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Fantasy Volume 1: Elemental Drift

William accepted the book, holding it gingerly at first. He had never held a book before, let alone owned one. He completely forgot about the others, the hall, and that his question wasn't yet answered.

The book cracked open with a rustle of old parchment, the pages fanning out and whirling past in frenzied blur. William caught glimpses of elemental battles, maps of ancient empires, and the furious destruction of cities. Snatches of song burst from between the pages, only to be drowned out by the clash of combat, which was overcome in turn by the roar of volcanic annihilation.

The pages slowed, coming to rest on a single full-spread picture. Five glowing elementals stood on a scorched and shattered plain, their backs to the viewer. Fire, air, stone, and nature, Willaim recognized. In fact, he could see this very book in the stone titan's hand. But the fifth...

William looked up, counting the heads in the room. Then counted again to be sure, using his fingers. He turn the book around, showing the illustration to the others.

"Who is this?" he asked, "We'll need them."

Olaf smiled and the Lord of Darkness scoffed.

"You spoil them, my dear." He comments. She frowns at him, shaking her head.

"No, husband, I give them things to help them on their journey. I am allowed to do this much," She replies, crossing her arms and sitting hard on her thrown, causing it to rock slightly like a row boat on water. Olaf frowns at the two in disapproval, disliking their bickering. He turned his head now to the children nodding. "Right...Now that you're all equipped properly with tools, you will need suitable clothing and a good meal." He smiles, walking over to a door that seems to have just appeared before him. Opening it, he reveals a long narrow closet holding all the different kinds of clothing the children could think of. From 1920's style fedoras to Rastafarian styled beanies. From corsets and flowing dresses to skinny jeans and hoodies. They had converse right next to a brand new pair of handmade sandals made from goat leather.

"Change into something comfortable, and we will have you all fed. Then you will rest for the night. But once the Lady's time has come, you must awaken and and prepare for the journey that lays ahead of you all." He smiles, nodding and closing the door behind him. A slight magical humming came from the door. The closet was lit, but there was no telling where the light was actually coming from. Small benches sat in the middle of the long closet, and there were two doors leading to dressing rooms at the opposite end. The children were, for the first time, alone with each other.​
Eimyn found he didn't mind the bickering between the two immortal beings. it made them feel...human. As oddly as that was, it comforted Eimyn. He wasn't too thrilled about being told to change clothes, nor was he thrilled at the many different options, most, if not all, of them weird, and in different styles, probably from different times, but he did not recognise any from his own time and place.

He did not like it. But he sighed, looking over at the others, and then he stepped up, studying the clothes. Some were soft, hard, rough, smooth...it all made Eimyn wish for the more simple wardrobe he had back home, but he was intrigued by the warm, and soft shirts that covered his arms, and appeared to have a hood. It intrigued him, because it seemed like a combination of clothes, and he found that practical. He chose a shirt as well, probably ballsing it up fashion wise, but he didn't care, and some stiff pants that never the less seemed to move as he moved. He also found a ribbon that was clearly for the girls for their hair, but he shrugged, and tied back his own long hair, as if he ere tying his shoes, before pulling up the hood.

Satisfied with his choices, he stepped back, contemplating their situation, leaning against a wall, putting the flint and steel in a pocket of the hood-shirt-cloak, and said softly, "They keep on sying five, don't they? And yet there are four of us. Where is the fifth?" he nodded to William, "Like the fifth one in your book"
Rayne huffed hearing Eimyn mutter "learn" to her when she asked what to do with her fan. No duh she had to learn. Twits. She just wanted to know how she could learn. But the two eternal beings in front of her seemed more interested in bickering than they did teaching much of anything at the moment.

When they showed the children a lot of clothing in another, mysterious room, Rayne stepped forward to look through the closet. She saw a lot of clothes she didn't recognize, but figured it would feel more comfortable to wear something she was familiar with. She began to hunt through the garments to look for a dress of some kind from her era, hearing Eimyn speak to William.

