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Realistic or Modern Villains by Necessity



xD you get a thumbs up for getting it xD

I don't remember which one atm I'm just too happy xD

Codename: Mobile Insanity

Real Name (optional): Meoxzhur Siruach

Age: Appears in his early thirties but is almost 200 years old




Powers and/or other Extreme Benefits (max: 3):​

Age Manipulation: able to change his age at will for as long as he is alive, which he has locked at his optimal mental stability.​

Insanity Projection: able to give you a false sense of reality into your worst dreams to try and drive you insane, only works as long as he has eye contact.

Mass Clone: Is able to produce mass amounts of copies of himself, once hit dissaper onto black smoke, and can't deal a lot of damage unless in masses.

Weaknesses (at least 1 big one and 2 small ones):

Physically weak (but still pretty fast and agile)​

Sometimes falls asleep during meditation breaking insanity projection and mass Clone

Can be considered insane so he forgets things from time to time

Personality: crazy, hyper, random, mean, rude, curious, can be polite, and thinks of himself still as royalty

History (optional): he was sent in for a life sentence for mass murder many many MANY years ago and is being released from that sentence after 115 years later, was also found guilty of attempted genocide in a foreign country. It was a good thing he got the best lawyer he could get his hands on with all the money he obtained through killing everyone else, he also had to pay a fee of several millions to the remaining survivors of that fateful time called the great extinction. The genocide worse than this 'Adolf Hitler' everyone goes on about, he only reached seven million, Meox was in the tens of millions, only through the course of about a hundred years, he had his own breeding ground for the people. The dozens of thousands he missed were all survivors from that breeding ground, yes, he had his own country for making more people to kill, just like cows, he just picked the most abundant recourse. He took his time making his way up the chain of royalty all the way up to a king for a few decades, then he decided he didn't like the idea of a king, he wanted more, he made the first monarchy, originally an oligarchy but he outlived his friends, most gave their life to save his, so he got used to being alone. He ruled all the way from both borders of Europe for a hundred years and after he made his own country to call home, Ireland, and stepped down from the throne he was taken in by the Protectorate and charged for the genocide, and sent to the Protectorate for judgment and was sentenced to 115 years in prison. He has never claimed to be immortal, but with as many years as he's lived, under the radar and only was recorded to live after gaining the title of king. Will think of it as I go along......

Goal: have as much fun making people go insane as possible and take back his throne as monarchy over Europe again.

Reason for saving the world: To f#%k it up later and get his monarchy back to its former 'glory' of slaughtering​
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Character Profile

Codename: Arsenal

Real Name (optional): Daniel Chang

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1425246386816.jpg.c6c722aa19e386510e5b3cbae12862c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70804" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1425246386816.jpg.c6c722aa19e386510e5b3cbae12862c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers and/or other Extreme Benefits (max: 3):

Weapon Generation: Daniel can generate any small - medium size weapon and a small amount of ammunition for it if necessary.

Brawler: Daniel can generate many weapons and has sufficient enough skill to use them. He is also somewhat skilled in unarmed combat.

Weaknesses (at least 1 big one and 2 small ones):

Mega Drain: Generating any sort of item creates an extremely large drain on Daniel, so much so that he can only generate a maximum of 4 items before passing out outright.

Bare Minimum: Daniel possesses bare minimum skill in most kinds of weapons, making him relatively easy to outclass.

Squishy: He's no more durable than a regular human. He can be killed by a simply well placed bullet.

Lazy: Daniel is a naturally lazy person. He doesn't like to train unless he absolutely has to. He prefers to take the easy way out.

Plan B? What?: Daniel normally has 1 plan, and if that fails, he will crash and burn.

Personality: A calm man, Daniel isn't a mass murdering psycho, but rather a mischievous prick. He doesn't have much of a strict code about murder, he just doesn't care about unnecessary loss of life. He enjoys people's reactions to his crimes. What's the point of looking for a reaction when there is nobody to react? He likes to cause trouble and create chaos. When not on a job he's rather relaxed, preferring to just sit around and wind down before his next job.

Goal: Cause as much chaos as possible.

Reason for saving the world: He doesn't really have a reason, just going with the flow. With his track record, it'd probably give some people a good shock too.



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Hero Character

Codename: Svalinn, The Shield before the Sun

Faction: Samaritan

Appearance: Standing huge at 8ft tall, he is always dawning full body armor and his shield either at the ready or on his back.

