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Realistic or Modern Until Dawn (OOC)

AlwaysYours said:
Well, your fists loved Larry's face, apparently...

Dropping something in front of your crush like





Anyways, I'm off to bed. Night lovelies~

* I'm totally tired and Mentally Drunk. *

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I am going to sleep. I'm drained. I'll be on tomorrow morning and will most likely stay up later. Night, ya crazies.
Thetrickyshow1 said:
He was viewing the thread like 18 minutes ago
He could have been viewing, but we've been waiting for a post. It's nothing against him at all, but there are others involved.
So I've been gone for like 2 weeks and I'm really sorry and I kinda got sidetracked for like a day and then my laptop sort of did a mini-explosion and it was kinda awesome but at the same time not because like explosions are scary and I got burnt by a spark and my mum insisted on taking me to hospital where I had to stay overnight and then I got home and my laptop was basically dead and we had a funeral on Jupiter which took like six days and then I got dragged down into a cave by a Wendigo and I was brutally tortured and they discovered my secret identity as a serial killer and then it turned out to really be the Batcave so Batman fought the Wendigo until it ran away shrieking and he tried to fight me but I kinda accidentally murdered Batman and then Alfred attacked me with a golf culb and I kinda acidentally murdered him to so I chopped their bodies up, incinerated them and hid them in eight different garbage bins in three different countries, but Interpol found me after searching for me for about six hundred and sixty six years, and then there was this epic showdown where I basically killed fifty-three people without even realizing, and then I trekked home, bought a new laptop, and voila, I have arrived. Obviously you missed me. I'm such a normal, non-psychopathic human being.

Who wants a virtual cookie?

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@Asylumnated I don't think I'll be able to be part of the RP(:'(). I've had so much schoolwork and exam preparation dumped on me, and I just don't have the time to be able to write properly and contribute in what I feel is an acceptable way. I'll still happily follow the roleplay, because I'm sure you guys are going to make it amazing, but I'm going to have to sit this one out I'm afraid.
RedSyndicate said:
I would but I'm terrible at creating my own RP and would prefer to join one as a character.
It isn't hard, I promise. If you need help, let me know and I'll code everything up for you and what not. I can't make another one of these seen as how I've already done one. :)
Annabella said:
@RedSyndicate Same here, Amanda does it better though.
I would totally join.
Hush, Taylor. You do it fantastically. I would possibly join, but it would depend on the level and what not. You've got two people at your disposal if you need help.

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