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Realistic or Modern Verdun (Still accepting.)

"Well. That was a mistake on his part, Nire Bihotza." The Basque quickly strung up the cloth to dry, a skill remembered from childhood. Many nurses gave him scowling looks, as if he was mad. But Eneko didn't mind very much. It seemed that Evaline didn't want to stick to this conversation, so Eneko went along. "Indeed I am." Eneko said quietly, turning back to the blonde woman before him. "Somehow, I have the day off. Our squad just gets to run free today I guess." He said, scratching the back of his neck. "So I'm at your mercy, lieutenant." The Basque said somewhat playfully. "Give me something to do, and I'll do it, Nire Bihotza."

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Léo, after having disassembled and reassembled the gun exactly 50 times, stepped back out of his tent. A nurse passed by, giving him a harsh glare. He couldn't have cared less, as long as they'd still house him if he got shot. The Frenchman was appalled at how he'd been spoken to by the nurse officer. It was hardly civil of her, to say in the least. She probably just wanted an excuse for her own promiscuity. Léo sighed. At least there were other ways to get camp in order. He could work his way up to dealing with her again. The next order on his list was fixing rank. Despite being a private, most around him assumed he was an officer by the way he carried himself and surveyed the camp. A few even saluted. It would have been funny were it not a sign of how little anybody understood what was going on in the command structure. Oh, well. At the very least he could use this to his advantage. He began barking out a series of orders to rearrange the tents into neat rows. Those around him followed his commands, surprisingly. But they were, of course, as green as the grass beneath his feet, and utterly incompetent. The camp slowly began churning into a collective movement. Léo beamed with pride. Hopefully an actual officer would take notice of his initiative. Though... well, it was dissapointing that there weren't even any officers around to perform their job, and that he was doing it for them instead.
Evaline sighed, "You're dismissed then, Eneko. I have nothing further to be done."  She leaned back against the operating table, scrubbing her hands over her face. 

What had it been, two days without sleep?  Three? No, it had been four. 

She sighed once more, and removed her apron and hat. 

"I don't have to work for a while, I believe." She murmured to no one in particular. 
Just as the meeting ended flavien Stood outside to enjoy some sunshine. To his surprise he was met with a sunset." Time has gone by so quickly." He though to himself. He headed towards the sleeping area/locker room to see if there are volunteeres to do the night duty. Just as his head peeked in he saw Leó rearranging the locker room.
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Eneko began to walk away, but then heard Evaline speak. The Basque felt a grin tug his lips and he turned around, facing the woman. "Well then, in that case, I think you need a break." Eneko leaned against a wooden beam as he spoke to her, looking much more tidy that usual in his new, light blue uniform, that had somehow got not even a drop of blood on it. "So whadda say?" @Rui
Just as the meeting ended flavien Stood outside to enjoy some sunshine. To his surprise he was met with a sunset." Time has gone by so quickly." He though to himself. He headed towards the sleeping area/locker room to see if there are volunteeres to do the night duty. Just as his head peeked in he saw Leó rearranging the locker room.

Oh, I thought it was more of a camp than a locker room.
Léo's 'subordinates' finally finished the work rearranging the entire building into a much more effectively organized area. They had slowly, over time, become better and better at following his orders and performing tasks. Once finished, they saluted and returned to their living areas. After a few more minutes, Leó noticed Flavian watching him.

"Oh, hello, sir."

He saluted crisply.

@Little gasmask
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Evaline nibbled her bottom lip, contemplating this. 

"I can't," she finally replied, "If that man or more subordinates thought I was with you romantically, there would surely be hell to pay." She glanced down towards her shoes. 

"Thank you though, for the offer. That is very kind." 

@John Raptorfist
Flavien asked why Léo was taking command. "Under the circumstances you are doing it for the best but next time don't assume  command of the officers." Flavien said as he searched the room for any people wanting to do night shift

(sorry for short post im in school)
Eneko shrugged at her words, they did make sense. Fighting machine wasn't too happy with Evaline earlier, and he couldn't imagine his reaction to seeing her running amok with a new recruit such as Eneko. "Well then, nobody has to know..." The young Basque said quietly so that the other nurses didn't hear. "I might be on night patrol for all they know, Evaline. We could even go outside the faculty if you wish." The Basque suggested. "But, if doing the same thing you do every night is want you want, Lieutenant..." @Rui
Léo frowned.

"Sir, if I may be candid, it was because the place was a mess, and you weren't doing anything about it. These privates were leaderless until I came about, sir."