Powers and/or other Extreme Benefits (max: 3):

-Nearly impenetrable defence: As long as he has his shield, Svalinn can take a hit from just about anything. The only person known to have breached his defence with shield in hand is Dawnbreaker.

Force Deflection: Svalinn can reflect with his shield anything from bullets to super power fueled attacks, sometimes using it to his advantage. A good defence is sometimes a good offence.

Super Strength: Even without his shield, he is not what you would call an average man. He could easily punch through a wall or pick up a car.

Weaknesses (at least 1 big one and 2 small ones):

Vulnerable without shield: if Svalinn is disarmed he is in serious trouble. His shield is the staple of his combat style and he is pretty hopeless without it.

Empathetic Nature: Svalinn has always loathed fighting despite how much of it he has done. He will always try to find the good in people before resulting to violence. This doesn't often pay off, particularly with villains.

Agonizingly slow: Svalinns run is what most would call a brisk jog. He's a huge tank after all and this often royally pissed off his comrades.

Low Offensive ability.

Personality: Insufferably noble and honorable.

History (optional): Orginally working directly under the higher rankings of the Protectorate. Svalinn often found himself as the shield to Dawnbreaker's sword. But after some of what Svalinn would consider some questionable morality choices. He decided to begin working on his own as a Samaritan. Although still helping the Protectorate when he felt right to do so (For example showing up to stop a prison riot? Lol) Svalinn never truly belived that Dawnbreaker had perished, they had at times fought side by side after all. He knew that such a man would not be taken down by any mere Villain.

Goal: Protect those who cannot protect themselves, and strive for a better world.

Reason for saving the world: Conserving the beauty that is earth and the human race. He shall not let it burn in flames.


LeviathanL said:
knock yourself out mate. But a samaritan could be handy in the long run.
Let me know how you feel about that :P
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Hero (Protectorate)

Codename: Sol of the Blaze


Powers and/or other Extreme Benefits:

-Extremely gifted pyromancer

-Ability to withstand high amounts of heat and explosions

Weaknesses: Water, cold, lack of oxygen. Basically anything that shuts down fire shuts her powers down.

Personality: Fiery (heh), emotional. Never heard the phrase: the ends justify the means.

Goal: Helping people

Reason for saving the world: Prevent loss of life
Codename: N/A

Real Name (optional): Iof Ichanban (or ich for short)



Powers and/or other Extreme Benefits (max: 3):​

Embodiment of sloth: he can project the sin of sloth (being lazy) onto anyone as long as he's keeping a conversation with them​

Emotion Manipulation: can alter anyone's emotions to be as he so choses as long as he's having a conversation with them

Genetic memory: all of his memories aren't his own, they come from his ancestors , who were all lawyers, police officers, judges, anything associated with the law he knows, so he knows the loop holes and the cold hard facts

Weaknesses (at least 1 big one and 2 small ones):

He's human

Easily distracted, oh look, butterfly

Easily angered if told he is wrong about a law

Personality: laid back, lazy, professional, VERY PERSUASIVE

History (optional): he grew up on the lawyering business and so did his father, and his father before him, and his father before him, you get the picture, he has all the laws memorized and can recite them as easily as his own name

Goal: be the best lawyer ever

Reason for saving the world: he lives on it duh

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las0r0o7 said:
Codename: Sleazeball

Real Name (optional):



Powers and/or other Extreme Benefits (max: 3):​

Embodiment of sloth: he can project the sin of sloth (being lazy) onto anyone as long as he's keeping a conversation with them​

Emotion Manipulation: can alter anyone's emotions to be as he so choses as long as he's having a conversation with them

Genetic memory: all of his memories aren't his own, they come from his ancestors , who were all lawyers, police officers, judges, anything associated with the law he knows, so he knows the loop holes and the cold hard facts

Weaknesses (at least 1 big one and 2 small ones):

He's human

Easily distracted, oh look, butterfly

Easily angered if told he is wrong about a law

Personality: laid back, lazy, professional, VERY PERSUASIVE

History (optional): he grew up on the lawyering business and so did his father, and his father before him, and his father before him, you get the picture, he has all the laws memorized and can recite them as easily as his own name

Goal: be the best lawyer ever

Reason for saving the world: he lives on it duh

The codename is a bit much for me. If he also gets a real name the more civilized villains among us can use it's good.
Real Name: Samuel Lawson



Powers/Benifits: He is sneaky, that is all

Weaknesses: He's human, and a chicken when it comes to violence, bad at persuading

Personality: Fun, joyful, happy go lucky, always interested in the little things in life

