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Multiple Settings Vampire/Demon RP


everything in the right place!
I just so happen to be in a mood to RP some supernatural stuff, specifically relating to vampires or demons, so I figured I'd make a thread outlining things I may be interested in--though if you have plots in mind, please send them my way. I am willing to play any slot in the pairing, and I am also open to any pairing in terms of sexuality.

1 - Modern Setting: Vampire/Human, Vampire/recently turned vampire
Character A and B meet in extremely mundane setting, maybe on a dating site, except A just so happens to be a vampire and B a possible victim. From there, B has the unfortunate pleasure of realizing A is a vampire, but also trying to continue their relationship. Vampirism isn't a dealbreaker, apparently.

2 - Modern Setting: Demon/Human, Demon/Vampire(?)
For whatever reason, character A decides that they need to summon a demon, B. Possibly for some kind of ridiculous task? For whatever reason, it ends up that this task is somehow insurmountable or incredibly difficult, and therefore B is stuck with them until they are either released from their contract or find a way to do whatever the task is.

3 - Fantasy Setting: Vampire/Human, Demon/Human, Vampire/Demon
There is a kingdom full of vampires/demons, and character A just so happens to be some kind of high-ranking official (general, royalty, etc.) attempting to keep the peace with a neighboring country. B is either set working under A, or is working with A as an official of said neighboring country. One catches feelings and it's all downhill from there. Mild political drama elements? This would include more world-building type stuff, which I am not the best at, but would be happy to work with you on.

4 - Fantasy Setting: Vampire/Human, Demon/Human
Character A is a vampire or demon living alone a little while outside of a village. After disaster strikes, they blame character A for it and send character B, under the guise of a town official, to kill them in order to fix it. The only issue is that A and B immediately hit it off over dinner, and both of them would feel bad killing the other.
Assorted Plots/Settings/Character types I would be super into, but don't have much fleshed out for:
  • Basically anything feudal themed? This might apply well to 4?
  • Creative takes on vampire/demon mythos! I'm also a huge fan of weird, quirky characters.
  • For whatever reason, I'm really interested in the idea of vampires being super fragile in exchange for their immortality. I like the idea that turning is traumatic, and that the typical weaknesses vampires have in fiction are legitimately extremely dangerous.
I require that partners be relatively active and ready for some serious character building! I am only looking to RP this with original characters, so please come prepared to figure out a really good pairing. The quirkier the character, the better. I am explicitly looking for a romance RP here, but if it ends up somewhere else completely, that's totally welcome!
Please let me know if any of these interest you! Thank you!​
I have some plots in my search thread that are like yours but more developed. You should check them out and see if any suit your fancy

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