Vengeance from the Heavens

BAtlas's car was Bugatti Veyron Super Sport, one of the fastest known cars on Earth. Atlas drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as they drove, his eyes focused. The car was clean, smelled like mint, and trash was non existent, hinting he hadn't had the car long. The only discerning thing was a picture. Inside were a group of people, with a....rather odd fashion sense. On the back of the photo were wors written in Greek.

These likely were the friends he made back in Greece. 

Stopping at a warehouse, Atlas would park the car, befoee walking towards the door. Lovey would then watch him grip the handle, as a black aura would surround his hand. The door would then unlock, leading them inside.

The warehouse, despite being abandoned, looked as if someone made an effort of cleaning up. Unlike Lovey's fears, there were no torture devices or the like....just books, crates, and bottles haphazardly placed. Atlas would then turn towards Lovey. "Now....are you ready to begin your training?"

Lovey and Atlas drove in silence. Neither of them were willing to start a conversation. Lovey herself could only stare intently out the window, hoping to memorize the route they took... Just in case anything got ugly. 

She felt butterflies the closer they got to the warehouse. The city faded into a sort of ghost town, with empty businesses and rural land on either side of the road. If anything were to happen to her, there would be no one around to hear it, she thought. Her stomach began to churn when they neared a large warehouse, anticipating it as their stopping point. Atlas parked, and Lovey followed him cautiously to the door of the warehouse where Atlas was able to open it. 

They stepped inside and Lovey was surprised to find it filled with nothing but junk. The warehouse was mostly empty except for debris and trash scattered about the floor, and Lovey took a long moment to look around the warehouse in her confusion. Nothing appeared threatening? What was he planning? 

She turned back to Atlas just as he began to speak to her, bringing up her 'training'. What was he on about? She hasn't experienced anymore thunderbolts since the previous night. Lovey felt her chest filling up with frustration over this... Never knowing what to expect. She didn't think Atlas could tell from where he was standing, but Lovey's heart was racing and her body felt shaky with anxiety. 

"I don't like this", she said, "and I'm scared". She didn't know if she would consider it 'ready' or not. 

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"Believe me, I was as well. You're doing something that you've only read in fairytales....but those are lines of bullshit.  Magic is something far more complex, but undeniably powerful....Calling upon the elements, with nothing but your mind and will, is something that only the fools in power could only dream of. " Atlas said. He had lost his arrogant tone, or that 'could do no wrong' look. Now he looked...contemplative, as if this was something he was thinking about. "Each of us have an ability that relates to our personality in a way. Mine is fire. Lysander told me it was because of the inborn hate and rage that I kept buried within me. Yours is lightning, though I can't say how it relates to you. A year is a long time to someone like us. " Atlas said, before placing a bottle on one of the crates.

"One thing I have learned, if you want to use this power to benefit must practice focus on the fly. The reason for your collar is for your own protection as well as mine. Obviously, I can't have you go lighting me on fire once I cease being useful, but until you learn to master it properly, you're more than likely going to blow up a building during one of your fits. When you start to awaken this power, controlling your emotions becomes....difficult." Atlas said, before flinging his arm out. A bolt of fire from his finger tips, green in color. It would shatter the glass upon impact.

Atlas would then walk over, and place another bottle on top of the box. "Now, I want you to focus on the bottle, channel your willpower into your hand....and cast lightning at it. It will be more difficult with that suppressant on, but this way, you'll be able to control it more accurately. " He said, stepping to the side. He wanted to see if she could do it.

Lovey raised an eyebrow as Atlas spoke. She didnt believe in magic or fairy tales. No; everyone knew such things were only myth. It was then that Atlas produced a flame from his hand, and demonstrated how he could use fire to shatter the bottle. Her eyes glittered from the flames as she watched in awe. 

A look of surprise came to her face as she approached the box and examined the shards of glass that littered it. Atlas brought another bottle over, sitting it down in front of her and waiting for her to do the same. 

"I can't do that", Lovey said with uncertainty. She pointed her index finger at it and closed her eyes, trying to imagine the bolt of lightning doing as his flame had. 