History: A young man who grew up in the city just like everyone else on the planet, but he is one of few who is the perfect description of an optimist, always smiling, having fun, and just all around having a good time. He was like that all through his school years, and even now, in college. He is becoming a journalist so that he can travel the country to get stories to be able to put a smile on everyone's faces, that is his great dream, make everyone smile :D

Goal: to become a worldwide journalist

Reason for saving the world: Self Preservation

Codename: Sadistic Surgeon

Real Name (optional): Dylan Keogh


Powers and/or other Extreme Benefits: Anaesthetic Touch: Dylan can transdermally inject people with a sedative by touch at will, however it has to be skin to skin, it has to be in constant contact for 10 seconds and it has to be touching a vein or an artery to work. He can do this as he has used nanotechnology to turn skin cells into Ketamine. It will render a human unconscious for 10 minutes, a superhero for 2 minutes. He can only do it three times a day. Hyper-regeneration: Dylan has altered his own DNA so that injuries will heal very quickly. however it takes up a lot of calories. A shallow cut will close up in half an hour, a broken leg will heal in 3 weeks, However, cranial injuries take longer to repair than usual as they control the accelerated healing.

Weaknesses (at least 1 big one and 2 small ones): His Anaesthetic Touch can be turned back on him by making him touch a vein or artery of his own when using his power it will render him unconscious completely for 35 minutes. He is physically weak and relies on having Opponents he has already anaesthetised or are physically incapacitated to perform his surgery. which usually involves removing vital organs. He also has a set of surgical tools always on him, and they are potential weapons that can be used against him.

Personality: Dylan is externally very calm and polite, his temper is rarely lost, although when it is he usually responds physically with his scalpel. Internally he is a cruel sadist, the human anatomy fascinates him and he often takes prisoners for medical experimentation, being a respectable Doctor by day and a twisted human experimenter by night. He enjoys Superheroes the most as they are more durable than humans and as such, he can do more extreme things with them. He keeps this part of him hidden deep down. As well as being the medic for the group, he is also their interrogator, his most frequent form of torture is forcefully removing somebody's eyes using a scalpel and forceps. During his interrogations is when e lets this part of him come out. He invariably kills those he interrogates after he has extracted all of the information they have, before moving on as if nothing had happened.

History (optional): Born into a highly abusive family, Dylan was beaten frequently by his Father, who became more and more inventive with his punishments for Dylan, such as working him to exhaustion and putting him into solitary confinement, even cutting his back. He took 14 years of this treatment before he broke. After finding his Father asleep on the sofa, he took him to the basement and began, in conjunction with a medical guidebook, began performing experiments his Father didn't need, like a tonsillectomy and removing his spleen and gall bladder, all without anaesthetic. He died after 3 weeks due to septicaemia, and Dylan need more. He burned his Father's body before kidnapping others who had wronged him, before becoming an amateur surgeon who had gained experience through practice in his basement. The exams were a breeze, and now that he had access to proper medical equipment, he could perform more experiments safely. He moves frequently, after all the people and heroes in the area keep disappearing.

Goal: To kill all heroes in the world.

Reason for saving the world: "I refuse to become a plaything of those I play with."
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Code name: the Painter

Real name: Roth Alumni




Air writing: as long as he has a writing object in his hand he is able to draw on any surface, including air.

Picture Manifestation: Anything that is a picture of any sort, including poorly drawn objects, though he has to 'grab' the object before he can manifest it (objects can only stay from a few minutes to a few hours depending on the quality)

Levitation: he can levitate around and some objects around him


Highly prone to be caught on fire

Can randomly fall asleep

Gets distracted with art

Personality: always tired, enjoys being outside, and doesn't have issues getting along with most people

History: was marked as a big time bank robber from across the nation stealing easily millions of dollars each time. (Level 4)

Goal: Get out and make some more money

Reason for saving the world: Money is a priority, but I guess I need the world to be able to have some later.
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las0r0o7 said:
Code name: the Painter
Real name: Roth Alumni




Air writing: as long as he has a writing object in his hand he is able to draw on any surface, including air.

