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Realistic or Modern Verdun (Still accepting.)

She sighed, shaking his offered hand.

"That's exactly what I'm afraid of." 

She smiled softly at this, finally making eye contact. "It is nice to meet you, Eneko." She almost purred his name, her voice taking on a bit more of a seductive tone, the French accent only adding to the allure. She wasn't particularly sure why it did that, but she wasn't entirely against it. 

"On the bright side, Mr. Mendoza, if they do, as you say, 'toss you in front of those machine guns', I'll be here to fix you." 

@John Raptorfist
Eneko raised an eyebrow as the woman spoke, the tone of her voice seemed to shift suddenly. A more...alluring tone. The Basque picked up on this quickly. "Even if those spike-headed bastards take the other half of me back to Germany?" Eneko chuckled, scratching his chin. He squinted at the clear blue sky, only a few puffy, white clouds lazily drifted across its vast expanse. "Well, I hope your good at your job, because by my luck, I'll be in the medical tent more times than I can even get hurt." 

She smiled, laughing softly into the her hand. 

"I will make sure to keep attentive, Mr. Mendoza." She hadn't laughed in a long time. Life was a bit bleak within a camp.

"I will see you around, Eneko." 

She then walked away, her blonde curls and hips swaying as she walked back to the tent. 

@John Raptorfist
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"See you, Ms. Gardnier. I would be nice to see you again. Hopefully not with a hole in my chest, nire goxoki." Eneko dipped his head as she bid him goodbye. The young Basque soon found himself dumbstruck and staring like a idiot as luientant Gardnier walked towards the nurse's quarters. Enemy did feel guilty, but that didn't mean he averted his eyes from her. Maybe these coming weeks wouldn't be so bad after all. 

Evaline, once safely in the tent, broke into bright peals of laughter. The other women looked over at her as if she were daft, but Giselle Delacroix looked on knowingly, and simply told the other girls to shut up and keep working. 

"I see you found something amusing, cher?" Mrs. Delacroix asked Eva.

"Yes ma'am," she replied, still smiling wickedly, "and he was eyeing my bum." 

Eva then skipped off to work, leaving a clucking Mrs. Delacroix in her wake. 
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As the other men milled about, and Lieutenant Gardnier dissapeared behind the the flaps of the nurse's tent, Eneko sighed, swinging his rifle onto his lap before he took a seat in the grass. It would be best to clean his weapon before the real training actually begun, for he had forgot to earlier this morning due to being in such a rush to get to the trains on time. The young Basque took a small cloth from his coat pocket that was already muddled with grime and began to wipe to the firearm. Speaking of training, he wondered when it would actually begin. But more importantly, when would he be seeing that beautiful nurse again? Eneko knew that he shouldn't be gawking at women when he was out fighting for France, but he honestly couldn't help himself. One question led to another as Eneko mused to himself. What was her first name anyway? If that wasn't a casus belli to pester Lieutenant Gardnier more, he didn't know what was.  
Just as the last man got out of the train  Flavien got out and found his way to the hq. The high command asked him how much man he got. "Exacly 57 man sir." Flavien saluted. He was ordered to send all the men to the changing rooom. As he went outside he ordered all the men to line up. "Alright men, Line up!" 
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Eneko heard the order from Flavien pierce the cool morning air, and he sprung to his feet, leaving his rifle only half cleaned.mThe young Basque sprung to his feet and scrambled into line with the other men. Hopefully Flavien hadn't seen  him with Luitenant Gardnier instead of with the other men. As opposed to the line out of the train, this one moved in a more swift and orderly fashion. They ended up marching over to a fairly small and squat building. This must've been the changing room. Inside awaited their uniforms. Eneko hand seen them before, powder blue coat and trousers and a ridged helmet. 

@Little gasmask
"Get a good day's rest. Tommorow the training starts so don't mess up the uniforms." Flavien said as he gently closed the door before stating "the rest of the day is your's." Flavien went back to the hq to discuss tactics with the high command.
Eneko tilted his head slightly at Flavien's words. He would've expected them to get to training right away. From what he knew, the front always needed men. But, alas, Eneko wasn't complaining. The longer he could stay away from the trenches, the better. After Flavien had gone out of sight and he had slipped into his uniform Eneko jogged outdoors, rifle still strapped to him. The uniform wasn't very comfortable, the wool sometimes itched, but he'd have to deal with it. As he jogged, Eneko saw other men and women doing their own business, that was working, of course. He even saw some of the men that were on the train earlier. The young Basque's pace slowed as he approached the nurse's quarters, kicking up clouds of dust from the gravel path in his wake. Not wanting to go inside, (that would not only be rude and intrusive, but also bring more attention to himself) Eneko waited across the trail from the tent and leaned against the trunk of a sturdy ash and began to clean his rifle once more. 

