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Fandom University of Walt Disney at Magic Kingdom

Lolani Pelaki


When the people introduced themselves and the cowboy came up to them, she gave them all nicknames in her head. It was something she did to remember others by. The girl was to be Starlit since she found her adorable, the dark haired guy was to be Frenchie since he sounded a bit French, and the other guy was to be Cowboy since...well he looks like a cowboy. When the guy introduced himself as August, Lolani nodded and winked back at him. Not as to flirt but as to copy his gesture.

"Pangie is a Pangoline. It's alright, not many people have. He's kinda endangered." she explained to them all, knowing that more than likely none of them have seen anything like Pangie before. Lolani stood back that and when she was about to say something, she heard someone bump into Esme. When the girl said she was in a club, Lolani nodded.

"Hey, Medley Illusions! Hugo's in that club! I'm not in it because I have the voice of a screeching cow. Dancing is more my thing but I'm not in that club either." she laughed, remembering the other clubs she was in. "I'm in Disney Scouts, Pocket Pawls, Greek Life, and World Culture. They're all the best." she concluded happily, looking at them all. Even though she wanted to stay and chat, Lolani really wanted to go check her dorm out.

"It's been great talking to you guys but it's about time I go see what dorm I'm in this year. I need to get everything settled before the bonfire." she reminded herself before placing Pangie back into her backpack. Just as she was about to go, she remembered something. Lolani felt around in her backpack for a pen. When she found one, she turned to Esme and August. She took their hands and wrote her number on both of them. After she finished, she nodded and smiled at them happily.

"There, so now you both have my number in case you need anything or get lost. Just shoot me a text whenever!" she smiled before heading to where she was to be to receive her dorm key. When she went where she was supposed to be and saw a head od white hair. Lolani's smile grew as she ran the rest or the way to the desk, jumping up and surprising Hugo by jumping on his back. Her arms wrapped around his neck while her legs around his torso.

"I found you, Snowball!" she yelled excitedly, ruffling up his white hair. Snowball was the nickname she had given him due to the color of his white hair. "How've you been?" Lolani couldn't help but giggle, looking at the girl who was handing out room keys. Lolani smiled at her and got off of Hugo, fixing her clothes and hair.

"Hi! I'm Lolani Pelaki. 2nd year, Zoology major." she said with her pleasant smile staying on her features. She looked at the girl up and down before saying anything else. "Your bow and shorts are really cute. I love them." she told her, waiting patiently for her to give her her room key.


Location: University Entrance || Time: 7:30 || Class: n/a || With: Hugo @Geek with Me

August Wood


August shook the guy named Adam's hand, giving it a firm shake but still keeping his grin on his face. When he let go and said that he should get going, August was going to follow him. Until that is another girl bumped into Esme and Lolani started talking again. Shawna stood beside August, panting softly and waiting for him to give her orders this time instead of just running off. August watched the girls interact and when Lolani started to mention clubs she was in, this sparked August's interest.

"I'm no singer but in the shower but that club about scouts and pawls sound cool. Maybe I'll join one of them." he said aloud and watched as Lolani was about to leave. She was almost away from the small group until she stopped and grabbed a pen from her backpack. She then grabbed his hand and began to write on it. August raised a brow and when she was done, he looked at his hand. She had written her name and number on his hand and then explained herself.

August let out a laugh and nodded. It wasn't the first time a female had done this to him but she did it in a way that he didn't take as her hitting on him.
"I'll keep that in mind so when I text you at 3 o'clock in the morning asking where the closest bathroom is, I'll quote ya." he said with a grin before watching her go. Now he was left with two females.

"Ladies," he started, his hand sliding into his pocket as he looked at the two girls he was left with, "is it alright if I stay with y'all? I'm not entirely sure where I'm headed. I have a feeling though that if we follow Adam or Lolani that we'll get where we need to go." he said and looked down at Shawna who was now stretching before looking up at him. August petted her head, looking at the other two before just taking off because that would be rude.

"I mean, that's if you two want to. I'm sure if one of you two beauties ask for help, we're sure to get some." he grinned, licking his lips and raising a brow at the two. Being who he was, August could never tell if he was flirting with others or not and vice versa. He never knew when a girl liked him until it came out of her mouth. Just like his long time crush and now girlfriend, Bo Peep had done. August liked her for the longest time and the only thing that held him back from telling her was the fact that his best friend who was into his little cousin Jessie. The whole thing was messy, but it all changed when Bo kissed him under the moonlight of the Christmas dance. That's when they started dating and that's was the beginning of August's first relationship. Well, the first one that counted at least. Since then, the two had been dating for the better part of eight months. Bo applied to the same college as August but when her father fell ill, she had to stay behind and take care of the ranch. Since she didn't want to hold August back, she told him to go onto the college. She'd be ok as long as he didn't cheat on her with some two cent dollar menu item. Even though he wasn't sure what that meant, he promised her that he'd never cheat on her. One because his grandfather taught him better than that and two because Bo was everything he wanted in a woman. Why would he go and throw something like that away?

Just as he had finished thinking about her, he felt his phone buzz. He smiled when he saw who it was and texted her back immediately. While he was at it, he decided to put Lolani's number in as well.

Hey babe! I just wanted to check in and made sure you made it safe and sound. I miss you like crazy already, but I'm so glad you're where you're supposed to be. Remember to study hard and party harder! I love you so so much and can't wait to come visit you soon(<3) I love you much, A.G.(<3) Have fun and don't cheat on me cus if you do, I will find you and shove my Shepard's cane where the sun don't shine [/FONT][/SIZE] :) [FONT='Permanent Marker'][SIZE=14px]
Wow, babe. Thanks for the cute message lol. I miss you too and don't worry about me cheating. You know I'd never cheat on such an amazing woman. You have my heart, Bo. I love you too and don't make me wait for you too long. I don't know if I can wait too long to see you. Guess I'll have to settle with FaceTiming you instead. I love you much, B.P.(<3)

Location: University Entrance || Time: 7:30 || Class: n/a || With: Esme & Elle || Mentioned: @Geek with Me
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Rodger Dodger Smith

Location: Dreamland| Class: How to Sleep In| With: Oliver| Time: 7:15


Theodore Baar

Location: Professor Apartments| Class: None| With: Maria Garcia (In a manner of speaking) @ShurikenPhoenix Time:7:05am

Theo heard a jingling of keys at his door as he sat and ate his apple. They must have found him a new roommate They could have let him know. He'd been through several in 15 years, he hoped he could teach the new guy the ropes. He walked in his boxers and robe. "You have to jiggle it matey!" He said to the other side. "Lock's as old as I am." He opened the door and saw a beautiful woman. This was a mistake. He covered himself, more for the girl's comfort than his and coughed. "Uh, I don't think you're my new flatmate, lass. Unless they want to give the students ideas, which they will regardless. I'm Theodore Baar. I teach Disney History to the Seniors, and you are lost I take it."


Location | Courtyard Teaching | Not at the moment Time | 7:20AM With | Sally - @themysteriousashe


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Jack groaned softly as he felt the bed shift, but he stayed asleep for awhile, having not been able to go to sleep as early as he'd wanted. Considering that he and Sally had been up moving all their things into the apartment so they wouldn't have to deal with the craziness of moving in with everyone else that morning. Not that they didn't like their fellow teachers they just preferred to not deal with too much stress or pressure. That was simply how they were, besides this way they go help students and their fellow staff move in, and not have to worry about being done with their own things.

