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Victorian Match (Private with @Jarkov Malachai)


Eleanor Carrow had lived a happy and comfortable life in the home of Lord Arthur Carrow of Whiltshire, her father. How was she to know her birthday would put her in a snake pit?

On the eve of her 16th birthday, her mother, Lady Laura and her sat in her chambers, gazing upon the gown Eleanor was to wear on her coming out party at the ton, the very next day.

"How do you like it Ellie?" He mother asked softly, glancing at her only daughter, grey eyes welling with happy tears.

Ellie was silent, her own crystal blue eyes smiling happily at the red silk dress on her bed. "It's perfect Mother!" She spun, her nightgown flaring a bit as she hugged her mother.

That night, mother and daughter fell asleep, each curled in the other's arms.

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On that same night, in a different part of the Cities elite quarters.

A young man sat in his private office, a octagonal room which was sparsely decorated. A few filing cabinets against the walls, a plush Hindu style rug lay on the floor. The mans bare feet were propped up against a blood-oak desk, resting on a smaller stack of folio's as he stared down at something in his lap. The fire place behind him cast the man in question's face in a plethora of shadows on one side and illuminated his bronze skin so that it shown like gold. A brilliant comparison with that of the flickering tongues of orange and red behind him.

A knock on the thick metal door which kept this place separate from the rest of the holdings to which the young man simply said.

"Come in." His voice was fairly deep for a man of his stature though he wouldnt be singing in the opera, it had a rough sort of accent just hidden behind the carefully articulated English.

A older gentleman walked in, sharing the boys bronze skin and exotic looks, clothed in the more traditional style of wear for their homeland while a Londoner trailed closely behind dressed in the standard attire for an emissary from the Crown. Now this newcomer caused the young man's nostrils to flare as it detected a odd scent and to look up from whatever it was he had in his lap and stare at the Emissary while the other foreigner who was no doubt the young lords manservant introduced the Londoner.

"Mr. Beauregard here my Lord. Baring news from her Majesty of most importance." The butler said with an even more noticeable accent as he finished the introductions.

"Hmm... leave us." The young peer said to which the older man responded with a deep bow and closed the metal doors behind him.

The one known as Mr. Beauregard looked behind him and swallowed nervously before turning back around to stare at the young man behind the desk. His eyes noted the lords own , garnet embers, mimicking the burning coals behind him in the fire. The Londoners eyes flickered upward to note the Iron Cobra head which adorned the wall above with its hood flared out, golden outer set scales glinting.

The young man spoke before Beauregard did. "What service does the Crown ask of me this time? I have only just formally arrived here a fortnight ago and it has been no end of tasks."

"Your fathers abrupt ... 'passing' has caused some of the usually quiet area's of the city to run rampant. I am afraid it falls on to you and yours to pick up the slack."

"Bah, what is this task?"

"You know of the ball to be held in this week for the eligible maidens of the peerage?"

"Yes yes the Ton or whatever it is called? The one where they parade those young females around like peacocks in front of the tigers hungering jaws?"

"Err yes though I would not put it in quite those terms-"

"Does the Crown wish me to protect a certain individual? Has he or she been targeted?"

"You are to attend and... do so discreetly. No one must suspect you are there to do anything other than-"

"Browse the goods? Admire the view? Take in the Scenery? Size up the fattened calf for the sacrifice?" The young lord interrupted, snorting with derision.

"Yes yes." Beauregard said now getting exasperated. "Just... enjoy yourself and keep your eyes and ears open."

Those garnet eyes flicker dangerously and the Lord raised an eyebrow. "And this is the glorious task the Crown as given me?"

"Yes, the Queen herself commands it."

"... Fine."

"And wear the proper attire! None of that heathen outfit."

"Ohhh dont you worry My lord. I will dress to impress."

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The next day, Eleanor was sitting in front of her vanity, watching as her maid styled her hair into a very demure updo. She was grinning, ear to ear. "Susie, thank you so much! It's beautiful."

The Maid simply curtsied and left. Lady Carrow entered her daughter's room. "Ready Darling?"

