"Yes miss..your mother has summoned you to meet her upstairs.." Said faith. She looked over at her sister before looking back down. "Dinner will be later on, please go see your mother.." She spoke in a calm matter hoping to get it over with and all.

Ethel nodded and she went back inside the room only to blow out the candle and closing the door and walking only to stop a few steps later. "If that is all then you can go,there is no need for you to go inside of my room right now." She left to go upstairs and when she reached her mother's door she knocked on the door and waited for an answer to come inside.
Ebony followed by his side looking up at him looking away shyly. She looked up again. " it okay if I ask about you? I mean I might as well get to know you a little bit since we're stuck like this....i mean---- I mean if your okay with me asking.......uh um....never mind. I'll just uh be quiet.....sorry.." She was fine at first but started stuttering and her face turned red as she looked down finding it hard to even try to speak. She sensed his distaste for her already. Ebony was already very nervous and her shyness had been showing through but now she was down right terrified she'd just mess everything up even more. She even after this tripped and fell down the stair snagging her boot on the carpet hitting face first on the floor.

"Yes miss" the two said before walking away with a soft yet quiet sigh. They returned to there small little room they shared in the lower part of the manor. They both layer on there own bed and started to take the break they needed. "Finally some quiet..."
CrystalYoshi said:
Ethel nodded and she went back inside the room only to blow out the candle and closing the door and walking only to stop a few steps later. "If that is all then you can go,there is no need for you to go inside of my room right now." She left to go upstairs and when she reached her mother's door she knocked on the door and waited for an answer to come inside.
Octavia had returned to her room awaiting her daughter. She heard the knock at the door. She stood and opened the door with a smile. She didn't show her emotions much anymore except around her children. She had her reasons for locking it back up and her most beloved's death was one of them even if she remarried a few times it still was never the same. "Ah come in, come in. " she told Ethel.
mewbot5408 said:
Ebony followed by his side looking up at him looking away shyly. She looked up again. " it okay if I ask about you? I mean I might as well get to know you a little bit since we're stuck like this....i mean---- I mean if your okay with me asking.......uh um....never mind. I'll just uh be quiet.....sorry.." She was fine at first but started stuttering and her face turned red as she looked down finding it hard to even try to speak. She sensed his distaste for her already. Ebony was already very nervous and her shyness had been showing through but now she was down right terrified she floor.
Cinn rolled his eyes as Ebony tumbled down the stairs, calmly walking down them. When he reached the bottom, he looked down at her and grabbing her arm, pulled her to her feet. "I don't do relationships," Cinn said. "This was done behind my back and without my knowledge. The first has the living room, kitchen, dining room, servant and slave quarters and a ballroom. Guard barracks, the back gardens with a hedge maze, the barn and the carriage house are all around the property." He began leading her through each room. giving her time to look around if she so wished. Not really wanting to talk, but knowing it would likely be enquired of at dinner, Cinn ran a hand over his face. "You can speak and ask if it will make you happy. Anything I refuse to answer you will drop and change the subject," he said sternly as he turned to look at her. @mewbot5408
Ethel smiled and she nodded before walking inside of the room and standing so that she could see her mother. She noticed the her brother wasn't there so she assumed that he had already seen him before she had gotten up here. "Mother, what do I have this pleasure?" She had known that her mother didn't smile much anymore but she did it whenever Ethel was younger and she still does it. Ethel was still confused about why she was summoned though since there seemed like there was no one else there.

Ebony eyes went wide when he practically dragged her. She had been looking down and her wrist was now a little red from his hand. "Its not like I had a choice either you know....also..please let go of my arm,you're hurting me.." She told him. He soon stopped and she looked up at him with a frown then looked back down. Ebony was practically shaking."....understood."