It wasn't long until he finally started to wake up, his muscles sore and tight from sleep, before he stretched wide on the bed, his arm reaching out to pull his fiance close instinctively.
"Sal...?" Jack spoke, his voice rough and tired as he was still half asleep. Hearing no response, he sat up in the bed his eyes opening to look down at the space she had once occupied. Getting up he padded into the living room, looking around for her, not spotting the redhead, and he felt his heart speed up involuntarily. He shouldn't be panicking. He didn't need to panic. Surely Sally was safe and sound somewhere, besides he knew more than anyone that his future wife could handle herself. But here he was, swallowing thickly as he scoured the apartment for her. Finally he jogged into the kitchen, and happened upon her note.

Feeling his nerves settle slightly he let out a long breath, shaking his head amusedly at his ridiculousness. Pouring himself a cup of coffee, smiling at the fact that she'd made it for him. Jack set his travel mug down on the counter as he went back to the bedroom and got ready for the day. It didn't take the the theater teacher too long to get dressed, and ready to leave. He grabbed his coffee, sipping at it as he left the house, noticing a grinned Jack Sparrow and furious looking Elizabeth Swann. Not an unusual sight to see on the campus, so he stayed well out of it as he continued walking, spotting his fiance's familiar figure and jogging over next to her wrapping an arm around her and kissing her temple lightly,
"You left this morning..." He hummed gently, though he was smiling happily.
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Location(s);; The Courtyard.

Teaches;; Home Economics.

Based On;; Sally Stitches.

Time(s);; 07:20.

Outfit;; Sally Stitches.

With;; Jack.

Tags;; @munchkincora

Sally smiled at her fiancé when she felt him kiss her temple. She wrapped an arm around his waist and kept her eyes forward, nor wanting to accidentally stray off path. She smiled slightly when she heard his remark and a soft giggle came from her. She knew it wasn't right of her to leave him, but she needed some fresh air. Plus, it was a beautiful morning.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I just needed some fresh air. This is our last day of freedom before we have to teach our students. How did you sleep?" Sally asked, finally meeting his eyes. Her blue eyes sparkled brightly with love and happiness. She was excited that they would be marrying sometime soon, maybe. She was just happy she was with him. It was going to make the whole school experience better.

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Location | Assembly Class | None ATM Time | 7:21AM With | Aurora - @incrusade Annabell - @ShurikenPhoenix Atlas - @crucialstar



Rubbing at the back of his neck in gentle embarrassment as everyone assured him that he was right on time, because he'd been sure that he would be late. He smiled as everyone practically bounced around with excitement, knowing that he was likely one of the most calm members of the Dance Team. Not that he minded it, he liked dancing and everyone being so happy all the time certainly made him happy, he just tended to show it differently that was all. Li had to laugh slightly as Atlas lied a hand on his back to help him calm down, which was a little ironic considering how they both were.

As Olivia started passing out outfits Shang quickly came forward and grabbed an outfit,
"Hey these are great!" He spoke excitedly, almost adding that they were better than the ones he'd seen last year, but easily held the comment back, because honestly though it was true, he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Though chances were everyone thought the same exact thing. Looking around he noticed Atlas walk off to the bathroom while Aurora stripped down in the corner. Li blinked a few times, before realizing he was probably staring and he cleared his throat and he babbled something something along the lines of an apology as he quickly stumbled away towards the direction of the bathroom. Tripping over his own feet on his way, easily catching himself with a nervously embarrassed laugh before dashing into the bathroom.


Location: University Entrance | Time: 7:00 - 7:30AM | Class: Not Available | Year: 1st

With: August @Geek with Me

Mentions: Adam @ShurikenPhoenix and Henri , Lolani @lonecoyote and Pangi

Scenario: Goodbyes, phone numbers, clubs.


Esme gasped in horror, frowning when she heard Pangie, a Pangoline, is kinda and endangered species. Endangered? How could she not know this? Esme felt the a burning passion lit up inside of her. She needed to make others know about this before it's too late. In no way shape or form will Esme allow Pangoline's to suffer in silence, seeing many people don't know about their species. Esme looked down at Djali, seeing that he bleated softly, hearing the word "endangered". He only knew that word too well, seeing that he was the least surviving member of his family and kind. Although Esme knew Pangie may not have known all of his relatives or been surrounded by his own species, it still made her heart cry out in silence for the little animal. Esme cared deeply for animals and Djali's new friends so she made it her mission to research on ideas on how to bring this to the public's eye. Esme felt her heart warming and slowly being pieced back together, seeing that now Djali has gotten closer to Henri and is now getting to know the new puppy. Shawna. Seeing the animals greeting each other made Esme's resolve even bigger.

Shaking away her thoughts of negativity, and instead, for now, enjoying the company of those around her, Esme smiled as Adam and August shook hands and introduced each other. In fact, Esme couln't help but sigh in content at the little group forming. It is her first time ever attending school,
ever, and on her first day she's already making friends. This made Esme's heart soar, and knowing Djali was with her made her feel even better, as if she was floating on cloud nine. However, soon enough, Esme was brought back to reality when Adam was leaving and said he needed to get rooms keys. Oh, that's what she forgot, her room keys! She , herself, still needed to go and get it too. He was leaving, would she see him again? He did mention a bonfire. Maybe she'd see him then. . hopefully. Esme nodded, glancing at him as he was making his way away from them, "Hopefully... we'll meet each other around campus or the bonfire," Esme said softly, not sure if Adam had heard her. Esme felt her mood drop a little, why, she didn't know. Maybe it was the fact that she may never see him again? No, stop thinking that, Esme. But, as Esme looked at her little goat, Esme felt the same thing he was feeling. Esme couldn't help but "aww" at Djali's attachment to Henri. Shaking her head, Esme tried to get her mind off of maybe never seeing Adam again. However, why her heart felt uncomfortable when she thought of "never seeing him again", she didn't understand it quite well.