Ellie nodded and stood, straightening her dress. Her father looked in. He smiled sadly. "You look so grown up sweetheart." Ellie smiled and hugged him.

Soon enough, the entire family was in their carriage, heading to the heart of London where the Ton was being held. Entering the lavish building, Ellie spotted her best friends, Emily and Camie. The three girls hugged tightly before the other 2 received hugs and kisses from Ellie's parents. These 3 were as thick as thieves and closer than sisters, having grown-up around each other. Ellie and her friends were announced, other girls coming in after them. As they walked the perimeter of the large room, giggling behind their fans at all the handsome men, Emily spoke up.

"Ellie, do you think you'll meet someone who'll want to court you tonight?"

"Honestly Em...I want to...badly, but I don't think it'll happen." She confessed, biting her lip.

"Camie grinned. "Don't be so quick to judge darlings...that Indian man over there hasn't taken his eyes off you this entire time." She said, discreetly pointing behind her fan.

Ellie looked over, to see a tall Indian man, talking with her father. However, his eyes were trained on her and the girl's cheeks pinked. She swatted at Camie, who only laughed with Emily.

The three continued talking and dancing with various young men, finally taking a break to sit and drink some wine.
... What the hell am I doing here again?

Johnthan had spent most of the evening so far in a state of disgruntlement, at being commanded by the crown to come here of all places when he could be put to use so much more effectively elsewhere, at being forced to 'enjoy' himself. Normally, had he come of his own volition, the young lord would have been the life of the party. His... charismatic ways were well known back in India. Especially among the younger ladies. He was no less striking this night, wearing a coal black suit with gold threaded trim obviously custom fit from the way it hugged his body. It meshed well with his bronze skin and garnet eyes.

However, when his surly glare at more or less everything scared off one of the approaching girls he sighed. 'He was commanded here, but just being stubborn about the whole ordeal is not going to help the situation, besides being a prude about it.' He watched the young girl scamper back to her gaggle of friends and family when a sardonic thought struck him. 'They sure make them like sheep here, sheltered and prim, proper with all white wool. What I wouldnt give to find a black sheep. Oh well, cant say the view isnt nice.'

It was at this moment when a older gentlemen approached and he dimly recognized the man from one of the merchant guild meetings he had attended. Lord Carrow, a influential and wealthy man though by Johnathans account he was married so what was he doing here?

When Lord Carrow introduced himself and Johnathan likewise, they struck up a conversation on the situation down in India and the riots before getting into a good old fashioned complaining strife about the price of goods from oriental China, the country still locked in deep isolation and charged exorbitant tariffs on top of the East India Companies own charges. It was a welcome relief from his current grievances and thoughts.

But eventually the topic drifted back towards Lord Carrows purpose here of which he proudly announced his daughter's presence here and he as her escort for the night. Bored, Johnathan followed the mans finger to that of which he singled out a beauty in a gorgeous red dress, Eleanor Carrow. Matter of fact the Young Lord did a double take as his mind stalled.

'Hmmmm.... now theres something he could sink his teeth into... metaphorically of course.'

He said as much to her father though admittedly less crass.

"Your daughter is indeed a rare jewel tonight My lord, I had to quickly take stock of my surroundings and how many drinks I have had to make sure the alcohol was not altering my perception of reality for surely angels dont reveal themselves to mortal men? If so, I do not know what I have done to earn such a boon." He replied smoothly. "Lucky is the man who is god blessed enough to have a dance, let alone her hand eh?"

In his mind now he was trying to figure out one of the most difficult part of these types of parties. How to single one girl out of the group. 'Mother Naga curse it, why do they travel in packs?' He groaned inwardly. If he asked one of them to dance then he would have to dance with all of them and whilst the two girls to either side were indeed lovely... Ahhhh to the hells with it.

He politely disengaged with the ladies father and began to stride over to the three.

Ellie's eyes widened when she noticed the Indian man making his way over to the three. She fluttered her hands nervously at her friends. "He's coming this way! Act natural. I'm looking at you Camie." She hissed, her blonde hair bouncing with her movements. She opened her fan and smiled as her 2 friends drifted off to let Ellie talk to the man alone.