Léo offered the officer a crisp salute once he was finished with his brief message.

"Yes, sir."

He stepped into the stuffy room containing their uniforms, quickly changing into his patchy outfit before leaving. The scene around him was utter chaos, from a military standpoint. No formation, no neat encampment, clear violations of several military guidelines from the book he had perused through on the train here. This wouldn't do. He swore he would fix it, for the sake of the entire French cause. First, he needed to eliminate the flirtatious nurses from the picture. They were making things much more difficult, and he was sure the men would follow orders much more easily without the women around. It was with this thought that Léo marched briskly up the hill to the hospital, knocking on the makeshift door loudly but politely.
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From his haunt under the ash, Eneko looked up to see another soilder. The other man was thumping on the doors of the hospital. 

Wonder what he wants...? 

Eneko thought as he watched from a distance before piping up, his deep, yet somewhat still adolescent voice cutting through the crisp, mid morning air. 

"Hey! You hurt or something? You certainly don't look as though you have a reason to be disturbing their work." 

Eneko's French still was shoddy at best, but he hoped to improve it over his time here in the military, surrounded by more French speakers than he could ever imagine. But, being a courious man, Eneko wanted to see what this soilder was up to. 

Evaline was cleaning off her workstation in the hospital, a sharp knock startling her from the task at hand. She sighed for what was probably the millionth time today, and ceased working. She walked over to the small door which she proceeded to open. 

"Yes?" She asked, trying not to sound as tired as she was. She looked him over, trying to see what the issue was. 

"You're not injured," she murmured, which piqued her curiosity, and annoyance. "What do you need?" 

She spotted Eneko moments later, and mentally cringed. 

God, his French truly is deplorable. 

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Léo's head perked up as he heard a distinctly Basque accent pierce the silence. He turned to the man who'd spoken, an eyebrow raised at his pathetically poor French.

"I wouldn't disturb their work, had they shown the same respect to the men in this army. This is supposed to be an effective fighting machine, and those temptresses are throwing a wrench in the gears. I'm sure their commanding officer shall agree with me, as the nurses doubtless have their own work to attend to without being distracted."

He glanced at his side. A nurses tent.

"Ah. But you would rather I don't, correct?"

Léo heard the door open, turning to the woman who had done so.

"Hello, madame. I would wish to speak with your commanding officer, if it would be convenient for them. It is of utter importance. I'm sure you overheard me speaking to him."

@John Raptorfist

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All right.

That was the final straw.

It had been a long day, and she was most certainly DONE. 

Evaline's voice rose of its own accord, her hands clenching at her sides as her French went rapid fire.

"É[COLOR= rgb(33, 33, 33)]cou[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(33, 33, 33)]ter ici, vous l'homme stupide, la majorité de ces «tentatrices» sont à peine dix-huit ans! Ils sont fous flirtacious, mais je ne supporte pas pour vous d'insulter mon effectif qui ramassent vos ânes désolé quand vous tombez et allez boom! MAINTENANT, BONNE JOURNÉE, ET SORTIR!"[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(33, 33, 33)]she paused, taking a deep breath.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(33, 33, 33)]"My commanding officer is out, by the way, and I am second, so I am currently commanding officer. Now get out of my sight."  She then closed the door. [/COLOR]


@John Raptorfist
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Léo glared down at her.

"I appreciate the work that nurses do, but you'd be blind to not see the chaos out there. Neither of us are getting any work done. You're a sane human being, yes? So clearly you have to see that this must come to an end. Unless... you see it, but have something to gain. Perhaps a man caught your eye? Quite unprofessional, I would say."


(Wait, what? I didn't see the edit where you closed the door until after my post)
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From the other side of the door, Evaline inhaled deeply before replying. 

"A man was my reason for joining, and now he's lying dead in a hole somewhere. So, let the girls do what they will in that regard. I won't stop them, and neither will Madame Delacroix. It will be chaos with or without them. Now, good day." 