But, to pull herself out of her thoughts, Esme felt someone bumping into her, as Esme lost some of her footing. However, because Esme was a dancer, she was able to regain her composure and looked at the person who bumped into her. This felt like deja vu, seeing that Esme did the exact same thing. Esme coldn't help but giggle lightly. The girl who bumped into her, had long blonde hair that was tied up into a high - ponytail with a big bow. She couldn't help but find the girl adorable. The girl apologized as Esme shook her head, "It's okay, Elle," hearing Elle saying her name as she introduced herself, "no worries! It was an accident, and actually, I bumped into someone too. So, it's definitely a-okay!" Esme reassured Elle, however, Esme gasped loudly, feeling her cheeks flush when Elle complimented her outfit and shoes. "Thank you so much, Elle! Cats are one of my favorite animals and I couldn't help but get these shoes. Your outfit is incredibly fashionable!" Esme said sincerely happy to have had Van's advice on picking clothes and outfits when they went shopping for the school year. Next, Elle started chattering about a club that she was a leader of, Medley Illusions, a singing group? Esme tilted her head, there were groups on campus such as clubs, she remembered reading from the pamphlet. Esme declined politely, seeing that she has absolutely no musical talents and the only music she would consider herself to be a part of was dance. However, she did like bursting into song randomly, but to be a part of a magnificent team of different profession singers made Esme feel a bit intimated. "Thank you for asking, Elle. But. . I don't think I'm fit for a singer." She thanked her politely, but remember the name Medley Illusions, Esme gasped, "Elle! You're performing soon, aren't you? I'm definitely looking forward to your performance. I'm positively you'll be great!" Esme told Elle and gave her some moral support. As Lolani talked about how she didn't join since she has a voice of a "screeching" cow. However, Esme's eyes lit up when Lolani mentioned dancing and pocket pawls. Shaking her head, Esme laughed lightly at all the clubs Lolani was in, there seems to be a lot to choose from. Esme would absolutely love to join pocket pawls and dance. Those two clubs definitely screamed out to her. On the other hand, Esme listened to August's option of which clubs he liked to join. Disney Scouts? That definitely sounds interesting. "Maybe we'll all end up in the same club together!" Esme excitedly addressed all three of them "I'll definitely join Pocket Pawls and dance." But, what confused Esme the most was why Lolani didn't want to be a part of the dance, if she loved to dance. But either way, Esme was definitely excited to know her new-found friend had a passion for dancing just like her. Maybe they can choreograph together and have a routine! Esme was getting ahead of herself thinking of those ideas.

But, it was short-lived, when Lolani said goodbye to them as she went to go and find her dorm keys, leaving her, Elle, and August. However, Lolani came back, taking her hand and writing something on her palm. Esme was confused and was staring at her, tiling her head.
"Lolani?" She began, until Lolani explained to her and August that that was her number if they ever needed anything. Esme gasped and her smiled widened. She couldn't believe it, her first phone number that she can add to her new phone! Esme bounced slightly on her feet, quite happy that Lolani liked her enough to want to give her , her number. Esme took this as a sign of friendship and she couldn't help the smile that kept widening. "Definitely, Lolani! Talk and see you soon!" Esme shouted, waving goodbye to her. Soon, August's voice echoed in her ears and Esme couldn't help but laugh lightly, nodding, "Of course you can stay with us, I'm sure Elle wouldn't mind either, the more the merrier, " Esme said as she glanced at Elle, sending her a smile, then back at August, "And, I actually don't know where to go either, but like you suggested, we can definitely start heading towards where the crowd is? I think we need our dorm keys before anything else." She stated, looking down at Djali and Shawna, getting along, playing with one another. However, Esme found herself getting flustered once more by August mentioning the words "beauties". Esme had to agree with August, Elle and Lolani were definitely beauties and she admired them dearly. Looking at August, Esme studied his feature, making sure that if she were to get lost, she can recognize him in the crowd, seeing how tall he was, plus his cowboy boots weren't hard to find. Esme smiled, "Ready, Djali?" Djali looked up and bleated at her. "To get our room keys!" Esme said with much enthusiasm, looking back between Elle and August, waiting for them, as she started walking towards the direction Lolani and Adam had gone.
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Location:Dorm Lounge||


With: Hugo(Formerly)-Ava-Lolani||

@incrusade @lonecoyote

Time: 7:40 A.M.

"Oh my!" Lilith gasped as a little white ball of fluff jumped on Hugo's shoulder nibbling it. A smile spread across her face as a worried girl followed the pup. "Oh, my, I'm terribly sorry. He's just nervous, that's all," Hugo took the puppy in his hands and began petting him. The scene made Lilith's heart churn. Seeing Hugo and the puupy brought back memories of her own dog, Nana and when she was just a little fur ball running all over the place. Nana had grown up with Lilith and her two brothers. They went from potty training buddies to guardians when Michael was born. "And who might this cutie be?" Lilith said standing up and reaching over to pet the puppy as well. "What's your name little guy? Huh? Whats your name?" Lilith spoke with a baby voice while scratching the puppy's head.

“Well then, next time we meet, I expect to hear you to be the first to call my name-”

Lilith shifted her attention from the dog to Hugo. The smile still dancing around her lips displaying her love for animals. “-Lilith” Hearing him say her name again was enticing. Now add the charming smile that adorned his face, Lilith's knees felt week. Not trusting herself to speak, Lilith pressed her lips together in a smile and nodded her head. She'll most definitely call him first.

Lilith glanced down at her phone. She had been waiting for a call from her brother Jonathan letting her know that Nana was ready to be picked up. Jonathan had agreed to take care of Nana for the first few days of college while Lilith got settled. After she moved in, Lilith had called Jonathan letting him know that Nana was ready to come live with her. So today in the morning Jonathan was suppose to take Nana to the groomer's and bring her later on during the day. It was still seven forty. If she knew her brother, he was still asleep. A small frown crossed her face. She wanted her Nana now. Maybe Nana would be friends with the little ball of fur.

With Hugo gone, the blonde girl now stood before her. "So dear, what's your name?" Lilith asked holding the papers up ready to search her name, but before the girl could speak, another chipper girl interrupted. Lolani Pelaki. Lilith stared wide eye at both girls unsure of who to talk to first. Her head shifted from one to another before clearing her throat. "Hey Lani! You're in room...two o three. Oh you're with Leah! That'll be a fun room! You'll see me there a lot" Lilith smiled handing Lolani her key and schedule. "Come by my dorm later so we can pick out our outfits for the bonfire okay?"




Location: Marian's Dorm||

Class: None||

With: Marian-Jasmine-Wynter-Vayne||

@ShurikenPhoenix @crucialstar @Miss Alice @Ilikepie

Time: 7:30 A.M.

"Well, at least you don't look like a tasteless crack junkie anymore." Madden commenting on Marian's shoes. She eyed Marian up and down twice before finally meeting her eyes. A rare genuine smile crossed her face, "Keep the sandals. They'll draw the attention to you legs instead of your hair." That was as close a compliment as Madden had ever given. They wouldn't have been her first choice, but surprised that Marian had something other than vans or muddy boots, she was done with her. Her little padawan came a long way from the first step she took on campus to now. Though she'd never admit it and probably change her mind the second she walked out the door, but for that second she was so proud of Marian. She pulled the look of well. "There now you can actually be seen with me. Now lets go. We need to get out of here before Lilith kidnaps and forces us to sit through those hideous presentations."

Madden walked over to the door searching her bag for her lipstick. Once again, she applied another coat of makeup and smacked her lips together. "Ready?" Walking out the door she spotted several of people at the end of the hall standing by her dorm. Her eyebrows rose taking in the hideous outfits that flooded the hall. Madden cringed at the dress Jasmine was wearing.The color was tacky and the style was that of a teen hooker. Speaking of style, Madden's eyes fell on the girl that looked straight out of Comicon. Madden was all for a good cosplay, but with the cheap plastic like fabric her costume was made of and the over exposed skin the girl was ready to be slipped some ones. Yet, as sleazy as the two girls looked, it was nothing compared to the third person in the hall with them. Wynter White. Madden's jaw dropped at seeing her ex and only girlfriend poke her head out the dorm room. Her dorm room. With a baffled expression and completely forgetting about Marian, Madden stomped to Room 207. "No. No. No. NO. NO!! " She kept repeating to herself in a whisper.

