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Realistic or Modern 𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚍 - Character Sheets


.𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check


DEADLINE: JUNE 5th, 2024

(Please be aware of age requirements for certain roles)

Relation to Quinn:
(what kind of friend are you?)

Appearance: (optional if you have a fc)
Sleep Token: (the marking on your skin after visiting the Dreaming)
Faceclaim: (if applicable)

Summary: (this section is up to your interpretation;
this can be a brief section describing the key points to your character,
what drives them or characterizes them the most, etc. or could be a more in-depth section of your application,
including background, personality, etc.)
Memories of Lisa: (what is your character's favorite memory of Lisa Quinn?)

Reputation in Group: (how should the group perceive you?)
Motivation: (optional; what most motivates your character?)
Abilities: (how do you perceive your powers--this will go into effect after the 2nd visit trip to the Dreaming)
Quirks: (optional; how does your character talk,
how do they react to meeting new people, what are some of their stranger habits?)
Extras: (optional; could be songs you most associate with them, a pinterest board, etc.)
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make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).

  • requisite.

    full name

    Oleander Cruz




    Cis Male




    Leander, Ollie-pop






    Luka Sabbat

    hair colour

    Dark Brown--in thick, long dreads that hang in his face most of the time.

    eye colour

    Dark Brown


    Lean and defined, but not overly muscular.


    5"8.5. 165 lbs.


    A little grungy, definitely Nirvana-core. But, he mostly dresses for comfort and practicality.

    distinguishing features

    His face always sits in a cheerful resting position. Even when he's not smiling his eyes are. He has a small scar on his eyebrow and a stick poke tattoo of a smiley face with x's in the eyes located on his hip, the only one of it's kind among the sea of other tattoos he has.

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • pray.

    full name

    angelica faith dempsey.


    often referred to as angel.


    cisgender female.


    pansexual, panromantic.


    twenty seven.




    long, dark-coffee in color with subtle peaks of lighter brunette throughout, giving dimension and body. naturally straight, though sometimes can be seen styled in loose waves.


    leafy-green with golden brown central heterochromia; upturned almond in shape with dark, feathery lashes lining the perimeter.


    lean, endomorphic build. hourglass shape, with a flat stomach and smaller features.

    dist. features

    angel is mostly known for her eyes and chiseled facial features. most would say she has a special talent for looking rude, or standoffish - but that couldn’t be further than the truth.

    body modifications

    three tattoos, and earrings.


    fleetwood mac



    love’s a state of mind

    as an eternally curious individual, angel has always considered herself a spiritual being. someone who always wanted to learn the ways of the universe, and use it to her advantage. a sponge who soaks in every piece of information she’s given, a natural born encyclopedia. known for her quickness to understand and constantly hungers for more knowledge.

    she’s especially notorious for tarot readings, which she’s taken on as not only a hobby but seemingly a lifestyle and takes it seriously. her faith, as alluded in her name is something she doesn’t take lightly. she prides herself in faith of something more divine, and pays her respects often through prayer and grace. she remains grounded in her faith, despite everything and everyone against her. she stands her ground and some would see her as argumentative but she exerts confidence through her beliefs.

    a strong willed, bullheaded individual, a true taurus at heart. she sees herself as the loudest in the room, an extroverted individual who isn’t afraid of what people she isn’t close to think of her and is always the first one to take action. because of this, she lacks self-control, and can be seen as overtly-confident in herself and her abilities. in her relationships, this means wearing her heart out on her sleeve, putting her all into friendships, relationships, loyalty, etcetera. she becomes overtly attached in such short periods of times and thrives off of positive energy. negative energies often cause her to freeze in a way, especially if the situation involves someone she’s close to. she’s not a people pleaser by any means, but disapproval from the ones she loves and bring her joy often make her feel less of herself.

    angel truly believes in manifestation and what you believe in, is what you will get. this drives her faith further and spiritually makes her feel whole. because of this, she’s always been a self-sufficient person when it comes to discipline. she often finds herself exceeding in most professions she’s been in, though she gets bored when she masters those skills and moves onto something different. she’s found herself on many different career paths and once the path has ended and she has nowhere to climb, she finds a different path and keeps her faith in knowing that she’ll wind up where she needs to be.

    angel does have an addictive personality and often finds herself obsessing over many different aspects in her life. this can appear in relationships, her career paths, hobbies, knowledge. she finds herself often burning herself out despite all efforts to keep going.


