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Victorian Match (Private with @Jarkov Malachai)

Ellie just blinked owlishly at the maid, not responding. Only when Mr. Smoth spoke did she move. "Of course Mr. Smith. Shall I meet you in the breakfast nook?" She smiled tightly before looking at the maid and standing. "Please tell me your name and follow me to my room to get ready." She motioned and wrapped the blanket tighter around her as she left the room and went back to her bedroom. She went to her wardrope, discarding the blanket on the bed. She pulled out a sky blue gown and matching underskirt before also finding a corsert. She motioned the maid to start dressing her.
So then... Lady Manihdar.

The maid curtsied and replied. "My name Is Anna ma'am, or at least my given English name." She shot a nasty look at Mr. Smith of which the old man just smiled and shut the door. The shadows of his feet underneath the door said he waited just outside, back to the door. Well at least Manihdar's staff was well trained in courtesy and etiquette.

The maid dressed Lady Manihdar and promptly curtsied again and left through the servants entrance to her room which was hidden behind a Mural.

When she left Mr. Smith did a small bow and motioned for her to follow him. As they walked the older gentlemen said gently.

"Are the rooms to your liking my Lady? If they are as such we can make those your estate rooms instead of the one our Lord picked out for I do not think he will mind." Mr. Smith chuckled at that.

They reached the Dining room and two plates had been placed there already, maids were clearing away anothers plate from the head of the table. they must have just missed Lord Manihdar.

On one plate was Eleanor's favorite Breakfast stuff, the other was presumably Mr. Smiths as it was filled with a simple meal of gruel and some exotic looking pastry.

Seeing her looking at her own plate Mr. Smith smiled. "The Lord told you he was to borrow your families cook for some times until our own staff learned your meals. Please sit down."

When they both did the Indian man put his hands in a resting position and took a deep breath before asking a simple question.

"My Lady do you regret Marrying Lord Manihdar?"

Ellie smiled softly. "The rooms my Lord picked out are perfectly lovely, I do not see the need to move rooms, thank you for your concern Mr. Smith."

Ellie grinned at all her favorite food but fixed herself a cup of tea before answering the man's question. She poured the tea and mixed in her sugar and cream. She took a sip and set it down shakily. "Mr. Smith...I will be eternally grateful to my Lord for agreeing to our union and I don't regret it at all. I do however...feel...cheated and deceived." The girl furrowed her brow and reached up to push her curls back. "My husband was given full transparency in my condition but...I was not given the same courtesy. I have operated under the idea that man and wife do not have secrets between them. And yet..." she covered her mouth. "I just...I wished he had trusted me enough to tell me." She finished in a whisper, looking up at Mr. Smith.
Oh really?

Mr. Smith sighs. "There are reasons besides trust, though that is certainly one of them, of why our Lord did not entrust this secret to you. It is not matters for me to speak of but he himself. Should you have the courage, confront him yourself." The old man smiled.

"Lady Manihdar you will find you wield more power here in this household than you know, certain tasks are for you to oversee and yours alone just as he has his own responsibilities. In our home, the wife has just as much right to know of things which might affect their house, their finances and children as the males." There was a wistful tone Mr. Smith had speaking of children, but his eyes were filled with resignation on that regard.

A runner came into the room and said that Lord Manihdar had requested Mr. Smiths presence. "ahh my apologies my Lady but the Lord commands and so I must go."

"Please, call me Ellie!" She replied. She stood as Mr. Smith stood and sent him to her husband with a kiss on the cheek.

As soon as Mr. Smith was gone, Ellie finished eating and went to the library. She wondered if anyone would come talk to her about her duties. She was beyond bored.

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