Standing in front of the three girls, Madden plastered a sarcastic smile on her face. "Ladies such a pleasant surprise." She regarded each one with a small nod ending with Wynter. The two had shared history in the past. Wynter had been Madden's first and only girlfriend. She'd invested so much in their relationship it was a heartbreak to find out that Wynter was only using Madden. Well she might not have been using her in literal terms, but in Madden's terms the girl had just fooled around with her to later decide there had never been any chemistry between the two. "Wynter. What ever are you doing here?" There was a bright smile on her face, but the passive aggressive tone in her voice and murderous stare showed that Madden was not happy with this dorm arrangement.

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@Inritz [/color]



Maria was taken completely off guard when the door opened to reveal a man in a robe and boxers, and for once she momentarily lost composure, blinking several times in alarm. The man seemed just as surprised as she was and proceeded to state the obvious that she had stumbled upon the wrong apartment. As if she had not known this as soon as the door had opened. Regaining her composure as best she could, she replied with a small smile.

"Si, it would seem I am at the wrong apartment. Forgive my mental lapse señor. I will of course leave you to your relaxation, but I suppose now that I am here, I might as well introduce myself." She added, "Maria Garcia, the new Spanish professor." With that she simply waited for a response.
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Location | Dorm Lounge [Formerly] Assembly Hall Class | None Time | 7:30-8:00AM With | Rachel @incrusade Leah @Rida [Formerly] Aurora @NessieAlways Li @munchkincora Olivia @incrusade Annabell @ShurikenPhoenix



Flynn gave an overly dramatic wince, "Wow Rach. Ouch. That hurts, I mean c'mon. We have the same name." He said, though he was grinning now all the same, because really he couldn't help but be happy when he was with cute people like Rachel. Course his time with the blonde was quite short lived as Leah came out of seemingly nowhere. Maximus was excited at the appearance of a new person, his tail wagging, and taking his butt along with it so his whole body was wiggling. When the two girls took off, Flynn rolled his eyes as she called back towards him and he called after her, "Your just jealous that my hair looks better than yours, angel!" He shook his head as they swept off, tilting his head slightly and muttering under his breath, "I hate making you leave but...Man I love watching you go."

Deciding that his dorm could wait for a little bit as he looked at the line of people he walked outside, unclipping Maximus so the puppy could roam and roll around on the grass, and his phone buzzed, pulling him from his thoughts of Rachel and Leah. Glancing at his phone he grinned and then looked at his Starbucks cup, which was a Trenta and still half full. Shrugging he sipped at it and decided that he could give Aurora the rest, not like that hadn't happened before. Thinking on it he figured that she was likely practicing for the dance performance, which probably meant she was in the Assembly Hall already. Making up his mind he laughed at Maximus, taking a quick snap of the puppy before clipping him back to his leash.


Having spent so much time on this campus, that was practically his home, he knew where he was going to get to the Assembly Hall, and it didn't take him too long, watching Maximus sniffing at every little thing he could. As soon as he got there however he got passed by an incredibly flustered and nervous looking Li Shang,
"Li! Hey slow down buddy, I mean I know we haven't seen each other in awhile but, if I'd known you were gonna be that excited to see me..." Flynn started saying but Li just shook his head and gestured vaguely inside before going into the bathroom. Walking inside Flynn saw Aurora in the corner in her underwear, not something he hadn't seen before and something he certainly didn't mind seeing again, "C'mon Aurora." He began to say in greeting, "You know you're gonna turn the poor kid into a babbling mess if you do that." He grinned widely, happy at finally getting to see her again, whereas Maximus wasn't sure who to put his attention on he was so excited there were so many people.
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Theodore Baar

Location: Professor Apartments Class: None| With: Maria Garcia @ShurikenPhoenix

Theo sighed. "Come on. We can find your room with a call to the front desk. Don't worry there are cameras showing you going into my room so you can rest assured I wouldn't try anything. Besides, as one of the older teachers it's my duty to look after the younger staff. There's coffee if you want it. Straight from the Pirate realms. Don't mind Jack." A little monkey in a tweed jacket came out and bowed to Maria then climbed up Theo's robe, settling on his shoulder. He held the door for her, expecting her to come in, mindless of his seedy appearance, Theo didn't talk to women much.



Rachel nearly slapped herself. How could she have gotten his name wrong? They literally had the same name. As long as she remembered hers, which hopefully she did, she would remember his as well, but clearly she forgot. Flynn, its Flynn. Alright, noted. Humiliated, Rachel let out a small chuckle, tucking her hair behind her ear. Oh god, what do I say now? Okay, just keep it simple, you've got this. She looked up at the brunette, playfully hitting him on the shoulder. "Obviously I know your name! I was just joking," Rachel lied. She barely rememered this kid, and she was already punching him, and she lied to him too. Her parents weren't kidding when they said that she would constantly do stupid things whenever she got nervous, and this, this embarassing moment proved it. Thankfully, Flynn didn't seem to notice her flustering, and brushed it off as if they had been friends for years.

Luckily, the blonde spotted her bubbly best friend, Leah, coming their way. She nearly beamed with joy, almost tripping over her own suitcase. Totally forgetting about Flynn's existence, Rachel brushed past Flynn, and skipped over to Leah, embracing her in a tight hug. She hadn't seen her in over a year now, although, they kept in contact daily with each other, filling one another with all the uneventful things that happened in their lives, other than Leah, who always had a juicy story to tell. "OHMYGOD! I missed you so much! How are you? How is the resturant? How are your parents?" Rachel shot Leah so many questions at once, that even she couldn't remember what she asked. To her dismay, Leah was glaring at Flynn the whole time and probably didn't hear a single word that Rachel said. She turned back to Flynn, and Leah as they both exchanged insults, and instead of butting in, she walked over to her now back to green, chameleon Boots, and picked him up, petting him slightly, only to put him back into the cage. Her best friend followed her over to the cage, and pulled her away from Flynn.

As they began walking, Leah turned her head back, and scolded.
"And while you're at it, GET A HAIRCUT!" Rachel peaked back at Flynn, who responded with a remark that she wasn't able to fully hear, and saw him walking away with Maximus strolling right behind him.

* * *

Even though she still felt bad for just leaving Flynn out like that, she had to admit, she loved it when her best friend talked back to people. Rachel was the calm one, and Leah was the crazy one, and probably the uttermost reason why they were best friends. Opposites attract right? As Leah led her into the kitchen, which of course wasn't a surprise, Rachel set down her suitcase and Boot's metal cage, and trotted over to the sink. First thing she learned about being best friends with a cook, was to wash her hands whenever she stepped foot into a kitchen, and they had to be washed good too. When she was done, she wiped her dainty hands and leaned against the counter, facing Leah.
"So, what are going to be battering up today, chef?"