    - black coffee with sugar
    - reading books
    - tarot cards
    - dabbling in different theologies
    - green tea
    - rainy days
    - soft music
    - neutral clothing


    - bright pieces of clothing
    - loud, blaring music
    - closed minded individuals
    - summer days
    - hot weather


    she walks with a slight gait (think meredith grey from grey’s anatomy).




    angel was birthed in the heart of nowhere’s place to ian and claire dempsey, ian being more of a sperm donor. claire was a single mother to angel and her brother, lyle, and the three grew up lower-class as their mother worked tirelessly to make ends meet. angel’s lack of a father figure contributed greatly to her depression as a child, and her mother was too busy with life to be invested in her mental stability and health. because of this, most of angel’s childhood was spent being an introverted individual with poor self confidence. she spent a lot of time alone, being the outcast in her classes, the lonely kid who wouldn’t participate in extracurricular activities.

    it wasn’t until adolescence before angel finally connected with her inner self and spirituality. it all began when she opened a book. curiosity began coursing through her veins as she studied tirelessly on the spiritual realm and spirituality. her mind and bodily connections to spirituality helped her flourish and thrive, it fueled her to keep on living. the ever-changing ways of the universe and the desperate need to learn all of them. she began to become a more outward individual, using positive energy to heal her inner child and so it began to heal outwardly. since then, a passion and pure love for spirituality was born. she began to love herself and love everyone around her, hatred was no more. faith was instilled in her and she was born again into a new creature. around this time, she met lisa quinn, who shared a love and affinity for the spiritual realm. her relationship with lisa quinn sparked new horizons for her.

    part. 2

    as the years passed on, angel’s obsession for other-worldly beings evolved. not only did this open up new avenues for her faith, but her obsession lived far past spirituality. her addiction to learn more was passed on to career paths as well. she relied heavily on manifestation as her motivation, believing that anything can be done if you work hard enough at it and have faith that it will come to you if meant to be. she secured many college grants this way, because of her determination she earned straight a’s through highschool and graduated with a 4.0 gpa. the first career path that she traveled on was to become a psychologist. she already had a wealth of knowledge for the spiritual world, and now she wanted to harness the knowledge of the human mind. after four years and earning her bachelor’s degree, she decided to end her schooling for psychology, knowing that her hunger for other-worldly experiences was much stronger. with that, she redirected her attention to theology and is now studying to become a theologian. to help pay for her tuition, she also devotes part of her time as a school counselor, and helps teens discover themselves through hardships, much like she did herself. she does use some of her theologian knowledge in her practice, so long as they allow her to. she finds that both psychology and spirituality enrich eachother.

    close friend

    lisa quinn

    lisa and angel both share a relatively common understanding of the spiritual realm, so naturally they are drawn to eachother. they formed a close relationship during their adolescence sharing their views on spirituality and kept in close contact throughout the years. however, as time progressed and the pair grew older, angel’s hunger for knowledge of the spiritual realm also progressed and advanced. this pushed lisa away, as lisa prefers to observe and watch quietly. angel’s obsession became overwhelming to lisa, so she began to distance herself over time and as a result contact became something that was less and less frequent.


    jay howard

    the pair often butt heads when it comes to the ways of the universe. jay doesn’t believe in all of the complexities of the universe, while angel devotes her life to them. his monotonous display and grounding in sciences challenges her every belief, and for that they don’t get along very well. however, time will tell whether they both will lean on eachother as their dreams progress and develop into reality.


    as referenced in angel’s requisites, she’s known as the loudest in the room. close friends see her as charismatic and passionate for what she believes in, a bit argumentative and bull-headed but passionate nonetheless. she’s seen as loyal, and always ready to help someone in need, even if she says “i told you so.”. she’s also an open book and outwardly exerts confidence and stride, and is usually the first one to over share everything about her. if someone mentions spirituality, she’s ready to whip out her tarot cards and give a reading for anyone who requests one.

    face claim

    phoebe tonkin.

    sleep token

    a star depicted on her inner forearm, seemingly a normal star at first. a star in tarot means that renewed hope and faith and a sense that you are truly blessed by the universe at this time. as the dreams progress, the bottom line on the star becomes shorter and shorter, revealing a now reversed star. a reversed star, in tarot, means faithlessness, discouragement, and struggle. her hatred for the depiction engraved in her alabaster skin grows as the days pass. not only is this a potential threat to her spirituality, but it is a direct reflection of what she doesn’t want to happen. it brings a constant fear of losing her faith and becoming what she would consider nothing.