"Either they miscounted or they have one more to find. But I believe earlier they said that one would be joining us later," Rayne chimed in.
She soon heard Olaf telling them of the schedule for them. She listened partially. Willow was too much into talking to her new companion, Steve. She placed him on her shoulder like a parrot. Warmth emanated from the plant. Her attention was torn away from Steve when a door appeared. Olaf herded them into the room.

Willow tentatively walked into the room. She looked left and right to find clothing in every inch of the room. So many colors of clothing, different styles, and designs. She found herself moving towards clothes she recognizes. She gasped and pulled out a cute shirt, "This hasn't even been released in stores yet! Wow who knew they could keep up with the latest clothing." Willow began digging into the shirts oohing and ahhhing at all the variety of clothing.

Her depressed persona momentarily left with the distraction of colorful clothing. She would pull out one shirt and place it on top of her seeing if it looked good then put it back. She continued this for several minutes until she found a cute cashmere long sleeves and white skinny jeans. She walked over to the dressing room to be distracted by expensive shoes on her way.

Once she was finished changing she grabbed the hair tie on her wrist and tied her hair up into a messy bun. It's crazy to think that after all this time travel I still have my hair tie from the other day. Willow turned her head to Steve and asked, "What do you think Steve?"

Steve looks up at Willow, saying out loud "I think that everyone her is to scared to try any of the new clothing they have here." He looked over to Eimyn. "Except this brave young sod here, you are everyone of you a bunch of big chickens!!" He laughed, though nobody could figure how he was accomplishing that let alone speaking. He jumped out of her hand walking over to a section of modern day dresses and some training bra's, throwing them at the young Rayne. "Try theses on dear, I'm sure you'll find them more comfortable, seeing as elastic is bigger in this time then yours." He chuckles.


"How's that, now? Let your skin breaaath" Steve nodded.
Eimyn frowned in thought. He leaned against a wall, nodding to the little tree thing said he was brave, but Eimyn merely said, "They are comfortable and warm. That's all that matters to me. There was virtually nothing from my own time. I'm not brave, just practical" he said falling silent once more.

He leaned back, looking up at the ceiling. Thoughts rolled around in his head for a long time, before he said softly, "Well. We may as wel get to know each other. I'm Eimyn. I have been taught how to be a blacksmith, which I guess is beneficial to this. I'm from 1700 Scottland, as is William" His voice trailed off, and he looked at the others, obviously expecting them to talk as well. His gaze was serious, and expecting, almost calculating, as if trying to figure them all out.
Willow held a light smile as she observed Steve. She even gave a slight giggle, something foreign to her. The airy feeling left once the rigid words of a human resonated in the room. Her eyes lifted up to the one named Eimyn. She wanted to keep her thoughts and opinions serious but when she got a thorough look of Eimyn she couldn't help but stifle a laugh. The style of his hair tied up looked odd in her mind.

Willow walked over to Eimyn and tugged off the hair tie that he used. "I'm Willow from the year of 2014. I am American but was formerly living in Russia. I was just a student going to school but I do know some things about cosmetics. Perhaps you wouldn't mind a haircut?" Willow asked. She felt a bit of jealousy at how luscious Eimyn's hair was perhaps even longer than hers. She felt different somehow. Not fully accepted but a little bit alleviated from the hell hole inside of her.
300 years difference...That thought was frightening to Eimyn. If he had lived that long, if that was even possible for humans, he'd be over 300 years old. How much had changed, for this girls century? What was different. Clearly Woman were given more power and standing in her time, for her to come over to Eimyn and touch him so. It made him nervous, and he felt his skin burn in a blush. Embarrassed at that, he glanced aside.

It was a few minutes before he replied to her, "So then, you can speak two tongues?" he looked back to her, under control now, and regarded her with serious eyes, as if he was studying her very soul. He did this with everyone. His eyes did not show any emotion besides curiosity, and he pondered her request. "A hair cut would be most appreciated, thank you. I do not know what is suitable for this time, and age, and...well I'd say I'd rather not stand out, but...its obvious I will, won't i?"
Olaf walked into the closet from a door where a rack of clothes had once been. "Well that depends on when we are, Sir Eimyn." He smiles, looking around. "So, is everyone finished getting ready, or do you need a bit more time?" He asks, clapping his hands together, smiling brightly. "Because dinner is ready and we are waiting for you," He nods, still smiling. "Just thought I'd let you all know we are all waiting to eat because you are getting dressed." He nodded, simply making sure they knew why he was there, then turned, leaving the door open.