Location: Dorm Room Lounge > Kitchen || With: Flynn [Formerly] & Leah [Currently] || Class: N/A || Mood: Humiliated > Cheerful

Tags: @Rida @munchkincora

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Wynter White


Location: Dorm 207 - Class: N/A - With: Vayne
@Ilikepie, Jasmine @crucialstar & Madden @NessieAlways - Time: 7:30 am

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wynter1.gif.92411dd120ea4af3fc1c2eb3543b56e6.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81945" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wynter1.gif.92411dd120ea4af3fc1c2eb3543b56e6.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

First Day of School

“Ladies such a pleasant surprise.” said a voice that Wynter knew all too well. It was a voice that made her forget all about the butterflies in her stomach and the girls in front of her.

Her. She-Who-Shall-not-be-Named. But it couldn’t be, could it? It just wouldn’t be fair. But when Wynter looked up, there she was with her two-toned hair that Wynter always thought made her look like a skunk.

Her first thought was to slam the door in her face but, no. That’s something she would’ve done when she was fifteen. When the two of them were dating. She was mature now and she wanted to shove that in Madden’s face.

“Wynter, what ever are you doing here?” asked her ex with a look in her eyes that was poisonous.

Wynter, however, smiled sweetly. As sweetly as she could without feeling more sick. “The same thing you’re doing here, Madden darling.” She opened the dorm door wide and made a sweeping gesture with her arm. “I’m here to learn.”

Then a horrible, terrible thought dawned on her and her eyes grew wide.
No, she won’t be my roommate, Wynter told herself. It wasn’t believable though… Why else would she be here? Just to torture her and get her all mad?

“You… Why are you here? Outside my dorm, I mean.” Wynter said, trying hard not to choke on the words.



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Vayne Von Lope


Location: Outside dorm 207

Class: N/A

Time: 7:32 am

With: Jasmine @crucialstar Wynter @Miss Alice Madden @NessieAlways

Action: talking to other girls

Feeling: Scared

Vayne enjoyed her tour and was amazed how much Jasmine knew about the school. At the end of the tour Vayne a girl in a strange outfit walked over and made a scary glare towards the door and then mentioned someone named Wynter. Seconds later a girl in a cute casual outfit comes out of the dorm room possibly the girl named Wynter. The girl Wynter says some angry words at the other girl who is apparently named Madden. Vayne is not sure why these girls hate each other and starts to hide behind Jasmine prepared to use Jasmine as a shield since the two girls seem like they are going to start attacking other other at any moment. "Hmm, thank you for the tour Jasmine. It was fun" Vayne says in way that sounds very awkward. Vayne whispers to Jasmine "do you any idea why these girls hate each other?" "My name is Vayne Von Lope and I guess I'm your roommate since we are both in room two o seven" Vayne says awkwardly to Wynter with a nervous smile.

Rodger "Dodger" Smith

Location: Dorms| Class: None| With| Hugo @Cami | Time 7:25

Dodger woke with a start and heard thumping around. Only one person could be so noisy in the morning. "Oi Hugo mate. They still haven't kicked you out?" He said with a laugh and he rolled out of bed. They were both the same year and Dodger wasn't quite sure if you could call them friends, but friendly roommates could be said. They did see an lot of each other after all. He opened his drink fridge and popped open a canned coffee. He offered one to Hugo. "Almost time to meet with Melody Illusions. We're doing a show to greet the newbies, maybe get a few interested in the club. It's odd that I'm going to be one of the older guys now. Last year flew by. How was your summer? Go back to Neverland?"

Jim Bearton "Papa Bear"

Location: Dorms| Class: None| With: Various Students| Time: 7:25

Jim was doing his rounds and looked over at the dorms. He walked in, his bright uniform standing out as was his 6'3 frame. He was just looking at the students, smiling at them. Calling in at checkpoints and making sure the cameras worked. No cameras in the dorms themselves, obviously, but the halls kept people safe. He was there to protect the students and they had to feel safe from day one. The bright silver mouse badge on his grey uniform stood out and his shoes were polished. This was the only time he looked his best. The head of security demanded it. Other times he let it slack a bit and just wore a black shirt that said "Security" on it along with his badge. "Ladies, good morning." He said to Wynter and Vayne as he passed them. He would have to provide security for the Melody Illusions Show soon. Then there was the bonfire. A sea of raging hormones. He was glad he wasn't a teacher and just had to protect the physical safety of the students. This many attractive people in one place, it was a powder keg. Not his problem though. It was the same issue when he was a student and he turned out okay. He continued his rounds while humming a tune.
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@Inritz [/color]



Maria blinked several times at being offered the option to enter the apartment of a man wearing only boxers and a robe. It wasn't like that sort of situation had never occurred to her before, but it was definitely never in such a situation as this. She opened her mouth to decline, but was distracted by the little monkey that had appeared and bowed to her. Civilised people simply did not own pet monkeys. Hiding her disapproval she nodded a little and accepted the help of this teacher,
mostly to save herself further humiliation.

"You are too kind señor, and your primate companion is quite charming. I am sure I could find my apartment considering it is next door to this one, but I suppose I cannot resist the idea of coffee. I am impartial towards coffee from the Pirate Nation." She smiled a mall smile before adding, "So you have been teaching here for a while I presume?"[/font]
Theodore Baar

Location: Professor Apartments| Class: None| With: Maria @ShurikenPhoenix | Time: 7:05

Theodore nodded. "Aye. 15 years. I was younger'n you when I first came here. They thought I was a student, but I pressured them into making me teach. I know the History of all the lands. I read all about them. The Principal was impressed and gave me a job. The Seniors were a bit snotty having someone younger than them teach them so I had to be hard. I regret it now. Now the students are afraid of me. Sure I tolerate no messing around in my class but my reputation stuck. The only student whoever came to me is a Sophomore this year. He had wild ideas about starting a Magic club. I'm pretty handy with illusions." He took his suit off the rack and stood behind a curtain for a moment then dropped it. He was fully clothed now. "There that will satisfy both our senses of modesty." He said with a smile. He took a large cup and poured Maria a glass. He took cream out of the fridge and got sugar out of the cupboard. "Anyway this kid wants to do a Magic club and some kids are excited. Till they find that I'll be teaching them. That sours the whole idea so I think that's the last I'll hear of it. No. The kid asks for lessons on his own. I admire people who work for what they want so I said yes. He still has dreams of becoming a full club. I guess he's worried about me when he leaves. He's a good kid. So what brings you here? Most teachers and staff here have a story, mine's a sad tale about a kid captain who got in trouble with the rulers of the Pirate Realm. I ran to the Magic Kingdom and became a teacher. I wouldn't kill a man for stealing to save his family. The East India Company made my life a living hell after that. So I ran. "
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Jasmine Al-Hamed

Location: Dorms | Year: 2nd | Class: Not at the moment | Time: 7:30am-8:00am

Talks to / With :
@Ilikepie , Wynter @Miss Alice , Madden @NessieAlways , and Autumn @ShurikenPhoenix

Sencario: Dorm tour finished. Reuniting? Good or bad? Don't scare our new first years away, girls!