Picture Manifestation: Anything that is a picture of any sort, including poorly drawn objects, though he has to 'grab' the object before he can manifest it (objects can only stay from a few minutes to a few hours depending on the quality)

Levitation: he can levitate around and some objects around him


Highly prone to be caught on fire

Can randomly fall asleep

Gets distracted with art

Personality: always tired, enjoys being outside, and doesn't have issues getting along with most people

History: was marked as a big time bank robber from across the nation stealing easily millions of dollars each time. (Level 4)

Goal: Get out and make some more money

Reason for saving the world: Money is a priority, but I guess I need the world to be able to have some later.
GimmickPuppet said:
Codename: Sadistic Surgeon
Real Name (optional): Dylan Keogh


Powers and/or other Extreme Benefits: Anaesthetic Touch: Dylan can transdermally inject people with a sedative by touch at will, however it has to be skin to skin, it has to be in constant contact for 4 seconds and it has to be touching a vein or an artery to work. He can do this as he has used nanotechnology to turn skin cells into Ketamine. It will render a human unconscious for 1 hour, a superhero for 30 minutes. Hyper-regeneration: Dylan has altered his own DNA so that injuries will heal very quickly. however it takes up a lot of calories. A shallow cut will close up in half an hour, a broken leg will heal in 3 weeks, However, cranial injuries take longer to repair than usual as they control the accelerated healing.

Weaknesses (at least 1 big one and 2 small ones): His Anaesthetic Touch can be turned back on him by making him touch a vein or artery of his own when using his power it will render him unconscious completely for 35 minutes. He is physically weak and relies on having Opponents he has already anaesthetised or are physically incapacitated to perform his surgery. which usually involves removing vital organs. He also has a set of surgical tools always on him, and they are potential weapons that can be used against him.

Personality: Dylan is externally very calm and polite, his temper is rarely lost, although when it is he usually responds physically with his scalpel. Internally he is a cruel sadist, the human anatomy fascinates him and he often takes prisoners for medical experimentation, being a respectable Doctor by day and a twisted human experimenter by night. He enjoys Superheroes the most as they are more durable than humans and as such, he can do more extreme things with them. He keeps this part of him hidden deep down. As well as being the medic for the group, he is also their interrogator, his most frequent form of torture is forcefully removing somebody's eyes using a scalpel and forceps. During his interrogations is when e lets this part of him come out. He invariably kills those he interrogates after he has extracted all of the information they have, before moving on as if nothing had happened.

History (optional): Born into a highly abusive family, Dylan was beaten frequently by his Father, who became more and more inventive with his punishments for Dylan, such as working him to exhaustion and putting him into solitary confinement, even cutting his back. He took 14 years of this treatment before he broke. After finding his Father asleep on the sofa, he took him to the basement and began, in conjunction with a medical guidebook, began performing experiments his Father didn't need, like a tonsillectomy and removing his spleen and gall bladder, all without anaesthetic. He died after 3 weeks due to septicaemia, and Dylan need more. He burned his Father's body before kidnapping others who had wronged him, before becoming an amateur surgeon who had gained experience through practice in his basement. The exams were a breeze, and now that he had access to proper medical equipment, he could perform more experiments safely. He moves frequently, after all the people and heroes in the area keep disappearing.

Goal: To kill all heroes in the world.

Reason for saving the world: "I refuse to become a plaything of those I play with."
Hmmm, how do you see the 30 min of unconsciousness playing out in the forum? I see either you being able to kill everyone since once you touch them they can no longer defend themselves. Or I see people being unable to post for days because in-game time is not properly laid out. Do you understand my point? If you could tweak it a bit to make it more RP-friendly that'd great.
Character Profile

Codename: Beserker

Real Name: William Medved

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.2e18d18d4453991f781b781e750852da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.2e18d18d4453991f781b781e750852da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers and/or other Extreme Benefits (max: 3): Has a group of minions to assist him.

Is crazy but also smart.

Can kill with anything he can get his hands on.

Weaknesses (at least 1 big one and 2 small ones): When he goes into a rage, he attacks everyone, friend or foe.

No superpowers, only rage and brains.

Personality: Paranoid with a short temper. When not angry he is very smart and makes good and sound plans. Will do anything to survive. He hears voices in his head.

Goal: Survival

Reason for saving the world: Bragging rights



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RedZombieWolf said:
Character Profile
Codename: Beserker

Real Name: William Medved

Appearance: View attachment 166065

Powers and/or other Extreme Benefits (max: 3): Has a group of minions to assist him.

Is crazy but also smart.

Can kill with anything he can get his hands on.

Weaknesses (at least 1 big one and 2 small ones): When he goes into a rage, he attacks everyone, friend or foe.

No superpowers, only rage and brains.

Personality: Paranoid with a short temper. When not angry he is very smart and makes good and sound plans. Will do anything to survive. He hears voices in his head.

Goal: Survival

Reason for saving the world: Bragging rights
sure you don't mean berserker?

But yeah, when the current chapter ends you can join up.

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