
Anna watched, feeling a bit confused. "I didn't think we had a treaty with the Iron Chains yet. Why would he be here?" she wondered. She chewed very slowly, unsure of what to do next. She was sure he was a good person; he hadn't done anything to prove otherwise. There must have been a perfectly good reason.

As Blake stood, her immediate urge was to jump to her feet, but somehow that didn't seem the right thing to do. So she remained seated, pushing her blueberries around with a finger, making the beginnings of a little flower. She smiled when it was done, remembering all the times her mother had done this for her. She was to old for it now, though.
"Okay." Leibas said as he got up. He wasn't sure if this was about the Iron Chains or something else, but he didn't want to be rude. Not that Blake would have any reason to hurt him or anything. After all, he said that the Iron Chains aren't bad. "Where are we going?"
Blake glared at Leibas with curiosity in his eyes for a moment. "Try not to think on that too much, good sir." Blake started walking towards the left hand side of the hallway, where Blake's room which was next to an interrogation room, one of four, actually. Blake put the rest of his food in his room, and opened the door to the interrogation room, calmly saying, "I'd like to speak to you privately, please. This will only take a moment....." There were three guards nearby, but they seemed to be just passing by.
Leibas followed Blake through the hallway, although he was getting suspicious now. Seeing how there were no Iron Chain soldiers around, he couldn't count on any support (looking back, he didn't think he would get support even if they were around). Running away now would only cause unwanted conflict. "Okay..." He said as he walked into the interrogation room. He reassured himself that there was nothing to worry about; he was on the good side... wasn't he?
Blake closed the door behind him, knowing he had Leibas right where he wanted him. "Firstly, have a seat," Blake said in a soothing tone, and then continued, "There is in fact no easy way to say this, so I'm gonna just come directly to the point.... Leibas, am I correct? Do you know why I pulled away to bring you here? You're not in any trouble at this moment, you can be sure of that. But do you know why you're here... in this room at this moment in time? Sit down and... give it some thought." Blake sat down, letting out a heavy sigh thinking, "If he is really from The Iron Chains, this could be prove to not bode well for the treaty, if I had to guess. What were he and those twoguards attempting to do? Were they attempting to eavesdrop the information given at the meeting? And if that is the case, how much do they know? And perhaps what do they plan to do with what they know? Leibas.... You seem to be a silly man, but I doubt you're going to make this easy, but I don't want you to think that your life is in danger......"
Kalius left the tent with haste, his new goal being to take a long night's rest at his own tent rather than spending it outside in the cold. However, while heading toward his current lodging at a nearby tent, he was stopped by a guard, which he did not recognize. This knight told Kalius swiftly, that he was chosen to be one of the few to lead the general safely into the city.

With a nod, Kalius accepted. Immediately after, the guard then asked of Leibas. Though slowly, Kalius nodded again, hoping that he would return before morning. And, with that, the knight left him, dispersing father into the camp. With a sigh, Kalius pressed on, heading back toward his lodging once more. There, he found the tent flap open from the wind, though nothing inside was touched. He sat down on one of the leather blankets and began removing his armor to sleep.
Leibas sat down in the chair and listened to what Blake had to say. "Well," He recollected, "probably not to bring me more food. I'm guessing that, since I'm affiliated with the Iron Chain, you want to know why the knights with me were in those guard uniforms. I don't know; I wasn't there when they got them. Geoffrey got us banned from the meetings, so I don't know any of their plans. They told me that they wanted me to show them the whereabouts of the meeting. That's all."
Anna laughed slightly as they left. "All alone," she whispered, forcing a smile. She didn't like being left by herself. That was no reason to be depressing, though. "I should probably go get my shoes," she said, her voice barely audible. She stood up and hurried down the hall, taking care to put a bit of spring in her step.

The halls were mostly empty and the few people she passed merely nodded to her. She felt better once she reached her room, though. She smiled, looking at the familiar walls, the large rug that had been in her room for as long as she could remember. She pulled on a pair of fur-lined boots, wondering why she hadn't done so earlier. She then wrapped a blanket around herself, and sat down on her bed.
I'm guessing that, since I'm affiliated with the Iron Chain, you want to know why the knights with me were in those guard uniforms. I don't know; I wasn't there when they got them. Geoffrey got us banned from the meetings, so I don't know any of their plans. They told me that they wanted me to show them the whereabouts of the meeting. That's all.

