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* Toi-Voie-Jar-A-Kker-Ar-Us (They/Them)
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You have entered the code correctly.

To register for
an ID Card, fill out the following form. Answer all the questions truthfully, feel free to adapt the form to your desired tastes:

{Visual Appearance}
Name: {Character's}
Username: {Character's}
Author: {Your Nickname}
DOB: {Age Included}
Appearance: {Optional}
Text: {Character's Voice/Writing}

Art Major:
Example of Work: {Credited Art}
- Do you believe that you will find love? Or perhaps friends?
- Favorite Meal and/or Drink.
- What do you like?
- What do you dislike?
- Any quirks or habits?
- What would you say is your theme song?
- Last one, what's the old & new code? {Hide Answer}

animegirl20 animegirl20 , Aato Aato , BrokenRemedy BrokenRemedy , Kimbella Kimbella , GiantSugarCake GiantSugarCake
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.... WIP
Kelly Achille / Sunshine Boy

December 25, 25
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: Italian / American
Art Major: Full-Time Artist
Scent: Butterbeer


Trivia -
* Do you believe that you will find love? Or perhaps friends?
" I don't know about love, of course no one is sure, but friends sound good."
* Favorite Meal and/or Drink.
"I personally like Butterbeer, non alcoholic of course, and Chicken & Dumplings. Yum!"
* What do you like?
- Books
- Horror Games
- Beaches
- Rainy Days
* What do you dislike?
- Extreme Winds
- Art Thieves
- Feeling Undeserving.
* Any quirks or habits?
- Calls everyone Bella or Bello until told otherwise.
- Creates entire custom items and sells them or keeps them. Has costumes for at least everyday of the week. ALL of which he wears.
- Drinks pig's blood to keep his iron levels high. Has a iron deficiency.
* What would you say is your theme song?
Flamingo - Rob Cantor
* Last one, what's the old & new code?
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Character Completion

{Visual Appearance}

Name: Arabella Maxwell Vines

Username: Mrs. Brightside

Author: Cake

DOB: February 22, 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Nationality: French/American

Appearance: Arabellas hair color is burgundy blend with red maroon, it's usually just pulled into a messy side braid and left alone to its own devices, when it's not pulled back her hair can reach just above her mid back. Her skin is pale, with a hint of tanning unevenly shared along her hands from the dark brown cloth finger-less gloves she wears while she works but the color matches well with her golden hazel eyes, on her feet are tall brown leather lace up boots. It's expected to find scrapes and bruises on Bella because of her job and how much she enjoys going deeper into her projects, she wears dark green shorts with a leather bronze buckle tool belt on her waist. Her tool belt goes with her everywhere, she feels as if it's her lucky item and with it she can do anything, she wears a white collar dress shirt and a dark green button over shirt, really tie it all together she has a black bolo tie that holds a amethyst gem. Finally, on her head are bronze colored aviator goggles.

Text: Bellas voice is a bit silvery, meaning it is light and pleasant, and though she hasn't been to France her mother does have quite a strong French accent which influences her own voice making it sound at times a bit smoky or mysterious. Her hand writing is pretty neat, writing in typically large letters, and using narrow spacing between words; She's right handed though her writing tends to slant a bit to the left while her letters are usually round shaped.

Personality: Arabella likes to keep to herself a lot and finds comfort in the presence of machines more than she does of people, that's not to say she doesn't like others in fact she adores people, Bella dreams of having lots of friends but doesn't quite know where to start. She loves creating new and innovative items for the "future" she likes to say, once someone gets her on the topic of how the future will be or what she thinks of the current technology she just can't stop talking. Bella is a passionate girl at heart though at first she come off as someone who leads with their head, she leads with her heart, whatever she does Bella makes sure to put her all into it before writing her name on it; Arabella is quite fragile and takes things personally, letting her feelings sit and broil till they eventually explode out of her.

Scent: Bella usually wears a scent of metal and oil or vanilla creme.

