ability to make more space was beyond them. A council of Man and Beast was held to discuss the solution to their growing problem. Their discussion quickly turned into one argument after the next of what was the right answer and what was the wrong answer. It wasn’t until a known Beast stood up and silenced the room.

The Raven declared that he had an idea of how to fix the problem once and for all. Everyone, Man and Beast alike, would take turns in “sleeping” and being “awake.” Those that slept would be placed in a single building, giving those that are awake room to keep growing. Many agreed with Raven’s plan. One, however, spoke vehemently against the idea. Coyote opposed the idea of men and beasts temporarily sleeping. He believed that the only answer was a permanent sleep, allowing the new to overcome the old in an endless cycle. This way, there will always be room for Man and Beast.

Every Beast and Man objected to Coyote’s idea. The trickster's idea would cause all of their friends and loved ones to be gone forever. Everyone will always be in constant grieving, and there would be no happiness in the world. Raven boasted that his idea is the best and declared the problem solved. Everyone cheered and celebrated the success of the plan. Only the Coyote remained quiet.

Plans to erect the “Sleeping House” began. By nightfall, a great lodge was built facing East. Raven explained the plan to everyone. Man and Beast will volunteer to be the first to sleep. The medicine men would place each of them into the deep slumber. Their souls would then break free from their forms and travel for a while. Then, their bodies would be placed in the lodge. Everyone would sing to coax the spirits back to their sleeping bodies and the slumbering Men and Beasts would wake up. Everyone was excited for the plan with many stepping forward to be the first to sleep. Among the volunteers was Raven’s daughter.

By the next night, the volunteers were put to sleep and placed in the Sleeping Lodge. For one year, they slumbered as the world continued to grow. Plans to create more Sleeping Lodges were in the works. Raven grew and flourished as a beacon of hope. As for the Coyote, he remained steadfast in his beliefs as he watched the new take over the places of the sleeping Beasts and Men. The time soon came for the next set of Men and Beasts to slumber came around. During the celebration, everyone came together to sing and coax the souls back. When the celebration ended, everyone returned to their homes and awaited the morning and arrival of the spirits. Only Coyote remained.

It wasn’t long before the gathering spirits appeared in a gust. The whirlwind circled the Sleeping Lodge and prepared to enter. But, low and behold, the door was closed. The spirits broke away and wandered aimlessly, angered that they were forced back and unable to return to their bodies. The next morning, everyone was enraged that Raven’s plan was a failure. Those that were asleep no longer had a heart beat. They were gone. Forever.

Raven discovered that someone had shut the door, making it impossible for the spirits to return to their slumbering bodies. Soon, Coyote stepped forward and admitted that he saw the Beast that shut the door. It was none other than Raven in his foolish antics of celebrating his plan the night before. Raven fought, saying that it wasn’t him that shut the door. But, no one believed him. Blame was put on his shoulders. The death of the Men and Beasts… the death of his daughter… there was no escape for him. He was cursed to never slumber until every lost soul was returned to their rightful place.

Death was brought into this world over a careless act and a lie.

Raven was forced to wander in an endless search for the souls lost to this endless sleep and return them. Most of the souls have wandered to a place called the “Here After,” making it impossible for Raven to complete his task. As for Coyote, a great fear engulfed him. He ran away after that, constantly moving from place to place whenever he hears the cry of a bird. Constantly looking for his shoulder, Coyote always feels the presence of the Beast he wronged. Like Raven, he isn’t allowed to rest as his misdeeds will wound up catching up to him one day.


The information is a work of fiction, using real locations and parts of history. Geography has also been altered for the purpose of this thread. If someone were to try to make it to the actual Dry Valley... be prepared for nothingness and a population of... 6.
Dry Valley was your typical silver mining town in the early 1860’s. A small-town mining company discovered a silver mining ore and claimed the surrounding land, including land that belonged to a small tribe of the Koso Native Americans. For a few years, the growing settlement faced bloody conflicts with the tribe. It wasn’t until 1869 that the conflict ended when a treaty was created between the settlers and the remaining survivors of the tribe. All but one member of the tribe assimilated into the Dry Valley community. The final member of the Koso Tribe all but disappeared.