(Yeah I edited it pretty late. sorry pal! I get the jist of it tho.)
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Flavien was discussing about potentionally opening a second front against the Germans as he heard some noise coming from the direction of the med bay. He asked to be excused as he went there. "Curiosity killed the cat" he though to himself as he saw leó and Evaline deep in a conversation.
Léo sighed with frustration.

"So you refuse to do anything because you had a man that died? How selfish of you. I certainly hope I don't get shot, or else you might be to embroiled in self pity to do ANYTHING. You said you lost him? Would you dare to subject those innocent young women to the same pain you went through? I wish you were one of the cannon fodder like us. Like he was. You had to live through him dying. WE HAVE TO DIE."

Léo angrily marched off.

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Evaline glared towards the door. 

There's always one of those.

"control the girls, keep the interactions professional".

Of course, that'll work. 

What do we do if they don't obey? Throw them infront of the guns? 

Eva shook her head, going back to cleaning, earning her many smiles of appreciation from the other nurses on shift. 
Eneko simply gawked from the shade, adjusting his cap as he watched the nurse and his fellow soilder engage in a sort of verbal combat. Luitenant Gardnier's long tirade went by so quickly, that the Basque could barely keep up with it. But he got the idea. She was simply telling the man to 'sod off'. The sheer tenacity of this woman intrigued Eneko. He'd never heard of a nurse who spat at a man in such a way. But then the argument got personal. Something about somebody Gardnier knew dying in the trenches. The soilder then began to rant on about how countless men were dying in the trenches, his speech, though not calm, was slower paced and easier to understand for Eneko. By the end of it both of the belligerents faces were red with rage. His inquisitive brown eyes tracked the man as he stormed off. Since Eneko didn't know his name, he made up his own for the angry soilder. Fighting Machine. This was due to him speaking to Eneko about how he wanted a fighting machine or something like that, he couldn't really tell because Fighting Machine was speaking so fast at such a distance. Bringing his attention back to the spitfire that was Lieutenant Gardnier, the Basque got to his feet with a grunt. Maybe it wouldn't be the best time to talk to her, but he needed something to do and he promised to himself to keep the flirting at zero. He approached the door an rapped upon it twice. A young woman with blue eyes greeted him politely, but not warmly and after she had finished scowling at him, finally let Eneko slip inside. "Lieutenant." The Basque dipped his head respectfully once he had found her. 

"I hate to be a bother and all, but I desperately need something to do. Washing bloody rags, feeding the sick, whatever. I'm just need some work, okay?" 

Léo finally reached the camp area, or at least what he assumed to be the camp area. It was wildly messy. Soldiers dawdled about, and he could hear nurses in more than one tent. It would've been hard no to; they were quite... loud. Léo scowled, repitching his tent and efficiently carving out a water drain around it out of the dirt before stepping inside. It was a modest living space, but for France he would have slept in hell. He doubted the nurses would've been worse there, anyway. Regardless, it was his hope that he'd be promoted quickly. He had some tactical ideas that he wished to try out. For now, though, Léo just got to dismantling and assembling his gun.

(Also, @John Raptorfist, Léonardo 'Fighting Machine' Durand sounds awesome, regardless of if the 'fighting machine' nickname is meant to be ironic.)
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Evaline was grumbling profanities under her breath. When Eneko entered, she slowed her work to a halt. 

"Yes, some bandages in the bin over there, they could be washed." She pursed her lips, turning to look at him. 

"My name is Evaline, by the way." She said quietly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

@John Raptorfist
Eneko pulled up the sleeves of his uniform and began to furiously scrub the blood out of the snow-white cloth. The water he scrubbed them in ended up turning a rather pleasant shade of pink. That was when the young Basque heard Lieutenant Gardnier, or Evaline now. He glanced at her from his position with a small smile. "So much for being professional, Ms. Gardnier." He chuckled as he scrubbed. It felt good to be productive, and it felt down-right strange that Flavien would let the solders just run wild for the entire day. He continued to eye Evaline, he wondered who she was so angry about. "What were you yelling at that guy about anyway?" @Rui
She pursed her lips. 

"He insulted the nurses, and by extention, me." 

She left it at that, proceeding on to another topic.

"Done yet?" She asked, turning to face him once more.

@John Raptorfist
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