When Jasmine finished her tour and talking, she heard Vayne's dorm room open a slight crack. Was someone already there? Would it be Madden? If she remembered correctly, she was the only second year in 207. However, Madden wouldn't slightly crack her dorm room, that just wasn't like her at all. So that rules Madden out of her book, so it definitely is one of the first years. A soft yet low voice spoke from the slight crack, revealing a shy and quiet dark-haired girl. Jasmine smiled softly and welcoming, taking her time talking to the girl behind the doors, hoping not to scare her away seeing she looked a bit out of place and not comfortable at the university yet. "It's nice to meet you, Wynter. I'm Jasmine, one of the members of the Student Council. It's okay, we don't bite, right, Vayne?" Jasmine teased lightly as she looked towards Vayne. However Vayne quickly hid behind her, confusing Jasmine terribly. What happened for her to do that? Well, no sooner than that, Jasmine heard the voice of the woman she was just thinking about, not necessarily in a romantic way nor in a negative way. Jasmine didn't really have anything to say about the girl besides the fact that she's the fashion police, never liking anyone's fashion sense unless it's her taste and to her liking. Jasmine sighed inaudibly knowing Madden was judging her outfit of choice to the core, not really caring in a way. Jasmine knew Madden since they would study together when they needed to, however, her opinions on Madden as a person remained neutral since well, Madden can be a bit hard to be friends with. But that never bothered Jasmine much, as long as there wasn't any drama that she was involved in, she was care-free to do what she wished.

Jasmine looked over at Madden and nodded in response to her "hello". However, Jasmine observed the girl's expression as she realized her temper was definitely not to be messed with this morning. There was a strain in Madden's voice as she spoke to Wynter. How they knew each other, Jasmine didn't know, but knew they had a past that definitely cut deep like a knife, seeing how they both were tippy-toeing over broken glass. Jasmine looked behind Vayne whispering,
"Vayne, it's alright. Pay them no mind." Taking a deep breathe, Jasmine watched as Wynter opened her dorm to show Madden it was hers while she asked Madden why she was in front of her dorm. Jasmine knew they'd be rooming together which can cause. . complications, but decided she shouldn't butt into their conversation and watched in silence, however, time is a-ticking, and whatever they need to settle it'll have to wait until later. "Girls, it's almost time for the performances. Wynter will you come and see them? It'll be a great experience and sight to see!" Jasmine asked and then saw Autumn by her dorm. Jasmine smiled in her direction, nodding her head over to the rest of the group. Turning her attention back to Vayne, Wynter, and Madden, Jasmine spoke, "I know you're thinking about skipping Madden, but at least try to enjoy school functions like these. So Vayne and Wynter, why don't we head out and see? It'll be better than staying inside all day, so let's go and have fun!." Jasmine spoke, trying to convienice the girls.
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Location: Outside Dorm 207||

Class: None||

With: Jasmine-Vayne-Wynter-Marian||

@crucialstar @Ilikepie @Miss Alice @ShurikenPhoenix

Time: 7:40 A.M.

Madden ignored the girl cowarding behind Jasmine. Rolling her eyes over the pathetic first year and the second year trying to assume an authoritative dominance over her. Madden just scoffed as Jasmine tried to calm the first year who had introduced herself as Vayne. It was like Jasmine to try and take control over situations. Madden could see that, just like Lilith, Jasmine thought she had some sort of power for no longer being a first year. It was stupid. Being a second year made you no better than everyone else. Madden knew that. It was who you were that made you better and given the people she was surrounded by, Madden definitely felt she was better than her crowd.

"Oh darling, you must be mistaken. See this..."Madden gestured to the dorm, "Is my dorm." Her smile was wide and polite, yet the claws were still out and her voice was still cautious. "You can't possibly be in this dorm. That would mean..." Madden broke into a nervous laugh. "Let's just get you to Lilith so she can give you your correct room okay?" She spoke slowly as if Wynter was a first grader.

Once again, Jasmine spoke. This time she was directing all of them trying to break off the tension and ignore the elephant in the room. It was a typical for Jasmine to try to keep order. As much as she wants to let go of responsibilities, her inner hard working drive prevents her from it. And her trying to ease the situation by suggesting to go to the presentation and talking down Madden was fairly predictable. Madden had known Jasmine for a while now though she wasn't exactly what Madden would consider a friend. Jasmine was more of an Ace under her sleeve. Most of the people in her life were. Simple acquaintances that were there when Madden needed them. In Jasmine's case, Madden needed her for grades. As much as Madden hated to admit it, Jasmine was the smartest girl in the University and every test week they'd get together to cram every last inch of notes they'd written. Where Jasmine was the brain in their relationship, Madden was the one who kept things entertaining and fun to study. She knew if it were up to Jasmine, she'd read her text books from cover to cover and be good. Madden was not like that at all. She was a visual learner. So while Jasmine gave her the information she needed, Madden would make note cards or color coded notes that would make the information stick easier for both of them. It was a win win situation. A mutual understanding that their relationship was nothing more than mutual beneficence.

"Jasmine, darling, if that's your definition of fun. I'll be sorry for whoever is dumb enough to befriend you."

Madden looked over at Vayne. She was a pretty girl, she'd give her that much, but with get ups like that the girl might as well have buried her love life alive. Madden looked over at the girl with a friendly yet evil smile, "If you'd like to have fun, come with Marian and me. We're going shopping and God knows you need it." She said judging the girl's outfit once again. "As for you..." Madden looked menacingly at Wynter once again, "I expect you'll have things sorted out with Lilith by the time I get back. You know I don't like complications." Madden winked at the girl before turning back to Marian and walking away with a wave and a sarcastic, "Buh-bye girls. Have a wonderful day."

Her offer still stood with Vayne. She could follow Jasmine to the performances or she could go shopping with Marian and her. It was her choice, but to be completely honest, Madden didn't care which she chose. The girl had the same potential Madden had seen in Marian the first time they met. Though her style was just as whack, it was nothing Madden couldn't fix. "Let's go Marian. The clock is ticking." Madden said as she walked past the girl not giving her or Vayne a second glance. "If she knows what's good for her she'll come along."



Location | Outside the Teacher's Apartments Teaching | Not at the moment Time | 7:30AM With | Captain Jack Sparrow @crucialstar



Just as Elizabeth was about to walk forward to go inside there was a whisper next to her ear, nearly making her jump out of her skin as she flipped around, only to come face to face with the man she had just been hoping that she wouldn't run into. "Jack! You don't just do that!" She said angrily, reaching forward and smacking his arm. Why on earth the man thought that walking up behind her and whispering in her ear was a good idea...Warm breath that sent shivers through her, quite reminiscent of her dream this morning. Quickly shaking her head at that thought she folded her arms, glaring at him.

The blonde, suffice to say, disliked him at the very least. She wouldn't say she hated him, because well...she tolerated his antics. Mostly because he was actually attractive, though he was never going to know that. The self-proclaimed 'captain' also had a good sense of humor and honestly Elizabeth had to wonder sometimes why he bothered her so much. Because ordinarily he would be the sort of man she would flirt right back with. But something about him just...irked her. Maybe it was the way that he was always just so full of himself. Jack Sparrow was an arrogant, cocky, bastard who thought that just because of his good-looks and the fact that he could play music well, that he was better than everyone around him. He thought that everyone should recognize this and do everything they were asked of him without question. Maybe if he weren't so ridiculously big-headed Elizabeth might like him.

"What is it you want exactly? I mean...this is rather early for you of all people to be awake this early." She snipped, glancing around before turning her chocolately brown eyes back onto the infuriating man--though he most certainly did not act like one, in front of her.



