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Fandom University of Walt Disney at Magic Kingdom

Rodger "Dodger" Smith

Location: Courtyard | Scene: A Fellow Magician | With: Esme @crucialstar | Time 8:15

The show was over, and Dodger changed from his Melody Illusions uniform to normal clothes. He then spied someone he wanted to talk to, Esme. He sauntered over and put on his best smile and smiled over her shoulder. "Hi" He said simply. "I've been meaning to talk to you. I'm Rodger Smith and You're Emse Marie, the reason I have a second club." He smiled, spun around her and looked into her eyes. "I just wanted to say 'Thanks!'" He said brightly. "Prof. Theo. May seem a little hard to connect with but he's a really great guy." He hoped mentioning Theo wouldn't put the girl into shock. Out of 6 applicants for the club, only 2 stayed when they found out Theodore Baar would be teaching them. He figured this Esme girl must be made of strong stuff.

Tora Fa

Location: Courtyard | With: None| Time 8:15

Tora sat entertained by the music, but all this ceremony did to remind her was how her request to let the fencing club show off a duel had been rejected again! She was still steaming about that. She wanted to punch the seat in front of her, but someone was in it. It's like these Ivory Tower types didn't give a damn about the security of the country. She sat with the others and when the singing was over she went up and got a sandwich and a drink. She noticed the pink lace lined cookies and slid it away. Solders need no such things. She sighed to herself, in a fouler mood than she was originally.

Jim Bearton

Location: Courtyard | WIth:None | Time: 8:15

JIm looked into the crowd and nothing seemed amiss. Other Security Guards confiscated alcohol and the like but Jim's area was the quiet one yet again. He looked at Professor Fa and bowed his head and walked away, he still owed her 50 bucks from when Theo got together a Poker game the last time. Who would have guessed a Dragon Lands girl could pick up the game so quickly. He didn't get paid till the end of the week and all he had was left for food. He really didn't want to get punched again. "Zone Beta is clear back to lookout." He said over his microphone headset.

Hugo Pieter Pan
@Inritz @ShurikenPhoenix ||[/i][/color][/size][/font]​


Hugo released a huge breath of air after medley illusions was done practising. Sure he didn't do much when compared to the other performers but still, a part of it was a huge rush and whether he admitted it or not he was a little stage shy. He smiled knowing that he had one performance for the day and he could freely go around to where he would want to. "I should probably tell everyone they did well in the practise" he said, which wasn't a lie - they all tested well

He scrolled through his texts until he saw Lolani and paused for a while. He smiled to himself before shaking his head. He wanted to see Lolani just because he missed her in an awkward way he would never admit to himself. That and he needed to know how her summer was, see if she went back or stayed.

He approached Dodger as he gave him a pat on the shoulder, "You did great, you'll kill it out there" he smiled, one that could be worth a million if given to the right person. "See you later, yeah?" He said referring to their dorm planning before waving and walking on before he spotted Annabelle. He smiled to himself before he approached her too, he could tell she'd probably been trying hard the entire day - mainly because that was the type of girl she was. "You did great in practise today" he smiled at Annabelle, a more sincere and genuine smile than he had given the rest due to his familiarity with his childhood friend.​
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Atlas Charming

Location: Assembly | Year: 3rd | Class: None at the moment | With: Aurora @Ethereal, and Flynn @Inritz | Scenario: Rodger? Club?



As Esme found the perfect spot where she could see the performances, she thought of the wonderful possibilities that were in store for her. She would have never thought she'd be given such an amazing opportunity and thanked her lucky stars. Officer Van was more than a guide to her, but a dear older brother, whom she should probably text. However, soon, she felt a vibration and gently took out whatever was vibrating only to realize it was her phone: Vannie. Esme smiled at the name Van had put on her phone. Esme was glad that Van had taught her how to use the phone he had given her, if it wasn't for his help, she would be absolutely clueless on how to work the phone. She couldn't help but roll her eyes yet kept a grin on her face as she read the message.

How is it? Enjoying yourself? [/FONT][/SIZE] :D [FONT=Quicksand][SIZE=14px]
Hi Van. Oh gosh, I don't know where to begin! This place is incredibly beautiful and there's so many opportunities knocking!
Of course. It's the best of the best. Alright kiddo, call me soon. Got another case.
Good luck, Van. I'll call you soon!

Esme smiled at the messages, it was like Van to talk to her during office hours and work. He made time for her and check up on her a lot, from the weeks she had stayed with him. He was definitely one of the most sweetest and caring person she'd ever met, aside from her family members. Putting away her phone, Esme smiled brightly, that is, until she jumped slightly, not used to someone coming up to her. Before Esme could turn around and look who spoke to her, the figure spun around and looked into her eyes. Her heart was beating slightly fast from the sudden voice that popped into her ear. Esme tilted her head confusingly, yet stayed looking into the male's eyes. A second club? What did he mean by that? How did he know her, or better yet her name? Esme listened to the male called Rodger talk animately and thanking her for joining the club. She couldn't help but smile back at him as he kept talking. Esme didn't have any clue as to who he was reffering to as "Theo", but hearing that she was the only that stayed in the club, many were scared of him. "It's nice to meet you, Rodger." Esme laughed lightly, shaking her head. "It's not a problem, however," she paused a little, no sure whether to indicate if she should tell him she didn't know what he meant, deciding to tell the truth Esme smiled softly, "can I ask what club you're talking about?" Esme had asked sincerely clueless as to what Rodger was talking about, however, didn't want to burst his bubbles of having another club. She hadn't remembered signing up for any clubs prior to the club fair that happened today. The only person that would have done her application was Van. In that moment, Esme just realized something very important. Van! She thought to herself, as her eyes widened. He must've done this for me. But, exactly what club was it? "Professor Theo? What is he like? Even if someone is hard to connect to, people shouldn't dismiss him because of how different he is, right?" She said, tilting her head, smiling. In the back of her mind, Esme was in awe of why someone would thank her for such a small ordeal. She's never been thanked before and for some reason, it made her feel grateful for the male before her, "Actually, it is I who should thank you. Thank you, Rodger." Even if it was foreign to her, she couldn't help the feeling of being on cloud nine for being thanked just for joining in something. She hoped she could make others happy just as she made Rodger.
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Alice London

"Haven't you heard of what becomes of curious minds?"

Location: To the University / Garden / Courtyard

Class: None | Time: 7:30-8:30AM | With: None

Scenario: The roses should be painted red.


"Darling, don't forget to answer your phone calls. Are you positive you didn't forget anything? Alice. Alice!" Her mother, Helena London, strained in her tired voice, as she pressed her fingers on her forehead to try and prevent the headache from forming. Her mother became a stay-at-home mom once more ever since Alice was brought away from home and released from the doctor's hold. She never said the words "asylum" , for they were forbidden words that should never, ever be uttered. The first time she said those words, Alice had a spasm attack, crying out in agony and pain as she held her head while her eyes were bloodshot red. Ever since that day, Helena made sure not to give her daughter grief. That could be said the same about Alice, even if she doesn't mean to, she ends up drifting away from the world. So, to get her to focus directly on the task at hand, Helena made it a chore to make sure Alice never had free-time for thoughts. At the moment, Alice was too focused on the passing scenes as her mother drove her to the University, where she would be studying for the year. It was her first time back, back with other people and socializing. Alice didn't mind, nor was she nervous. Was she suppose to be? How odd, her hands felt clammy, yet she felt no signs of her breathing hastening. Instead, Alice stared out the window of the car, counting the trees that they would pass. So far, she counted at least 40 trees, not including the small scrawny ones. Even without her knowing, Alice has a habit of only being able to focus at one task at hand, as her doctors instructed. But, being only able to focus on one thing, it made it hard for others to communicate with her if her attention was elsewhere. But the good news is that she wouldn't be focusing on her thoughts and emotions about being nervous on her first day at school.