For nearly four decades, Dry Valley remained prosperous and rich in silver. During the mid-1870’s, the settlement was considered one of the most important “silver towns” in Nevada. However, over-mining and overpopulation led to the downfall of Dry Valley. In the summer of 1889, the last of the silver was mined out and the vein became dry. The town’s economy went belly up as businesses moved elsewhere. Food and water shortage drove many of the citizens out. It wasn’t long before Dry Valley was “abandoned.”

It wasn’t until the construction of Route 93 that Dry Valley was rediscovered. How the 500-odd population survived up to this point remains a mystery. Route 93 would revitalize the area, making the once “ghost town” become a pit stop. Over the years, Dry Valley expanded and turned into a “tourist attraction” for those traveling to and from Las Vegas. During the summer of 2010, a small casino opened up in the town to attract tourists to remain in the town for a longer duration and bring more money in.

Because of the presence of the Raven correlates with the silver mines drying up in the town. The town was divided on the blame, one half believing it was the work of the remaining tribesmen that lived in the village and the rest believing that it was God’s work to punish them what they did to the tribe. In the end, the town was nearly torn apart and ended with many of the towns folks killed, including the famous “5” that were sacrificed to the Raven in hopes of appeasing the malevolent presence. The surviving townsmen went on to cultivate the fear and practice of sacrificing outsiders to the Raven.

All information regarding the Wicked Messenger is constantly up to debate with outsiders (that learn about the legend). Everyone born in Dry Valley believe in the Wicked Messenger and fears what happens when they wander outside a protective boundary line. ALL THE TOWNSFOLK BELIEVES THAT THE SACRIFICES WILL APPEASE THE WICKED MESSENGER. This will be an enforced rule in the thread for those that make native Dry Valley residents.
There was a wicked messenger. From Eli he did come with a mind that multiplied the smallest matter. When questioned who had sent for him he answered with his thumb for his tongue it could not speak but only flatter. He stayed behind the assembly hall. It was there he made his bed, and, oftentimes, he could be seen returning. Until one day he just appeared with a note in his hand that read: “The soles of my feet, I swear they're burning.” Oh, the leaves began to fall. The seas began to part. And, the people that confronted him were many. And, he was told but these few words which opened up his heart: “If you cannot bring good news, don't bring any.”


The legend of the Wicked Messenger dates back to the late 19th and early 20th century, circulating in the Southwestern region of the United States. Most historians cannot pinpoint the exact origin of the legend itself, theorizing that the belief in the Wicked Messenger comes from the mixing of two cultures: Native American folklore and Christianity. Many say that the Wicked Messenger is a shadowy creature that brings nothing but pain and sorrow. Even speaking about the Wicked Messenger will guarantee that he will appear and spread his dread to those around him. There are speculations that the figure is a symbol of Death in the West. However, there are little accounts of the Wicked Messenger and the newly departed. Instead, there are accounts of the Wicked Messenger being a sort of “walking plague” that damns whoever comes into contact with him. There is no known information of how exactly people have counteracted the presence of the Wicked Messenger. What remains are stories that turned into ghost towns after a possible sighting of the figure...
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10 March 2017 (Friday)


10 July 1864




Image Link
As of now, Dry Valley has grown to become one of the best rest stops for those traveling up and down Highway 93, especially those coming and going from Las Vegas. The rural town has expanded from a population of around 500 to jumping over 7,000 in little over a 100 years. A good portion of the resident’s occupation cater to to retail and hospitality due to the great number of tourists that visit the town regularly. One of the biggest focal point of Dry Valley is the Silver Rush Casino that offers lodging and other accommodations in an area that has little to no population in a 60 mile radius.

The town is modest in terms of appearance with aesthetics that reflect the original buildings that remain standing. Even the suburban expansion of Dry Valley has touches of the past in terms of color and floor plan. Most of the homes built in Dry Valley includes, both, an attic and basement. The town relies on renewable energy from the Green Energy Facility. Most of its water and sewer system relies on the Meadow Valley Wash (not pictured in map) and the Eco Reservoir. Most of the greenery are shrubbery and native plants of the area. The town has many undeveloped areas, leaving nothing more than a dusty plot waiting for the next expansion.

