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Fantasy Venus 14

Eli almost choked. Almost. Instead he opted to jab his friend in the arm and laughed, "I tell Salome all the time. She just doesn't listen. It has to be that hard head." He joked, glancing over at his female best friend as she obliviously talked to June. It was truly a wonder how she didn't know. Didn't see the glances, or notice the change in the way June acted when the girl was around. But, sadly no matter what meddling he does, Salome just lets it sail right over her head.

GardenParty GardenParty FireMaiden FireMaiden Aio Aio
Moon Bae Jin

The thought alone of being anywhere near a giant butterfly sent a small shiver through her spine. She's never been a fan of them ever since she saw a close up of one's face and pretty much flipped out. Bae shook her head to erase the memory from her mind, "I think I'll pass on anything remotely similar to butterflies, they're pretty weird to me." Something about Tae's body language seemed to radiate a nervous energy and she felt like it was her duty to ease his concerns.

"Don't worry at all Tae-Tae, I have complete faith that we'll wrap this all up in no time." Bae glanced around the room and her eyes fell on June trying her best to play off her feelings while Salome was blissfully unaware. "Hey captain, when do we depart for our cross milky way road trip?"

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Delilah Jackson
Delilah giggled, peeking at the two girls from in between Eli and Keegan. "You guys totally should. They'd be cute together." Here's something about Delilah real quick though. Whole she would never voice her opinion since it would just be kinda rude to flat out admit it she didn't like the fact June was put in charge. Maybe because she was a bit bias when it came to other girls, have a little big of a trust issue with them, she infact, didn't know why she felt like this. June herself was a nice person, and was more fit to be leader than probably anyone else in the room. But Deiliah still felt a bit odd about the who situation. "Anyway, when are we gonna be ready to go? Are we still missing people?" She then asked, taking herself away from the negative thoughts, and back into the conversation with two cute boys. GardenParty GardenParty HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons
Eli gave out a soft sigh, "I don't know. I think we are missing a couple.. But they should be coming soon." He murmured, glancing at the door. He was ready to go as well. More than ready to get this weight off his shoulders. Definitely excited to see all of his training pay off. He started to glance through the crowd counting off, adjusting the bag on his shoulder once he did so, "So what do /you/ think the world will be like, Delilah?" He asked, adjusting his weight onto one foot.

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Delilah Jackson
"I'm a little bored," She mumbled with a yawn, "Not that talking with you guys is boring, it's just the waiting part," She said, fixing it so they wouldn't be offended. When Eli asked about what she thought this new world would be like, she had to pause. What did Delilah think about it? "Hmmm, well, for starters I think it's gonna be pretty. I'm hoping for amazing scenery, you lnow, a nice place where we can live." Delilah responded with a hopeful smile, her gray eyes sparking. "What about you two?" She asked, directing the question to both Eli and Keegan. HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons GardenParty GardenParty
Oliver Hollow

Oliver listened quietly to the chatter of the others, intentionally staying silent in the ship. He'd learnt long ago that his place wasn't in the center of the discussion - it was on the outside, listening and quietly agreeing or disagreeing. He decided it might finally be time to actually reveal his presence to the others, after all they were now his allies for this weird journey. He thought briefly about how to interact with the others, eventually deciding that even if he could think of the perfect plan it would be impossible to execute. Better to just introduce himself in the most straightforward way possible.

Oliver stepped softly out of the shadows of the ship into the light, his black clothing suddenly seeming somewhat out of place in the wildlife he found himself surrounded by. "Hi..." he said - almost inaudibly to the others. He looked at them - they were all awfully attractive... it made him somewhat uncomfortable. His eyes flitted to a tall boy with jet black hair and a beanie on before quickly darting to the floor.

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Eli opened his mouth to respond to what Delilah had asked but he heard the soft hello, glancing around to see where it came from. His gaze settled on the boy before him, and he found himself fairly shocked that he didn't notice him come up, "Oliver, right?" He asked, a smile gracing his features as he focused on the smaller male, "Where have you been? I didn't see you come in." Though he couldn't really blame himself. He hadn't seen much of Oliver before this time, having had a crazy schedule of perfection perfection perfection.

