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Multiple Settings Urban Fantasy RP about Anomalies(Anyone can join)


Junior Member
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  • Setting

    This setting takes place in a world just like ours. In fact, you may even consider it takes place in an alternate timeline. Everything is the same in terms of: technology, cites, shops, weapons, global warming, overpopulation, society, and history. Well, it WAS the same, at least until the beginning of the 21st century. Everything changed after that.

    Reality stops making any sort of sense, sightings of terrifying and cursed creatures, inanimate objects become animate and attacking people, doorways leading into completely different realities, and anything you could think could come from the unknown.

    As time flew by, Reality started making sense again. The sightings became lowered drastically, More objects that were animate became inanimate like they are supposed to be. By the time this happened, ⅙ of the human population died. Society began to rebuild.

    September 16th, 2010
    Everything was back to normal… well at least as normal as it would get, there is still weird stuff going on but they are a lot less prominent now. There are still cases of disappearances all around America that are being covered up by the government. There are still sightings of… entities in hiding, most of them are hostile but there have been cases of some of them being friendly or neutral.

    Nowadays most people just stay indoors and try to avoid touching any suspicious objects, going down mistrustful alleyways, or even performing any specific combination of actions since any of those mentioned could trigger an anomaly. However there are a couple of individuals trying to look into the anomalies for their own means. For example, some are doing it to find a way to stop the anomalies, others may just be doing it because of curiosity or for their own personal gain. Society labels these kinds of people many different things but the popular term to deem them is Oddity Sleuths.

    Oddity Sleuths​

    Oddity Sleuths (or ODS for short) are just regular, everyday, average humans who investigate anomalies… Well, I think most of them are ‘human’ anyway. (more information about that will come as you read.) Oddity Sleuths aren’t really organized, most of them work by themselves or rarely in a group of more than 4 people. They’re a bunch of lone freelancers is what I’m saying.

    Someone has created a website dedicated for ODS where people can share information like: where present anomalies are and how to trigger them, tips on how to deal with certain anomalies and people also use the site to look for people to team up with in their area. This website is called ODSForum.com


    It’s almost like reality is breaking apart.

    Now onto the interesting stuff. Anomalies, glitches of reality, irregularities, things that probably shouldn't exist by the laws of the universe but it exists anyway. No one knows why these things happen, especially after what happened during the beginning of the 21st Century. Nowadays anomalies don’t always occur on their own, usually having to be triggered by doing a certain action in a certain location. The method of triggering an anomaly is different for each one, ranging from terrifying simple to annoyingly complicated. Anything can happen when an anomaly is activated, one of which being sending you to another reality or to an enclosed pocket dimension. People called these types of anomalies, Wrong Turns because literally no one except Oddity Sleuths wants to end up in these spaces.

    Wrong Turns

    Wrong Turns is a type of Anomaly that sends you to a pocket dimension when triggered. Normally the pocket dimension resembles the place you triggered the anomaly in. Normally once an Anomaly is triggered it’s impossible to trigger it again, but Wrong Turns can be triggered as many times as you want as long as you know how to trigger the Wrong Turn. In the pocket dimension, it is possible to exit through one of the many exits generated by the pocket dimension, the method of exiting can vary based on the pocket dimension. You can accidentally trigger a Wrong Turn and end up in an undiscovered pocket dimension without knowing so make you check your surroundings for anything strange every now and then. Generally you might want to escape as soon as possible because Anomalies are rampant there and can activate on their own, possibly causing negative effects. Not only that, there might be something or… someone who inhabits these pocket dimensions. They are, Entities.


    Entities are sentient beings created by certain anomalies, or in pocket dimensions. They can take a variety of forms, two of which being humanoid or a common object like a chair. Most of them are hostile to humans or even other entities, but there can be neutral and friendly entities too. Entities often have anomalous properties or abilities that can surpass humans so hostile entities are considered to be a serious threat and not to be taken lightly. Some entities have the power to disguise as a human to avoid detection in the real world. More importantly, a small number of entities have decided to work as Oddity Sleuths, investigating anomalies for their own goals whether good or bad. They even sometimes use the website and help other Human/Entity ODS.
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Overall, I'm just doing this for fun. Not writing overall long paragraphs, just build the story a little bit at a time. I for sure know I couldn't do that myself.
I don't know what you meant but you can go solo if you want.
Sure, the more the merrier. Later tonight I'm gonna revise the setting a bit to make it a bit more clean.
Although these 'revision' may just be me adding more things to the setting and changing a couple things, but I guess it means you'll have more to work on.
Okay I updated the setting, added more stuff to it to flesh it out so you are free to read it. I also decided that the name of the RP will be Oddity Sleuths.
Gonna wait one more day, maybe tomorrow night, then I'm gonna start the RP. I'm gonna make it so anyone can join too. Meanwhile I could do a little bit of planning.
Okay, I finish typing the main post and I have it drafted right now. I'm gonna plan out my character's path then I may have to start the RP early.
Okay, I planned what I'm gonna do with my character.

I decided to open the roleplay so just post your character sheet if you wanna join.
Bump because I want to change the routine of me bumping this to a bit earlier.
This looks pretty cool. Im tempted to make an anomaly or a human who possesses an anomalous object.
Sure, glad to see another person is interested! If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them.
Sure, glad to see another person is interested! If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them.
My idea is pretty simple so ill just run it by here and see if it fits the world lore.

He would be a middle thirties aged oddity sleuth Named Noran Parker. He was in his early to late teens when the anomalies started and his fascination caused him to seek them out.

One anomaly ejected an item in the mohave which he found. This item was a Lamp like from aladdin but the “genie” was actually a shadow demon entity which acts as a parasite feeding on Norans soul but allowing him to turn his shadow into the demon and control it to a limited degree.
Looks good, I'll pretty much allow everything as long as it fits within the rules. If you want to join you can just post the character sheet and the main Roleplay thread and I'll accept it if it's valid!

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