Many tourists have recently invaded Dry Valley with the growing rumors of the legendary “monster” inhabiting the area. Blogs, video, and images show possible sightings and strange marks discovered in the town. They also have noted the hostility of the native townsfolk when asked about the Wicked Messenger with many turning business away from them. These “rumor hunters” have even tried to connect the disappearances of people down Highway 93 to the legend of the Wicked Messenger, wondering of the old silver mine is a big haunt for the monster.

One of the biggest secrets in the town is that everyone living in Dry Valley knows the existence of inhuman creatures. They constantly live side by side with one another and work together to keep their secrets hidden from the public. Outsiders that happen to be inhuman may find some comfort in the fact that they aren’t shunned for who they are…. But end up with the same treatment for not belonging to said town.



Built in 2010, Dry Valley has seen a tremendous leap in revenue, leaving the town with a surplus of income. The casino is one story with an array of entertainment facilities for those under the age of 21 including: two swimming pools (guests only), a bowling alley, and arcade with prizes. The casino offers lodging behind the casino, ranging from a single king sized bed to two queen sized beds. The casino itself isn’t as refined and luxurious as the casinos in Las Vegas, but it makes up for it through their exclusive amenities and reward program (for repeat customers). One of the more popular events the casino puts on is their monthly Bingo Tournament with the prize set at $25,000 along with other prizes. Just about half of the town works at the casino. The main owners of the casino happen to be local Dry Valley residents with family roots that dates back to the original founding of the town.

However, there is a sinister secret behind the casino. The main day to day operations is under the control of a group of vampires. Along with being one of the biggest main sources of income to the town, the casino serves a sinister purpose: to lure tourists into the town. Some wound up being the unfortunate unlucky one and never make it out of Dry Valley. With the help of the townsfolk, people disappear completely, leaving their fate a complete mystery to the rest of the world.


Originally, the Downtown Shopping Center only carried the bare necessities for the inhabitants of Dry Valley. These days, it’s become another popular tourist spot, populated with souvenir shops, eateries, and expanded versions of the basics. The town sports a decent sized grocery story that restocks once a week. The shopping center also has a auto repair shop and an apartment complex outside of the center. A small memorial park is located near Panaca Grocery Store which contains a “silver” statue to honor the original settlers negotiating peace with the Koso Tribe. Some of the stores include:

  • Java Jitters Coffee Shop
  • Maxwell’s Hardware
  • Busty’s Clothing Boutique
  • Dry Valley Goods (Souvenir Shop)
  • The Watering Hole (bar)
  • “DNA” Diner (Edna’s Diner)
  • Jack’s Steakhouse
  • Rusty's Auto Shop


The building was constructed after the original Town Hall burned down in the early 50’s. This building includes an open public forum with the mayor, his council, and representatives the groups within the town to voice their opinion and vote. The interior offices are quite modest with functionality in mind. Behind the Town Hall are smaller buildings that make up the majority of government facilities.


Over the years, Dry Valley has expanded their education facilities. The original building had since been remodeled and built into the present Dry Valley High School. Each school can hold up to 500 students and slowly expanding for the growing population of children and young adults. Those that graduate high school tend to find careers early on. Some leave the town to continue their education but eventually return to continue helping the town. Dry Valley High School has a football team that travels long distances to play games. The closest high school is about 60 miles away. Usually, they take a day off from school in order to travel and make it to the game on time. The schools have the following mascots:

  • Elementary School = Cactus
  • Middle School = Coyote
  • High School = Eagle



Since the town’s founding, Divine Baptist Church has stood as a symbol of faith and community in the town. The building has undergone construction to expand and renovate the interior. Many of the townsfolk make the effort to attend Sunday services and doing community service centered around the church. They are in charge of maintaining the cemetery and works with Happy Oaks for the newly departed.

The church plays another role in the town: leading the people from the threat of the Wicked Messenger. Everyone works with the church in order to keep the evil at bay and keeping the wendigos out of town. They are also involved in gathering the chosen men and women to help keep the town safe for another year.