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Robin Bryer

Robin jolted awake just as the announcement was finishing. Well, it was actually at the part that mentioned their neck... thingies..
He had opted to just call them zappers. The boy sat up, scanning the room with his sleepy narrow eyes. He reached up and felt the hum of the device, and quickly tore his hand away. Robin closed his eyes and slightly tilted his head in a soft wince. Sorry to say... he had been shocked by it before. When he first came here. The first thing he did was try to escape. He didn't get far. After that, he must've punched at least four scientists in the span of his time at the facility. And he could tell you, that thing in his neck had hurt worse than anything had hurt in his entire life.

Robin shook his head, and jumped out of bed. He swiftly stuffed his bag and took a good, long, hard look at his room. A small smile played on his lips as he surveyed the only thing that could be related to a home in that forsaken place. He was finally leaving. They, were finally leaving.

"Whoaaaa! Y'all are here looking for me, right?"
Robin said fairly loudly with a stupid grin on his face as he entered the room.
"Don't be alarmed! I am still alive!"
The teenager laughed good-naturedly, grateful to see the faces of friends. Now, it was true, he hated the facility. And most of his friends knew it. But he wasn't going to let those scientists ruin this. This moment. The moment before they left to explore a whole other planet. Let them ruin any other memory.​

Delilah Jackson
When Eli's attention went to Oliver, so did her's. She never saw much of Olive either, but they were friends. Well, somewhat. Oliver was kinda shy, so that meant he didn't really talk much. But that didn't really ever stop Delilah from trying to talk to him. He didnt respond that often, but hey, it was better than not talking to him at all. He seemed like he needed it every once in a while, oh, and hugs. She gave him hugs pretty often. Her attention then went to Robin as he entered, which made her giggle. She liked Robin as well, they got along great. "Good Morning Robin!" HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons hitman654 hitman654 HuntedFox HuntedFox GardenParty GardenParty
Oliver Hollow

Oliver smiled softly. Looking across to Delilah, she had always been nice to him, talking to him even when he couldn't respond. A few times she'd even hugged him. Oliver simply gave a small wave to Delilah before turning his attention to Robin. The boy was without a doubt everything Oliver one day hoped to be, not that he felt it very likely. In the weeks prior to landing he had watched Robin quietly, noting the subtle confidence he moved with and his ability to seemingly talk to everyone. Oliver admired that and, more importantly, respected the fact that he didn't use this charisma to manipulate others, as he'd seen many times before.

Oliver realised he'd been simply standing still without speaking for at least a few minutes - probably seeming very werid to the others. Truthfully Oliver couldn't care less if they thought he was weird, but weirdness attracted attention and that was something Oliver despised. "
Hi" he mumbled again, this time towards Robin. He quickly chastised himself for repeating his earlier statement, it would again make him seem unusual and draw attention.

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Salome Aoi Ochoa

Salome rolled her eyes at Eli's response to her statement before going back to looking at June. Her smiled widened at her response to her question. Her face softening before she spoke "Same here I suppose." Salome shrugged he shoulders, concealing her nervousness with soft laughter. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear that had found its way into her eyes. Now Salome would never confess her nervousness about this mission to anyone, let alone the leader of the group. So she attempted to keep it hidden through smiles and nervous laughter.

She was the smallest within the group, everyone having at least a few inches on her. Threfore she felt a small urdge to prove herself to others. With a sigh, shaking the thoughts from her head Salome streatched her hands upward above her head. "I don't know about you but I'm ready to get this show on the road." Her smile returning to her face as she looked over at the group that had formed around Eli and Keegan, shaking her head before looking back at June.

HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons GardenParty GardenParty
Robin Bryer
Robin's eyes scanned the room as he entered, and they rested on the first person to talk. His face brightened when he saw Delilah.
"Oh hey Del!"
He grinned cheerily. Delilah... is up there with his favorite people of the group. She was always so friendly to him when they first met, Robin liked to think that they were fairly good friends. Del was so strong-willed and fun to be around. It really was no doubt that he would've grown to really llll-iike her in a friendly way. As a friend. He inwardly sighed. Danggit...

