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Fantasy Vicious Vampires, Bloody seas, Metal Monsters...(medieval fantasy)


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Tapyoka, a beautiful island wrought with danger.
Unknown to most Tapyoka is the birthplace of evil.
Centuries ago, before the grand town of Rahull was built even further back in history before the pirates invaded...
Tapyoka was home to various clans of tribals.
Many of these clans lived in relative peace, all of them opposed the Sapta clan who prefer using magic in a hideous taboo form.
Using this magic the Sapta Clan made contact with a higher power, a power not of this world. Those of the Sapta who swore themselves to this malicious being became monsters in human form. Stronger, faster, able to control their bodies as well as others in ways thought unimaginable. The Sapta clan is regarded as the first recorded case of what people would one day label as vampires.

Despite these many strengths the vampires have flaws, one very fatal weakness comes in the form of sunlight. The other natives of Tapyoka banded together to combat this evil, though many lives were lost the Sapta clan was forced to retreat from the fires and the coming sunrise. It was unfortunate for all in this world, in the commotion of battle a vampire was being given directions from a voice. Using the blood spilled on Tapyoka, this vampire was able to open a hole to another world.
Darkness, fire, monsters, blood and more infected our world changing it forever...
The skies burn with darkness as the waters turned red and the weather becomes violent.
Through the chaos and noise everything is destroyed.
This is the Monster of the Blood seas.
The blood seas takes everything, The monster consumes all...

You can notice it from a distance, one might smell the burning clouds or see twisters towering like titans thrashing amongst blood red waves.
Mortals feel it in their soul, when the monster gasps for air it steals the breath from your lungs.
Some say the blood seas is a cursed monster, a hideous whale larger than the island tied to it. Constantly bleeding never dying, always moving in search of food and calm waters to stain with dread.
Some say the monster is humanity's curse, the gods way of punishing such cruel hate filled beings, this evil was simply a demons manipulation... tricking one insane enough to trust it. Fortunately, this demon was slain on Tapyoka.
But so much evil escaped into the world that night. The biggest being the Cursed blood whale.
But the ancient natives of Tapyoka call it "Abhisapta rakta"

The natives either stayed on Tapyoka scared but living somewhat in safety. Or they died bravely trying to slay the monster, but the blood whale was seemingly invincible. To find it seemed impossible, but merely surviving a encounter with this otherworldly abomination changed one entirely.
Any who survive a encounter with "Abhisapta Rakta" would be called, "Rakta śakti" as those who survive the blood seas emerge as a different person. (Rakta śakti meaning Cursed Blood power.)

Our tale begins at the start of a new century, not that monsters are the cause of all suffering. As negotiations between the Wulla empire and Harmon nation have broken down and war has been unofficially declared. This news while horrible is also a grand opportunity for the pirates of Tapyoka, however during this chaos is a indvidual on a quest. A man has made port at the town of Rahull. This man is one who encountered the blood whale and survived, the last year of mister Bostar's life has been a hunt for Rakta śakti. People like himself with a new ability given to them for surviving a brush with death...
Some have already been paid and hired to be apart of the crew, but for Boseph Bostar to save his sister and slay the monster...
He will need many more skilled individuals to join him, Crusaders of light to walk the path of justice and erase the unnatural forces that plague us.

The story/rp is about the mysterious Cursed whale, your character is one who survived a encounter with the blood Whale and you have emerged as a different person with a cursed power.
A man named Boseph Bostar wishes to save his family and by extension the world but to do so he believes he must have as many of the Rakta śakti that can be recruited.

This is Jojo inspired but in no way do you need to know the source matieral to join and have fun. It's a medieval fantasy that can be summed up easy as "humans fight monsters" and expanded over hundreds of pages with characters exploring the history of a fictional world hunting down a ancient vampire cult for information about a giant otherworldly creature.

I'm looking for eight (or less) players to start with.

The posting requirements are two paragraphs or more twice a week.

If you have any questions please ask them here or in a PM.
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I'll tag you when i make a cs. If you want to think of a power for your character please do, otherwise it can be randomly chosen by me but I'm happy to see a idea provided it isn't bullshit OP.

Some examples I'll be using or suggesting,
Bobo has telepathy/aura reading.
Lalo can make a bow and arrows out of nothing.

Birds eye- spawn a bird you can use as a scout, seeing what it sees or controlling it.
Pryosomething- A stand that makes fire.
Transparently soaked- Invisibility when wet.

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