    the ability ask spirits for information privy to investigation: one request every three days. the spirits will grant information, no matter how little or how much the information shall give.

    the ability to submit prayer request: the spirits will grant one prayer, no matter what pray asks for. be careful what you pray for.

    favorite memory of quinn

    lisa and angel have countless memories together. one in particular being her twenty first birthday. instead of celebrating her newfound freedom to partake in alcohol, lisa bought angel a new deck of tarot cards and the pair read tarot the whole night to eachother. their spirituality brought them together, though angel’s never-ending curiosity made it short lived. she misses the days where the pair shared similar interests, though now those days are gone, especially with the evil that has embodied lisa and leached onto her soul.




    ♡coded by uxie♡

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font callfont callfont call
Jay Howard

age (27)

things are better kept simple
the air changes.
Life is simple and mundane for Jay. He lives by day to day with a not-quite-steady income, cycles along the roads, on occasion, rents a boat to paddle along the waters, and sleeps as soon as he hits the bed. He's on good, if not distant terms with everyone. Known, familiar, but not someone who will be missed if gone. Helpful and reliable, always steady and ready to lend a hand, but never someone close to anyone's heart. Not since they had broken off, back then. Not since Uncle Beau's death
Monotony is what keeps him grounded, in the end. The air, no matter the flowery descriptions of poets, remains air. The sky will be grey or blue or purple. When he cycles down the road, wind rushes past him because he pushes against the air.
That stability fractures.
It's frightening. He clings to the unchanging, unflinching laws of the universe, and finds it lacking. He summons a shield that should be nothing more than a visual hallucination, should falter, but doesn't. The universe bends. There is a monster under Quinn's skin. There is something off about the air. The dreams he's had, what he's assumed is trauma from Uncle Beau's death, they're solid. The universe bends.
But if he's connected, if somehow, by some means, he's gained real powers - then at the very least, he should get them out of this alive. At the very least, Quinn should be brought back. He cared for them once, that awkward, faltering bond between them. It's his responsibility, as a friend. And maybe, after all this, perhaps... they could all go for a drink, like old times.
TO THINK, STRIKE AND FEED, HE IS boring, but necessary. Always the one who remains sober to drive them home, always ready to lend a ear to listen to your troubles; holds them back from too much stupidity. TO PRAY, HE IS way too grounded in his sciences and laws of the universe. He should learn to have faith in the spirits. TO MIRROR, HE IS less fragile than the others, yet someone who needs to constantly ground himself in reality. He's slipping, though. He was lonely before, even if he didn't know it. He doesn't want to lose his friends now, even if he tells himself it's just responsibility. Mirror knows, he understands that yawning chasm of loneliness. TO SING, HE IS kind, responsible, should be given more credit for the small kindnesses he gives easily, the way he makes things lighter on everyone else. TO WAKE, HE IS an okay guy, nice. Wake doesn't know him too well. (TO BE CHANGED)
HIS POWERS made no sense. They defied the laws of the universe. He shouldn't have dreams this solid, so like memories. He shouldn't be able to summon matter out of the air. But he does. He hates it. He fears it. He doesn't want it. But if it'll keep his friends just a little bit safer, he'll use it. (Chips, cracks form in his shield. He doesn't want this power he doesn't want this power he doesn't want this power he doesn't wa)
A SLEEP TOKEN is the term coined. Jay doesn't like it, he doesn't even know what it means. A perfect square (he's measured) is carved into his skin. Proof of what had transpired. He doesn't like it at all. (As the dreams progress, crooked lines appear in the square, looking like cracks on a window, or scratches on a door. His shield weakens.) (TO BE CHANGED)
night owl

  • will greene

    # feed

    # rudy pankow

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    Aut inveniam viam aut faciam. // I shall either find a way or make one.


    • warning!

      "If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help." - Hippocratic Oath

      i agree

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  • "Never trust the calm sea when she shows her false alluring smile.”
    – Lucretius
    anabelle jeanes
coded by natasha.
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alison crux
  • i
    full name
    alison rowena crux
    ali, alix, alis
    twenty seven
    date of birth
    april 4th
coded by natasha.


  • req.