Robin snapped back to reality when another voice spoke. Just the quietest voice, but he recognized it instantly.
darn was he glad for it because he's pretty sure he was staring.
Robin turned his head away from Delilah and to the source of the voice. O-Owen..? Ocher! Wait, no. That's a color. He tilted his head just slightly, replenishing his grin which had faded.
"Oooooo.... Olll.. ..liver! Oliver, right?"
He seemed so pleased with himself that he remembered a name. And he was pretty sure it was the right one! Wait, no. Yes! Robin liked to call him Ollie!
"Sorry, my brain is pretty frazzled. I didn't sleep very well last night if you can believe it!"
He chuckled slightly.
"How did you guys sleep?"
Robin questioned Eli and Ollie.

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Eli had leaned back against the table with Keegan, his eyes traveling around the room while he watched the remaining people trail in. He did this often though, he always categorized and filed away different information that didn't really seem necessary, but definitely was to him. He could feel the hum of the chip if he stayed still long enough, and that unsettled him in more ways than one. He didn't take too kindly to being monitored or controlled, especially in this inhumane of a way. He kind of got lost in his thoughts before his eyes went to Robin. A small smile returned to his face, "Like a baby." He stated, glancing at Keegan. He was still a little worried about his friend's sleeping patterns, but he could only help so much.
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Oliver smiled slightly at Robin's struggle. Nodding as he eventually said the correct answer "Yeah, Oliver" he said quietly before shrugging at the question of sleep, in truth he'd barely slept but there was no need to call attention to that fact, it would just worry people. "I slept alright" he mumbled, his pretty voice seeming to dance along the air before fading entirely. He took a quick glance at Keegan, noticing his eyes flitting around the room. Whatever he was doing didn't massively concern Oliver - from what he could tell Eli had his eyes on Keegan and should be able to deal with any threat they might present.
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June Green
It was difficult for June to tear her eyes from Salome. She didn't notice the rest of the team had entered till they were calling to her, questioning why they were doing so much waiting. June swept her gaze around the room. Everyone was accounted for, but just as she opened her mouth to speak to her team, the entrance to the Launch Room burst open, and in strode Alice Sun, President of the TXSA corporation. June's breath hitched, and the room fell silent as that woman who took their lives away from them rounded the table to the front. Her assistant trailed behind her, the fast clicks of her heels the only sounds in the room.

June had almost, almost forgot that an actual human being did this to the teens. Took away a major part of their lives all for some experiment. They became her lab rats, and June knew it took all of the kids' concentration not to rip out this woman throat right here and right now.

"Good morning." She said, voice as smooth as silk.

The devil speaks.

"No comments? Nothing? You don't hide your anger very well." She said, pulling out a small remote from in her pocket. June fliched at the sight, and the chip in the back of her neck seemed to hum a bit louder as Alice waved it around. "Try anything, and that chip won't just fry." She stated simply, thumbing the buttons.

"As president of TXSA, it is my duty to send you off. I won't remind you of what is to be done, and what procedures need to take place, as you have all drilled those into your minds. No, I'm here to remind you of your mission, and assign your esteemed co-captain."

June's eyes widened at the mention of the co-captain. She knew that everyone had trained to be one, but why tell them all so late?

"On A7-S6, you are to collect data and information about the planet, and report this all back to headquarters. No sidetracking, no dilly dallying. Finish the mission, and you all get to go home."

Home. Home. June smiled a bit at the word. It would be her and Keegan again. No tests, no training. Just the twins.

Alice met the eyes of everyone in the room, as if trying to guess who would be the co-captain. She lifted a polished finger and pointed to Delilah. "You are to be co-captain, according to the tests." She said, looking the girl up and down. Alice glanced back at June. "And you." She paused, and a bit of life lit up in those hard, silver eyes. "Get them all back. Safely" she said, and that seemed to be that. Alice walked out of the room without any goodbyes, any good lucks. The kids were left with the sound of the slamming doors behind her.

"Well..." June said quietly, "Let's get going." She glanced at the far wall of the room, and watched the whole thing slide into the ground. On the other side were a wide flight of stairs, and June started to climb, knowing exactly where they went. Keegan fell in step beside her, leaving Eli's side to accompany his sister.