Olivia aroused with excitement as she took in all of the endless positivity around her. The group was right. I mean, even though she decided to idiotically design the outfits two days before rehearsal, they still didn't look like Alice's ugly outfits from last year. She smiled as she watched her fellow members rushing into the nearby bathrooms to undress, whereas Aurora, being as flirtatious as she was, decided to solemnly strip in the corner, not caring who saw her. Olivia let out a light chuckle as she witnessed Li, tripping over his own two feet, staring at Aurora. She thought about playfully calling him out for it, but she saw how embarrassed he was at his late arrival, and decided to push it to the back of her head.

As everyone began to come out of the bathrooms, Olivia exposed a wide-mouthed grin, showing all of her teeth. All of the dancers looked stunning in their outfits, but of course it wasn't a surprise to her, as they were all just naturally beautiful human beings. "Alright guys, you all look lovely! Now, lets get into our po--" Her eyes drifted to the full-energetic Flynn as he walked into the room, brushing past Li.

"Li! Hey slow down buddy, I mean I know we haven't seen each other in awhile but, if I'd known you were gonna be that excited to see me..."

The brunette simply just laughed off his comment, and rushed to him. She opened her arms wide into a hug, embracing Flynn, quickly letting him go. Flynn had always been her pal. She met him through Aurora, and truthfully, she knew why Aurora was such good friends with him. He was one of the most sarcastic guys in this school, and she loved people like him. "Flynn, buddy! I haven't heard from you in forever! You still scrounging around for that Mrs.Right?" She said jokingly, knowing about his flirty nature.Waiting for his answer, Olivia felt a soft paw run in between her legs. "Maximus!" She knelt down, grabbing the furry pet into her arms, and drowning him with kisses. She was hesitant to put him down, until she remembered that they still had only a little time to rehearse for so much to do.

She jogged back to the crew, and took her normal position in the middle, between both Aurora and Annabelle. Olivia spun her head back to Flynn, "You better be watching," She demanded in a friendly voice. Olivia drew her attention back to the dance, and began their count. The music echoed through her ears, and her along with the others, began to dance, hitting each move as if they were synchronized swimmers. She tuned out of everything around her, and paid attention the the song, getting lost in the music and allowed her body to do what it was supposed to do. As the music came to an end, Olivia turned to face her dance mates, and shot them a thumbs up, which was followed by a bright and genuine, smile. "You guys, did AMAZING! Not a surprise though, we're going to kill it out there!" Her eyes passed by over to Flynn, "What'd you think?"

Location: Assembly Room || With: Aurora, Atlas, Annabelle, Li, Flynn || Tags: @NessieAlways @ShurikenPhoenix @munchkincora @crucialstar || Mood: Flirty (with Flynn) , Thrilled



Location: Assembly Room||

Class: None||

With: Annabelle-Olivia-Flynn-Shang||Mentions: Eleanor

@incrusade @Geek with Me

Time: 7:40 A.M.

She'd been used to people staring. They always did. Half of the time Aurora just rolled her eyes annoyed by the simple mindedness of men, but in Shang's case, Aurora couldn't help but grin. "What's the matter Shang? Cat's got your tongue?" She teased biting her finger and eyeing him seductively. Shang made a run for it mumbling something that sounded like an apology. Aurora giggled pulling up the black mini shorts over her pink panties. Shang was one of the cutest guys she'd met in this school. He was nervous and jittery, but in the best way. He reminded Aurora of a little kid.

As Aurora was about to put on her shirt she heard a familiar voice that send warm chills over her body. It'd been too long. "C'mon Aurora. You know you're gonna turn the poor kid into a babbling mess if you do that." Aurora turned to face her old pal Flynn. The two had a strange relationship that had lasted for years. It was so comforting seeing him again. After a long summer and only being able to see his face through a tiny phone screen, having him standing in front of her brought a childlike smile to her face. She wanted to run up and hug him. Clinging on to him like they hadn't seen each other in years, but where was the fun in that? Aurora's smile turned mischievous as she slowly closed the gap between the two. She could feel the heat radiating from his body and could smell the coffee on his breath. She tiptoed bringing her lips close to his ear and whispering, "Do I make you babble, Flynn?" Her eyes looked up at his displaying the most sincere innocence she could muster being half naked. God she's missed him so much. Aurora batted her eyes lifting her hand up slowly careful not to brush his skin and curled around the venti cup of coffee he had. Snatching it away, the childlike expression found it's way back to her face as she pushed herself off of the guy with a laugh, bringing the straw to her lips.

The cup was half empty meaning he hadn't gotten her coffee and was giving her his. They'd shared drinks and food many times before so it didn't bother Aurora one bit. On the contrary she felt special that he came all the way to the assembly room to giver her his coffee. Anyone else wouldn't have said, sorry I forgot. No coffee for you Aurora, but Flynn was different. "You didn't even put cinnamon. You know I love cinnamon." Aurora complained cutely taking small sips from the drink. Just as she did she heard a high pitch voice calling out for her friend. "Flynn, buddy! I haven't heard from you in forever! You still scrounging around for that Mrs.Right?" Aurora rolled her eyes playfully as Olivia came up to hug Flynn. She remembered the day the two met. It was one of the funnest days of her life.

It happened last year during an event Greek Life had planned, Aurora had forced Flynn to go with her. "Just you me and a bunch of hot girls in bikinis. Are you really going to say no to that? Flynn hadn't needed much convincing. The night went off to a slow start, but once Olivia arrived, the party began. They ended up passed out drunk near the river. That marked the start of the friendship between the two.

Aurora handed the coffee back to Flynn as Olivia motioned for them to get ready. Her fingers brushed against his when Aurora place the cup back in his hand. "You better be watching," "Of course he will Olivia. He can't keep his eyes off of us." She teased winking at Flynn before putting her shirt on and joining the team in formation. The song started playing and Aurora followed Olivia's steps just as they had rehearsed the night before. She'd occasionally catch Flynn's eyes and wink and bat her eyes at him or even pucker her lips as if sending him a kiss. She went through the motions just as everyone else. She wasn't the best dancer in the group, but she at least didn't stick out like a sore thumb. Aurora felt the music through every step letting it guide her along through the choreography Olivia had created. When the music came to a stop Olivia congratulated them for their work. Aurora smiled as her friend walked up to Flynn and asked him what he thought. It was relieving to know that two of the three people she cared for most in this world got along. Olivia, Flynn and Aurora were similar in many ways. Now if she could only get Eleanor in their flirty bandwagon, Aurora would have the most beautiful trio of friends ever.


  • lucien-schoenschriftv-cat.regular.png

    Location || Dorm Room. -- Time || 07:40-08:00. -- Year || Second. -- Based On || The White Queen. -- Class || None yet. -- With || Anyone who's in her dorm. -- Tags || None. -- Outfit || Beatrice Ellewood. The White Queen.

    Beatrice had immediately went to her room when she had retrieved her key, her parents going with her. They had helped her move her things in and setting everything in place. She made sure to keep her items in one separate place, so it didn't get confused with anyone else's items. She would hate to lose something the first day. With the closet space, she made sure she didn't have a whole ton to hang up, and she made sure to combine hanging space if she did needed to hang something. It took her about twenty minutes to do, seeing as it didn't take her long to do something if she needed it. Her parents had just barely left her and she sighed.