Helena sighed, seeing the dazed look on her daughters face. Cora was in the backseat, observing her younger sister, looking at any movements that would indicate anything that would cause Alice to become discomforted. Alice never took notice, but when she did, she would see the frowns and creases on her mother and sisters face. She noticed they stepped around her as if she might break any second. This caused her only to grieve more, as she would roll her eyes at them, whenever they nagged her. "I'm fine." She would always tell them, yet they never listened. Tapping on Alice's shoulder, Cora spoke louder,
"Alice. Mother is talking to you. But, really though, Alice. You must call me when you are settled. If not, I'll be calling you every second of the day if you don't answer." Cora warned Alice. Alice, finally hearing her sister from the tap on her shoulder. She turned to look at Cora, "But what if I'm not near my phone? What if I'm in the bathroom? Or worst I lost it?" Alice asked questioning her sister. Cora sighed, it was always like this with dear Alice. Questioning everything. "That's why we gave you a messenger bag. Keep your phone in there and your purse with you at all times." Cora said as she pointed to Alice's light blue purse. Alice looked down, eyeing the bag, and gently touching it before looking back up. "Thank you." She smiled at her sister. Turning over to her mother, Alice gently placed a hand on her mother's, "Yes, mother. I have everything. We tripled checked it all last night and this morning." Helena looked over to her daughter and smiled, gently carressing her cheeks, "Good girl."

Finally arriving to the University, Alice gaped in awe at so many students and people making their way inside. She was getting quite excited to be able to socialize with others, however, her breathing quickened. Cora quickly sprang into action and soothed her,
"Alice. Listen to my voice. Listen. Calm down. Shhh. It's alright. You're okay." Alice breathing was ragged as she clenched her shirt, trying to calm herself. Helena went out the car, and over to the passenger side where Alice was, gently taking Alice's hand in hers, "Alice, my daughter." She gently leaned in and kissed her cheeks, her sad smile and eyes watered. "Listen to me. If this is too much to handle. We can go home, there's always next year." Alice looked towards her mother, looking at her lips as she deciphered what she was saying to her. Quickly, Alice shook her head, wildly. "Thank you, sis." Alice looked at her sister, seeing she calmed down from Cora's soft voice and then whipped her head to her mother. "No! We talked about this. It's going to be okay. Have trust in me, mother." Helena smiled small, and nodded. "I know, sweetie. I know." Stepping back, Helena waited for her daughter to get out of the car before enwrapping her into a hug and kissed her forehead. "Off you go now. Before you're late. Don't stray from the map I gave you." Alice nodded as she saw Cora taking out her luggage and went over to her, giving her a warm hug and support. "Call me soon, Alice." Alice smiled and nodded at her family. She would miss them tremendously. However, this was her opportunity: to live a normal life. No more being hovered over. It was just her. Taking a deep breathe, Alice waved goodbye, "I love you, mom, sis." Her voice cracked a little as she ran to hug them once more and let go, before she changed her mom. "I'll call soon." At that, Alice turned on her heels and went along into the University as her mother and sister waited to see her frame disappear before leaving.

As she walked inside, Alice's mouth opened in awe, taking in anything and everything, as her head whipped around her. She walked in circles, not believing her eyes. Imagination and creativity flew in her head, as she remembered the stories she had read when she was a child. The landscape. The buildings. And most of all, the garden! Alice eyed the garden as her face lit up. Taking her luggage with her, she quickly walked over into the gardens. As soon as she stepped in, all around her was blooming flowers, green bushes and trees, and a small maze-like structure to a fountain within. Alice loved nature, especially one such as these. She could smell the fresh scent of the cut grass, the birds chirping in the air, and the aroma of the beautiful flowers. However, as soon as her attention stared at the gardens, Alice had a deja vu or a flashback of some sort. Stepping into this same pathway. The grounds were bricked and to her left, there were bushes they were as high as she was. Her breathing quickened, as she remembered a place, a place in her dream, her mind. She was running from someone, from something.
"After her!" The guards called out to her, as she kept on running, quickening her pace. However, the green maze was confusing as she tried to find her way out. Alice didn't know her heart was beating quickly as she fell down the ground, her eyes wide opened. "Calm down, Alice. Calm down. It's alright . You're okay, breathe. breathe." Alice shook her head, trying to get whatever image was in her head out of her mind. Her breathing was shallow as she continued to breathe, inhaling and exhaling. What was that image? Why did this garden remind me of something? What was that? It felt familiar. Those green walls, the bricked pathways, and being chased by guards wearing all red or black. However the designs were intricate, like spades? clovers? Blocking her mind of such thoughts, Alice stopped herself, "No more, Alice. Stop thinking." She said to herself as a painful throb starting pounding in her head. She winced slightly, looking for anything to keep her mind off of something. And there it was, her escape: a white rose. Alice stared at it curiously. When she was able to walk, she got up and walked to the rose, gently touching it. She hummed to herself, thinking, "White roses?" And soon, Alice had a silly yet great idea, she giggled. "Why not make these roses red? Let's paint them red." She said to herself. Soon, after a few minutes of dilly-dallying about the roses, Alice heard a commotion and groups of people walking from over the gardens. Curious, Alice followed the voices she heard as she came upon the pathway her mother drew on the map. She looked over at the line of people as she read the sign: "Sign-in. Dorms." Tilting her head, she glided in line as she waited her turn. Soon, she was confronted by a small man, a very small man. "Who are you?" He asked her. Alice looked at him, as if in a daze, "Me? Well, I don't know who I am, yet. Who I am now may be different than who I am later." She spoke, however, the male that was handing out keys, huffed and gave a look of confusion. "I didn't mean literally. What is your name?" Alice smiled brightly, "Oh, well, why didn't you ask that? Alice London." Looking through the stack of papers, the short man called out her name and given her a set of keys. "This is your dorm key. You'll be rooming with three other girls. Enjoy your year, Miss. Next!" Alice jumped slightly, hearing the loud voice as he called "next". She took the keys in her hands and placed it in her pocket and made her way out of the line. Alice walked around the area for a short while, taking in her surroundings as each and every little thing peaked her interest. Soon, she made it to the courtyard it seemed, where a lot of students started to fall and pile into the area, taking up seats, of even standing. Alice looked over at the tree, seeing some shade and walked over and sat down on the bench, leaving the luggage next to her.
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Rodger Dodger Smith

Location: Courtyard | With: Esme @crucialstar | Scene: Let's Make Some Magic! | Time 8:15ish

Well Dodger didn't get slapped, things were already looking up already. He looked at Esme with a confused look. "Magic Club, name not final. Professor Theodore Baar, or Theo as he would like to be called but he won't let his students call him that so moot point is a very cool guy. He taught me this." Sparks flew from Dodger's hand and a single white rose appeared. "For the lady." He said with a smile as he handed it to her. "If you join the Magic Club, real name pending, then we can be a real club and get actual money from the school for Prof. Theo to Teach us magic. Last year it was me in a shed with Theo, it was cramped and it took me a half year of working in a hot dog truck to get the funds to get gear for us. So yeah, you're a lifesaver! Why thank me? I'm just a normal guy, though if you ever need anything I know how to get it. I'm the local Quartermaster." His brown puppy dog eyes were bright and the grin on his face was so sincere only the most coldhearted person would break his heart. Or, you know, a normal person who found him creepy.
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Location: University Courtyard| Time: 7:30-8:15AM | Class: Not Available

Year: 1st | With: Dodger @Inritz | Scenario: Comfort zone and Magic.