    #soften me

    * name.
    stevie moreau
    * age.
    twenty six
    * pronouns.
    * occupation.
    plasma donor





    * sleep token
    when stevie visits the dreaming, five points marr the skin of her wrist. they're laid out asymmetrically, like claw indentations left by a monstrous hand gripping onto her.
    * height
    * build
    slender, angular, all legs and arms and ribs
    * gender
    trans woman
    * hair
    dark brown, long and straight. less styled and more just... 'there'. she took care of it a little more when life was easier, but now it just gets trimmed over the kitchen sink when she has the energy for it.
    * eyes
    so dark as to almost be black, and shadowed between dark circles and anxiously furrowed brows. they give her a mournful, calf-like expression.
    * demeanour
    stevie stands and moves like somebody far too small for her body. she folds herself up, hunching over and flitting behind other people. when she's forced to stand under scrutiny, she's fidgety and awkward, and picks at her clothes and nails incessantly.
    * style
    lots of layers and dark fabric, even in the humid summers. she thrifts holey sweaters, tartan kilts, and overalls, and tries her best to shrink down inside them. it's rare that much, if any, of her skin is exposed, except for when she shrinks clothes and can't afford to replace them.
    * etc
    not so much freckled as she is moley - she has several beautymarks, and when her narrow wrists and calves are exposed, they are dappled with more. stevie wants to transition fully, but so far has only been able to afford hormones - her voice and face are softer than they used to be. overall, she has the energy of a cornered animal.





♡coded by uxie♡

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Name: Oliver Guillory
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Role: Know

Relation to Quinn: The childhood friend Lisa just couldn't quite get rid of- though she never really tried to, in all honesty. For all of Oliver's ups and downs, for all the people who were at her wits end with her, Lisa got her- one of few, and finally someone that Oliver never argued with unlike everyone else. Oliver would gravitate near her every group outing, throw a punch on her behalf, show her how to let loose and be a bit wild. Oliver never quite thought that she was good enough for someone like her, but she stayed as long as Lisa wanted her around- Oliver doesn’t even know why she liked her. Oliver was easily made envious in that way, jealous and possessive of her time- she did her best to keep that in and not let it show, though, as to not tarnish the group dynamic by seeming overly-clingy. Oliver knows her very well; well enough to be one of the first to tell when details aren’t falling into place.

Appearance: Tall, broad-shouldered, with a tan skin tone and dark, short hair. Her nose is crooked from what she claims was a brawl, but it’s actually from knocking her face into the pavement after tripping on a curb. None of her clothes ever seen to be new. She’s got a couple of nicks on her hands from when she was trying to figure out how to do butterfly knife tricks off YouTube.
Sleep Token: A new stitched scar marked over the collarbone and chest- like she's been cut open and part of an autopsy.

Summary: Oliver- named for a grandfather who her pops was dead-set on naming his kid after no matter what they turned out to be- is an apprentice auto mechanic who does not outwardly fit the bill of someone who knows better than everyone else.

She's ignored going to college just like the rest of her family has, barely made it out of high school, and frankly- is a real shithead a lot of the time. Getting into fights, abrasive, drinks too much, smokes too much, says all the wrong things without even trying a lot of the time, would be a written-up felon over theft and property damage if she weren't so damn good at getting away with it. Someone like her does have her merits within the group itself, though; Oliver's assertive enough on a "take no shit" mentality that extends to the rest of the group- they shouldn't take shit from anyone either, and if they won't enforce it, then Oliver will.

Oliver knows her "destination": the same destiny as the rest of her family. She's gonna be stuck doing shit like this for the rest of her life, probably. Never quite moving anywhere except for the potential to move down. Same place, same house, same job, same everything: Nowhere's Place, Louisiana.

It does mean she's streetwise, though; knows shit about this place that other people either don't notice or ignore. All the details, the whys, hows, whens and wheres. She can read people pretty well, though, it’s the filter through her personality that makes her distinctly hard to talk to. She can tell pretty easily who likes her and who doesn't. Oliver is by no means book-learned like some of her friends, but she knows the most about Nowhere by a long shot; and thus the difference between what's real and what's not. She can handle the truth: Oliver's seen nearly everything about this town that everyone else doesn't want to, with the wherewithal and resilience to take it.

