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Multiple Settings ๐™‘๐™„๐˜พ๐™„๐™Š๐™๐™Ž - Adv. Lit. GRP (RECRUITING!)


Novella Roleplayer

An eclectic assembly of students in their senior year, brought together by their pursuit of specialized degrees within an elite science program. The task ahead is daunting yet exhilarating: to collaboratively develop a thesis that could etch their names into the annals of academic lore. In the competitive arena of science and within the hallowed corridors of Oxford, innovation is the currency of legacy.

As they delve into brainstorming sessions, it is proposed. A visionary often lost in the borderlands of skepticism and belief proposes a topic that teeters on the edge of scientific blasphemy: the existence of ExtraOrdinaries, or EOs. These are individuals rumored to possess abilities that defy explanation, feats ascribed to the hidden, supernatural lineage of vampires. EOs, whispered about in the dark corners of the internet and on the fringes of late-night TV exposรฉs, where grainy footage and fervent "experts" hint at humans performing the impossible, from lifting cars with bare hands to emerging unscathed from infernos.

The group's initial reaction is a blend of disbelief and incredulity. EOs, as a subject of serious academic inquiry, seem more a folly than a feasible thesis. Yet, it's the sheer audacity of the idea that sways them. In the fiercely competitive field of science, where groundbreaking discoveries are the pinnacle of success, presenting a plausible argument for the existence of EOsโ€”rooted in the lore of vampires, no lessโ€”could catapult them to unprecedented acclaim.

Driven by a mix of ambition and curiosity, they embark on their quest, navigating the thin line between myth and science. While, unbeknownst to them, their research is observed by another truth: among them walks the same creatures of the night. True descendants of the vampiric lineage that they seek to understand. And those that had entertained the concept to play along. As they inch closer to the truth, the distinction between the hunter and the hunted blurs, and they must face the repercussions of unveiling a world hidden within our own.

Kai weighed his options, his mind a battlefield where practicality clashed with ambition. โ€œAdrenalineโ€™s edge,โ€ he ventured, โ€œThe physiological and psychological thresholds of human endurance and fear. A study into the extremities of human capability.โ€

Lyneโ€™s nod was tentative, a silent decree to tread carefully on the thin ice of academic rigor.

Finally, it was Ivan's turn, the last bastion of their groupโ€™s collective endeavor. With the roomโ€™s attention ensnared, he voiced the proposal that had been simmering beneath the surface, a theory as audacious as it was compelling. โ€œEOs,โ€ he declared, the room falling into a hush as the weight of his words settled like a challenge.

โ€œExtraOrdinaries,โ€ Ivan elaborated, his confidence unshaken. The silence that followed was not of disbelief but of intrigue, the air thick with the unvoiced questions and speculative glances of their peers. Professor Lyneโ€™s expression, a blend of cautious curiosity and professional skepticism, was the only response for a lingering moment.

โ€œI'm afraid you're going to have to expand,โ€ Lyne hesitated. And yet, Ivan continued, without batting an eye.

โ€œAn exploration into the possibility of human transcendence, inspired by the enduring legends of vampires. A thesis not just on the brink of scientific inquiry, but on the cusp of redefining the boundaries of what we deem possible.โ€

Professor Lyne, caught in a rare moment of hesitation, seemed to weigh the gravity of Ivan's proposition against the backdrop of academic tradition and the uncharted territories it sought to explore. The classroom, a microcosm of the broader scientific community, held its breath, awaiting the verdict on a proposal that dared to challenge the very paradigms of their understanding.

โ€œPursue this with caution, Mr. Ferraro. Ambition, while commendable, will not shield you from the rigor of scientific scrutiny,โ€ Lyne finally responded, the implicit approval igniting a spark of victorious defiance in Ivan's eyes.

As the bell echoed through the room, signifying the end of the session, the students rose, the air electric with the buzz of animated discussions and speculative debates. The proposal had transformed the mundane into the magical, the classroom into a crucible of potential discovery.

Kai found himself momentarily adrift in the tide of exiting students, his thoughts anchored to the implications of their chosen thesis. The corridor outside became a river of voices and bodies, carrying him in its current, yet his mind was with Ivan, still in the classroom engaging Professor Lyne in a fervent exchange.

By the time Ivan emerged, the hallway had emptied, the fervor of the moment condensed into the shared glance between the two. โ€œWhat the hell was that?โ€ Kai demanded, half in admiration, half in disbelief. โ€œSince when does scientific inquiry include chasing after myths?โ€

Ivan shrugged, his smile was a beacon in the dim corridor, undimmed by Kaiโ€™s skepticism. โ€œWeโ€™re not just chasing shadows, Kai. Don't you worry about it.โ€

This has been an ongoing group for more than a month now (8 total). However, looking to add new people and remove some inactive ones, meaning activity is required (once a week MINIMUM posts)!!! Along with DAILY CHECK-INS โ€ผ๏ธ Come in to hang out, chat, share about your day outside of replies. It shows activity x

1. Be active long-term. This means consistency. Otherwise, you will be removed.
2. Write in paste tense, 3rd person, and advanced literate. Do not ignore other posts, and refer to others in yours. It's your responsibility to include your own character and keep up.
3. No Gary/Mary Sues.
4. Realistic Face Claims only, that are able to be found on Pinterest preferably. These OCs should look in their early 20s.

1. OC Name & Face Claim
2. Short personality of your OC. (Looking to avoid dark/quiet personalities.)
3. RP Example (your average writing post from other roleplays. But note, this can reach Novella length, so be able to write 600+ word replies
I'd prefer longer ones, to give me an idea of your writing style (Quality not quantity).
4. Can you meet the activity requirements?

If interested, please send me your app in PM's! ๐Ÿ’•
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Update: looking to decide by Sunday hopefully x given enough apps come by then~
hoping this is still active ^_^! will definitely look into possibly submitting an application!
I'd love to apply. What's being looked for in an application? (From what I understand, I only know to pm a cs)

Is this an discord RP?

Sorry for the dumb question, but what even is a Discord RP? I'm on OG forum RPer, no idea what RPing on Discord is like. Do people make substantial posts? Or is it like a sentence of two at a time type of RPing in a normal Discord text chat?? ๐Ÿ˜•
I'd love to apply. What's being looked for in an application? (From what I understand, I only know to pm a cs)
Just the application attached. I'm focusing more on writing style and activity (how well it can be managed/met)
Sorry for the dumb question, but what even is a Discord RP? I'm on OG forum RPer, no idea what RPing on Discord is like. Do people make substantial posts? Or is it like a sentence of two at a time type of RPing in a normal Discord text chat?? ๐Ÿ˜•
There's different channels for different things. It's more categorised and organised than here. For the actual roleplay, we tend to write multiple post replies (there's a discord cap of around 300 words for 1 post, so we tend to write on docs, and then split up replies when posting).
There's different channels for different things. It's more categorised and organised than here. For the actual roleplay, we tend to write multiple post replies (there's a discord cap of around 300 words for 1 post, so we tend to write on docs, and then split up replies when posting).

That's interesting! Thank you for explaining that to me ๐Ÿ˜Š
STOP I LOVE THIS SERIES! is this still open? if not using the world of V.E. Schwab 10/10

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