She turned to the approaching man, her smiling mouth hidden behind her fan. She dipped into a curtsy once he was close enough ."My Lord..." She said demurely, crystal blue orbs cast down. She heard giggled from behind her as her girls watched on curiously. She sent a discreet but rude hand gesture their way.
The unknowing spark

The Foreign lord arrived before Eleanor faster than it seemed for the speed of which he was moving, the way he walked and held himself seemed so slow but in reality it was with speed and a natural serpentine grace.

When Eleanor curtsied in front of him the young lord paused for a split second as if trying to remember what the exact movement meant but it was smoothly covered over as the Indian man flashed the Lady Carrow a white grin and replied.

"My Lady Carrow?" Both a statement and a question as his garnet eyes flickered over to where her two friends were no doubt giggling to themselves.

"I was just speaking to your father on some business matters, as my purpose here was to mingle-" He said the word mingle with a fluttering of his fingers and his emphasis on the word spoke volumes. "- with the nobility, make contacts and all the the fun chores of society. I did not think to see a jewel which might tempt me so tonight and I am both amazed and happy to see that these other fine young men have ceased to shower you with attention." He paused as if he just remembered something.

"But where are my manners, Lord Manihdar at your service Mi'lady. Please forgive this 'uncouth' barbarian for he is ignorant of this glorious kingdoms customs." his words were slightly self-discriminatory but his garnet eyes twinkled with good humor at his own joke. Especially when he leaned in and whispered like they were two conspirators.

"Maybe you could teach me the ways? Perhaps on the dance floor?"

She had barely nodded at his question of her name before he continued talking. When he called her a jewel, her blush darkened and swept down her neck, giving her a glow under the candlelight of the large ballroom. She had noticed that many of the young men had seemed to steer clear of her once they noticed the Indian man had taken an interest, she chose not to comment.

Ellie smiled slightly and took his proffered hand. "I would love to dance with you, Lord Manihdar. Perhaps the next waltz?" She asked softly, glancing toward the open floor where there was a dance, currently ending. Her blue eyes fell back on the man's tall frame, drinking in his handsomeness.
To catch the Serpents eye.

"Well I do believe I will take that as permission and whisk you away without further ado." The young lord said with a charming grin and offered his elbow to lead Lady Carrow out to the dance floor as the musicians pick up from their quick brake.

As the Indian man led Eleanor out, one could see more than one pair of eyes, both male and female on the duo. A flicker of Lord Manihdar's eyes made the other males drop their gazes quickly enough though a few bolder men gave a nod of respect but waited patiently for the dance to end so that THEY might have their chance. The females themselves gazed hungrily, as Lord Manihdar's available status and reputation preceded him though some turned their noses up at his heritage. The Idea that an Indian should walk amongst them disgusted some of the more radical families.

In regards to this the Young Lord stepped in close and placed one of his hands on Eleanors hip and the other he slid into her hand as the dance began. As the dance started though, for all his earlier talk of being ignorant of the dances here in England Lord Manihdar was an excellent dance partner and moved gracefully and powerfully through the throngs of other pairs which joined in.

"Not bad for a barbarian Mi'lady?" He questioned with that warm grin. It changed his face and made the mans garnet, blood red eyes which seemed so chillingly alien before less so, more like a warm fire of which one huddled close to after a long day.

"If only If only I could teach you some of my peoples dances, so much more... invigorating." he muttered, more to himself than her as he stared at her face.

As the Indian swept her up in the dance, she blinked in surprise. "My lord, I hardly consider you a barbarian. And you dance quite well. I should hate to besmirch your name and any who do, I shall vouch for you. As I see it, you are quite the gentleman." She responded. Her mouth opened further when he mentioned his native dance and she swept her eyes down before gently removing herself from his hand. "I am quite sorry sir but I think it's time I head home." She turned and all but ran to her father's side. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders before turning towards the door.

Camie and Emily quickly followed, intent on going home with the suddenly distraught girl.