Esme listened thoroughly to Rodger's explanation on the club and introduction of Professor Baar. Theodore? Theo , the name reminded her of the chipmunk from that movie . . The one that sings, she believed. Esme giggled at that thought but wondered if the Professor was really that hard on his students. She never really minded a strict teacher since her aunts were hard on her. Esme was a bit nervous, knowing there will be teachers she's never even met before much less heard of. She was always used to her aunt's teachings and learning style. Shaking away the negative ideas, she believed in her ability to adapt to her environment. Esme focused on Rodger until she blinked in disbelief. Magic? Illusions? Here? Her curiosity and interest prayed extravagantly as she egged Rodger to continue explaining. However Esme's eyes widened when spark flew from Rodger's hand as a white rose appeared. Never would she ever thought to be given a show right in front of her, especially magic tricks. Her smile widened as she stared at the white rose in awe. Gently taking it from Rodget she smelled the flowers, taking in the sweet smell. "Thank you." She whispered and looked at the flower, twirling it in her hands and back at Rodger. She could tell he was passionate on learning more from Professor Baar, especially in magic. She also has a few tricks up her sleeves and couldn't help but smile brightly at Rodger. His eagerness and sole loyalty on making this club come to life was admireable. She couldn't say "no" to him or "no" to the opportunity of being able to perform magic, something she was comfortable and fluent in. "The dedication and persistence of making this possible is just admirable. Not letting any obstacles get in the way of what you enjoy the most. I am definitely excited and will be honored to be a part of the unofficial named Magic Club, Rodger!" She said excitedly as she they giggled at his big bright warm chocolate eyes staring back at her. Esme made a mental note to thank Van later. "Let me formally introduce myself, I'm Esme Marie. Nice to meet you, Rodger. It's actually my first time being at such a grand university." She said in awe as she couldn't believe she was here. Esme felt as if she would wake up from a dream any moment now.
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Location | Dorm Lounge Class | None at the moment Time | 8:15AM With | Lilith @NessieAlways Happy



Two-oh-five. That's where Adeline would be for the next good part of her life. The girl was certainly nice, though as she walked away she couldn't help but notice that she hadn't caught her name sadly. She'd have to ask later as she had certainly seemed like someone she could easily get along with. The man, apparently named Happy, came over to her, all smiles and grins which helped put Adeline at ease. They got into a kind of argument over who was actually going to carry the bags, because Adeline, being the person she was, didn't want to be a burden on anyone else, and Happy, really didn't mind and just wanted to help. They were cut short though as the new man at the table, Grumpy she think the woman from before called him, spoke up, "Would you two stop being so polite, share the damn bags and budge along?" His tone short and snippy, clearly having dealt with these situations with Happy before now.

Adeline and Happy shared nervous laughter and split her bags between them before starting to walk to the dorms. "So which room did Lilith say was yours?" Lilith? Who was Lilith? Oh wait. That must have been the brunette girl from earlier, good. Now she wouldn't have to be awkward and ask for her name the next time she saw her.
"Two-oh-five, if you'd be so kind." She spoke politely, to which Happy just smiled brightly and took her over to the right room quickly and Adeline unlocked it, almost surprised to see three beds already looking occupied. Though it didn't particularly bother her. Happy set her things down in her room, and she thanked him quickly before he rushed off to go help more students.

So far things seemed to be going well, hopefully a sign of what was to come, she thought as she didn't bother to organize or get out her stuff just yet, merely just setting them onto the last free bed and looking around once more at all her new roommates things, before leaving to go back down to the lounge, where hopefully she could find Lilith. Things were good, this was all good. Nothing was going wrong she hadn't run into anyone mean as of yet. Meaning that she knew this school was going to be a good fit for her, despite having only been here maybe twenty minutes. Quickly finding her way back she vaguely hoped that there would be someone nice enough to be able to give her a tour, as this place seemed just so...massive. Looking around the Lounge she spotted Lilith and made her way over,
"I didn't make you wait long did I? You didn't have to wait for me, though I'm thankful you did, I'm not sure I'd be able to find my way around otherwise."
Rodger Dodger Smith

Location: Courtyard | With: Esme @crucialstar | Scene: Where have all the good men gone? | Time: 8:15ish

"Please, Miss Esme, call me Dodger. Everyone around here that buys from me, or is my friend calls me that. My predecessor in the art of collecting and selling things the poor student might need gave me that nickname. After Oliver Twist. I even named my kitten Oliver because of him. If you need someone to show you around this is my second year, I know this place well and I know the people. Business has been slow with the ladies though, I got one of those scoundrel faces, I poke my head in to sell and they punch me. Thanks for not punching me by the way. I was almost certain you would. It's my lot in life. It's my fault. I hung around with the floozy's all last year and when I wanted a serious girl none of them wanted anything to do with me. The airheads keep calling though." Dodger sighed. "Anyway if you want to get a flask of something that the school says only teachers should have, find me. The first one's on the house. Though I doubt you'll need more than one. Whiskey is a harsh mistress." he said with a smile.


Location: University Courtyard| Time: 7:30-8:15AM | Class: Not Available

Year: 1st | With: Dodger @Inritz | Scenario: Helping Hand


"Oliver Twist?" She thought out-loud, wondering who that was, seeing that it was an unfamiliar name to her. Should she have known that name? "You have a kitty?" She gasped and couldn't help but feel excitedly at the prospect of meeting the said kitten. Collecting and selling items to poor students? Esme tilted her head at that idea as she listened on to Rodger's explanation of his predecessor, understanding that he may have some trouble selling to woman, due to his past and "flooziness". There will always be some sort of obstacle getting in the way of a buisness transaction. Esme knew this all too well and actually has a few pointers and advices to share with her fellow club member. Maybe, she could help Rodger, seeing that he was one of the few that enthusiastically came up and talked to her. Esme was taken aback at the male's open-ness. "If you'd like, Rodger, I could help you in recruiting some people? I'm not sure how much of a help I can be on that end, but as for selling and collecting, I can definitely lend a hand on that." She said, smiling softly, as she looked at him. Alcohol? Esme didn't remember the last time she ever had anything with alcoholic beverages. However, she had let out a light giggle, as Rodger said whiskey was a harsh mistress. She hadn't had whiskey in her life, so she wouldn't know the aftermath of trying the drink. Esme nodded, "Seems like I know just the person to call if I need anything and that's you, Rodger!" She frowned slightly, hearing that the girls would punch him for speaking to him. Esme never approved of violence, much less violence that didn't need to happen, if it was an accident or reflex or a jokingly, she could understand. However, she didn't like the idea of her club mate getting harmed for trying to sell items or recruit.
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Rodger Dodger Smith

Location: Courtyard With: Esme @crucialstar Scene: An Accomplice Found? Time: 8:15ish

Dodger caught Esme's excitement at the mention of Oliver "Oliver's in my room right now but any time you want to meet him just knock on my door. He's trusting so all you need are some treats and he'll love you. As for recruitment, well heck I was just a first year when Solo took me under his wing. He told me to find someone I could trust cause this job was too big for one person. You want in, who am I to stop you? Though if you get caught tell them I forced you. I'm an honors student, they'll go easier on me. Though the preferred method is just to run. After a year of this I'm quite the sprinter." He said with a wink.


Location: Mall||

Class: None||

With: Marian||

@Ethereal @Inritz @Rida @crucialstar

Time: 8:30 A.M.

If Adeline had taken too long to arrive she hadn't noticed seeing as Lilith occupied herself with a phone call. "Hello, Fire Department. This is Lilith, I'm calling to confirm the arrival of the two men who will be securing the bonfire. I wouldn't want the fire to get out of hand....yes...yes six o'clock...perfect! Thank you very much for keeping this University safe!" As Lilith hung up she spotted Adeline looking a bit frantic. "I didn't make you wait long did I? You didn't have to wait for me, though I'm thankful you did, I'm not sure I'd be able to find my way around otherwise." Lilith chuckled at the girl "Oh nonesense! I offered to take you to the courtyard, so that's what I'm going to do. Besides..." Lilith took a short pause looking down at her watch. "You're right on time! Now come on lets go."

Lilith began to walk out of the dorms casually forming small talk with Adeline. It was the routine questions. "Where are you from? How was it like over there? What are you studying? What do you want to do with that in the future?" Lilith had a list of them and though she wasn't very fond of simple superficial talk, she knew asking intimate questions to a stranger was the best way to send them running away. As the two girl's walked over to the courtyard, Lilith saw something flash before her. "Adeline look out!" Lilith yelled making an abrupt stop, but it was too late. Adeline was on the ground with a boy flat on top of her. "Oh my! Are you two okay?" Lilith let out a hand helping the boy off of Adeline who then helped Adeline to her feet. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see where I...crap." The boy seemed to have his full attention on Adeline making sure she was okay. It was a cute gesture Lilith had to admit sure made up for the tackle. Another boy soon came rushing towards them and to Lilith's surprise they looked exactly alike. Oh twins!