One of the more eerier landmarks in Dry Valley. For an unexplained reason, there’s a set of gallows near the Town Hall. The area is roped up and none of the townsfolk dare to approach. Tourists take the opportunity to take take pictures, but they all experience the same feeling of dread and unusual cold sensation in the area.



Old Entrance

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The following information about skin-walkers is merely new interpretation of an old Native American mythos to fit the thread. This is by no means the "original" interpretation. Alterations are made to fit with the rest of the lore and information in the thread. Information on the original interpretation of skin-walkers can be found here. Anyone that can shift into an animal form will be referred as a skin-walker in this thread.


A skin-walker was once considered evil beings that walked among other tribesmen. They were originally medicine men that performs the most heinous of deeds to achieve one of the greatest levels of magic: transforming their shape into an animal in order to inflict harm and suffering on those around them. These days, the term skin-walker is commonly used as an umbrella term for humans that have the ability to shift into animal form. Whether they are wicked men and women is subjective at best.

Generally, skin-walkers have the tendency to emulate the animal they can shift into. For instance, someone that can shift into the snake generally have problems with cold weather and become energized/renewed in the summer. Skin-walkers shift into a single animal form that runs in their family lineage. Skin-walkers that have children with those that have a different shift tend to have a random chance of taking the traits of the mother or father. It is possible for a child to be born as a different animal shift from the rest of the family due to genetics (i.e. there was a family member that could turn into said shift and it was recessive). The appearance of their animal shift can be exaggerated through fur color/pattern and size.

Skin-Walker communities rely on a basic pack structure. The strongest of the skin-walkers are on top and tend to make the rules. Those that grow weak are overpowered by the young and strong. Domination and leadership is the core basis of their society. It is common for young skin-walkers to butt heads with the “Alphas” of the communities.

Skin-Walkers of the natural ability to communicate with beasts.

They aren't like werewolves!


Beasts are animals that have limited shifting ability. At most, a beast can temporarily shift into a single human form. Beasts can actually talk, but only skin-walkers and psychics (depending on their ability) can communicate properly with beasts. Magic users can cast magic to give themselves a limited ability to talk to beasts.


Beasts are unique animals that have grown beyond the standard thought processes and decisions of a regular animals. These beings stems from the original animals of Native American Lore where they regularly interacted with humans. These days, most humans are unaware of their presence, ignoring some of the more obvious signs of higher intelligence and understanding beasts have. For one, beasts are able to communicate verbally but humans lost the ability to hear them normally. Skin-Walkers and certain psychics can actually hear them and communicate back.

Another thing that makes beasts stand out from their counterparts is their ability to temporarily shift into a humanoid figure. These shifts are quite difficult with only a select few Beasts being able to maintain a shift for long periods of time (up to 6 hours). As time progresses, their shift weakens with some of their animal characteristics breaking through the illusion. In this transformed state, beasts have the ability to communicate with humans.

There is a legend where if beasts die, they transform into a spirit animal that roams the world. However, information about this is speculative at best.

Some beasts appear larger than their usual counterparts.


Information on vampire is based on pass vampire builds for old threads. If you've seen the information before, more than likely it's one of the threads I used it for. Vampires will follow the basic trend of them needing blood to remain "strong" while chasing the "high" to feel human, making some of the more loonier vampires easily mistaken for a possible wendigo attack.


Traditionally, vampires are creatures of the night that needs blood in order to continue their existence. These creatures have existed from all walks of life since the beginning of mankind. Many legends and stories about vampires dictate them as the evil undead. These days, vampires work in groups (called covens) in order to survive and evolve in the modern world. Many of the myths and superstitions about vampires are true including: their inability to enter homes without asking the owner, crossing running rivers, are nocturnal, highly allergic to hawthorne wood, and fire.

However, the very notion that blood is simply a means of survival for vampires is a hoax. It is a double-edged sword for these nocturnal beasts. Along with blood allowing the vampires to function normally, blood is considered one of the greatest highs. It grants a vampire the feeling of being “alive.” Their heart beats. They are able to ingest food and drinks. They can even step outside in the daylight for a short period of time. Consuming too much blood can cause vampires to lose control and become mindless addicts. These bloodsuckers are shunned from covens, even hunted by their very kind.