Cinn looked down at Ebony's red wrist and let go of her. "I don't know what idiot in your life paired you with me," Cinn said quietly when she was done talking. Odd how she had been forced into this arranged marriage as well by her own family or guardians. He hadn't realized that he had been gripping her wrist too hard, lost in his short explanations of each of the rooms and his own thoughts. Nodding as she said she understood his tone about dropping questions he didn't want to answer, he gestured to her to follow him back upstairs to the second floor and walking ahead of her as he put his hands in his pockets, not even bothering to show her the western wing, instead leading her to Ethel's door which was near his. Stopping in the hallway, he pointed to the door near his, the room having a small balcony. "This is my sister's room. My room's at the end of this hall." He walked down until he got to the last room on the far right of the second floor and opened the door, walking inside. @mewbot5408
CrystalYoshi said:
Ethel smiled and she nodded before walking inside of the room and standing so that she could see her mother. She noticed the her brother wasn't there so she assumed that he had already seen him before she had gotten up here. "Mother, what do I have this pleasure?" She had known that her mother didn't smile much anymore but she did it whenever Ethel was younger and she still does it. Ethel was still confused about why she was summoned though since there seemed like there was no one else there.
(Before you took the main sister role the god was gonna player..hope you dont mind :P his names Elias and he's a demon.)

"Ah yes. I must ask how are things going with you and your boyfriend?" She asked softly and tilted her head to the side wondering if the two were going to marry yet or have kids. She wanted to make sure everything was going smoothly since he wasn't a vampire after all.
She followed him quickly rubbing her wrist and stopped at the door. She was hesitant but followed him into the room and looked around at the room itself before looking at cinn. " this is your room?" She asked noticing the desk but then the balcony and quickly went over to it. She took a deep breath relaxing her nerves and leaned with her arms over the edge looking up. "The moon so bright and clear...." She said calming down from what happened.
mewbot5408 said:
She followed him quickly rubbing her wrist and stopped at the door. She was hesitant but followed him into the room and looked around at the room itself before looking at cinn. " this is your room?" She asked noticing the desk but then the balcony and quickly went over to it. She took a deep breath relaxing her nerves and leaned with her arms over the edge looking up. "The moon so bright and clear...." She said calming down from what happened.
Cinn shut the door behind him and stood there, watching Ebony go over to his desk and then to the balcony. Opening the left hand drawer, he he gathered the piece of parchment he had been working on and set it on top of the other pages he had finished. Closing it, the right drawer being for blank parchment of course, he took his quill and grabbed a cloth from on top desk to wipe the ink off his quill. Dried ink on a quill made it a pain to write with. It had been a lesson he had learned when working on his first book, Escape the South, when he had been twenty years of age. Setting the now clean quill and the cloth back on the desk, he walked over to the fireplace and pulled down a jar, walking over to Ebony. "This is my room," he informed her, registering the question once he had grabbed the jar and walked over to her. "The darkness isn't always peaceful and kind," he said, "but the moon's brightness can be a comfortable friend. This is bruise salve. It will take care of the bruise," he said as he opened the other door of the balcony to let fresh air into his room and set it down on the railing, keeping a hand on the closed jar. @mewbot5408
Ebony exhaled. "...the moon to me is pretty but somthing about it always seems so lonely being surrounded by all this darkness....I never knew why." She told him. Her violet gaze moved up to his. "But I don't think it was that bad... oh..." She said and looked at her wrist to see the bruising.

Cinn opened the jar and set it on the balcony so he wouldn't end up knocking it off the railing. Scooping a bit onto the fingers of his right hand, he stood and took her wrist in his left before spreading the salve onto the bruise. The salve was cold but it would work to help with the healing and leave no blemishes. "Why would you think the moon is lonely? It has the stars to keep it company." @mewbot5408
"'s not quite the moon and stars. More of a old fairy I guess..." She told him and let him tend to her wrist. She tilted her head. "So what do you do for a living.....I'm a pianist...and violinist... And sing......uh let's just say I do music." She asked changing the subject trying to lighten the mood before she started to cry having remembered the fairytale.

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So she was a musician, a rather proper role for a young lady. "A fairy tale?" questioned Cinn as he finished applying the salve and bent to pick up the jar, putting the lid back on. Securing the lid tightly, he held it in his hands. "Don't mess with that," he said, indicating her wrist with the salve on it. "It should heal in a couple days. To keep it from getting wet, I'll get you a bandage to wrap around your wrist." He leaned against the balcony and stared out at the front gardens as he was asked about his profession. "You're a Pianist?" He thought about that for a few minutes as he stared out at the grounds. "Perhaps you will play for me some time."