There was something peculiar about the boys. They looked so similar yet the way they carried themselves was strangely opposite. The first one seemed to have a lot more confidence than the latter. He spoke a bit more smoothly considering they were both babbling apologies and by the way he spoke to Adeline, you could tell he had more luck with the ladies than the other. The other however seemed to have a more humble aura to him. He seemed more grounded, but a lot less secure than his brother. It was like they mirrored each other's flaws and were one lacked the other made up for it. Dean and Dustin, they finally said introducing themselves. After apologies where over Lilith smiled at both boys, "We've got to go too. There's a performance starting in the courtyard in just a few minutes. You guys should come once you're moved in. Bye!" Lilith waved both of the boys goodbye and continued walking to the courtyard.

Lilith was quick dismiss Adeline. After the little incident Lilith barely spoke a word to Adeline, not because she was being rude, but because she was behind schedule and practically ran over to the courtyard. "Okay this is the courtyard! You can take a seat where you'd like. I have to go check if everything is ready, but I'll meet up with you after the show okay? " Lilith looked a bit out of breath, but she still smiled a friendly smile. "See you in a bit hope you enjoy it!" Lilith waved Adeline goodbye running behind the stage. She noticed Leah was already at the courtyard passing out food. A warm smile crossed her lips. Leah was amazing always on top of things and ready whenever needed. She also saw Jasmine bringing in a few people over from the dorms. Lilith's smile grew. She had some of the best friends anyone could ask for. She knew she could count on them for anything.

"Bolt speakers set? Jasmine gather our performers. Sneezy make sure all professors have a seat. Alright guys let's get this ball on the roll!"

Lilith dismissed her team and approached the stairs of the stage. "Okay Lilith. Here it goes." She whispered to herself before taking a deep breath and walking up on stage.

"Good morning Disney University! How are we doing today?"

Lilith began to feel the rush of adrenaline kicking in seeing many students in the audience cheering to her question. She wasn't a very extroverted person, but when it came to school spirit and saying things she'd rehearse over and over she could pass for one.

"My name is Lilith Darling and I'll be your host for today's Welcome Ceremony!"

Every word Lilith spoke was drenched in excitement and energy.

"To start of this morning I'd like to welcome to our stage the greatest duo ever lived, the pride and joy of this school, our mascots Mickey and Minnie!"

Lilith walked off stage as music began playing and the school's mascots took over. They performed a routine that they had practiced for several weeks to a song that had been quite popular a few years ago. The audience cheered along to the two mice dancing and some even joined in from their seats. The music filled up the courtyard and was even slightly audible from the dorms that were just across the street.

As the music came to an end the cheering of the audience took over. The mascots waved as Lilith joined then onstage.

"Give it up for Mickey and Minnie!"

Once again the audience cheered as Lilith spoke off the microphone "Good job Erick, Ariel. You guys were amazing." When the two mascots walked off the stage holding hands. Lilith smiled at the cute couple before continuing.

"Next we'll have the fine tuned, very talented, soul and harmony of this school, The Medley Illusions!"

Lilith handed the microphone over to Eleanor giving her a small smile. "Good Luck Elle!" Lilith continued her way down the stage as the A Capella group took the stage. She found Annabelle and gave her a tight hug. "Good Luck Annabelle! You'll do great!!" Right behind her she spotted Hugo, the boy she had met earlier. "You're in the A Capella club? Maybe that's were I know you from." She smiled warmly. "Good Luck Hugo." As Lilith made it to the end she spotted Rodger also making his way up the stage. "Good luck Rodger!" Lilith took several step back and waited for Eleanor to call the shots.


Rodger Dodger Smith

Location: Courtyard With: Esme @crucialstar Lilith @NessieAlways Hugo @Cami And the rest of Melody Illusions (I Swear I will remember all your names soon)

Time 8:25

Dodger scribbled out couple of numbers. "This first one is my cell. Call me if you need anything in case you can't find me. I bounce around a lot. This number is Skinny. He's a guy in town you can get stuff from. Do you drive? If not the bus goes there on the hour. Tell him 'Dodger says he still needs to eat' and he'll give you a sack full of goodies you can sell the girls. I already paid for it so no worries. You split the profits with me and the cycle repeats. We earn money, students get stuff, stalwart heroine of the land. Don't worry nothing illegal. I'm many things but I'm no crook. As proof that this is a good venture and our new partnership take this. It's your cut from the Textbooks sales so far. Now if you excuse me, I have to dazzle the school with my voice. That's the other club. Melody Illusions. I've always liked a good musical. I used to sing Billy Joel songs when I was a kid. My parents still have incriminating evidence to the fact." Dodger gave one more smile and dashed off.

Inside the envelope Esme would find 260 dollars and a note.

I don't know who you are, but I've been filling this all day hoping I would find you. Solo and me worked great. I hope we can make the next year or more even better. I don't trust easily, but I can tell a lot about a person. Don't sell while Gothel's around and I'll let Tora know you're with me so she won't hassle you. P.S. If you're a girl and didn't hit me, you're one in a million.


"Lilith! I was worried becoming Queen would make you a despot, but I see your rule is firm but fair." Dodger said with a smile. "Hugo! I met a nice girl! She didn't slap me or anything and she had a brain! I almost fell for her right there!" He said with a pat of Hugo's shoulder. He laughed and got into uniform. She might be watching. He had to sparkle.

@Inritz [/color][/font]


Annabelle watched from backstage as her best friend Lillith introduced the welcome ceremony. She smiled brightly as she listened, knowing that her friend was not accustomed to public speaking, but was great at it when it came to school spirit. She admired that about her. She watched as Erik and Ariel danced to Gangnam Style with a huge smile on her face. It had been a while since she had heard that song, but she found herself humming along and visualising the dance routine in her head. Once it was over she clapped and cheered along with everyone else, praising the couple's performance as they passed the Medley Illusions hand in hand. Sometimes she wished she had a boyfriend like Erik, he was such a sweetheart. Her thoughts were interrupted when Lillith stepped back on stage and introduced the a cappella group and her nerves picked up. She could not mess up. That would be the death of her. She turned to glance briefly at Hugo, Rodger, Ellie and the rest of the Illusioners and shot them all encouraging smiles. even though she was plagued with nerves inside. She didn't think she had ever done a performance in which she was not riddled with nerves beforehand. "Break a leg guys!" she whispered before following Ellie on to the stage and hugging Lillith as she exited the stage. That gave her a little more courage, especially along with her friend's words of encouragement. After that it was simply a matter of waiting for Eleanor to start the performance. Annabelle stood beside her with a smile plastered across her face in performance mode.


@Inritz [/color]




Hmm...the staff mentioned certainly seemed interesting. A woman with Napoleon complex, an alcoholic, a woman with a touch of romantic cynicism (something Maria had a similar view on). This would be an interesting place to work to say the least, and it would seem that Theodore was the most normal teacher, despite his odd fascination with parlour tricks. "Well I am sure with all the colourful characters, life here will never fail to be interesting," she said with an amused smile as they reached the courtyard. She did not wish to stand whilst watching these performances and so found somewhere to sit, making sure not to soil her favourite coat. She let her gaze scan the grounds, judging every person her gaze landed on and hoping most of them were not taking her class. They all looked like they would drop out in a heartbeat once they had met her. She was charming, but she was not particularly tolerant unfortunately, at least not of any form of complacency anyway.

When the performances started she was taken aback. People dressed in mouse costumes dancing to tacky bubblegum pop was certainly not the classy sophisticated performance she was hoping for and she found it hard to sit through and positively cringeworthy. Her thoughts on the performance were etched on her beautiful features, though she was polite enough to clap at the end. She just hoped these 'Medley Illusions' were better.


Location: Courtyard //Class: N/A// Scenario: Action!// Time:7:00// With: Annie: @Inritz | Aurora: @NessieAlways// Mentions: Lillth: @NessieAlways

Eleanor Snow


"Okay guys, hands in" Elle said with a gleeful smile. She placed her hand in front of her and the group piled the rest on top of her hand. "I, 2, 3 go team!" She yelled and lifted her hand up in the air like the others. She quickly grabbed her clipboard and began ticking names off "Hugo.. Annie.. Dodger" Elle murmured ass she flicked her wrist and ticked the names off. She gave a relieved sigh knowing that everyone was here. Elle heard Gangnam Style from the speakers. She couldn't help but bop to the music as Erik and Ariel danced to the music. Hearing music was a calming solution to Elle's stress and anxiety problems even if it is a bit dorky!