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Delilah Jackson
The devil woman left before she could voice her protest. Delilah expect Keegan to be co-captian, hell, anyone else but her. Cause she didn't want to be co captain. She didn't want to be responsible for anyone, and was more than happy to follow orders. Not give them. A sick feeling set in her stomach as they began to climb the stairs, Delilah started bitting her lip out of nervous habit. And what test? She wanst sure what the devil woman meant by that or if she even remember test to determine this. Oh wait, the simulations. Delilah had d9nt really well in them, maybe because she knew how to somewhat handle a large groups because of her brothers, but she didn't expect she did that well. And while she was still excited, this did put a little bit of damper on things. Oh well, there was nothing she could do about it now other than give it her best shot. GardenParty GardenParty HolyMacaroons HolyMacaroons HuntedFox HuntedFox hitman654 hitman654
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Oliver Hollow

Oliver let out a breath he didn't realise he'd been holding. Thanking his lucky stars it hadn't been him that was chosen. Unlike the others Oliver actually didn't hold that much contempt for Alice Sun as all the others appeared to. Not that he would ever voice such a sentiment...

He looked over to Delilah, noticing she'd gone several shades paler. He strongly empathised, had it been him he would likely have teleported over and snapped the devil's neck - chip in his head be damned. He also felt bad for Delilah. She was sweet and shouldn't be forced into this kind of role, a role where it was perfectly possible that not all of her charges would make it home alive...

He gently placed a hand on her shoulder. Subtle enough to not alert any of the others but just overt enough to, hopefully, offer some form of comfort. "You'll be ok" he said softly. Deeply wishing that his saying of the words would make them magically come true.

He quickly removed his hand from her shoulder, lest she - or worse still Robin - get the wrong message, and stepped back.

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Hae Won Tae
Tae nodded. 'Don't like butterflies? ' he sent, listening to her try to ease his worries. 'I'm fine Baejin. Just to much calculating up here.' He pointed to his head, just as the head of the program came in. He became silent both mentally and well, he was already silent verbally. He just listened, as he always did. Listen, Process, Act. What he lived to do, after what happened to him.

He already knew he wouldn't get co captain. He wouldn't speak nor could he give orders. He only advised others and followed the orders. Making him a useful member, but no where close to a good co captain. He watched as Deliah seemed to think what the woman said carefully, but her thoughts where not his to dive into. Honestly, he wanted to wrap a vine around the woman's neck, somewhere deep inside felt she deserved it.

'Lets go Baejin. ' he sent to his friend, probably the only person who thought his communication method wasn't awkward. Tae turned as the wall opened, falling just being June and Keegan as they entered the ship.
GardenParty GardenParty
Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha
Moon Bae Jin
"Definitely not a fan of those winged demons. I understand the issue with overthinking, it's a major pain." Bae's entire demeanor changed once the president made herself known and began to talk. The sight alone was enough to send a horrible jolt through her skull. It felt like her skull collapsed in on itself and the fragments were piercing her brain. She cradled her head in her right hand as her vision began to pulse while that dictator continued giving them orders before she left.

It was still difficult for Bae, but the pain had lightened a good amount. She hated this, the headaches and migraines were the worse part and a physical reminder that she'd never live a normal life without her medication. Hearing Tae's voice in her mind caused some mild discomfort from her earlier episode but she still shot him an upbeat smile and made her way up the stairs by walking a few steps behind Tae. Bae had her mind set on enjoying the voyage after she popped two of her tablets which were basically hulk strength Advil in her opinion.
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Salome Aoi Ochoa

Salome pursed her lips as the room went quite as the Alice Sun strode in. The was a mutual hatred for the woman amoung the group of teens. At the sight of the remote Salome subconciously rubbed the back of her neck, narrowing her eyes at the woman. How could she toy around with something that could do such harm to another? Salome had suffered the concequences of disobeying orders once before, and once was enough for her. She didn't care to talk about it as it was in the past, athough a chill was sent up her spine by the mere sight of the remote.

She couldn't help but feel nervous at the mention of the Co-captian, not that she expected to be chosen with her track record she still wondered how she was even still part of the team. Although she knew it had something to do with her mind manipulations, something she didn't necessarily agree with. A breath of releif escaped her lips at Delilah was named, she didn't know much of the girl but she was happy it wasn't her name that escaped the she devil's lips.