Ellie had left because she feared she would do something rash if she stayed. The Man, Lord Manihdar, turned her lions into a molten pool, inspiring feelings in her she had never experienced before. She thought it best to go home now, and make apologies later.
Theres another side to all of us.

Lord Manihdar, or as he was known more fully as Lord Johnathan as the locals seemed to have trouble with his real name, watched as the girl he had spent perhaps the best time of the night with be ushered away with her parents with a slight sense of loss. Damn... he would have loved to have got her in one of his peoples native dances. Shaking away said thoughts, he wet his lips with some of the refreshments available and surveyed the rest of the 'banquet' of which still had yet to be sampled but found his appetite for such activities had gone.

To hell with this, there were things which required his attention back at the estate, getting it in order, training the staff to obey his orders and know him as their lord. One of the signs of a efficient household was the servants reacting to their lords needs without his orders. It meant the householder had to spend less of his times running his estate but entrusted it to those who actually did the jobs with minimal effort on his part save quality control. Considering the list of 'tasks' which he had been running as of Late for the crown he doubt he would get such a reprieve in the near future and he at least wanted to come back to one of his favorite meals prepped the way he liked it.

So the young lord made his way home, his head swimming with thoughts on the enormity of the task set before him, and a girl in a scarlet red dress.

At home, Ellie was being comforted by her mother and her friends a she stared up at her father.

"You did what?!" She screeched suddenly, causing her mother to flinch back and her friends to cuddle harder.

"I'm sorry Princess, I should have told you sooner but I wanted you to have one night off frivolity."

Camie interrupted then. "I'm sorry but...Papa Carrow, what exactly did you do?"

The man sighed and moved to pour a measure of brandy from the decanter across the room before speaking. "I've sent a betrothal contract for Eleanor to Lord Manihdar, asking if he'll sign it." He took a deep drink.

"Ellie, darling. Lets go sleep on this, hmm? Everything will look better in the morning." Emily soothed.

The next day, Ellie sat in the parlor, her hands folded prettily in her lap, fingers slightly twisted in the forest-green silk of her gown. Her mother pried her hands from the cloth, murmuring words of comfort. The small family was waiting for the Indian lord to come discuss the terms of the marriage.

So the cards were played.

Earlier that morning.

A terrified Beauregard stood in Lord Johnathans formal receiving room with in a cold sweat, the droplets sliding down his neck as he faced down the man who owned the estates he currently was in.

"The crown commands what?" Came the ashen, hissing whisper from the man who stood over the plain oak table, it and its surroundings a stark contrast to the lavish care and wealth spent on his private studies. Garnet eyes burning like embers as Lord Johnathan/Manihdar stared at the Crowns representative with such a cold, harsh look that the man squirmed where he stood.

"Th-...." Beauregard tried to start but stopped, swallowed and gathered his nerves. "The Crown commands that you accept Lord Carrows contract for Lady Carrow's Betrothal."

The Bronze knuckles were pressed into the oak surface of the desk tightened, clenched so hard they appeared white and the Young Lords next words were even icier than his demeanor.

"The crown has no right to demand such a thing, it is not part of the ancient bargain."

"Said Contract says you will do as the Crown commands for your peoples betterment back in India, lest you wish the conditions there to worsen like in Africa."

"Do not threaten me Master Beauregard."

The Representative pales but keeps himself together at how quickly the Indian's appearance had degenerated from a handsome young man in his prime and top in society to this... He looked away.

"Nevertheless the Crown commands it, you have no choice but to obey." He said in a quavering but strong voice.

"The position to be filled by my Naga is one for genuine love and happiness, someone I would wish to spend eternity with if need be! I will not be saddled with some weak, shriveling English female with no brain in her head!" Manihdar hissed menacingly.

"Do not speak of Lady Carrow as such you heathen! She is a women of fine breeding and outstanding social statu-" Beauregard began hotly, his temper at hearing such a fine name slandered so overcoming the fear if for a moment but he was cut off as Manihdar's head snapped up and he pointed a finger at the man.

"Carrow? Lady Carrow?" The Lords voice said, having gone flat with shock. It came to Beauregard that Lord Manihdar did not even know who he was marrying, he hadnt even made it to his fiance was to be before outrage had overtaken him.