Elle patiently waited for the group's cue as Lillth spoke on stage. She knew how it felt and it can be nerve wrecking. Elle hushed everyone as she continued to listen "Next we'll have the fine tuned, very talented, soul and harmony of this school, The Medley Illusions!" Lillth announced and Elle got everyone in line "Okay guys move on out" She quietly ordered as she waited for the group to head out. She smiled at the group and gave everyone a warm thumbs up. Elle came last out of the group as she stood on the chair "Good Luck Elle!" Lillth whispered to Eleanor . Elle gave her a smile and a thumbs up before adjusting the headset on her face

Elle took in her surrounding and mustered up all the courage in her then began to sing her heart and soul out on the Disney medley that Elle made just for the group "Just whistle while you work and cheerfully together we can tidy up the place" Hugo, Elle and the rest of Group 1 sang while the others started to sing the instrument part of the song. Next it was Group 2 which consisted with Annabelle being the leader of the group. She loved the energy coming out of the group singing which made her smile too

They were halfway through the song and it was now Dodger's turn signing a bit from the movie Oliver and company. Dodger was great with all the jazz like songs. She started to sing the harmony for the song when everyone went quiet. Elle had a smirk on her lips when she began to talk "Thank you Max.. For that marvelous introduction!" She quoted from the movie Hocus Pocus, using the best voice she could use. She threw a small posse in before singing the song "I put a spell on you!" She sang as everyone else began to use the coordinated moves to the song, clicking and do some pretty cool dancing

"I put a spell on you and now I'm gonna..." She was cut off when the boys began to beat box and sing this part. Next it was Hugo's go again singing Toy story. Elle waited for the 'pop' parts to come up. She quickly grabbed a tambourine and began to bang it against her hand and her hip "Who put's the 'glad' in gladiator" Elle sang and the rest of group replied. It was then Annabelle's go to sing the next line and so on

It was finally Elle's favorite song "Let it go" She sang calmly "Can't hold it back anymore!" She continued to sing, the moment filled Elle with adrenaline and excitement. Everyone stopped with a big smile "The cold never bother me anyway!" They all sang together. Elle finally took a deep breathe and congratulated the group "Well done!" She smiled and gave everyone a hug. The group jogged offstage and went back to their friends. Elle smiled as she found Aurora "Was it good?" She asked, praying in her mind that it worked

(A/N: If you want to know what song they performed it Evolution of Disney by Todrick Hall)
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Location: University Courtyard| Time: 8:15- 9:00AM | Class: Not Available

Year: 1st | Mentions: Dodger @Inritz ,Adam and Jane @Ethereal , and Annabelle @ShurikenPhoenix[/font][/font]

Sencario: Knock 'em dead, Annabelle!



Jasmine heard Lilith called out to her and shot her a smile. "Will do, boss!" She teased but continued, "Don't be nervous, Annie and I will be supporting you all the way." She winked and went off to gather the performers, walking over and finding Elle and the rest of Medley Illusions, "Hey, Elle! It's almost time for the show, come to the stage, okay?" After she spoke with Elle, she saw Annabelle and gave her a wink and thumbs up, calling out, "Knock them dead, Annabelle! Show them what you're made of!" She said supportingly and cheerfully, as she waved goodbye. Soon, Jasmine went to go and find their school's mascots along with Erik and Ariel. "Hello everyone! It's almost time, come to the stage!" She said egging them over to the stage as she made room for the performers to stand next to the stage as they waited their turn to perform. She tilted her head, "The Disniettes haven't arrived yet. ." Jasmine was feeling jittery as she became nervous, hoping everything will run smoothly. She looked around seeing if she could spot them, but decided to go and looked for them as well. She quickly walked away as she made her way back into the dorms and into the assembly. She saw most of the group there with one new face she didn't know. (Ava). Shaking her head, she didn't have time to introduce herself but instead, knocked on the door, and poked her head in. "Hi guys," she started speaking, "It's Jasmine! The performances are starting in 5 minutes so come on out okay?" She looked towards Olivia and shot her a smile and waved at her. "Can't wait to see you guys perform soon! Break a leg! Not literally, of course." At that, she closed the door back and quickly walked back to the courtyard. There was no way she would miss Lils speech and Annie's singing. So far so good, she thought, as she got to the courtyard on time. She could only hope Disniettes would come soon, however, they did have a few more minutes before their performance so that's definitely enough time.

Soon a voice got her out of her reverie as she looked up and found one of her best friend Lilith on stage. Jasmine admired her courage of being able to go up and take a hold of the stage by just being there. Lilith knows how to capture her audience as she is an incredible speaker. Jasmine cheered for Lilith as she introduced herself and welcomed the new students and old students. Jasmine took a deep breathe, supporting Lilith, knowing how nervewrecking being on stage can be. However, she did flawlessly as she continued speaking and soon enough, she welcomed their mascot along with Ariel and Erik to the stage. Jasmine laughed as she heard the song they decided to dance to: "Gangnum Style". "It never gets old!" She exclaimed and then watched her fellow classmates enjoy themselves in the fun. Jasmine found herself lightly tapping her foot and bopping her head to the song as she continued observing the stage and performance. As the performance ended, Jasmine cheered on, as Lilith came back on to give Medley Illusions an introduction to their performance. "Annabelle! Lilith!" She called out to them as Lilith went off the stage to let Medley Illusions come on. She screamed loudly and cahooted for them, showing a lot of spirit for her best friends. The music soon started playing as everyone got into their position and started singing their piece. Jasmine absolutely loved hearing Annabelle sing and low and behold she had her own solo. She was excited and delighted to know her best friend was a part of something she enjoyed doing: singing and dancing. "It's your time to shine, Annie!" She screamed out, continuing on cheering her on. Jasmine couldn't have been more than proud of her to go after her passion and knowing how talented she was. Her singing was definitely one of her favorites as she was her number one fan including Lilith. "Go , Annabelle! Woo!" Soon, the performance ended and she cheered on once more. Jasmine was glad nothing bothered their performance and it was a success! The music and the stereo system definitely weren't too loud like last years and the recording of the song hadn't broke. Jasmine let out a sigh of relief and clapped her hands for Medley Illusions. Elle, the leader of the Medley Illusion, definitely put all her blood, sweat, and tears into her singers, especially Annabelle. Jasmine remembered the late nights she, Lils, and Annabelle had because of the clubs they were in. All of them had things they needed to accomplish and in the end, she knew she could count on those two to be there for her through everything. All the long night practices and all-'nighters weren't for naught.

@lostviolence Rodger @Inritz and Hugo

@Cami [/color][/font]


Annabelle waited patiently in the first pose for Eleanor to begin 'Whistle While You Work'. As soon as the music began, Annabelle sprang to life with the rest of group two, dancing around and singing the various harmonies as Ellie and group one took the lead. When it was time for Annabelle to lead group two, she acted her best interpretation of a puppet, as she sang Pinocchio's theme in her sweet soprano voice. In no time, the song had changed to 'When I see An Elephant Fly' and group two took to singing in typical blues style. Soon it was time to harmonise once again whilst Dodger took the stage by storm and then Hugo. After that was 'Zero to Hero' her personal favourite. "Who put the 'glad' in gladiator?" Elle sang and group two replied with a "Hercules" Annabelle finished off the line while everyone clapped together in true gospel fashion. After a few more songs overlapping it was time for the finale song, 'Let It Go', Ell'e's favourite. Once the song ended, Annabelle fell into her final pose along with the rest as the applause ensued.

Rodger Dodger Smith

Location: Courtyard| With: Melody Illusions: @Cami @ShurikenPhoenix @lostviolence | Time: 8:30


"You brought a goat to school? I thought Theo was the one with the most unusual pet. A monkey named Jack. Apparently after one of the other teachers but I never heard the story,"
Dodger said with a smile. He pressed the envelope into her hand "Take it. Please." He said gently and smiled."We're going to become great friends Esme, I can tell a lot about people. I got street saboufare. I know who to trust and who to avoid. You scream trust and not many in this school do. I gotta get going I'll tell Elle you said hi!"