When Alice left Salome found that June had already started treking up the stairs. Moving towards Eli she sighed before a smile appeared on her lips. "Thank goodness the she devil didn't name you or we all be doomed." Looking up at Eli as she offered him a smirk. Turning her attention to everyone who headed for the stairs, looking back over at Eli before gesturing towards the stairs. "Shall we?"

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Eli hadn't been fazed by the choice of co-captain. And he was mildly disappointed, if not unfazed by the selection. Delilah. It seemed like a good match to him. But he watched as her cheeks washed away all color and she nervously bit her lip. He sympathized for her, but he didn't move to comfort, not wanting to step any lines. Eli watched as his friend moved to walk beside his twin before his pale gaze fell to Salome and he held out his arm to her, "You are the lucky one. I would have thrown you off that shuttle first chance I got." He teased as they made their way to the shuttle. Finally. Progress. He glanced around at his fellow team, secretly wishing for the best as he kept an aloof face on.

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Robin Bryer
Robin looked at Eli, giving nod and a smile. His gaze flitted to the side, to Keegan. The smile he wore faded just slightly in thought, but he didn't seem to dwell on it and turned back to Ollie when the quiet boy spoke. Man... he almost didn't hear the guy.
Robin's attention was taken as Alice Sun walked in the room. His eyes widened slightly, he even felt himself twitch in her direction, causing him to remind himself that whatever he would try to do would be suicide.
He clenched his hands, forcing himself to look down and calm himself for a moment. His heart was threatening to beat out of his chest. Fear, anger? He wasn't sure which. It was probably both.
"Good morning." She said. Good morning... not anymore. A lot of the kids called her the devil. He... always thought it was too nice title. He had never confessed this, but to her, someone calling her a 'devil' would probably be the highest compliment.
As the President continued to speak, Robin's hand slowly moved up to the back of his neck. He grit his teeth, refusing to look back up at the woman. If he saw that face... right now... the chip wouldn't matter.
He stayed as he was for the rest of the time the President was in the room.
The promise of home... the promise of home wa aThe only thing keeping these teenagers from killing everyone in this facility. Robin always thought t was too good to be true. Would they really let a large group of modified teenagers to roam the earth freely? Doubtful. Nonetheless, a good amount of the others seemed to believe her.
He looked up, trying to bring himself out of his dazed thoughts and scanned the room for the second time. He watched Oliver move forward and comfort Delilah. Comfort..? He looked at the girl's face and blinked. She looked sick. After a quick glance at everyone else's faces, he put two and two together. She must have been chosen for co-captain. He gave Ollie a small, absent pat on the shoulder as he walked past the boy. He wanted to try and catch up to Delilah.
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Delilah Jackson
She looked over her should when someone touched it, and smiled at Oliver's words. "Thanks...that's...that's more comforting than you think," she said softly. It did help a little, but still. June was fit for the role of Captian, she had the personality for it, and she knew June deserved it. But Delilah didn't exactly see herself as someone who deserved the respect a captian, or co-captian would get. Delilah shook her head, running a hand through her hair. "It's okay, It's no big deal. Besides, anything goes wrong the bulk of the blame wouldn't be on me right?" She thought, before sighing. Delilah glanced over her shoulder again, and spotted Robin. She smiled at him, though she looked a little better, she still looked a little sick.
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Salome Aoi Ochoa

Salome hooked her arm around his, chuckling at his comment about throwing her out. "Oh but you would miss me to much. Who else would be able to tolerate your whining? I'm irreplaceable." Patting his arm with her free hand as they made their towards the ship. A mischievous smirk played around on Salome's lips, pulling Eli close to her before she spoke. "So anyone made your heart go all a flutter yet? Or are you as cold hearted as I think...no... I know." Salome always joked around with Eli's love life as she didn't have one of her own. There was also the fact that this experiment had crammed several teens in tight quarters, one would be naive to believe these kids would keep their hands to themselves.

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Eli scoffed at her nosiness, "Just like you to get all up in my business." He teased. He was the only one he told about his stupid, long time ago school boy crush on Keegan. But he didn't feel his heart flutter from anyone too much, anyways. "I find some people attractive, but this cold heart has yet to beat for anyone other than you." He winked playfully. "Anyone you're interested in?" He asked, his eyebrow raised as he glanced down at one of his best friends.

Aio Aio

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