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Fandom Vampire Knight *The Next Story*

As they made it to the bar Lucian sat all of them in the V.I.P section. He watched as the began to order. Lucian smiled at Akimu under his arm "You mind?" his fangs grew. He wanted to taste him and was prepared for however intimate it may become.
Akimu blushed embarrassed at the thought of being fed from in such a public place but nodded. Call him jealous but he would rather Lucian fed from him than from another. The mere thought made him mad but he fought to keep it hidden as he tilted his head to the side to give Lucian room to drink.
Lucian smiled and bit into his neck. The taste of his blood driving Lucian insane. He pulled the boy to his lap as it became more intimate. His hands moved to Akimu's waste and was soon caressing his bottom. He couldn't help it. He wanted him, but no one noticed. They were all already making out and doing other things that were very sexual
Akimu moaned at the pleasure the bite caused and Lucians actions. Reaching up his hands found purchase in Lucians hair as he basked in the pleasure. His embarrassment had vanished the moment Lucians teeth entered his flesh leaving behind nothing but lust and desire.
Lucian hands gently moved to under his skirt and pulled off his under garment. He began to rub Akimu's shaft as he drank. He only pulled away long enough to say "Take off your clothes." he smiled as his own shaft stiffened
"So, a bunch of Level E insurgents..." He said while picking up his personal weapon, a shotgun loaded with melted silver cross bullets and ashed of olive leaves. "Time to hunt." He said. He stepped outside just as a Level E popped in front of him, he fired with no hesitation and the vampire was lit with golden flames. "We are the hammer."
Akimu whined at Lucians order a little bit of his embarrassment coming back but obeyed. Hurriedly he unbuttoned his jacket and top before ripping off his tank top frustrated. He had realized he wore so many clothes. He left his skirt and shoes on however as to take them off would mean getting up.
Lucian smiled and continued to drink. He stopped and looked at the bouncer who nodded and hit a button "I made the section we're sitting in to be private when needed." soon door shut separating them from the others. He smiled at him as they were now alone "All of your clothes off."
Amiku blushed but complied. Standing he kicked off his boots and socks before shyly pulling down his skirt and panties. Nervously he shifted in place unused to being without clothes as he waited for Lucians next order.
Lucian completely stiffened and smiled. He took off his clothes and sat back down, rubbing himself "Come and please me." Lucian wanted this so. He was already throbbing just at the thought
Akimu bit his lip and swore his blush would never go away. Getting down on his hands and knees he slowly crawled to Lucian and settled between his legs. Then proceeded to follow his instincts.
(Now we fade to black)

Lucian smiled as they lay there. His body was hot and so close to Akimu. This was his happiness
Lucian smiled and decided to do the one thing he had not done yet. He gently rubbed Akimu's cheek then deeply kissed his lips
Kaoru had made his departure while Akimu and Lucian were... intimate. He couldn't stand watching that. He had abstained from drinking the blood of those present. He decided to take a walk. The night was fresh and crisp. He was glad that he brought himself his jacket. He put it on and was wandering about not far from the bar but far enough he didn't have to listen to the whines and whimpers coming from within. A pain shot through him again, this time it wasn't as strong. Much like it had been years ago when the pain first began. This had to be something more serious than he thought, some curse or something because Lucian had gotten rid of something earlier, this would be the only possible excuse. Lucian, let me know if you need something. With that he wandered to a park bench and just decided to draw some of the people who were out and at the market. This time of the year the market was open almost till dawn.
Lucian looked at his watch and sighed. he spoke to all the vampires in the class 'Everyone back to the dorm. The sun will rise soon.'

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