The traditional process of creating vampires requires them to have their blood drained to near death, feed on the blood of a vampire, and then immediately buried. They emerge from the ground in 24-hours. If they aren’t buried by the next night, they turn into ghouls.

For info on vampires can be found


Magic User will the most broad in terms of classification and what not. They are humans that have connections to the ethereal energy of the world. They are able to manipulate, create, and destroy by manipulating the magical energy and using catalysts to secure and cast said effect. The name is used to encompass all sorts of titles for those that use magic including: witch, wizard, shaman, medicine man, magicians, bruja, witch doctor, etc.


Like skin-walkers, magic-user is an umbrella term for humans that have the ability to create cause and effect through magical means. Terms for magic-users vary from region to region with many summing up a magic-user’s specialty. Magic itself is an unknown and abundant “element” (fire, earth, water… you get the picture) that can cause an array of impossible effects.

A magic-user has the ability to harness, use, and direct the erratic energy to create the effects they desire. It takes a skilled magic-user to be able to shape the energy to their will. Magic relies on a catalyst to help the energy to flow, change, and affect what the magic-user wants.

Magic-Users are born from ancient bloodlines stemming from ancient times. Families of magic-users tend to look for others like them in order to continue the bloodline. It is rare for a child born into a family of magic to be born with little to no ability.


Psychics will be a limited race of humans that have the ability to perceive, block, attack, etc. using the extensions of their mind. Psychics will play a good part in pushing the story along/leading the story to destruction and ruin depending on the actions of the users in the thread. There will be a limit of how many users there are and the ability each psychic has.


Humans, in general, have evolved to the point of being labeled as “mundane.” They are unable to properly see and understand what is around them (without it being point blank and revealed to them). Humans that have been born without this “evolved ignorance” are dubbed psychics. Psychics display abilities that have been considered nullified in the human race in the decades of modernization. They have particular abilities that allows them to interact with the unexplained and inhuman… aka unable to ignore the strange and weird going ons of the world.

A psychic is rare these days with humans becoming dependent on technology and advancements instead of the spiritual and mythical. They are considered the “unicorn” of the human race with psychics being treated as a commodity in some circles. The ability of a psychic rely on the “closed off” parts of their mind, varying from telepathy, empathy reading, spirit awareness, speaking with beasts, and then some! Not every psychic has the same powers! Each power seems to be unique to their own!


Like skin-walkers, the interpretation of wendigos will be used for the sake of this thread and pushing the story along. Wendigos will be NPCs (unless stated otherwise). There will be times wendigo attacks could be mistaken for a vampire hunt and vice versa (for drama sake). For brief information on the wendigo, click here.


Wendigos are commonly associated with the dead of winter, famine, and starvation. They are cannibalistic evil entities that feed on the flesh of the living. A crazed creature, it is the embodiment of greed and gluttony. They are never satisfied with one victim but continue to stalk for new victims without rest. Others have coined these creatures as mindless zombie due to the fact that wendigos possess the bodies of the newly dead. There is little that can be done to harm the creature without obliterating the “shell” they occupy themselves in. Many attempts to banish these spirits have ended in disaster. There seems to be some sort of overwhelming malicious force that protects the wendigos. The majority of the wendigos dwell around and within the abandoned silver mine, waiting until night settles in.

Wendigos are NPCs only (it may change down the road).


Spirits are ethereal beings of magic and life. They are comprised of the same energy that sparks magic, causing miracles, phenomenons, and hauntings to happen in their wake. Spirits are considered "good and evil" in terms of black and white views. Spirits can be exorcised by particular magic users. Depending on the psychic's ability, they are able to interact with spirits.


Just like magic, spirits are just as chaotic balls of energy that retains sentience. Once living, these creatures have become ambiguous beings of spiritual energy. They cannot be converted and use for the desired effect like magic, but they can cause great and strange effects with their presence. Spirits can interact with the physical world through many means such as forcing objects to move, haunt the living, possess the living and inanimate objects. They can blanket areas in strong emotions that can be felt by the living.

