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Kayla raised her eyebrows, "A couple of hours? It seemed like you guys knew each other forever." She smiled, "She probably likes you. I've never seen her that friendly with someone she just met a few hours ago."

Mallory pulled Shane behind her, who was trying very hard to open a bottle with just one hand and Mel walked in front of them, laughing at a joke she just told.

"Alright. Shane and Melody? This is Finlay. Finlay, this is Shane and Melody."

Melody smiled and pulled Finlay in for a hug, "Sorry," Mallory said, "She hugs everyone."

Shane, finally getting his bottle open, let out a loud whoop. "Hey, nice to meet you." He said to Finlay.
Finlay snickered, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Possibly, but I doubt it."

Finlay smiled at them both, taking his hands out of his pockets.

He returned Melody's hug willingly letting her hug him.

He nodded towards Shane, letting go and backing up from her. "You as well, Shane."
Mallory clapped her hands together then, "Did Bryan drive here?" She asked.

Mel nodded, "You know he wasn't about to walk. Lazy ass." She muttered a smile on her lips.

Mallory smiled, "Good, me and Finlay are starving, let's get him to take us to K.O's."

"Yes!" Mel said, "I'm starving."

Kayla led the way out and Mallory turned to Finlay, "K.O's is a restaurant and no one really knows what K.O stands for, the original owner died, but they're food is to die for." She explained, then blushed, a small smile on her face, "No pun intended."

"Bryan!" Shane yelled, when they got out there, "We're going to K.O's. Guess who's taking us!" He laughed, opening up the bed of Bryan's truck.

Bryan rolled his eyes and dropped the cigarette in his fingers and made his way towards his car. Kayla climbed into the passenger seat and Mel pulled herself up into the truck, Mallory following after.

After everyone was in and settled Bryan started to drive and Mel turned to Finlay, "I'd suggest holding on if I were you."
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