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Multiple Settings Vampire Rp search!


Dumpster fire at best
Hello there! I’m currently on the hunt (no pun intended) for a Castlevania inspired rp! I’ve been drug down into this hell hole and I don’t see any way out! (Totally not upset though!) I’m not comfortable doing CanonxCanon simply because I needlessly stress myself out over it! Though whom am I to stop you if you choose to play Dracula, Alucard, or even Trevor?? Nay, if you choose to do such a thing I shall humbly accept your request!

:bishiesparklesr:Disclaimer! You do not have to know anything about the show, nor games! I too have very limited knowledge about the games! :bishiesparklesr:

Before you message however, let’s get into the nitty gritty. Please read the bottom portion to help see if we will be compatible! I’ll try to respond as quickly as I can as well!

I am an 26 year old, romance starved— judging by the number of pillows and blankets I sleep with, probably touch starved—lonely female!

I work a lot and other daily activities that might keep me from immediately responding. With that said I only send messages via phone since it’s easier to access and I always have it on me. I don’t think that hinders my post however! And I can quickly read and form ideas while I’m out and about.

Dominating, assholeish personalities are my favorite to play against. More so if they are witty and have a rarely seen soft spot. . I love having someone that my characters can fight/bicker with. Tension at the start of a relationship or throughout it can also be fun!

I love romance in an Rp, it’s my favorite part honestly and one of the main reasons I do Rp!

I tend to play females only, and usually M/F pairings. Though I’ll play just about any NPC, and I do not double. Sorry it’s just not for me.
I typically can write anywhere between 2- 6 paragraphs per post. Though if I’m really feeling an Rp, I can do 6+. Or I will try to match your post length.

I also enjoy hearing other people’s ideas for plots, as well!! I’ll try to tell you to the best of my ability if I like something or not. Though conflict makes me awfully nervous lol!!

If there is no response after a week I will give a poke to see if all is okay. If there is no response after that I’ll consider the Rp dead. However I’ll keep the tread/pm alive! Just on the off chance we want to revisit it!
Try not to ghost me if you aren’t feeling the Rp, I promise I won’t get mad or question why and we can part on peaceful terms! Or if you lost interest and what to do something else, just let me know!
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Actually I’m going to post the ideas I have!

One idea is that there was a family of vampire hunters, or hunter of supernatural creatures in general—like the Belmont’s. Maybe eventually supernatural creatures became pretty rare to stumble upon, some believing they’ve gone extinct—thus hunting had also gone extinct. In reality maybe the creatures have learn to blend in with the public more. They could be your friends, teachers, students, co-workers, or perhaps your next door neighbors. That’s where my little idea comes in, perhaps my character is from an once well known hunting group—though the lessons have been lost due to inactivity over the last few centuries. What if her land was pushed right up against the land of a hidden vampire, one that isn’t necessarily so thrilled to have them be there—a grudge being held by the undead creature for more years the one could count? I planned on it to be modern, but perhaps we could also use some other time period as well.

I’m also curious to see what the world would be like if Dracula had followed his plan/Hectors plan as well. Most of the human population gone, humans being stored and sold as if they were no better then pets or cattle. Vampires freely walking and ruling over the world as humans become the new subspecies.

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