But the Indian kept that damning finger pointed at the Representative.

"Thats what that ball was about and ordering me to attend!" The Indian snarled. "To see what girl I would favor and then begin this... this FARCE!"

"The crown has commanded that you accept-"

"GET OUT BEFORE I LOOSE WHAT LITTLE CONTROL AND SANITY I HAVE LEFT! GET OUT!" Lord Manihdar's voice roared before changing into a harsher hissing sound like escaping steam from an engine.

Beauregard didnt delay, he booked it out of there as fast as he could, trying to forget what he had seen blanching across the Foreigners face as he dared take a look back at it just before the outburst.

At present.

The great burnished copper doors which lead farther into the Manihdar manor opened up to reveal the Lord himself standing there with his manservant, the older Indian man with a kind, if a bit lopsided, smile.

"Lord Carrow." Manihdar said, his voice resonating through the waiting room halls. "I welcome you to my most humble home please come inside..." The mans voice was dead, his eyes cold as they flickered over the Carrow's though they rested on Eleanor in her dress and warmed briefly before dying off again.

"I was most... surprised to receive your letter, perhaps we can discuss it in a more private setting? I can have refreshments brought for Lady Carrow and a tour of the grounds in the meantime?"
Ellie Carrow's eyes snapped up. "Papa, I refuse to be left out of the details of my marriage. I demand you and Mama, allow me to sit in on these discussions." She said, hotly, eyes daring her father to refuse. Of course, the Lord looked to Lord Manihdar for permission. Ellie frowned upon seeing him, her own eyes cold as ice.

She still couldn't believe her father had done this! She was barely of age and she had thought she'd have a few years yet before being forced into a marriage. Clearly her father had had other ideas. She was fuming and had refused to look at her mother or father since.
Lord Manihdar

The Foreign Lord raised one of his dark eyebrows at Eleanors outburst. He stared at her for some time before speaking to Lord Carrow, his eyes never leaving Eleanors. How could one man be so different? The Manihdar which had danced with Eleanor last night was vibrant, warm and charming. This one was... cold, ice cold and all business. One could suppose thats all this was, a business dealing to bind to houses, but only a fool would think that for it was plain to the girl who had seen the Indians face alit with happiness, that there was fury in those glittering jewels he called eyes.

Fury, tightly reigned and hidden as his words carried to Eleanors father.

"I still wish to speak with you in private on other matters concerning this arrangement." He said coolly, showing that while he would allow Eleanor to sit on the discussions, he could seek her father out and speak with him at any time without her say so and or knowledge. They were both members of the Merchants guild after all.

Lord Manihdar motioned for the family to follow him deeper into his estate before Eleanor could retort.

Ellie narrowed her eyes at him but bit her tongue for now. As she and her family followed Lord Manihdar, she looked around curiously. She couldn't ever imagine living here! There was so much space. She smiled when she thought of many children and a full family, running through the halls; filling the large house with laughter and love. Her smiled dropped when she noticed the Indian man looking at her.

"Where exactly are we going?" She asked, voice wavering slightly.
god damnit

"We." The Indian lord said, making the word which included Lady Carrow into the mix sound as if he was suffering from the pox. "are heading to a more comfortable room upon my manor, lest you wish to remain in the sitting room in this heat? Rest assured should you grow bored with the discussions I can have my man take you through a tour of my grounds as I said earlier."

The way his face was set the man honestly didnt expect her to make it through the marriage talks. How could he be so different? It had to do something with that anger that turned his eyes into glittering, cold gems. It didnt seem to be directed at the Carrows personally, they just so happened to be nearby.

They entered a room which was several degree's cooler than the outside, filled with comfortable chairs and a long table, a small aisle for putting up charts. It was room where Lord Manihdar met with the other Lords of Commerce for business. The acoustics of the room had been designed for ease of hearing among all parties involved.

It was then once the Indian had seated the Carrows he sat down and was about to begin the process of negotiations but paused and a look flickered across his face before vanishing.