Blake thought on Leibas' words. It seemed he knew little to anything at all.... or did he? Whether Leibas knew more than he was letting on or not did not matter. Blake could not dismiss the matter in anyway. Eavesdropping on the meeting was an act of treason against the crown, and he knew that very well. He knew what he needed to do, although he didn't like it all. Blake finally stood looking at Leibas dead in his eyes, his glare was sorrowful. Blake thought, "I honestly hate having to do this, but not even I am above the law...." Blake walked over to Leibas. "Leibas, my good sir..... You have admitted to being affiliated with The Iron Chains, but that is most definitely not the reason for what I'm about to say next. No! I have with my own eyes, witnessed you and those knights who were alongside you, stand at the meeting room door. I'm led to assume that one of you, or perhaps all of you possibly were attempting to eavesdrop on the meeting, which I find both unnecessary and an act of treason. So with what I know, I find you guilty of treason, but I'm only going to hold you under arrest."
Leibas was surprised as to what Blake had to say, but he could tell that Blake didn't like to do this. Leibas's mind was scanning every possibility to find a loophole that could get him out of here. ...then again, the Iron Chain might not welcome him back at the camp. Jail might actually be a way to protect himself. They might find him guilty of another treason if they knew what he told them. "...Alright," He said, "how long?"
"Of that... Now too long. I'm only to going to keep you in until I can find those other knights who were with you at the time or until the treaty is formed. I'm not completely certain of how I'm going to do this! Now, come with me! The cells are in the basement," Blake let out a heavy sigh, as this was first time having to arrest someone, but in this case. But he was somewhat surprised that Leibas wasn't panicking or anything.

Blake unlocked the door, and made his way downstairs. "This was kinda annoying in a way. I don't want to do this, but at the same time, I can't let anything go unchecked.... at least for now." Blake thought.
Kalius shook his head. This was not how is night was supposed to end. Liebas was a fool, surely, and his childish antics were quite over the top, but he would not let him dying in the hands of the Velkar alone. Indeed, Kalius knew what he needed to do. Removing his armor and adjusting his tunic and leather padding, he sheathed the sword back at his side and exited the tent in silence.

Walking down the path, standing tall, he wished to appear calm and collected; as if he was supposed to be out this late at night. Seemingly unnoticed by most of those around him, he left the clearing of the camp, and escaped to the forest toward the city once more. He would hopefully get Leibas out of there, though he needed a mask. Realizing his dilemma, Kalius grabbed the closest helmet he could find, and placed it on his head. It wasn't his, which protected his identity. Though he did admittedly feel sorry for the one that couldn't wear that helmet again.

Heading toward the city as swift as he could, he passed through the trees with the simple goal of find Leibas and getting him out of there.
Anna stood up and walked quietly out of her room. A yawn escaped her, but she'd tried to ignore the sleep that threatened to overtake her. Her blanket dragged on the ground, making a soft shuffling sound as she moved slowly down the hall.

After a few minutes, she reached her destination, a large window with a wide ledge, not too far from the dungeon. She had loved this spot ever since she was little, and often came here to see the stars. She sat down and took her shoes off, placing them on the floor, before wrapping the blanket tighter and curling up on the sill. She sighed happily as the stars twinkled above her, closing her eyes for just a little bit...
"If you do catch them, maybe you should put them in the cell across from mine." Leibas said as he followed Blake. He figured that it wouldn't be long before either of the two Blake mentioned happened. It was just being locked in a room, no real torture. Besides, there was something he wanted to know.
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"Trust me! You didn't allow yourself to be found out, I took a stab and I was right." Blake said, opening the center cell in the dungeon. "Is there anything you need? Even prisoners deserve some courtesy."
"Nothing really; I'm able to entertain myself." Leibas said as he took a seat in the cell. "...Although there is one thing you can do for me. Why don't you tell Anna I'm down here? I'm sure she'd like to know."
Kalius stormed through the forest, the hilt of his sword in hand, though still sheathed at his side. He, upon arriving at the city's outer gates, needed a plan. Climbing the wall would surely be difficult, especially with all of the night patrols wrapping around the outer walls and in the outposts. Looking around, he had to make a choice, and he chose.

When the timing seemed right, he swiftly tried to climb the side of the wall near the back; opposite of the gate outside. Climbing up the side as fast as he could, he almost fell. Needing time to regain his footing, he had to wait once more for the patrol both above and below the walls to pass. The suspense was horrible, as all they had to do was look up to see him. However, the shadows from the brush were just enough to confirm his success.

Climbing over the wall successfully, he lost his footing on the way down and landed with a thunk. Shaking it off, making sure he wasn't seen, Kalius once again tried to remain silent, slinking through the houses and roads of the large city. He had to make it to the palace, and in time, he did.

Sneaking through the various patrols of the city was hard, and took time. Though he finally came to the center of the magnificent city. The only problem was finding Leibas in the first place. He imagined that the wisest decision was finding the dungeon, but he knew not how. Maybe interrogating a member of the kingdom? They had to be alone, and they had to be easy to get to. Slinking around the palace walls, he swiftly darted from window to window, holding on to his sheath such that it would make as little sound as possible.

In time, Kalius found his chance; the girl from before, sleeping in a long hallway, alone. The hall was darkened, seemingly far from anyone, but the window would be hard to open and dislodge silently. As quiet as he could, he unsheathed his sword, and twiddled with the lock. After several minutes and a click, the window unlatched, and he opened it, slowly. Taking a silent step down, closing the window and stepping on the girl's resting place on the sill, he waited for the window to close and latch before making his move.