Through the door was a huge dining room with black marble walls and crimson silk draped from the ceiling and wrapped around columns. The dining table was simply a long floating piece of glass, covered in plates with every single kind of food you could think of. It was impossible how it could fit it all, but somehow it did.

Corn on the cob, Pizza, Mutton, Shepard's pie, craw fish, A roasted pig, burgers, pancakes, ravioli's, sushi, balgogi, enchaladas, and so much more. At the end of the table, sat the Lord and Lady and another chair that Olaf went to sit down at. The rest of the places where missing a chair, leaving no place for the confused children to sit.
William looked over the rack of clothes one last time. Most of the clothes were simply too small for his massive frame. Of the others, he have very little idea of how to wear them. Growing up in the 1700's had not prepared him for zippers. He finally grabbed a large black hoodie from the rack and slipped it on, covering his other clothes. His rough trousers and bare feet remained.

He left his staff leaning on the side of the closet and followed Olaf. It would be rude to bring a weapon in to dinner.
Narwhalia said:

Steve looks up at Willow, saying out loud "I think that everyone her is to scared to try any of the new clothing they have here." He looked over to Eimyn. "Except this brave young sod here, you are everyone of you a bunch of big chickens!!" He laughed, though nobody could figure how he was accomplishing that let alone speaking. He jumped out of her hand walking over to a section of modern day dresses and some training bra's, throwing them at the young Rayne. "Try theses on dear, I'm sure you'll find them more comfortable, seeing as elastic is bigger in this time then yours." He chuckles.


"How's that, now? Let your skin breaaath" Steve nodded.

Rayne took the dress to look it over, surprised at how it looked. It was nothing like the large gowns she was required to wear back home. "This is a bit less fabric than I'm used to, I will admit. To wear something like this would be a bit rebellious in my parent's eyes back home." A small smirk spread over her face. "But you're lucky I happen to fancy being rebellious."

On that note, Rayne went into a changing room with the dress and began to put it on. My, it was so much lighter than anything she had to wear at home! And she didn't even have to wear a corset! If she walked around like this in her day she would either be considered a commoner or possibly even a tramp depending on how someone were to look at her.

Once she had changed, Rayne tucked her blonde hair into a loose bun and exited the changing room, heading Olaf's information to head into the dining room. She gasped seeing the area, very pleased! This seemed to be a refined looking dining room and she would have no problem here. At least, she thought this until she saw the food. She didn't even see the missing chairs at the table because of being distracted by it.

Rayne walked forward, eyes skimming the table with a lost look in them when she spotted some of the modern food she had seen before. Burgers? Pizza? What were those things?

"There are some foods here I've never seen before. Tell me, what's this?" she asked to nobody in particular, hoping someone would answer her when she held up a burger and questioned what it was. She gasped when it fell apart, not realizing she had to hold it together like a sandwich. Oops.
Willow answered, "I wish I spoke two languages. But I only know English." She sighed thinking of how she could've saved her mother if she knew Russian. At the thought of her mother she began to sink back into her depressed self. She stepped back from Eimyn. The color in her eyes dulled and she bent her head down.

A distraction of Olaf coming in alleviated her despair. Out of sheer curiosity, which overpowered her depression, led her to walk through the door and into the dining room. With an O-shaped mouth Willow took it in all. Pizza, burgers, ribs, steak, pies, all you can dream of was all congregated into one table. Willow heard the girl, Rayne, ask about burgers. She gave a faint smile when the burger fell apart in her hands.

Willie could see questions in their eyes. Guess I only know about some of these foods. Willow walked over to where the burgers were laid. She picked one up, "Burgers are like sandwiches, except instead of ham there is a beef patty." Willow felt a bit of comfort from grabbing familiar foods. But she still felt the void of sadness in her, something that is rooted into her.