"Before we begin Lord Carrow might I ask why you sent this message to me? Your daughter is yet a beautiful rose in her prime. Surely there is still time to browse the markets yet? I have to express doubts that she has not been approached as of yet, not with her standing and beauty."

Ellie scowled at her husband to be before proceeding to ignore him. However, she wanted to hear what her parent's reasoning was and so looked up from her fingers.

Arthur Carrow smiled tightly, seeming older than he had last night.

"Well, you see..." He paused as he collected his thoughts. His wife, Laura put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Lord Manhidar, My family has been...plagued, cursed, rather with an unfortunate quandary. Upon Eleanor's birth, she was briefly taken from us. A witch or some sort of...evil being stole her. She was returned within the week but...she had changed. She was cursed to never find a love of her own choosing."

Ellie's mouth dropped open. "And you never thought to tell me!" She asked, shrilly.

"Darling please...let us finish." Laura pleaded.

Arthur continued. "Since then, we have had many offers yet when the family would come to meet Ellie...they always would retake their offers back, finding something displeasing. Hence...we decided to extend our own offer." He said, looking at his daughter sadly.

Ellie's bottom lip wobbled and she stood up. She hurried around the tables and chairs to hug her father tightly. "It's okay Daddy." She whispered.

Laura Carrow wiped her eyes. "So you see Lord Mahidar...You are quite honestly, our daughter's last hope at a family life."
Should have read the fine print...

Lord Manihdar sat up straight at the mention of witches and curses, his lethargic cold anger having vanished almost instantly. When Lord Carrow was done explaining his daughters plight he turned to stare at Eleanor for some time, his garnet eyes flickering and unknowable.

"A curse.... and a very subtle one as well. If attention had not been drawn to it I would not have noticed its black taste about the strings of fate." He muttered to himself though it was perfectly audible to the other members of the Carrows.

He managed to tear his eyes away from Eleanor's to turn and stare at her father. "But what purpose could a witch have to cast such a curse on a girl from such an upstanding family."

He shook his head. "Forgive me, I do not mean to dwell on such unpleasant matters. But it seems that fate has taken a afront to being so warped and twisted for she has given you a loophole. I, due to... pressing circumstances, are in the market for a Na-... A companion and wife."

The internal struggle was real, the struggle was REAL though not a hint of it made its way past the Indian Lords business mask.

Laura exchanged a meaningful glance with Arthur. "It's alright, My lord. It was because of something I had done, when I first married Arthur. It is inconsequential now." She said quietly.

Ellie snapped her head up to look at him. Then without warning, she flung herself to him, kneeling in front of him in a pool of green silk. "Lord Manihdar...please. Even if it cannot be for love, let us marry. I can provide you with heirs and this union can save my family from disgrace." She said, head bowed, face hidden with her blonde curls.

Laura gasped, slightly scandalized. "Eleanor!"
Well then.

Lord Manihdar crouched down in front of Eleanor and gently helped her to her feet.

"Come now." he murmurs. "A lady does not every bow her head but holds it high. There are forces beyond your control of which have put us both here today."

The Young Indian looks up and raises an eyebrow at Lord Carrow. "And it seems again, that fate has thrown us in eachothers paths with some suspiciously easy solutions." his voice caught ever so slightly on the word easy. Easy? To say these next words went against almost everything his father ever taught him and what he felt down inside but... Responsibility to others in the homeland. Manihdar, or sometimes known as Johnathan opened eyes of which he had closed to think about what his father would say.

"Your family will suffer no disgrace from this union... that I can Promise you Lady Carrow." his lips twitched. "Though I do hope you are not against the idea of learning to read Hindi script." It was as close to yes as he could get without actually saying the words which threatened to rise up from his throat and choke him. As close as he could say yes without breaking his facade.

"when would you like the wedding?"

Eleanor hugged the lord tightly. "Coming from such a family Lord Manihdar, I already know how to speak and write Hindi." She chuckled lightly, pulling back from the tall man and standing between her parents. "Not to mention, all my governesses have been from Rajput, in India." The family of three smiled rightly at the Lord.