History: It started on the 5th of October, in Arras, France. A madam by the name of Elaina met a man named Herman and lets just say it was love at first sight, neither of them had much money so made due by owning a small flower shop. Herman, was ambitious though, certain that he wanted to make a better life for his soon to come family he began working around at night for a few extra euros. He was quite the handyman around town and was often praised for his work on fixing clocks and other machines, Elaina soon found out about her husbands night work and joined him, the two made a great pair as engineers and even better as lovers. It wasn't till Elaina, who had been working on trying to get to America , finally got a letter stating that she had gotten a job as a teacher in Concord, California. There she'd be teaching students about the French culture and language, though Elania was ecstatic about the job Herman was not. You see, months earlier it had been confirmed that Elania was pregnant, moving all the way across the world to a brand new country, with a baby on the way made him feel horrible. But the fight they had about this was worse.
Elaina saw this as her chance to get out of France, she had always wanted to go to America and teaching was a passion of hers in her mind this was perfect, to Herman it was the destruction of his family. They ended staying in France till Arabella was five so that she could start to know her family and roots, but after that it was off to California. Herman didn't go, both him and Elaina decided that Arabella would just visit France every summer or spring while the rest of the time she was with her mother and Quin; Elainas' friend that she met once when checking on the job in America. For Bella transitioning from a completely French and familiar environment to an American and unknown environment was pretty terrifying, she had to start learning English quickly so that she could start kindergarten and not fall behind. The language barrier made her a more silent girl in class, even though she could speak English pretty well, it made her nervous to speak to strangers; Especially when they spoke loud and fast. Her mother was also rushed to learn English and with the help of Quin, a marketing executive who was used to having to translate a few things, the two were understanding their new home. Summers in France were a completely different story, being there with her father felt so natural, he was the one that introduced her to sculpting with spare parts when she was ten. Teaching her the mechanics of machines both new and old, each burn and scrape that occurred on her was treated like an award; her father would always say " You can always take the sourest lemons that life gives you, and turn it into something that resembles lemonade."
Her scheduled life went like that for quite a while, school days in California with mom and vacations in France with dad. It was around sixteen that she began to wonder what it would be like to live in France permanently, he wouldn't mind that much Bella knew but her mother on the other hand would be another story. Elaina, though she loved France, didn't ever want to go back; Herman had moved on from her, now together with a woman named Jehane. Bella had met with Jehane quite a few times during her summers over there and liked the woman enough even though she held a grudge that Jehane almost allowed her to drown when she was thirteen. Jehane always claimed that she assumed Bella could swim from the fact that she lived in California, and would have never tossed her off the boat if knowing otherwise. Bella wasn't so sure about that but left it alone, even though it created her fear of the ocean; California beaches look more beautiful from far away she argued, even though now she could swim fine. Elaina soon got an actual home, one with a large garage for Bella so that she could build as much as she wanted and not stain the carpets. This was their new life, their new start, everything seemed to going great.

Art Major: Sculpting

Example of Work: Art by: Sue Beatrice aka All Natural Arts


- Do you believe that you will find love? Or perhaps friends?

She hopes to, Ara loves adventure and with adventure she hopes to make bonds that last longer and stronger than microlattice. Finding love would be a shocker to her since she doesn't think about it too much.

- Favorite Meal and/or Drink.

Baked salmon and rice for a meal, her favorite drink is iced lemonade

- What do you like?

Building and designing
Learning new things
Being outside
Alternative rock
Being praised
Sculpting with old parts
Making things that are new
Old cartoons
Bad reality shows

- What do you dislike?

Those that show off
Lazy people
Her hands not being busy
Being stuck in the same place
The ocean
Sitting still
Opera music
Small places
Being called out
Taking medicine

- Any quirks or habits?

Bella sometimes will chew a bit of her hair when nervous or in a very panicked state.

When in deep thought or inspiration strikes she pulls down her goggles no matter where she is.

- What would you say is your theme song?

Everything at once by Lenka

- Last one, what's the old & new code?

Snorb and Carter

Character Completion
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Nola Gillies
General Information
Username: Nolaaa
DOB: March 15th, 1998
Age: 19
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: They/them
Sexuality: Lesbian
Nationality: Irish
Art Major: Digital Drawing
Example of Art: Gore and Nudity TW

Favourite Meal and Drink: Greasy burger with onion rings and a Somersby
Likes: Photography, fighting, rainy days
Dislikes: Cold weather, swimming, the colour yellow
Quirks: Unbraids and braids her hair on the regular and draws on every single piece of paper in sight
Habits: Goes to the radio station every other week to listen to the people talking
Codes: Snorb, Carter

"I've got no fucking clue if I'll find love, better make some friends though because mine were all horrid!"