Rodger ran through his routine, just as practiced. His lines were perfect and he enjoyed it with the others. He thought he spied Esme in the crowd and added a little bow and salute to his routine in her direction. He was feeling the music today and it was running perfectly, there was nothing left to say other then let them cheer, we deserve it after our hard work.

Theodore Baar

Location: Courtyard| With: Maria @ShurikenPhoenix | Time: 8:30

"Oh my yes, you shall never be bored here. There will be enough chaos to go around for everyone. Just wait till you meet Drake. Mad as a march hare. Still he does his job so he stays on. Every year the students get flashier, as if they attempt to outdo the previous year. See that one there? That's the one I told you about, Rodger Smith, though you'll probably end up knowing him by his nickname "The Artful Dodger". Good kid but lacks direction. I will cure that in time." Theo said to Maria. Theo's boot was tapping along, they had outdone themselves this year.

Jim Bearton

Location: Courtyard | With: Esme @crucialstar | Time: 8:30

Jim was standing in the crowd when he spied Dodger gesture to the girl in front of him. He figured he'd help the little guy out. "I'm pretty sure that salute was for you, I'm not Dodger's type." Jim said to Esme with a laugh. "You get em Little Britches!" He yelled and clapped and just enjoyed the music.



Class: None||

With: Rodger||Jasmine||Annabelle||Olivia||Mentions: Eleanor

@Inritz @Ethereal @lostviolence

Time: 8:40 A.M.

Lilith gleamed with joy as Annabelle took the stage and began the performance. Her eyes were glued to the blonde the entire time cheering and clapping along to the song she basically knew by heart. Hearing both Eleanor and Annabelle practicing so much had left the song stuck in her head. The smile adorning Lilith's face showed how proud she was of both girls. Those she didn't know Eleanor as well as she did Annabelle, in the short time they'd gotten to know each other due to them being presidents Eleanor seemed like a nice girl. It was Rodger's turn to take the performance and Lilith couldn't help but be shocked. She'd known he was in the Medley Illusions, but she didn't know he was this good. Lilith cheered along with the crowd as Rodger's jazzy side came out on stage for everyone to see and enjoyed. He was amazing! Lilith caught a glimpse of Jasmine and looked at her stunned pointing at Rodger. "Are you seeing this? He's so good!" Lilith mouthed towards Jasmine.

As the performance came to an end Lilith grabbed the microphone again and congratulated the entire team as the came off of the stage. Lilith was glad the performance had gone smoothly. So far nothing had gone wrong. The microphones didn't bust like last year and no one bumped into each other. Lilith could only hope the rest of the ceremony went by without any accidents. Lilith eeped loudly when Annabelle came down. "Eeeep! You were so good! I'm so proud of you! There are restrooms in the back so you can change uniforms." When the stage was clear Lilith went up again hesitating a bit before putting on a smile.

"Give it up once again for Medley Illusions!"

Lilith said enthusiastically before the crowd erupted once more cheering for the A Capella team. Once the crowd settled down again Lilith continued.

"Our next performers are sure to bring you up on your feet. They're spirited, peppy, and most importantly filled with school pride! Please welcome to the stage our fabulous Disniettes!"

Once again the crowd cheered and Lilith came off stage wishing all of the Disniettes luck. "Stage is yours Olivia." Lilith smiled walking over to Bolt and the sound system making sure the music started on time and didn't stop half way through the performance.




Location: Stussy||

Class: None||

With: Marian||


Time: 8:40 A.M.

"Bite me." Madden replied bitterly at Marian's comment rolling her eyes. Here she was trying to be nice and Marian couldn't even humor the girl. Was she really that selfish? Madden instantly regretted bringing Marian to her secret haven, but now that she was here might as well make the best of it. Without a second look towards Marian, Madden walked into the store. She busied herself with the clothing although there was nothing in particular that she liked. Street fashion wasn't exactly Madden's fashion unless she was playing dress up. However she had to admit, for street clothes the selection was...okay. There was a cute sweatshirt with a polka-dot pattern that caught Madden's eye, but she had a similar one back in her closet. Aside from sunglasses, Madden wouldn't be caught dead buying anything from this tasteless store. Still, Madden went through her usual procedure of skimming through the racks and occasionally glancing at Marian making sure she didn't pick up a ridiculous article of clothing.

It wasn't long before a perky store attendant walked up to the two girls. "Hello welcome to Stussy. Can I help you find anything?" Madden looked at her with a smile, "Yes a match to burn this poor excuse for fashion." The attendant looked taken aback and looked over at Marian with a nervous smile. "I...umm I can show you our selection of shoes. We just got a new shipping in yesterday!" This time the attendant looked towards Marian hoping she was less hostile. Madden scoffed at the attendant. "Please show us what marvelous designs you've stolen from street rats." Once again the attendant looked confused not understanding Madden's sarcasm. "Ummm...sure. This way." The attendant mumbled perkiness gone. The attendant led them to several racks of shoes, but after one quick glance Madden's cuticles became more important. "So Stanley see anything you like?"

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Location | Assembly Hall Class | None Time | 7:30-8:00AM With | Aurora @incrusade Atlas @incrusade



The man, true to his word, watched intently. Watching dances was always fun, though he knew he'd never have that kind of talent. His talent lied in acting. Where he could be a completely different person, escape from life, if only for a moment. That moment was golden and he lived for it. It's all he wanted to do. He couldn't see himself doing anything else. The brunette was really happy for the two, the performance was great, and everyone in the group was enthusiastic. They all legitimately wanted to be here. Last year, with Alice running the group, he could tell that half of them either, did this to get extracurricular on their resumes o they didn't like the dance. Either which way this year was vastly better.

Laughing at Olivia's comment, Flynn had opened his mouth to protest when Aurora pulled him up to his feet. Maximus bouncing around their ankles, almost looking like he was dancing with them. That was until he was distracted by another little ball of fluff dashing into the room, not even bothering to stop and sniff before he got low in a play bow before pouncing, tackling the other dog to the ground,
"Max you dork. Don't drag other dogs into your addiction for rough housing." He joked, looking over at the lovely woman who was apparently the owner of this cutie pie. Cute dog for a cute girl. Fitting. He had been just about ready to walk over there himself when Atlas made it there first. Dammit. Well a little competition never hurt anyone he began to think to himself before Aurora waltzed on over to the girl.

Flynn was never one to argue over who got claim on one of their 'conquests' as he and Aurora so often referred to their objects of affection. And if she had beat him to it who was he to argue with that. Though the least he could do was help her out with getting Atlas off the girl, Ava apparently. He had barely even shifted towards the three when he felt a hand on his arm and turned to look at Li who gently shook his head, "Li c'mon..." To which he sighed,
"Well...I hate to admit it but you've got a point there. Looks, talent, and brains. How the hell am I supposed to compete with you?" He teased, making the smaller man flush slightly, his usual reaction to any kinds of flirting ever.


Location: Kitchen > Courtyard || With: Rachel Flynn @Ethereal || Time: 8:30 AM



After several failed attempts to inconspicuously scale the tree Leah had set her sights on, she retreated to the rows of carefully placed chairs and pinpointed a couple free ones. On stage, a few of the Minner brothers were testing the lighting and speakers. Off to the side, both Lilith and Jasmine seem to be making hurried phone calls; Leah could only assume whom they could have been calling as she made her way to a seat. She watched as still more students entered the courtyard and, without a purse to hold Rachel's seat, immediately threw her legs over the chair beside her. If Rach had no where to sit when she came back, one of the two would have to sit on the other's lap; a prospect Leah had no interest in.

Shortly before the performances had begun, Rachel arrived and seated herself beside Leah, a large bowl in her hands. "Ya' know Leah, you're a really special girl," she asserted, handing over the bowl of desserts, "This is beautiful. All of it is beautiful...your mother would be proud." Leah turned to face Rachel, their eyes meeting briefly before Leah looked back down. In that brief moment, however, Leah could decipher a myriad of emotion behind Rachel's eyes: sincerity, hope, awe, and unwavering love.

Leah opened her mouth as if to speak, but the words that are meant to come out in such a moment--words of gratitude, words of wisdom, or at least one of those cheesy Tumblr quotes--never came. Instead, she spoke with actions; Leah grasped Rachel's hand tightly, leaned her head against her shoulder, and let out the breath she'd been holding in. The mention of Tiana Chase always brought an onslaught of inexplicable tears with it, and yet, with someone like Rachel beside her, it seemed nothing could break her.