There are all sorts of different spirit types, but there is one thing that defines them: their alignment. Good and evil plays a part in how spirits interact with the living. Good spirits tend to help and do what they can to preserve the living while evil spirits are malicious and despise the living.

Humans cannot properly see, hear, feel, or understand spirits. Spirit-Walkers and beasts can sense their presence, but cannot perceive them. Magic-Users can use magic to temporarily give themselves a weak ability to use one sense to detect them. Only psychics born with the ability to interact with spirits are able to understand and perceive them.


The following information is a basic guide of how each race/group views one another and their relationship. This doesn't mean it's definite for all characters, but it's a trend that should be seen as a whole for most of the said group.
Skin-Walkers & Vampires

Unsteady balance with the two butting heads about how to conduct themselves. They are also two dominating powers that tend to rub each other the wrong way. Both vampires and skin-walkers sometimes feel uneasy about the particular scents they give off. It's common for the two to create tense situations.

Vampires & Humans

Most vampires don't respect humans and merely see the as a source of food. This disrespect is quite apparent with vampires' constant pretentious attitude towards them. Humans are weary of vampires, always thinking that they are getting food in other forms. The human townsfolk look down on humans that have become indentured servants/pets/walking juice packs for the vampires.

Humans & Inhumans

It's not uncommon for humans to be on guard and unable to trust someone that is inhuman. They are set in their ways and have a hard time understanding the impossible. Their reliance on religion and sciences makes them seem crazy in the eyes of some of the inhumans. Out of all the races, humans are the most dangerous. History has proven how fear and paranoia can band together great numbers to rid of something they just don't understand.

Magic-Users & Inhuman

Inhumans see magic-users are know it all assholes. Magic-users tend to see some of inhumans as valuable material for certain types of magic. Needless to say, most of their conversations can turn passive aggressive and snarky at best with the two knowing that they need one another if they are doing business.

Skin-Walkers & Beasts

Beasts tend to feel superior to skin-walkers, believing that they are merely humans playing charades. Most skin-walkers don't have a problem with beasts unless they challenge their dominance. It turns to petty fighting sometimes.

Spirits & the Living

The living see spirits as obnoxious tricksters that are wasting their time hanging around in this plane of existence. Spirits are just very BORED and doesn't get why the living are just a boring and unlively bunch. They like to stir things up to bring excitement, guidance... or plain trouble.

Wendigos & ---

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These rules encompasses the overall thread. This includes: user conduct, thread owner/creator preferences, any mention of mods/co-gms/etc., etc. These areas are usually subject to change if situations arises for it.
As the creator and owner of this thread, I (mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y) have the right to to enforce, add, change, and remove the rules for any situation that arises. No one has permission to copy, paste, repurpose, or use any of the written material, formats (coding, created graphics, etc) that I made or users used for their posting formats unless they are given permission by the original creators. When I am not around, CRiTiCAL ERR0R is in charge. I may add or remove mods as situations arises. Respect the standards and rules that I have set for this thread.

Respect all the users that are a part of this thread, attempting to apply, or simply popping into the OoC for a quick chat. I will not tolerate any and all disrespect of users. If there is a dispute between users, please take it to the PMs and include a mediator in the matter. The mediator could be myself, CRiTiCAL ERR0R, or a user that is neutral in the matter. If fighting occurs in the OoC, users that are involved will be kicked from the thread. Honestly, I’m know I’m being strict in this matter. But, I’ve experienced too many threads that died because of arguments and fighting in the OoC. You don’t necessarily have to get along with everyone or share the same opinions on everything. All I just ask is that we all get along and come together to write kick-ass posts for badass characters (parent mode off).

Read everything!

Activity for the thread is determined by two factors: posts in the IC and posts in the OoC. It is understandable that posts slowdown in the IC as time goes on and what not. It’s when users disappear from all together that causes a problem. Users are expected to check in once a week in the OoC so I know you are still around and interested in the thread. If a user hasn’t posts in 2 weeks, they will be kicked from the thread. If there something comes up in your life, I understand that you have to step out. All I ask is just a simple post or PM stating that you’ll be gone for a while. That’s it.