Speech, Personality, and Bio
In person, Nola has a very fast tongue. She speaks at a thousand miles a minute, and her voice itself carries a hint of the Irish accent she never managed to drop. As a whole, her voice is quite smooth and can carry a tune.

Over text, she uses emojis to an extreme. She also has a tendency to send countless messages instead of merging them into one. That, or she'll send a massive paragraph. Generally over text she comes off as a bit of a mess.

When it comes to her formal writing, it is generally rather cluttered and riddled with grammar errors until she corrects it. If she writes any sorts of notes using a men, the writing is all in thin and hard to read cursive.

Nola has a rather out there personality. She couldn't care less about anything, and has quite a nihilistic view of the world. She puts no value on her own life, and while she doesn't want to do anything to end it, she does view her own physical being to be an inconvenience.

Being an adrenaline junkie is something Nola is known for. She loves the thrill of the world, and adores the danger she puts herself in. Nola will do anything for the perfect high, even if that involves sneaking into abandoned subways, climbing over fences to get into abandoned properties, spending time with some rather unsavoury characters, or simply doing things such as having a friend hold her over a bridge so she can scream. She'll proudly admit that she does lack impulse control when it comes to these sorts of things, although she is able to very easily control herself in regards to her own sexual and romantic adventures.

Bravery is obviously something she possesses, as well as having a hot head. Nola doesn't really care about picking fights with people three times her size, and she lacks fear in regards to just about anything, save for swimming, which is something she'll never do.

Nola was born in a small town in Ireland. She was raised by her two very catholic parents, as well as her even more catholic grandparents. She was the youngest of her four siblings, two of which are girls, and two of which are boys. Her eldest brother was already twenty by the time she was born, and her sister closest to her in age was six years older than her. She lived in Ireland until she was seven, and only moved because her father got transferred overseas. So she left with two of her siblings, as the others were already old enough to live on their own.

Her first year in North America was tricky. Nola became lonely, and her name was seen as odd, so she was bullied quite badly for two years before she finally got fed up with it all and decided to fight back. Soon, she began getting into fist fights which caused a great deal of problems between herself and her parents. So great in fact that they ended up transferring her along with her siblings to catholic school.

Her years there were hard. Nola found the nuns to be quite annoying, and never truly understood why she had to believe in a god, or why everything she seemed to do was a sin. But she did make friends, for a while. That is until she hit her freshman year and her own sexuality began to show. For Nola, the knowledge that she was gay was something she wasn't afraid of as long as nobody found out because she knew her parents would never approve. But that didn't stop her from searching out other girls like her. But it was from a simple sharpied graffiti confession on a bathroom stall of her sexuality that she met Mary in her sophomore year. The two began writing to one another in the bathroom stall, and it was by chance that Nola saw Mary and asked on a whim if she enjoyed writing to people. It was then and there that she had her first kiss, and for three months the two would sneak off to meet and talk, but also kiss. For Nola, Mary was a comfort and someone who she felt she could trust. So when Mary broke it off, claiming that she had converted, Nola was crushed. So much so, that for the next two years she avoided that bathroom like the plague.

But, when it came to her art, Nola developed that skill through her grandfather. The man encouraged her to paint and draw as much as she could, leading to a life long love for the medium. She uses art to draw out her emotions, and finds that without it she doesn't function very well.
About The Author
Name: Max
Pronouns: She/her/they/them

I'm Canadian. It's pretty lit.

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Thomas "Tommy" Lindahl
Date of birth:
Thomas was born in Lillehammer (Norway) on the 14th of March, 1995.
Bisexual, but tends to find guys more interesting.

Tall, pale and skinny. Tommy often finds himself being on of the tallest guys in the room, as he stands at somewhere around 6'3. However, thanks to his slender form and lack of muscle he doesn't appear all that big. Tommy has always been a bit pale, but it has gotten worse as of late, as he hardly ever leaves the house unless it's for work. Unlike stereotypical picture of a Norwegian, Tommy has brown eyes and dark brown hair with a few lighter wisps here and there. Asides from that he has a few tattoos, most notably a chain around his left wrist and a small blue lotus on his right shoulder.

Tommy has a rather wide vocal range. His voice cuts cleanly through loud noises, while still coming off as rather light and laid-back. His English is perfect, and there are no hints of an accent, but the odd Norwegian word shows up if he is annoyed, mad or flustered. His voice also drops a bit lower when he speaks Norwegian, and he has a rather distinct dialect when he does.

