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One x One Unnamed School

Name: Adeline Melnhelm

Age: 17


Species: Werewolf

Personality: Easily angered, otherwise loving, funny, careful

Bio: Adeline was born to a family of wolves. Unlike her brothers and sisters, she had a harder time controlling her wolf side. For this reason her parents decided the Unnamed School was just right for her.

Extra info we should know: When she gets angry, she starts to turn.


Ashley Ven





No scarf or piercings, a split tongue, snakelike fangs that can be hidden in her mouth, a black, scaly, medium thin, 2 foot long tail with a sharp edge that she hides in her pitch black jeans. A purple eyeball shaped organ on the back of her neck which is easily seeable through her skin, but covered by her hair.


Call her what you like, she's part snake.


She's overdefensive about her secret and shows no mercy. She's the one who likes dark humor and seems to be serious when she's really poking fun at you. She has a bit of a criminal personality, not following rules, messing with other people, etc.

She is evil, no doubt, but looks like an innocent human girl who got used to today's society but hides a bad secret.

However, once you spend enough time with her, you will learn that she is like any other normal teenager. Kind and sweet.

She rarely feels fear and has a very short fuse.


She has no idea who her parents are, she just lived on her own for 14 years after she hatched, getting help from humans who thought she was "cool". This only ended in their demise some time later. She got the invitation eventually by a courier when she was of appropriate age. She spent time with humans sometimes and noticed how good her life should be if she was just regular, so that's always been on her mind.

She never understood magic and probably won't use it because it's really complicated.

Extra info we should know:

Well, that backneck organ described above produces a very lethal toxin that can be released through her fangs. She recorded it to kill in 4 hours to 2 days depending on how much she lets out. This organ can only hold 4 fl. oz. and can overfill, so it does need to be depleted and is a problem at times, so when Ashley is sleeping it is always open mouthed allowing it to drip out her fangs and onto the ground. Outside a host, this substance is heavily acidic and can melt many layers of light metal. The organ produces at a small rate of 0.24 mL/hour but eating, sleeping, drinking, etc. can increase production.

However, it also a major weak spot and is very painful if hit with enough force to break cardboard. It doesn't kill her, but it won't produce for a long time(days). The toxin also is found in her circulatory system so she actually bleeds the stuff.

If you are able to carry 99 lbs with ease, then you can lift her upside down and she'll pass out for some reason.

Her abilities are only obvious when she makes a mistake and only revealed when alone or necessary to use them.

I tried using actual science rather than fantasy ways of explaining things, I know it seems like much but all you need is the key things.

If it seems like she needs to be nerfed in a way or if you have any questions, please feel free to tell me.
Name: Briar Xael (zail)

Age: 17

Species: Shadow Elf (but she has wings)

Personality: She is very protective of the things she has, She is very shy, and no one in the human world knows because her human form is always happy. She is very artistic, and loves music. Being her true self she can be quite manipulating, she looses her temper easily when people ignore what she had just said. But when you get to know her better she loves to talk, sing, and dance.

Bio: She Never knew her parents they left when she was born and a siren took her in ((because sirens and elves get along and they can resist their songs)) ever since she has loved to sing and she learned how to use her dark magic, mist people think of her as evil, but she doesn't want to be. She always works on what she needs to, and when she does something wrong she disciplines herself. She is so used to living alone, that she doesn't believe in love, she wish that she had, but no one had ever taught her what it felt like.

Extra stuff we need to know: She has a great memory, and she has always been quite fond of other creatures and their ancient history. She knows many types of magic, white, black, Nature, etc. She doesn't have many friends so she though coming to the Unamed School would help her make more.

Her human form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbc56d994_img-thing(2).jpg.1868b14b4fcf117c5d415f278be74d7e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143418" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbc56d994_img-thing(2).jpg.1868b14b4fcf117c5d415f278be74d7e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her Shadow Elf Form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_nsd9fifCx81tcgy1fo1_1280.jpg.231f780afa34f66f381804c7547ec369.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143419" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_nsd9fifCx81tcgy1fo1_1280.jpg.231f780afa34f66f381804c7547ec369.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(((((Is it okay if I join this RP))))))



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((There is a mark on her back kinda like a tattoo those are her wings they come of her back and, there they are))

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