That is, except the chewy goodness of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.


"Whoo! Fabuleux spectacle! Encore!" Leah shouted, clapping and whistling alongside the crowd. Medley Illusions had opened up the show on a perfect note, and after a short intermission, the Disniettes had closed with an entertaining take on the ever-popular Gangnam Style.


Rachel showed equal enthusiasm in her cheers, though Leah felt a sudden pang of guilt, for throughout the performances, she found herself often nudging Rachel and pointing out certain things. Commenting in her ear about an incredible high note someone reached. Inquiring about the feasibility of a seemingly impossible dance move someone pulled off. "No wonder we never have movie nights any more..." Leah mumbled to herself, resolving to make it up to Rachel later on. Leah's movie-talking ways --or in this case, performance-talking ways--must have been old news to Rachel Flynn, but Leah would never forgive herself if they ruined the experience for her.

With the show now over, students and staff crowded the courtyard exit, eager--well, mostly eager--to break in their respective dorms and apartments. A few students lingered behind, picking at the remainders of the sandwiches and catching up with friends. Leah and Rachel rose from their seats, ecstatic to begin unpacking now that they were roommates. However, as the two best friends navigated the maze of chairs, something felt somewhat off. A seed of doubt in Leah's mind. This sudden anxiety puzzled her: Were her first-day-jitters returning? Was she worried about the restaurant, or her mother?

Leah shook her head dismissively, assuring herself that everything was fine back in Louisiana. Unable to do much about her worried nature, she pushed her negative thoughts aside and continued across the courtyard.

A few seconds later, the smell hit her.

A light burning odor, almost undetectable to the average nose, and masked by the thousands of smells that had recently occupied the courtyard--not to mention the aromas of the snack table that permeated the air. However, years in the kitchen had fine-tuned Leah's nose to the slightest of smells, and she'd picked up the scent of smoke coming from the kitchen. "Oh, no," she whispered, hastening her pace then slowly breaking into a sprint for the kitchen. Leah was most definitely no risk-taker, but she would never stand by and watch as her safe haven burned to the ground because of her--Rachel, on the other hand, was a daredevil in heels, and was hopefully, most probably following her.

Leah threw open the heavy door to the kitchen, and was greeted by a plume of thick, black smoke. Its odor assaulted her nostrils and eyes, turning everything slightly hazy and igniting a throbbing pain in her head. Through the blurriness of her vision, Leah could make out a bright, orange fire, feeding on the remains of a paper towel roll, flitting across the counters, and creeping its way to the mahogany cabinets. Leah swore aloud, consequently causing her to inhale a bout of smoke and throwing her into a fit of violent coughs. The fire only increased in size as Leah stumbled around the spacious kitchen, unable to think clearly, the kitchen exit covered from view.

She was trapped.

Her mind weakly struggled against a descending haze, yearning to simply give up and admire the inferno before her. In under a minute, half of her beloved kitchen was ablaze, but that didn't matter. The shouts Leah heard behind her were of no significance. Her throbbing headache, watery eyes, and burning throat held no weight.

All that was of importance now were the pretty, pretty flames; their intense colors, their enrapturing, care-free dance...

The last thing Leah noticed was the grill, its dial still turned to exactly 450°, before everything went black.

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Hugo Pieter Pan

|| Location: Outside the Kitchen || Class: n/a || Time: 8:30|| With: n/a || Action: Ringing the Fire Department || Feeling: Panicked || Tags: @Rida ||


Hugo let out a sigh as the performance was done. He was quick to change out of the Medley Illusions outfit straight to his normal everyday clothes. It wasn't that he hated it or anything, it's just that he hated being in the same place for a long time so for him - this was quite nerve wrecking. He rubbed his hands over his face before walking away. Of course he wanted to stay here longer and of course he wanted to cheer people, talk to people and get to know others but the want to go out and walk around was was a bit too much. He was the type to leave and not really commit which annoyed most people about him. He decided to walk around the courtyard and the gardens.

After walking around for a while, he noticed smoke rising. He sprinted quickly to where the flames were rising to see the kitchen was set aflame. By the time he was there, the flames were high and he wasn’t sure if anyone was actually in the kitchen. His eyes widened as he wondered why the heck the smoke alarms weren't going off. “Crap” he murmured as he covered his mouth with his sleeve as the smoke rose towards him. He coughed a lot before turning around and yelling for help. He wasn’t sure if anyone was around and he didn’t know if there was someone certainly in there but he was sure that through the open door he saw a figure in there. He quickly ran to the nearest fire alarm and smashed the glass making sure that it went off.

“Need to call for the fire department!” he said in a state of panic as he pulled out his phone, not sure if anyone had previously called them before. Who else would need to be called? The Principal, maybe Lilith - he wasn't sure on that one. He was more concerned though, with the person that may or may not be inside. He checked, coming close to the fire to see if it would actually be safe to go inside and see if someone would be in there or not and as of that moment he just couldn't tell.​
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Jim Bearton

Location: Courtyard/Outside the Kitchen With: Hugo @Cami Leah @Rida Scene: Bear it all to Save the Day Time: 8:35

Jim was finishing clapping with Esme then a stone sour look came over his face as the call for fire came over the radio. "Sorry kid you'll have to deal with this one on your own." He smiled at Esme so not to panic her and he slid out of the crowd. He rushed to the kitchens and saw a student. "You pulled the alarm?" He said looking inside? He bashed open a fire extinguisher and ripped his uniform and wetted it with a nearby drinking fountain. "I'm going to see if anyone's in here. You go notify who needs to be called. DO NOT COME AFTER ME." He said hardly. "It's my job to protect you guys not the other way around. Call 911 in case anyone's here and in case I suffer smoke inhalation. You are already a Hero for letting us know, don't do something stupid on top of it."

Jim rushed in, spraying retardant around until he say a girl. He hefted her with one hand and dragged her back to the safety of the hall. "Let's get into open air." he said with a worried look. He looked at the girl she wasn't breathing. He said to Hugo. "Congrats on your promotion to nurse. You give her breaths while I give her chest compression. I'll tell you when to breathe into her. She's got us, don't panic kid."

  • tumblr_m5kvrm0xaD1r8mhc6o1_500.gif

    With a spectacular finish, Medley Illusions wrapped up with a magnificent chorus, and ended their performance. Along with the crowd, Rachel pounced up from her chair, breaking out in ceaseless applause. "Brava! Brava!" She felt a rush of respect and quite frankly, a little bit of envy as well. Sure, they sang their hymns perfectly, but the blonde herself would never in her lifetime be skillful enough to hit notes as high as they did. One of the uttermost reasons why she never joined the club in the first place, even when she was very fond of singing and it was always her goal to at least try. Though, public embarrassment was never ought to be in her agenda, and she tried her best to keep it that way.

    As a mob of happily aroused students fluttered out of the exits, the girls followed behind, arms looped around each other as if they were five year olds. But, of course, deep inside they really were little children when they were together, well, at least Rachel was. Leah was the more elegant and sophisticated one of the pair,-- don't get me wrong, she was the most amusing individual that Rachel had ever encountered, but the talented cook was also able to snap into her serious tone and could "slay" on command. And for that, Rachel admired her dearly. The best friends steered towards the what seemed to be endless flight of stairs, and began marching. The fact that they were going to be roommates for the whole year thrilled both of the teens, and they couldn't seem to get that constant grin off of their faces.

    With an abrupt stop, Rachel turned to face that Leah's cheerful grin turned gray and drifted into some sort of mix between a melonchally and confused expression. It looked as if every little ray of sunshine that cracked in between the walls of the big university disappeared and left some sort of gloomy cloud, some sort of barrier for Leah to never be able to see a single crevice of sunlight again. Immediatly, like a domino effect, it caused the same exact expression to appear on Rachel's face. Her eyes widened and she gently placed her hands on Leah's dainty shoulders.
    "Lee, are you okay?" was the instinctive question, but the brunette just simply dismayed herself with a respectful nod, and carried her way towards the other direction, pushing towards the other students.