The following thread is a supernatural mystery set in a growing isolated town. The inspiration behind this thread includes: From Dusk Till Dawn (the series), Preacher (the series), Twin Peaks, and The Backwater Gospel (youtube video). I expect all the users to understand the setting in question and what kind of characters are acceptable (by reading the material). I am open to answering questions and what not. What I don’t expect is blatant disregard for the material.

There is a main plot to the thread! But, users are free to interact and create their own spinoffs and stories in the thread as long as they ask and what not. To get to the main plot, interactions are needed! Interact with characters, NPCs… the environment! I will step in and what not to throw out info or triggered events for users to interact with. I WILL ask for users help too in this regard! So.. you won’t know who’s pulling the strings until it’s revealed!


The following info is in regards to posts in the IC. Information will include: posting level, etiquette, post formats, etc.
The following thread is labeled as “detailed…” this means jack to me. What I expect for users when they post is to make a conscious effort to match what’s being put out. This means that if you see a lot of users putting out content-driven posts or posts that have a lot of character development and meaning to them, I expect to see that from you as well. All posts should have thought put into them and have a point. Whether it’s to reveal bits and pieces about their situation, getting them moving towards a goal, or interacting, there should be enough content to understand and properly respond to the users in this thread.

For technical sakes… the minimum I expect to happen in this thread is about 3 paragraphs. Three thick paragraphs with understandable grammar and spelling. It’d be nice if you guys bolded (
This) dialogue and italicized (This) thoughts. Include tags (@this thing) to users you are interacting with somewhere in the post.

You don’t need fancy, pansty posting format! If you wanna do it, just do it. I just don’t want blaring (bright bright bright colors) or handwriting fonts (cursive font) for the posts. It’s really hard to read.

This thread enforces posting etiquette. Basically, no god-modding, autohitting, puppeting, powerplaying, metagaming… that stuff. If there is a fight going on in the IC, I’d like it plotted out or at least settled properly without the situation drawn out for too long. Along with this, I do expect some drama and tension to show up in the thread as well. I live for it. But, don’t forget about the main plot and all that jazz.

The same applies for romance moments. Condense them down so you don’t have 1x1 scenes going on for pages and overwhelm the thread.


The following information is about the characters and profiles in this thread. This includes: what kind of characters are acceptable, profile coding process, accepting/declining profiles, limits, etc.
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[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]//tempttempttempt

I guess you could call it a tempt attempt.

No really, I'll be here all week folks.
mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y] [SIZE=12px]Aight... I want quick opinions on the map so far for this thread.[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] [/SIZE][URL="http://i.imgur.com/8IN6gzx.jpg said:
I like it! I think with a proper legend and list of locations it will be very efficient.
mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y] [SIZE=12px]Aight... I want quick opinions on the map so far for this thread.[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] [/SIZE][URL="http://i.imgur.com/8IN6gzx.jpg said:
The colors are a little strong for my taste, but the layout is nice and comprehensive.
mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17557-rissa/ said:
Hmm... I know the feeling... I wonder if I can tweak the colors while making them stand out on the map...
Maybe some kind of bleed thru overlay layer mask??? Wait you talkin bout text colors or color pallete in general?

I am (talking about the color pallet). The reason the colors stands out is that I wanted people to see everything clearly and know what's what. Like the yellow is actually based off of how google maps marks major highways.
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mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17557-rissa/ said:
I am. The reason the colors stands out is that I wanted people to see everything clearly and know what's what. Like the yellow is actually based off of how google maps marks major highways.
Yeah, I definitely read the google maps vibe right off the bat, but imo I think it's a good idea. Hmm.. I still cant figure if it's the bg texture (color) or the font color that's buggin me and makin it slightly hard to read. Either way I agree that the places should stand out clearly. You'll find a way tho, I'm sure of it. :P

Thanks! I was a bit worried that I wasn't doing the lore justice. I honestly don't know much about Native American folklore, but it was something I wanted to try for a thread.

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