There was a spark. It burst forward from her finger, colliding into the glass bottle but not breaking it. The bottle fell over and slid to the floor, and the bolt of lightning bounced off the glass and into the wall, leaving a black colored streak in the wall that was emitting smoke. 

Lovey opened her eyes, "did it work?" She wondered aloud as she surveyed the wall. 

"Almost. You produced a spark, and it singed the wall, but it bounced off the bottle. Let's try again. Don't think 'this is impossible' or anything else. Focus your will into your hand, clear your mind of doubt...and summon lightning. "Atlas said. He would walk towards her hand, and stretch out all the fingers, his grip....very gentle. "Open palm. Only using a finger would produce weaker effects, you need to fine tune it to be able to use that level of control. " He said. Stepping to the side, he would place the bottle on the crate, before stepping back, watching with interest.

Lovey couldn't believe her eyes, but she did as Atlas advised and opened her hand. This time creating a thunderbolt was much easier, and a flash of lightning erupted from the center of her hand. It clashed into the bottle, completely shattering it. 

Smoke floated about the room, creating a screen that blocked Lovey from Atlas's view. If Atlas could have seen, he would have noticed Lovey's eyes suddenly become different in color. They appeared teal and icy, and narrowed. Her hair was sticking out again in staticy spikes. 

Lovey jumped back, sending a sturdy thunder bolt directly at Atlas. 'Lovey' was different now, and said nothing as she continued to attack. She sent several more wild blasts towards Atlas, and took off running towards the door. 

"You may have weakened me, but you will never have me!" Said a new voice... 

@Andraus ((hope its not too soon to reveal a little Irena))
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Atlas was not prepared for the barrage of lightning to collide with his chest. It sent him to the ground, gasping for breath. "Damn her straight to Tartarus, that hurt!" He said, pushing himself up. When he did, he saw through the smoke Lovey's eyes. Teal and Icy, like a soulless beast. Atlas then if he lost control of his movements. Lysander was moving his body now.

"Lysander, what the hell is going on?!"

"It's her, she's here!"

Lysander would then push out the door as well. Atlas was not skilled with magic, not enough to stand a chance against Irena, so he'd have to rely on the only thing he had worth-while- His physical power. Grabbing a bag of cement, he'd fling it at Lovey. "You will not escape me this time, Irena! You will pay for what you have done, you filthy witch!" Lysander yelled through Atlas.

@Enuky (I don't mind. Makes this more fun : 3 )
Irena cackled, satisfied to hear Atlas fall to the ground in pain. She dashed out the door, and didn't peek back until just as Atlas as slinging a block of cement at her. Irena was surprised to see that Lysander would attack so directly, but she reacted instantly. She ducked, narrowly avoiding being slammed with the rock and sent another blast of lightning directed at Lysander. 

"You better be careful, honey, because I won't protect this girl", she warned. Irena cared nothing for the girl whose body she resided... 

"That bitch isn't worth anything to me, just to this boy! I will let you escape from me again! "He said, grabbing a wooden pallet, and using it to block the lightning bolt this time. In terms of magical strength, Irena had him beat, but this was a warehouse, and he had just the tools he needed to surpass her, he just needed to get close to her. "You did this, Irena! You fucking did this, and you trapped us both in this hell! I will make you suffer! " He said, before he walked over towards an oil barrel. Stuffing a rag at the top, he lit it on fire, before flinging it towards Irena, using it as a makeshift bomb.

Lysander blocked her lightning bolt with a wooden pallet, which cracked into pieces upon contact and was tossed away to the side. Irena crossed her arms and eyed Lysander as he slowly approached an old barrel.  "I will never succumb to you!" She said with a confident laugh. She didn't quite realize what Lysander was doing until it was too late. 

Suddenly the barrel ruptured into a fire, and Lysander slugged it at her, creating an explosion as it flew through the air. Irena wasn't prepared, and responded in the only way she knew. She desperately blasted lightning bolts into the flames, but unfortunately her lightning couldn't deflect fire. It shifted the direction of the flame, sparing Irena from the very worst of the explosion, but still she couldn't prevent the fire from flying directly into her front side. 