Tommy has two modes of writing, and those are, things only he will read, and things others will read. When Tommy makes notes to himself, they are hardly decipherable by others. The letters have odd shapes and sizes, words are spread unevenly apart, and to anyone, except Tommy, it looks like just random scribbles. However, there is a rather startling difference between that and how he writes when others need to understand him. His words are suddenly spaced evenly apart, his letters the same height and neatly written.

Tommy is a relatively laid-back guy with a curiosity for anything and everything, which has made him know a bit about everything, but not a lot about anything. However, there is one exception to his. Music. Countless hours can pass Tommy by as he researches and devours info about bands or music event that interest him. The dream of being a musician was there from a young age, but he has ended up putting it on the shelf as he does not have a single musical bone in his body.

Tommy is a big believer in quality over quantity, at least when it comes to friends. Why would you have ten just okay friends when you can have three kick-ass best friends? Some might call that being a shut in, a bit anti-social, and that it points to Tommy not being a big people person and a bit of a shut in, they are right, but Tommy doesn't see himself like that. Sure, he isn't big on social gatherings, and would rather sit at home with his friends than go out. He keeps the people close to him very close, and everyone else at an arm's length.

When it comes to art/work, Tommy is a bit nitpicky. He spends hours upon hour drawing sketches and looking at references, and that's a good thing. After all, it's pretty hard to go back change a tattoo.

A mix of ink, the sea, paint, and smoke, along with the unmistakable smell of Axe body spray.

Love at first sight is bullshit. But lust at first sight? Well, that's a bit more believable, and Tommy is proof. The most detailed description Tommy's mother has ever given of his father is that he was rather tall and that he had blond hair along with brown eyes, or were they blue? In short, Tommy hasn't had much to go on, and that hasn't bothered Tommy much. After all, his mother only remembers vague details about the guy so he can't be that amazing. Anyways, back on track.

Tommy has lived 90% of his life in Norway along with his mother, Elisabet. Elisabet never stayed in the same job for very long, always looking for the next thing, the better thing, and eventually, she ended up as an interior designer. But during those years where she bounced between jobs, Tommy and Elisabet also bounced between homes, not remaining anywhere for very long until she found her "true calling". Sure, it sucked being dragged all over the country, in and out of schools, but Tommy had the three things he needed. His mother, and an endless supply of paper and art supplies.

It wasn't until Tommy got older, and finally settled down somewhere, that he started trying to get some friends. He had the odd friend or two at school, however, knowing that he would just get whisked away had made him rather reluctant to make any close ties. But, shortly after going on the search for some friends he stumbled upon Stefan, Mads, and Andreas. They were all fools in their very own ways, but that was a bit of their charm, and it didn't take very long before Tommy found it hard to envision the world without them.

Art Major:
Love and/or friends?
Tommy wondered when and if he would find love, but he isn't actively searching for it. As for friends? Sure, one or two more couldn't hurt.

Favorite meals/drinks?
Tommy's favorite food is cheeseburgers, and if he can combine it with a tequila sunrise, even better.

The sea
The three amigos (Stefan, Mads, Andreas)
Rainy days.
People that claim tattoos aren't art.
When the tip of his pencil keeps breaking.
Slow internet.
Most fruits
Quirks and habits?
You know the kid with pencil drawings and marker sketches on his skin? That is Tommy, if he doesn't have paper close by he will often draw on himself and/or others.
Theme song?
I'll put something here soon enough
Snorb, Carter

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Iris Mendoza
Call me Candy
April 12 , 19






She has a thick Spanish accent, but she already knows how to speak english. Her voice does not give off the impression that she is barely communicating in English. As for her hand writing. This usually depends on her mood. When she is angry. its dark and small. When she is happy, its basically all Italics.
Iris is a sweet girl with a slight sense of humor. She likes to have fun but she does know her limits and boundaries. It will always be education before fun times. She likes to meet knew people. But depending on what time of day it is, she can be cranky or grumpy. When she's angry thats a whole different person. Otherwise, she mostly chill.
Iris wears a scent of vanilla and sometimes pencil shavings.
Growing up in Columbia, she was like every other teenager looking for a way to escape the horrible world. She did as she was told and studied hard, but it wasn't enough for her. She wanted to see the rest of the world instead of being stuck in one place. Her mother agreed with her and let her move away. She did let her leave for other reasons as well (better education). When she moved into her small dream apartment, she got a part time job so she could pay rent and continued high school in America.