She's got the wits and the instinct to put one-and-two together, tell the difference between the Dreaming and Reality- the main problem is that nobody thinks she does. Oliver's told "the truth" before out of bluntness and a crass lack of manners, and nobody ever seems to like it. She's never been one to sugarcoat. She’s lied and obscured what she’s been up to one too many times. Oliver's a burnout dickhead with a rebel streak: nobody ever fuckin' believes her.

Memories of Lisa: Crackin’ Lisa’s playground bully in nose, getting suspended for days, and finding that Lisa actually didn’t mind what she did. Friendship after that, in that distinctly kid-like way. Sleepovers, friendship bracelets, dinner at her house but never at Oliver’s. Uncle Beau. Slipping up and saying uncle instead of Mr. Quinn. Going over regularly- slipping up again and again until he didn’t notice that she was just saying uncle.

Gettin’ closer. Middle school is in and out. Crackin’ another bully in the nose, talking to the kids that egg Oliver on. Bein’ allowed to just walk in and hang around their house even if Lisa wasn’t there. High school’s different. Oliver slacks off; she already knows where she’s going. A party here, a petty crime there. Don’t tell Lisa- or lie if she does. Lisa tells her to try. She tries, and it barely works. Graduation.

She looks so damn beautiful. Hasn’t she always? Yes, but especially now. She’s always been able to shut Oliver up. That’s not new. Staring more often than Oliver ever has. Lisa makes more friends and introduces Oliver to the rest of them. Envy. Envy- Oliver’s got so few friends and she’s got so many. Is she gonna realize that Oliver’s more trouble than she’s worth? Maybe.

Lisa’s friends don’t mesh well with Oliver- not at first. Given that nobody else has really given her a shot, Oliver is deadset that they must dislike her regardless of the truth. Lisa is either oblivious, stubborn, or too stuck in their mutual routine to stop bringing her along. She’s so stupidly nice. Being told just try, Ollie, and retaliating with I am fucking trying!

Apologizing, and holding her tongue after that. She tries. Turns out that not everyone wants her gone as much as she assumed they did. She hates being proven wrong, but she's silently glad she is. Part of her worries that branching out might weaken her relationship with Lisa, but it doesn't turn out to be an issue- though Oliver remains concerned about it. She's a knucklehead, everyone can tell that much, nowhere near a heart of gold... but they grow on her, and part of Oliver likes having people that choose to depend upon her after being thought of as good-for-nothing for so long.

Kerry. Oliver argues with him just as much as everyone else. He’s a shithead. Almost as much as she is. Ignoring how easy it would be for her to be him.

Beau. Uncle. Dead as a fuckin’ doormat. Kerry, walking free. Oliver knows they’d lock her up for less. She could kill him. She could just kill him. Oliver’s no good at comfort, but she tries. Life is forced to move on.

It does. Her place again. Oliver stays observant. She’s sweet. Charismatic. Pretty as all hell. She can borrow Ollie’s jacket as many times as she wants, even if she usually ends up keeping it. Oliver wants her to smile and laugh. Oliver wants to kiss her.

The only fuzzy part of her memory- it’s her birthday, and somehow, Oliver can’t remember if she did or not.

Reputation in Group: Initially, she was "here because Lisa said we should bring her, and nobody wants to argue”, but she's since crossed that threshold into being a rather dependable friend... just sorely lacking in other places. She is by no means the easiest person in the group to get along with, but she has grown a bit of a soft spot for them born from a desire to actually expand her social circle. Despite being a total knucklehead- if there’s ever a bigger fish to fry, Oliver will pull through when someone needs defending. She’s the one with the bad reputation, so confrontation is expected of her, and she knows it- she usually uses this to ensure whoever‘s getting messed with stays blameless. Now, don't try and force her to admit that she likes hanging around- but her real feelings show through in action, even if she's reluctant to say it aloud.
Motivation: Make everyone listen. Expand her social circle, much as she is remiss to admit she wants to. Smack the shit out of whatever evil entity’s fucking with them and head the hell home. Despite acting like she pays them no mind, Oliver would rather the group not get hurt when she can do something about it.

Abilities: Perception, insight, and plain street-smarts. The Dreaming hasn’t offered her much of anything supernatural- maybe it’s pissed that she’s able to notice what it’s doing. Fuckin’ fine by her- she doesn’t want whatever it’s got anyways.
Quirks: Her laugh is loud, and it usually shakes her whole body. She gnaws on the inside of her cheek when she's nervous. She tends to speak very animatedly with a lot of movement in the hands.

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