
Anna slumped down on the sill, feeling awfully defeated. Her hands trembled as she stooped down to pick up her blanket which had fallen to the floor. She wrapped it around her and curled into a ball, trying to focus on anything but what had just happened.

"I wonder what will be for breakfast tomorrow? I need to sew my blue dress. What a horrible person! I hope I never see him again!" She shook her head vigerously, trying to disspell the thought. "Maybe I should go back to my room. I'd feel much safer there." But she couldn't seem to find the energy to move, so on the sill she stayed.
Kalius sighed. This was not his intention. He was nearly willing to kill someone merely to find a dungeon which may or may not be holding Leibas. With a sigh, he turned around, trying to pay attention to both the hallway behind him and before him.

He headed quickly toward back where he came, hoping that Anna would still be there. Indeed, as he turned the corner, she was, though terribly frightened and curled up in a ball. Kalius hated himself at this point. Sheathing his sword and stepping forward, the knight stepped toward the girl timidly, trying not to alarm her. "Hey, calm down, it's only me. I'm not going to hurt you, okay? I'm here to help." He stated, trying to be as calm as he could.

Removing his helmet, Kalius freely showed his identity to the girl, trying to make her as calm as he could. This was not what he was trying to do. This isn't what he wanted. He merely wanted to get Leibas out of there. "Listen, I'm not here to harm you. I'm just trying to find my friend, alright? You're completely safe."
Amma wimpered as the horrible man returned. She tucked her head under the blanket and curled up tighter, trying to somehow keep herself safe. Listening to the man, she felt for the first time that she could never trust him. She'd always thought the best of others, but he was different. Surely no one could be as cruel as he was.
Kalius sighed deeply. The mere fright on her face was more than he could bear. So, in the hopes of making amends, the knight remove the buckle on his belt and gripped the sheathe of the sword in his hand. He didn't unsheathe it, but rather, slowly tossed it down to the ground near her feet. "Take it. It's yours, alright?" He said, his hands up in the air, backing up one step at a time.

"I didn't want any of this. I just wanted to find my friend, okay? To be honest, I was never good at recon missions. I can't even kill a man." He said, with much disdain in his voice. "If you don't wish to trust me, fine. But you can keep the sword." He stated thinly, turning around and leaving her be. "That was my father's sword, by the way. Take good care of it."
"I cannot.. seem to find her up here. Perhaps I should check the hallways downstairs, then. Will I even find Anna in her room, I wonder. I'm not sure." Blake sighed, somewhat disappointed, unaware that he was thinking out loud. He could not at the moment find Anna, but he could find her in the moment when he brings breakfast for Leibas. Well, I'd best check on Leibas in the dungeon. It seems not only could I not find Anna, but it seems nobody came for Leibas, or perhaps someone did come, but is probably taking their leave right now." Blake said, somewhat loudly. "Man. You have got to stop thinking out loud. People can hear, even in their sleep."

Blake walked off a little tired, passing by his room, and headed down to the hall near the kitchen. He sat down on the stairs, trying to think of what to do next. "I cannot keep Leibas in the dungeon forever. Huh. What to do? What am I to do? Maybe someone will come tomorrow, so perhaps there is still hope?" Blake thought, trying to assure himself.
"But I-I can't...." Anna tried weakly, not understanding. It didn't make sense, this changing of sides. There were much simpler ways to get what you wanted. She picked up the sword very carefully, moving slowly to her feet. She'd never held one before, and even with the sheath it scared her.

She walked slowly, and very cautiously toward Kalius. "I can't take this," she whispered, holding the sword out slowly with both hands. Her arms shook, causing the sword to clank around in its sheath.
Turning, Kalius noticed the girl behind him, carrying the sword in hand. With a sigh, the knight turned, noticing how difficult it was for her to handle the weapon. Outstretching his hands slowly such that he wouldn't startle the girl, he took the weapon in hand from her, stopping the rattling it made.

"Thank you." He said simply, taking the weapon from her. "You're very kind." And, with that, he turned once more, unbuckling his belt. He slid the sheathe on to it, attaching the weapon once again to his side. Without saying another word, he left her, heading back down the hall once again.

He walked slowly, both to remain silent and cautious, though also in case the girl behind him wished to say something more. The farther he went down the hall, however, the closer he came to a staircase, leading down to a lower floor. Beside it appeared to be a kitchen, though that meant nothing to him. What Kalius noticed was the subtle sound of... breathing? Was there someone on the stairs? Kalius gripped the hilt of his weapon, looking to the staircase with caution.
Blake got up on his feet, finally about to go to bed. He drew his dagger and held it gently in his right hand. The light blue and silver blade shines like a bright star. The armguard was silver as well, with three sapphires encrusted into it. He made it with his father before he died about 7 years ago, and it was the only thing he had to remember his old man by. "I should be ashamed of myself for giving up a moment ago. My old man would probably make me do 500 push ups or something like that with that attitude," Blake laughed for a moment.