Her eyes wandered down the rows of foods, finding some she didn't know about. She avoided those victuals since they didn't provide her with homely comfort, something she yearned at the moment.
Eimyn watched Willow seemed to wilt, and wondered if he had said something wrong. He tried to think what that could be, but before he could offer her any comfort, she had turned towards the food. He stood there, still trying to figure it out.

She had seemed to react to his assuming she knew two languages. Why? had something happened? He stood there, with a slight frown on his face as he tried to think it through. He was still standing there as she explained the food. He wasn't taking anything in, but simply trying to work out what he had done.

Finally Eimyn simply picked up the courage to go over to Willow once more, and said softly, with sincerity "I'm sorry for whatever I said that brought up bad memories or feelings. That was never my intention, and...I just hope that everything is alright" He gave her a small smile, hoping to be reassuring and friendly, but not sure if he had succeeded.
LifeNovel said:
Willow answered, "I wish I spoke two languages. But I only know English." She sighed thinking of how she could've saved her mother if she knew Russian. At the thought of her mother she began to sink back into her depressed self. She stepped back from Eimyn. The color in her eyes dulled and she bent her head down.
A distraction of Olaf coming in alleviated her despair. Out of sheer curiosity, which overpowered her depression, led her to walk through the door and into the dining room. With an O-shaped mouth Willow took it in all. Pizza, burgers, ribs, steak, pies, all you can dream of was all congregated into one table. Willow heard the girl, Rayne, ask about burgers. She gave a faint smile when the burger fell apart in her hands.

Willie could see questions in their eyes. Guess I only know about some of these foods. Willow walked over to where the burgers were laid. She picked one up, "Burgers are like sandwiches, except instead of ham there is a beef patty." Willow felt a bit of comfort from grabbing familiar foods. But she still felt the void of sadness in her, something that is rooted into her.

Her eyes wandered down the rows of foods, finding some she didn't know about. She avoided those victuals since they didn't provide her with homely comfort, something she yearned at the moment.
Rayne sideglanced to Willow, the first one to reply to her, and nodded. "How strange, where I come from beef isn't normally cooked that way. Is this something that will be invented eventually? If so, do you know about these because you're from a time period later on than mine?" she asked, curious.

While speaking to Willow, Rayne picked up a plate and decided to get some food. She chose mostly things she recognized like baked chicken, bread, fresh vegetables, and fruit, but the burger made her curious. She may as well try some of these future foods or commoner foods, whatever they may be.
Willow saw Eimyn approaching her after she explained about burgers. Her eyes showed sincere pain but lightened up from the considerate thought. "No need to apologize. It is fine. My life is not a burden for you to worry about. But the sincerity of the apology even if you are not knowledgeable of what you might have done wrong is greatly appreciated," Willow replied back. Her enriched vocabulary startled her. Is it because he is from the past where they talked with a larger variety of vocabulary that I feel obligated to sound eloquated or that he may see me as a simpleton.

The small smile that Eimyn gave her caused her to smile back. Guys aren't that bad after all, too bad I'm not that attracted though. She sighed inwardly. Then the voice of Rayne rang in her ears. Willow will admit it, she admired Rayne's looks and may even have a crush on her. She dismissed the thought though as she addressed Rayne's question, "Yes. Seeing as how you are unfamiliar with burgers, pizza, and chips. I can see that my time period is ahead of yours. The year I was taken from was the year 2014, where food gets more greasey and fattier. But you won't know what grease is. And a good thing you don't. It is very bad for one's health."
Eimyn wasn't too sure if all was well or not, but after a few minutes silence, he said loud enough for them all to hear, although still softly, "You say that your life isn't a burden for us to worry about...but isn't it? Are we not meant to be a team, if all they have explained to us" He waved a hand over the three, Olaf and the lady and lord, "Is true? Why should we not care about each other, and want to share the burdens of our lives? If we are to be a team...then I think we should know one another, otherwise...how can we work together?" Once more he realised he was making a speech, and ganced aside from all of them, wondering why he was doing this, and why it seemed so important to him.