She shrieked in pain as her arms instinctively blocked her face and she slid to her knees. Lovey's pretty red hair was singed all along the front and all of her exposed skin was burned... Lovey's clothes were blackened and singed, and now of course her eyes were back to their usual emerald hue, filled with terror. She cowered from the floor. 

"What have you done, stop it Atlas", she pleaded, crying. Irena was gone, and Lovey had no knowledge of the events that had unfolded. Unlike Lysander, Irena refused to connect with Lovey. 

Lysander would run to Lovey, picking her up by the throat, and squeezing. "I have been searching for you for over a thousand of years, Irena! No matter how much time passes, my hate will remain the same! Today, I vanquish your light forever!" Lysander declared raising his arm to strike her down. There was a hateful look in his eye, prepared to bring an end to this woman.

Then.....He dropped Lovey, like a ragdoll.

Lovey would be able to see a ghostly visage of Atlas, holding onto his body, possessed by Lysander. Soon, Atlas would rip out the ghost from his body, before jumping back in, gasping for breath. "~Gasp~ What the hell, Lysander!? I said I'd help you find this person, I never said I'd help you kill an innocent woman!" Atlas said. He may hate Lovey, but he didn't believe in just killing her.

Lysander, in his ghostly visage, would just point towards Lovey. "That bitch is in her body! She needs to be cut out, before she has a chance to spread!"

"So that means killing her is justified?!"  Atlas said, before grabbing Lovey's arm. The burns wouldn't leave permanent damage, her clothes saved her from that, but her hair would take weeks to regrow. Atlas would then look towards her. "Dear gods, what did he do to you...?"

To Lovey, if she was paying attention, it was clear that Atlas had no control over what had just happened. To Irena, if SHE was watching, it was clear these two were fighting eachother for control of their body, likely a big source of contention.

Lovey struggled from the grip of what looked like Atlas's hand. His fingers were latched around her throat, pressing tightly. She was gasping for breath and panicking internally. All of her fears were coming into fruition and it seemed this would really be her demise. Lovey braced herself for a hit that never happened, and suddenly she was dropped to the floor. 

She groaned in pain and panted to catch her breath from the floor. Scorched and bruised, Lovey was frightened now. She peered upward to her attacker, wondering what would happen to her next but then she saw the apparition of Atlas appear, standing beside his physical form like a ghost. It reached into Atlas's body and forcibly removed a second apparition, one Lovey didn't recognize. 

She could do nothing but watch their brief argument while trying to make sense of it all. Who was "in" her? What were they talking about? 

"What is happening to me", sputtered Lovey from the floor. Her head hurt and she was trying to recollect the events of the session but it was all a blur to her. While they were arguing Lovey then learned forward to hurl, hurling a paiful mix of vomit and electrical sparks. Irena's movement within her body was enough to make Lovey sick, and it was Irenas manipulation that had upset Lovey previously as well. 

Finally the real Atlas joined her side, steadying her by the arm, and Lovey could see his concerns for her in his eyes. She knew it wasn't him that attacked her, but she also knew the reason for his attack was because of... something inside of her. That needed to be "cut out", now she was even more sick to her stomach and horrified. 

She turned to Atlas. She was still on her knees, shaken, frightened, and in pain from her scorched skin and being dropped. She appeared almost as if she was going into shock. 

However, then things took an u expected turn with what she said next. She grasped Atlas's arms and looked into his eyes with a deep look of sincerity in her eyes. 

"What is inside of me? We have to get it out", she blurted. Despite the violence Lysander showed, Lovey couldn't stand the thought of something living in her, and despite her absolute terror for this man who almost killed her, Lovey wanted it out too. She was suddenly willing to comply with them. 

"But please take me home and promise not to ever hurt me again", she said and crying again. Irena wanted control of Lovey, and by completely surpressing Lovey's spirit to make room she made Lovey ill. It made lovey unable to control her own body and consciousness, but the struggle between the two spirits for control of one mind was enough to make Lovey sick. She continued throwing up electrical vomit. 

"Please take me home", she mumbled in pain. 


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