He decided to make his way upstairs, sheathing his dagger. But before he had the feeling that he was not alone at the moment, like he saw someone or something watching him. At first, he thought his tired mind was playing games with him, but decided to see for himself. "Is someone there? If so, show yourself. I promise you... No harm will come to you!" Blake did not believe anyone was there, but he'd be a bit spooked otherwise. "Well I guess I could take a look and see if someone is there." Blake decided to go up the stairs to see if anyone was there.

(I thought I'd edit this a little bit.)
(Hello? Anyone here?)

Leibas had finished his song awhile ago and was lying down quietly. He was starting to get bored. How long does it take to get someone down here? Oh well, it's not like he didn't expect to be alone down here. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his hand puppet panda, Geoffrey. "About time you let me out." Geoffrey said, but only Leibas could hear it through either telepathy, meaning the puppet was actually alive, or insanity. "We were trying to sneak into the kitchen; I needed both hands. Besides, you'd be too noisy and alert the guards." "You're the only one who can hear me, remember?" "Oh yeah, that's right. I would've still needed both hands though." "Whatever. So, want to explain exactly why we're in here?" "Simple: I want to know what side I'm on. At first I thought I was on the good side since the Iron Chains are trying to get rid of the barbarians, but if we need to sign a peace treaty with Velkor, I'm not exactly sure if the Iron Chains are the good guys here. I want to hear both sides before I decide where I'm going."
(Lol I'm here sir. I don't want to let this RP die just yet. I am rather interested in it.)

"Oh. Enough of this." Blake screamed, headed to the cells, finally fed up with looking for someone. He had to go and check on Leibas, and tell him the bad news. "Leibas. You still in here?" Blake shouted, a bit happy to see Leibas. Blake thought he was all too loud with his screaming, and the fact he left the doors to the cells wide open. But Blake didn't really care. At least Leibas was all right.

Blake took a closer look at Leibas and what seemed to be a puppet panda. "Do you like puppets, by any chance, Leibas?" Blake asked, quite intrigued. He didn't want to tell him he didn't find anybody, but he still had Leibas locked up, so he saw that as a somewhat good thing.
(I don't want it to die either. I haven't been able to use Kayuda yet.)

Leibas cut off his conversation with Geoffrey when he heard Blake yell for him. He wasn't sure why Blake was so loud, though; it's not like he was that far away. "Yeah, I'm still in here." Leibas replied. When Blake asked about his puppet, Leibas' expression changed from his usual 'smiling idiot' to a more serious look. "His name is Geoffrey and he doesn't like being called a puppet." After he finished that sentence, his expression switched back just as quickly as before. "Say hello, Geoffrey!" He said. The hand puppet panda waved his arm in response but only Leibas could hear the "hello".
"Okay. I will not call "Geoffrey" then. Hello, Geoffrey." Blake said, chuckling. He reached into the cell, shaking Geoffrey's hand. "I'm afraid that I couldn't find Anna or anyone from the Iron Chains... though I think someone might have been here to come retrieve you." Blake sighed.

"Well... While you're here... Why don't you tell me about yourself while you are here?" Blake turned to Leibas, now very interested. "This is getting slightly unsettling. Perhaps, I think I might be playing the waiting game here. Did anyone from the Iron Chains really even here? But now..., I lie in wait, patiently."
Leibas was a bit disappointed that Blake couldn't find Anna and was a bit worried when he mentioned the Iron Chains coming here to find him. Now Blake wanted him to talk about his past. He didn't really like talking about his past much, but he could use an instrument to keep himself occupied. "I guess I can tell you some of it." He replied, "I was raised as a street performer by my parents. I can play any instrument, but stringed instruments are the only ones I can play well. I can also sing and a darn good whistler. After my parents died, I inherited my father's sword and trained to be a warrior." After he finished his brief synopsis of his backstory, he looked at Blake and smiled. "By the way, you talk funny."
As Leibas spoke about himself and his past, Leibas seemed not so bad at all, and seemed to be a very entertaining fellow. "I blame my father for that. He always had me study in politics. He was always so stiffly official." Blake sighed, as he was Velkor's Wizard and the advisor of the King, the right hand man, to The Man, you could say. "Well... I guess I could fly my own of colors as well... But it is utterly imperative you tell nobody of me. I have my own problems that came with society."
"I never knew that politicians spoke redundantly..." Leibas said as he thought about something. If Blake studied politics, then maybe he knew something about the meeting today. Perhaps he could get the answers he wanted here. Then when he was released he could go back to the Iron Chains and hear their side of the story. After that, he would know what side he was actually on. "By the way, why was there a meeting here about a peace treaty? I thought that they do peace treaties when they're at war. If the Iron Chains are trying to drive out barbarians, then I don't think they would be at war with Velkor."
"Well... you're right about there being discussion of a peace treaty, that's right." Blake said, laughing a bit. "But I know as little as most, Leibas. Peace treaties can made not just to end wars, but to also forms bonds with others." Blake said.

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