Sick of the half-truths and the dancing around issues, he turned to the three immortals and said, "Food has always been a chance to discuss things. A full belly always seems to make people more susceptible to conversation. Well, you say five of us. But where is the fifth person? It seems to me that we can't really do anything until we find him or her. It also sees clear to me that you didn't expect the fifth person to either be delayed in coming, or you have no idea where he or she is, and that tells me your magic, or whatever it is, reacted wrongly. Or the fifth person is in trouble. And if thats the case, we should be there" He took a bread roll a bit into it, not looking away, his expression serious, the distraction of food not enough to sway his determination for information.
LifeNovel said:
Willow saw Eimyn approaching her after she explained about burgers. Her eyes showed sincere pain but lightened up from the considerate thought. "No need to apologize. It is fine. My life is not a burden for you to worry about. But the sincerity of the apology even if you are not knowledgeable of what you might have done wrong is greatly appreciated," Willow replied back. Her enriched vocabulary startled her. Is it because he is from the past where they talked with a larger variety of vocabulary that I feel obligated to sound eloquated or that he may see me as a simpleton.

The small smile that Eimyn gave her caused her to smile back. Guys aren't that bad after all, too bad I'm not that attracted though. She sighed inwardly. Then the voice of Rayne rang in her ears. Willow will admit it, she admired Rayne's looks and may even have a crush on her. She dismissed the thought though as she addressed Rayne's question, "Yes. Seeing as how you are unfamiliar with burgers, pizza, and chips. I can see that my time period is ahead of yours. The year I was taken from was the year 2014, where food gets more greasey and fattier. But you won't know what grease is. And a good thing you don't. It is very bad for one's health."
Rayne's eyes widened when she heard Willow's words. "Blimey, that's quite a bit farther than where I'm at. But I'm afraid I don't understand. Why would someone create food bad for ones health and eat it? That doesn't make any sense." Her accent came out thick when she spoke, even more so when she was surprised.

Plate of food in hand, she began to make her way over to the table, frowning when she finally realized there wasn't enough seating for everyone. While trying to figure out how she would remedy this issue, she half listened to Eimyn's speech. She didn't respond to it, however, because in truth she didn't care much about getting to know the others. They may all have shared this special secret, but they were still likely commoners in the lands they were raised. She didn't feel the need to warm up to such people, at least not at this time.

She cleared her throat and began to tap her foot on the floor after a moment, hoping to catch the attention of the immortals hosting the dinner. "Excuse me, but where may I sit? Because you're barking mad if you think I'm going to sit on the floor."
Snapping her fingers, the lady looked at the rude girl. As she snapped, chairs puffed into existence, allowing the children to sit down. "I will have you know it is not our doing that caused Falisity to be..compromised.." The lord bellowed. Olaf smiled and nodded and Eimyn.

"Alright, I'll admit that we have one missing. That will all be explained after dinner. I do agree about meeting eachother. How about we tell stories at dinner. Each one of you, tell your life stories and experience, starting with Mr. Eimyn, seeing as you are so eager!" He nods smiling.
Eimyn stared at Olaf, wondering if it was a joke or not. He didn't make an effort to speak, simply stated. What did he want? It had been, or so he thought, a typical life. "I grew up with William. I was taught blacksmithing. I was good at it. And everyone I know or care about besides William is dead in this time" then he fell silent again, his eyes watchful and serious, before seeming to dismiss them and turning to the food, grabbing a plateful of just anything.
Olaf chuckled. "Not necessarily, young man. Where we are now isn't really in any specific time. We are everywhere and nowhere. Everything that will be is and yet it still is yet to come to existence. We are..i guess you could say...unbeing?" He laughs to himself, taking a sip of tea and biting off a bit of a shortbread cookie.