    As Rachel watched as Leah rushed out of her view, the blonde couldn't do anything but solemnly stand mid-way of the staircase, wondering at why her best friend would make such a sudden leave like that. Did she forget something in the auditorium? Did she have to desperately need to go to the bathroom? Was she going to have another mental break-down due to her mother again? One thing she knew about Leah, was that she never liked anyone seeing her vulnerable side. It was one of her weaknesses, whether she cared to admit it or not. If Rachel was right, and Leah did in fact was on the edge of a mental breakdown, she would be the one to always be there for her, and she made it her duty to do so...after-all, Leah was her best friend. The blonde skipped down the stairs, heading towards the same way that she noticed Leah leaving to.

    Half-way to the kitchen, where she knew her friend would be, Rachel was startled by the ear piercing sound of the fire alarm. At first, she merely chuckled to herself, assuming that some class-clown had decided to pull a prank to delay class, but the thought quickly vanished once out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted the inside of the kitchen door was erupting in flames, as well as her best friend laying almost dead-like on the ground, with two men on top of her attempting to give her CPR.

    Rachel zoomed over to the two men and Leah, dropping herself to the ground on her knees as tears began to well up in her eyes. Billions of questions rushed in her mind at that very moment, but all she cared about, was if Leah was goong to be okay. Trembling, Rachel wiggled her body right in between the males, hovering over the passed out body of her best friend. She was clueless as to what to do, not holding any little knowledge at how to do CPR.
    "Please s-save her, I c-c-can't lose her," Rachel said stammering in between her tears. Right now, her own face was puffy, her whole body was shaking uncontrollably, the female was beginning to have have a panic attack, and despite everything going around her, the only thing that came crossing her mind was:

    She, Rachel Elizabeth Flynn, had carelessly left the oven on when she had come and grabbed the cookies, and she was responsible If anything horrible would happen to her best friend. Everything was on her hands.

    Location: Front of kitchen door || With: Hugo, Jim, & an unconscious Leah || Time: 8:46am || Scene: Mission Save Leah !! || Tags: @Inritz

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Hugo Pieter Pan
@Inritz @Ethereal ||[/i][/color][/size][/font]​


Hugo's mouth hung dry as he stared at the man in front of him, Jim, if he remembered correctly and the blonde behind him. Never in his life did Hugo think it would even be necessary to learn CPR - yeah he had learnt it of course but when had it actually come in use. And yeah, he did get hurt all the time from his 'adventures' but this kind of thing he just wasn't prepared for. Wai- wait- wha? You want me to do breaths?" He said in a slightly panicked tone. What if he did it wrong? (If that was even possible). In his head many scenarios ran but after hearing the quivering voice of the girl behind him and how fragile she looked he just couldn't say no.

Before starting on CPR he phoned the ambulance and told of the emergency before returning to the girl before him.

"I swear to god Jim, if I get a slap when she wakes up it's on you - Lavender Ross" he said, emphasising the last part with an eyebrow raised. He quickly crouched near the girl, making sure to check her vitals one last time before Jim continued. He watched on as Jim began with the compressions to her chest and flinched whilst he was doing so. It wasn't uncommon that during CPR a rib could definitely be cracked and considering the state she was in - it was definitely a major possibility.

He looked to his right to see the blonde, the girls friend, crying. She seemed as though she was about have a panic attack. His eyes softened majorly at this. He felt for her, he really did and he was sure that if he was in her position he'd be a lot worse considering how much of a deep bond he had with his friends. "You won't lose her" he said before giving her a kind reassuring smile. It was one that could probably even sell a man his own briefcase but Hugo realised all those words had in them were fake promises. "Trust me", staring into her eyes as if he was looking into her soul. Hugo Pieter Pan was good at charming, as much as he was at convincing and lying. Lying a lot. He didn't truly know if she would slip away or not but he knew he would try to save her at the very least. He didn't know her personally, but he could tell that she was someone who'd meant a lot even if it was to just the crying girl beside him.

It was at that time that after Jim had done about 30 compressions, Hugo knew he had to give two breaths and so he did making sure he did it in the most efficient but careful way he could. He didn't want to hurt the girl in the process.

He looked around quickly, his eye line following all possible ways to the kitchen to see if anyone from the fire department had come to take out the fire at least, or to see if the ambulance arrived.

Someone had to come, anyone.
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  • Elena-Gilbert-elena-gilbert-28106545-499-275.gif

    She smirked at the scene that was going on in front of her. This little blonde stranger seemed to be able grab the attention of everybody in the room just with a simple introduction. Instead of piling on the so called beauty called Ava, Olivia just sent her a faint wave and cracked her a sly smile, then sauntered over to Li and Flynn who were exchanging flirtatious but hilarious banter with each other.
    "Why are you guys flirting with each other when there's princess Diana standing at the doorway" Olivia teased, unintentionally rolling her eyes at Ava. "Go. Go swoon in on her like Aurora and Atlas, and earn her blessings." She added. Yeah, maybe the teen was a bit jealous of Ava, I mean, c'mon, not only her herself, but even the girl's dog took the attention away. By no means was the brunette a crazy and delusional person who craved attention every solemn minute of the day, but it sucked, since before she walked in, her, Aurora and Flynn were all joking around with each other, and it all ended because of her. Olivia shot a dark glare at the small group of Atlas, Aurora, and Ava, and placed both of her hands on her slightly curvy hips. She let out a brief sigh before giving both Li and Flynn a look of annoyance, and strutted over to the other group, cracking the fakest smile a person could give, flipped to the opposite side of Ava, and began fiddling with the individual's hair.

    "You're really pretty. I'm Olivia. And I'd--" As Olivia started to offer joining along in giving Ava a tour around the school, a cute little head to which she easily recognized as Jasmine's, peaked in the room. Jasmine appeared with a warm smile and announced that Medley Illusions ended their performance, and it was time for the Disniettes to go up. Immediately, Olivia exposed an everlasting simper to the group-- this time a real one, and she screeched as if she was a little kid finding out that they were gonna go on a trip to Disney World. In her head, she just wanted to just grab Li, Aurora, Atlas, and Flynn, then hurry onto the stage, while Flynn would easily search for a seat close enough to the stage just to be able to be the one to cheer the loudest. But, she knew that it wasn't a perfect world, and that she would have to politely ask Ava to tag along. The fake grin returned, and she turned her head to Ava who was still chatting with the others. "Ava, dear, would you like to come and watch our performance? Of course first we'd have to stop and pick up Annabelle, unless I text her to just meet us there, but, you really don't have to come if you don't want too." She suggested, making sure to emphasize on the words "really" and "don't". To her dismay, Ava generously nodded her head in acceptance, which to a surprise irritated Olivia a little bit more, but she kept subtle and continued to walk out of the door, and quickly sent Annabelle a text to meet the group backstage in 2mins.

    ** ** **

    After Annabelle had finally joined the crew, and they went up and danced their hearts out on stage, Olivia went up to meet both Flynn and Ava who were in the chairs.
    "I think, we were amaze-balls!" She joked, playfully hitting Li on the shoulder and sending a slight wink at Aurora. Nothing at that moment could have ruined how excited and how full of adrenaline she was. Not even Ava, who's presence exasperated the hell out of her, for god-knows-what. Well, except for one thing.

    The screeching sound of the fire alarm echoed through both of the brunette's delicate ears. If there was anything that she hated, was loud, high-pitched noises. Now
    that, was something that always ruined her mood. Intuitively, as much as she loved Flynn as a friend, she could clearly picture the image of him pulling the fire alarm just for amusement, but she knew that he simply couldn't have due to the fact that she spotted him in the audience the whole time of the performance. Olivia tightly covered both of her ears with her hands and scrunched her face in agitation, trotting right out of the auditorium with the group right behind her. Or so she thought. When she followed the mob of students to the outside of the building, and gazed around to find her friends, they were no where in sight.

    Location: Currently| Front of school | - With: Formerly | Aurora, Annabelle, Atlas, Flynn, Li, Ava | Currently |No one (ANYONE , COME TALK TO HER) - Mentions:| Jasmine | - Scenerio: Someone shut of the fiRE ALARM!! - Tags:
    @crucialstar @munchkincora @NessieAlways @ShurikenPhoenix


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