After she had graduated she applied to college, hoping that she would get in.

Art Major:
Studio Arts
Example of Work: {Credited Art}
View attachment 287924 View attachment 287925

View attachment 287926
- Do you believe that you will find love? Or perhaps friends?
"I don't know. Time will tell. But I do hope to make some new friends."
- Favorite Meal and/or Drink.
"Tacos are always great. And Coca Cola would have to be my favorite drink"
- What do you like?
"I like when people are nice towards me and respect me and the way I am"
- What do you dislike?
"I absolutely despise negative judgment. Its a ugly habit people have and it needs to stop"
- Any quirks or habits?
"I rub my temples when Im angered or stressed"
- What would you say is your theme song?
"Hm...I don't know. Maybe Trap Queen?"
- Last one, what's the old & new code? {Hide Answer}
[COLOR=#5900b3]Snorb and Carter[/COLOR]


code by l o l i t a
(Don't mind those X pictures)


Iris Mendoza
Call me Candy
April 12 , 19




She has a thick Spanish accent, but she already knows how to speak english. Her voice does not give off the impression that she is barely communicating in English. As for her hand writing. This usually depends on her mood. When she is angry. its dark and small. When she is happy, its basically all Italics.
Iris is a sweet girl with a slight sense of humor. She likes to have fun but she does know her limits and boundaries. It will always be education before fun times. She likes to meet knew people. But depending on what time of day it is, she can be cranky or grumpy. When she's angry thats a whole different person. Otherwise, she mostly chill.
Iris wears a scent of vanilla and sometimes pencil shavings.
Growing up in Columbia, she was like every other teenager looking for a way to escape the horrible world. She did as she was told and studied hard, but it wasn't enough for her. She wanted to see the rest of the world instead of being stuck in one place. Her mother agreed with her and let her move away. She did let her leave for other reasons as well (better education). When she moved into her small dream apartment, she got a part time job so she could pay rent and continued high school in America.

After she had graduated she applied to college, hoping that she would get in.

Art Major:
Studio Arts
Example of Work: {Credited Art}
View attachment 287924 View attachment 287925

View attachment 287926
- Do you believe that you will find love? Or perhaps friends?
"I don't know. Time will tell. But I do hope to make some new friends."
- Favorite Meal and/or Drink.
"Tacos are always great. And Coca Cola would have to be my favorite drink"
- What do you like?
"I like when people are nice towards me and respect me and the way I am"
- What do you dislike?
"I absolutely despise negative judgment. Its a ugly habit people have and it needs to stop"
- Any quirks or habits?
"I rub my temples when Im angered or stressed"
- What would you say is your theme song?
"Hm...I don't know. Maybe Trap Queen?"
- Last one, what's the old & new code? {Hide Answer}
[COLOR=#5900b3]Snorb and Carter[/COLOR]

code by l o l i t a
(Don't mind those X pictures)
The attachments aren't working, do you think you can try again?
Don't really want to try putting the pictures in because knowing me, im gonna screw the whole code up. Here they are.1459369359438-1459369353212.jpg hdhdhjdfefjjr.jpg CgLHp76WsAAFoE8.jpg

Name: Noah Black
Username: Delta
Author: Bat
DOB: May 13, 1995, 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Nationality: Brazilian/Italian/American
Appearance: Tall, but lacks noticeable muscles. Tan. Hair and eyes dark brown.
Text: Noah has an average voice, but a wide vocal range. He has no accents when having conversations, but is a master and impressions and accents. His writing is a bit messy, but average nonetheless.
Personality: Noah has an incredible mind. He has won many academic awards because of this. However, he definitely knows how to have fun. In fact, he would choose video games over studying any time.
Scent: A mixture of honey and cinnamon.
History: Had an average life, other than the large number of academic achievements. Was accepted into every school he applied for, before getting this intriguing invitation.
Art Major: Digital/Animation
Example of Work: Trivia:
- Do you believe that you will find love? Or perhaps friends? Yes to both.
- Favorite Meal and/or Drink. Ice cream and milkshakes.
- What do you like? Technology.
- What do you dislike? Not much, jocks are one, though.
- Any quirks or habits? Always wears hoodies.
- What would you say is your theme song? Any twenty one pilots song, since they all sort of relate to him.
- Last one, what's the old & new code?
Snorb & Carter


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