All this while, the small living plant stared in horror at the cut flower in fases, the steamed broccoli, and the peach cobbler. "My cousins! What have they done to you!" He cried.
Eimyn frowned, staring at his plate of food. He didn't like the sound of that. He didn't reply for a matter of minutes, trying to bring into words what he wanted to say. He looked over and said softly, "so somewhere, out there, in a different time and place, our parents are wondering where we are?" He didn't like that idea, didn't like the worry or fear he imagined they might feel. He would never stop thinking of them as his real parents.

"What if we die? Will they ever know what happened to us? Will they always wonder? Have you even spoken with them?" As he spoke, his voice rose and filled with emotion, "how about instead of us telling our life stories, we actually get the whole story from beginning, to the predicted outcome? how about we get answers to questions im sure we all have?! You guys may know everything, but we don't! You bring us here, you take us from all we've ever known, and dump is here, among strange clothing and food, and tell us we're to save the world, but you don't tell us how!" His tone was furious, demanding, and confused, and it was perhaps the closest to losing control that Eimyn ever got.

He turned to The plant as it seemed to exclaim In horror, taking a deep breath "for us it's food. We need it to live. We can't just survive on mead. I'm sorry that it stresses you" his tone when addressing the small talking plant was kind, and soft. "Perhaps willow might be able to explain it better though" h wondered if he shouldn't have spoken to the plant-man, but could do nothing about it now. He looked towards Olaf again
Tapping her foot on the floor, Rayne watched the lady as she snapped her fingers and made a chair appear before her. She smiled and quickly took a seat, setting her plate of food on the table in front of her. She picked up her burger in one hand, tempted to try this new, strange food first.

While she examined her food, she listened to Eimyn speak of his life, not in much detail either. She then began to eat, barely paying attention to Olaf reply back and the little plant creature crying out. What did catch her attention, however, was when Eimyn rose his voice.

"I agree with him. I care little about all of our life stories. I would just like to know what we're doing here. I want to learn about my history along with more truth behind what's going on. I have little use for their back stories."

Rayne liked keeping to herself. She didn't like to learn about anyone else very often. It was the best way to protect her heart. Keeping walls up was usually best for her.
Willow chose a seat far from Rayne but close to her new companion, Steve. Her eyes just wandered between Eimyn and Olaf. Willow didn't hold much interest in the conversation though. She still felt desolate and empty but with a tiny seed of content from Steve. Her neutral expression was thwarted when she heard her little acquaintance scream. Willow's eyes flashed with panic, his scream flashed her back to that night. Her heart raced and her eyes widened. She gripped the table with a strong grip and turned towards Steve. Once she realized what he was screaming for she felt despondent. Willow was in the same boat as him. Right before him was family dead. Same applied to her that night, except she didn't really have an idea if her mom was dead, but from recent emptiness she could bet for the worse. Willow leaned close to Steve and rubbed one finger down his tiny trunk, "I'm sorry Steve. I know how you feel...but this is part of life, something I wish for you not to experience. But seeing as you are living we endure this all..." Her eyes wandered to the steamed vegetables.
The Lord stood, stomping his foot. "If you are all so concerned about the last person in your group, I'll tell you and get it over with. I see no point in keeping it from you any longer. Falisity will be absent until you four find, and free her. The stupid girl accidentally froze herself. The only way to get her out...is going through a cave designed to test all of your abilities. To make sure you are all...prepared..for the tasks ahead. And don't look at me or my wife. It wasn't our bright idea..." Looking to Olaf, the Lord scoffed. Olaf proceeded to nod and grin.

"Ah, spoil a good surprise why don't you!" Olaf shook his finger at his counterpart. "Yes, indeed I did. I have placed her in a realm known as the plain of Never-There. (I will be putting a page from the book of knowledge up soon). I have hid her in the cave of endurment, where you will all go, free Falisity, and find a way out...alive." He nods, making sure he made that part particularly clear. The Lady of Light frowned at the two Lords.

"You would send these children, already confused and afraid, to a different realm, when they have yet to even learn the meaning of their powers!" The lady's anger, rarely seen, was frightening to say the least, and rays of run light flared behind her eyes. Olaf nodded and she crossed her arms, mumbling under her breath.

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