Cinn lifted his free hand and pushed his hood down, revealing his white hair and gray eyes, the right one lighter than the left. "Have you heard of Oliver Wren?" he questioned, having always found it entertaining when he was forced to attend parties and people would talk about Oliver Wren's books without knowing it was him who had written them. Sometimes, he would even go out among the humans and listen to them talk about his books. @mewbot5408
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"If you'd like that then maybe I could play for you sometime....." She said with a hum brushing a hazel curl behind her ear. She noticed his hair and eyes then looked down blushing having realized he was actually kind of pretty for a guy. "Oliver wren....he's a writer right? And his writing is quite amazing.." She said.

"Wonderful," he said, his first sincere comment of the evening. Hearing that his...fiancee...was a fan of his was surprising. "Well Ebony, you are looking at him." He watched her to see her reaction towards what he had revealed. For some odd reason she was blushing again and now that he looked at her in the moonlight, he saw her hair wasn't blond like he had thought but slightly darker, the coloring of hazel instead. @mewbot5408
"Y-you're oliver wren? That means that's your pen name then...I always thought the writer was much older, how do you write so well?" She asked blushing again and looked at him in slight awe. She then found herself step closer a little looking out over the balcony. "Okay now you ask me something..."she told him with her chin on her arms. By looking at her ebony was a little shorter than cinn with decent enough curves and a big chest with short slightly curly hazel and big pretty violet eyes. She was pretty enough for any man to but eyes on but it was obvious she could get taken advantage of easily to if she wasn't careful.

mewbot5408 said:
"Y-you're oliver wren? That means that's your pen name then...I always thought the writer was much older, how do you write so well?" She asked blushing again and looked at him in slight awe. She then found herself step closer a little looking out over the balcony. "Okay now you ask me something..."she told him with her chin on her arms. By looking at her ebony was a little shorter than cinn with decent enough curves and a big chest with short slightly curly hazel and big pretty violet eyes. She was pretty enough for any man to but eyes on but it was obvious she could get taken advantage of easily to if she wasn't careful.
"Talent I guess," said Cinn, not sure whether to be offended or amused when she said she'd always thought Oliver Wren to be older. He hoped she wasn't one of those pathetic girls that married rich to improve her social standing or gain money. Cinn didn't know much about females but he had heard things by spying on people's conversations and listening to gossip. But she had said she was...Why was she moving closer to him? She was asking a question now or was she asking him to ask her a question? He tore his eyes from her, suddenly realizing he was staring at her body. "How old are you?" he asked. It seemed a safe enough question to ask. @mewbot5408
mewbot5408 said:
(Before you took the main sister role the god was gonna player..hope you dont mind :P his names Elias and he's a demon.)
"Ah yes. I must ask how are things going with you and your boyfriend?" She asked softly and tilted her head to the side wondering if the two were going to marry yet or have kids. She wanted to make sure everything was going smoothly since he wasn't a vampire after all.
Ethel looked down at the ground at the mention of her boyfriend and she looked back up at her mother. "I guess it's going fine, I haven't seen him lately but I'm sure that he has a reason." She smiled at her mother before tilting her head.She pushed a stand of her hair out of her face and she stuffed it behind her ear. "Is that the reason you wanted to see me?" She wanted to finish her dress before dinner started and she was very close to finishing before she was summoned.

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"22..." Ebony anwsered and noticed he had been staring at her body which made her blush. "Hmm...i know this is a little girly but what's you favorite flower....I like most flowers but I'm really fond of magnolias...." She told him as she was opening up to him. Since he seemed to be doing so she was starting to get more comfortable with him.

CrystalYoshi said:
Ethel looked down at the ground at the mention of her boyfriend and she looked back up at her mother. "I guess it's going fine, I haven't seen him lately but I'm sure that he has a reason." She smiled at her mother before tilting her head.She pushed a stand of her hair out of her face and she stuffed it behind her ear. "Is that the reason you wanted to see me?" She wanted to finish her dress before dinner started and she was very close to finishing before she was summoned.
Octavia nodded. "Yes. That is all, I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. That guy is a demon after all literally..." She said with a hum. She exhaled. "Know if you need anything just ask OK?"

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