Arthur spoke up. "It is my understanding that many wedding happen in December...so shall we say, a month?" He looked to his wife who looked worried at the short time to plan but nodded anyway. Ellie smiled brightly. "Thank you so much, my Lord."
This cold heart of mine

A month comes and goes, with extensive planning on the part of Mrs. Carrow and Lord Manihdar's right hand man, the elderly Indian man who simply wished to be called Mr.Smith, the wedding went on as planned and was a grand affair of which would be remembered with fondness by those who attended for many years. Eleanors friends, Camie and Emily were invited of which Lord Manihdar received with good grace and a cold distant air of which he wore throughout their entirety of contact and told them they were welcome to call Eleanor at any point here at the Mansion. He said he could not, in good conscience, throw his now-wife into a new life without solid friends to depend for support.

It was perhaps the only truly kind thing he had done since the dance, oh for sure he sent gifts, paid visits all of which had the air of being well thought out but... not truly from the heart. Almost as if he was simply filling societies expectations of what a doting fiance should be though he was anything but.

Lord Manihdar was downright secretive, he was hard to get a hold of, always on business for the crown or the like. He left meetings early for apparently no reason though he always seemed to get the best trading deals with the East India company and other similar businesses. The only door that was locked in his mansion of which the Carrows had never seen even a glimpse of the inside was the massive 20 foot black oak, carved serpent doors in the secluded, shadowed wing of the mansion. There was seemingly no visible door handle, locked by two golden serpents intertwined over the front of the door.

The Wedding night followed this self same tune, he made no overtures towards her and though he had significant amounts of drink made no moves. He simply carried her to bed, placed her in it and kissed her almost chastely on each of her eyelids.

"Sleep dearest." He muttered, his voice slurred from the alcohol. "This is one thing they cannot make me do, I will not do. Take this valued gift and give nothing but the turned cheek."

He slid into bed beside her, his body cold at first but as slumber takes him it heated up rapidly. Well at the very least it gave Eleanor a nice view of Manihdar's back. It was well muscled with a small scar on the right shoulder blade but it was the odd glittering black specks near his spine which only became more pronounced as the Indian fell deeper into sleep.

A closer look revealed their identity. Scales, obsidian black, gold bordered scales which glittered and shimmered in the low lightning. The drink and stress of the day had weakened the Indian mans glamour to the point of which what he truly was began to struggle to the surface.
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When her new husband made no moves on her on their wedding night, Ellie was upset. Was she too young? Not attractive enough? She sighed and laid down, staring at Jonathan's back. She slowly reached a hand out to trace it down his spine but pulled back sharply, here eyes finally seeing the scales. She sat up surprised and unworried about waking her bed partner. Her breath started coming faster and she slipped out of the warm bed, shivering as her thin shift did nothing to stop the cool air of the mansion surround her. She moved quickly to the door of the bedroom, taking one last look at the sleeping...creature? She didn't think man was accurate anymore. She slipped out and walked quickly down the hall. She took a blanket from a closet in a hall and wrapped it around herself before going down to the second floor. She opened a few doors before finding another bedroom and slipped in, locking the door. Sitting in a chair near the window of the new bedroom, Eleanor Manihdar, nee Carrow fell into a restless sleep, plagued by dreams of hissing sounds and fangs glinting in the moonlight.
Some of us are Born beasts... others... are made.

Lady Carrow was woken in the morning by a young Indian made who, dressed in proper English Attire and curtsied in perfect Evangeline form, smiled and didn't say a word about why the newly wed wife was not sleeping in her husbands bed.

"My Lady Manihdar, I am pleased to see that you are up and about, would you like help in getting dressed mi'lady? Breakfast will be held in the formal dining room as Mi'lord has much on his plate today. Overseeing the new staff of which he has taken in for you to feel more comfortable."

A knock on the door. Before it could be answered the old Indian servant, Lord Manihdar's personal assistant poked his grizzled and graying head around ignoring the scandalized gasp of the maid.

"My Lady, when you are dressed and ready may I speak to you for a moment about something pertaining to our Lord?"

And the look on the old mans face said it all, he knew that she knew. There was no anger there at her actions, only pity, not directed at her but at some other cause.


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