Keeping his sword at the ready, he lurched in unison; one hand pressing against her mouth, the other gripping the sword against her throat. In a whisper, he stated "Where is the dungeon?" Kalius, a bit worried, realized that this girl might not even know. Who knows; she could be completely unimportant. A hand maiden, if anything. What if she didn't know the location of the dungeon at all?

(Guys, again, the two paragraph minimum rule is still in effect)
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Blake was a bit shocked at his request. "Well Leibas. I don't want to do that and I doubt Anna will be happy in anyway to hear that, but for you, I am willing to hear her tell me I'm being heartless or anything else of the sort. But I think she will understand." Blake said before locking Leibas' cell. "Naturally Leibas... I have a theory that someone will eventually come back to rescue you. I hope I'm right, though. Take care till I find Anna." And with that, Blake left the dungeon, looking around for a moment. "Now where could I find her?" Blake said, looking around Anna.

He decided to try the right wing first. He often wondered if he would someone of the Iron Chains, or Anna first. Blake chuckled slightly. "Anna? Anna, where are you now?" Blake whispered. He'd shout, but he was worried of waking anyone who would be sleeping at the moment.
Jolted awake, it took Anna a minute to figure out where she was. Her heart beat wildly and she hoped this strange man couldn't hear it. Her breathing was shallow, and she felt a but lightheaded; fainting certainly would be one way out. She tried to gather her thoughts, but she couldn't quite come up with anything sensible.

She did know that telling this man would be a disservice to Valkor. Trying to get her breathing under control she took several deep breaths. "I-I don't know," she stammered, trying to sound convincing. She was sure she was doing a horrible job.
Kalius sighed. Useless, he thought. "If you tell anyone about this, I will kill you." He whispered, trying to keep her quiet. He wasn't actually going to kill her; he had a problem with killing anyone. He simply had no other way to be sure that she wouldn't squeal.

Stepping off of the sill of the window, he kept his blade against her throat. "Do you know of anyone I can talk to about the location of the dungeon, girl?" He spoke silently, trying not to alarm anyone nearby. As soon as she replied, he would leave; be it good or bad information.
A small gasp escaped her lips. She'd never been threatened before. "I don't..." she began, her words trailing off. She looked at the floor, the walls, anywhere but the horrible man in front of her. She wished someone would come by soon, but this hall was rather out of the way. It was a cruel kind of funny that what she liked about this place was what made this so easy for the man.

She swallowed hard and forced her words out. "I don't know," she whispered, looking at the man for the briefest second before her eyes hurried back to the hem of her dress. Lying had always been hard for her and anyone who knew her well would never believe her for a minute.
"I should check her room. If I'm polite, this may be easier than I assume it is." Blake said, finding his way into another hallway before having another thought. "And what if she isn't in her room? Still, I can't just forget Leibas' request like it means nothing at all." Blake shook his head as he noticed he was speaking a bit loudly. "I am hoping nobody heard that." Blake said with a bit ashamed. He even blushed a bit.

He kept moving to look for Anna. "I hope I find her soon... I keep forgetting how big this castle is. And it often aggravated me by how many times I got lost in here. And I've been lost about what? 55 times trying to get to my room? I've been living in this castle perhaps over 10 years or so, and I'm still getting lost! Well, I blame myself a bit. I never really take time to see the place for myself. Perhaps I need to take a break from practicing magic, maybe..." Blake said, thinking that sounded like a good idea.
Kalius shook his head, realizing that this girl was useless to him. "I'm leaving now, alright? Calm yourself. I will not return unless you tell anyone of this." He whispered quickly, knowing that he needed to go. Avoiding the window, he decided that he needed to find someone new.

Skirting the wall on the side, paying attention to the corners, he waited and listened for the next person down the hall. He needed information about the dungeon, though he didn't know who to stop. Would anyone know the location of such a dungeon? Was Leibas even in the dungeon?
Blake looked around letting a heavy sigh, as he turned a corner to the left. He sighed again as at first, he did not see Anna at first, not that he expected to in the first place. "How humorous. Am I going in circles? I... must be." Blake said, yawning a bit. It was getting late, but he did say he would try and find Anna. "I still wonder... if someone from the Iron Chains is here? Perhaps one of the two at this next corner, I hope." Blake said, still yawning.

Would Anna be nearby at this next corner? Or would an associate from the Iron Chains, with a mission to rescue Leibas be what he finds, or finds him? Blake would have been satisfied with either one. Blake cautiously turned to the upcoming hallway hoping to find someone.
"Thanks." Leibas said as Blake walked out of the dungeon. He lied down where he was sitting. This was probably going to be awhile. One of the Iron Chain might even be here right now and trying to either rescue him or kill him. Still, being in here was probably safer than being outside.

As he lied down, he started

. His singing voice seemed to be surprisingly better than most people. He usually sung when he was bored or passing the time while he was waiting for something. He also used it to entertain others and earn a bit of money here and there, but he usually didn't need to do that.

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