@Little gasmask
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Albert was marching on no man's land until he heard a machine gun. Then everybody started running as fast as they could. I and my army jumped into trenches like water flowing into trench. I ran about in the trench like a cheetah. Then I made my way into medic's office as I had medical supplies. However this was the machine gun firing from allies side. So now i made myself  comfortable and now it was dark so i started to make friends with other soldiers. 
Albert was marching on no man's land until he heard a machine gun. Then everybody started running as fast as they could. I and my army jumped into trenches like water flowing into trench. I ran about in the trench like a cheetah. Then I made my way into medic's office as I had medical supplies. However this was the machine gun firing from allies side. So now i made myself  comfortable and now it was dark so i started to make friends with other soldiers. 

(Communistic chair we are in a for do you even keep up with the story?)

"I know but you did it for the best but I'm pretty sure the high command is gunna eat the sh*t out of me as your in my squad." Flavien said as he called out some guys for the nights duty

(let's wait for Rui and raptorfist to make a reply and then I'll make a post with the training starting.)
"Well, sir, I'm sure if high command cared enough to investigate, what they'd find is a private doing the work his officer was too busy watching him to do."

@Little gasmask
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"Good day to you as well, Evaline." Eneko said with a mischievous wink before heading off. The outside greeted him with air sharply cooler than when he had walked in. How long was he in there? It seemed like mere minutes, surely no more than an hour. The stars began to show like tiny pinpricks of light in the inky blue twilight, harshly contrasting to the blazing, brilliant ball of fire that was the sun, throwing it's brilliant colors across the sky. Once Eneko had reached the quarters for his squad, he already felt the weight of fatigue tug at him. He hadn't slept for about a day and a half, as he was to anxious before he even got on the train. The young Basque saw that Fighting Machine and Flavien were engaged in conversation. Eneko didn't care what they were even talking about. He gave Flavien a weak salute before letting out a yawn and heading to his cot, where Eneko stripped off his uniform until he was in nothing but a pair of pants. Thai revealed the long scars across his chest from his childhood. They ran horizontally on his chest and back, turned white from scar tissue. 
Léo sighed.

"Lights out is in 7 minutes. I must go, sir. Good night."

He saluted his "leader" and left to his cabin. Great. His cot neighbored the Basque from earlier. He supposed that he had no particular quarrel with him, though it was a touch annoying how he wasn't at base helping, and instead was with the nurse. Léo nodded at him as he lay down on his straw bed.

@John Raptorfist
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"Fighting Machine." Eneko said to the terse, orderly man who lay across from him. The Basque yawned once more, he could feel the sleep tugging on his eyes like weights. "Oh yes!" He said as if something just popped into his mind. "I'm Eneko." @LordOfThePitch
"Ah. Emeko. I take it from that name, and your thickly accented, terrible French that you're a Basque. Welcome to France, then, I suppose. My name is Léo."

Léo sighed.

"Do you know why I'm so harsh on the nurses, Emeko? I can tell you think I am an unkind man. That is not so. I do what I do because I love my people. My country. You probably do too. The only difference is that your people don't face destruction at the hand of this war. France is in dire straits, my comrade, and unless we are as efficient, as effective, as dogged as possible.... then we are no longer. You would care about something petty like nurses if every Basque, and all of your culture, were about to be extinguished. If there was anything to give you more of a chance of your nations survival, you'd do it, and screw the feelings of others."

He turned over to face Emeko.

"So please... don't treat any small thing trivially. We need every advantage."

@John Raptorfist
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"Perceptive this one is." Eneko chuckled in his normal lighthearted happy-go-lucky kind of way. "Nice to meet you Léo, but I think I'll stick with Fighting Machine. Sounds better that way." The Basque said with a yawn, putting his hand behind his head. "Ah, I need no welcome. I've lived in France my entire life. Born and raised in Mauléon." He stared blankly at the ceiling, it was a ugly shade of cream, and the paint was starting to peel from the boards. "You do know Basque Country isn't just in Spain, right? Though I am loyal to my people, I am at the same time a faithful subject of France. Ever since the Basques were split in two, the French nor the Spainards caring for the lives they ruined, families the separated...." He countinued to looked upwards, in silence for a moment. "I assure you, though I am naive in many ways, I am not so naive as to not realize what is at stake here." Eneko suddenly hissed through gritted teeth. "I am not a child, so stop treating me like one." @LordOfThePitch
Léo raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Because you seem to care far more about your own selfish pleasure than a cause that's bigger than you. That sounds immensely naive, and extremely childish. So until you begin acting like an adult, I'm going to treat you as a boy. If you really want to prove you're a man, then stop pestering the poor nurse and do your duty to the nation you say you're a faithful subject to."

@John Raptorfist
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Léo had a point, and Eneko had essentially let himself walk into that. The Basque sighed, letting out a puff of breath. Léo was clearly an intelligent man, more intelligent than he, but Eneko concluded that their personalities simply weren't compatible. "Alright." He finally said. "You make a good point." The Basque stared at the ceiling some more, somehow soaking up every feature of that featureless cream plain. "But I won't stop pestering the nurse though." A smile returned to his lips as he spoke.


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