    Beatirce smiled at being done and she went over to the cage which laid right beside her bed. Her pet hedgehog, Jasper, was in there. She felt sorry she accidentally forgot about him. She went over to the cage and opened it, pulling the little critter out. It was obvious he was overwhelmed and terrified. She decided to hum a little piece of she had been creating to soothe him. She knew how scary moving could be. She gave Jasper a little kiss before putting him back I'm his cage. She figured shed let him rest while she wandered about.

    Beatrice slipped her phone and dorm key into her pocket before leaving the room. She walked quietly to the courtyard, not wanting to draw attention to herself. Her flashy white attire already brought attention, so it would be best to keep a low profile. She began walking somewhere from the courtyard, familiarizing herself with everything. She felt a yawn hit her and a hand quickly moved to her mouth to cover it up. Today was going to be a long day.

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Hugo Pieter Pan
@Inritz ||[/i][/color][/size][/font]​


When Hugo arrived the first thing he was welcomed to was Dodger, not that he hated him of course. It just served as a surprise for him. He jumped slightly, looking and hearing his comment which made him roll his eyes. Sure, Hugo was bad when it came to attendance but he wasn't that bad. Or at least he thought so.

"I'm not that bad am I?" He asked with an eyebrow raised, taking the can of coffee and opening it. He remembered once, he arrived quite late and got into trouble with the she-devil herself, Belinda Gothel. Maybe it was an overstatement to call her a she-devil but Hugo still saw her as a slave driver.

He was never really one for strong caffeinated drinks but right now he needed it if he was ever going to stay awake so when the taste of coffee hit his mouth he sighed in content. Normally he would be into juice drinks, strange ones at that actually. But mostly berries, he really enjoyed the forest fruit kind.

"Yeah, you're right" he murmured looking at the time, "what are we even going to be doing?" He asked as he chugged down the contents of his canned coffee. "Go back to Neverland, did I heck? I love the place but life is worth so much more... Adventure. I could never limit myself so much" he spoke proudly of his achievement of actually managing not going back to Neverland.

"I actually travelled far" he said, jumping onto a nearby chair and sitting in a rather strange crouching position. "At least further than which my legs should wish to carry me, no where I went was far away from NeverLand - a place truly exotic. Called Agrabah I'll tell you about it, sometime".

He threw his bag onto his bed, not really caring about what he had in it. He didn't really believe in delicate luggage or stuff like that, he only ever packed what was necessary and what would help him on the go. He went to the window of the room before looking out. The view was lovely, once again but still a little boring for Hugo. He bit his lower lip before turning to Dodger. He wondered how long he'd been here for, probably longer than Hugo that was for definite. The thing that Hugo really wanted to ask though - was where was Medley illusions meeting?

He got the memo but he forgot to write the location.

After thinking long and hard, he finally decided to ask.

"Don't you think we should get going? I think you should lead the way" he said with courtesy and a tone laced with sweetness that usually no one could say no to. Aside from some girls, girls were far too clever to fall for simple charms.​
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Atlas Charming

Location: Assembly | Year: 3rd | Class: None at the moment | With: Li @Ethereal |Mentions: Elle @Geek with Me

and Flynn
@munchkincora | Scenario: Changed! Time to practice!| Time: 7:30-8:00AM



As Atlas made it into the bathroom stall, he swiftly took off his shirt and pants, putting on his dance costume made by Olivia with the help of Aurora. Atlas moved his legs around, making sure there was room for his legs to stretch in the shorts he was in. Soon, Atlas raised his hands up, stretching, reaching up for the sky or rather the quite dull ceiling, but a guy can imagine, right?. He stretched and stretched, taking in a huge breathe before letting his breathe go as he relaxed his muscles. Opening the stall door, Atlas made exercising movements such as jogging into place, toe touching, and jumping up and down to warm up his sore muscles. Getting closer to the mirror, Atlas splashed his face with water, to become more alert and aware. He had to make sure their performance went great, and most of all, that everyone was having fun! He believed having fun is the most important task when performing for an audience. If they were having fun on stage then he believed the feelings that rolled off of him and his team will somehow be dispersed into the audience and it'll give the audience some energy and liveliness as they watched their performance. Hell, he'd even love it if the audience danced along with them! As soon as Atlas finished washing his face, Atlas took out a towel from his bag he had brought with him. Checking his outfit and hair in the mirror, he looked presentable and his shirt and pants were definitely put on the right way. Atlas cringed at the memory when he wore his shirt and pants the wrong way, it sure earned him a lot of laughs. Needless to say, he did find it pretty funny, however, he'd rather avoid that situation again.

As Atlas picked up his clothes and placed them in his bag and strapped his bag on his shoulders, he started walking out of the bathroom. However, he felt a wind rush pass him and at the corner of his eye saw a black haired male rush pass him in a hurry. His face was drained of color and looked as if he was going to faint.
Wait, isn't that Li? "Li?" Atlas called out in worry and concern. "Hey, Li!" He called out and went into the restroom just as Li closed the bathroom stall. Atlas wondered what happened to make him react in such a way. He couldn't put his finger on it and debated to stay and wait for his companion. He knocked on the bathroom stall, "Li, when you're finished, I'll be waiting outside alright? We can go back together." Atlas said in his same happy-go-luckly voice although there was a lace of concern in his voice. Atlas was lost in thought to why Li's expression was in such a way that he hadn't realized he almost rammed into a girl. "Oh, sh--" But, before he could help the blonde-haired girl he ran into with her things, she already picked them up. Atlas chuckled, seeing the slight blush on her cheeks, "Hey, it's no biggie. Elle, right?" He said as she introduced herself. However, she asked him if he had a charger and sadly, he doesn't carry his since he always manages to misplace his personal belongings besides clothes. Shaking his head Atlas responded, "Sorry, Elle. I don't. The name's Atlas, by the way!" He smiled his charming smile once more, until Elle was off in another hurry once more. Atlas couldn't help but smile at how flustered Elle was, but hopefully she could find a charger.

Leaning his back against the bathroom wall, Atlas waited for Li to finish changing. After Li had finished, Atlas waited for him to come out and he looked much better than before, probably because he was still flustered from rushing to practice. Slapping Li on his back, giving him some moral support, Atlas grinned,
"Lets go and get this on the road, Li!" He said as they made their way towards the assembly once more. Atlas recognized one of the guys named: Flynn, However, he never really talked to the guy besides from time to time whenever he'd come to see Aurora or Olivia. Atlas gave a nod towards Flynn and resumed his attention back to his team, getting in formation of the dance number they were doing. Taking a deep breathe, Atlas waited for the music to play, and soon, Atlas found himself into the dance. His movements and rhythmn flowed as he remembered all the steps. long nights, and effort he put into perfecting his step and staying in sync with the music and his teammates. Atlas's expression was one of relaxation, cheer, and full of lightness that showed how happy he was to just be practicing in front of his friends. Atlas found himself into the groove, never losing his footing as he let the music sway his body. As soon as the dance was over, Atlas smiled widely as Olivia complimented how amazing they were. He felt the adrenaline rushing through his bones and couldn't help but whoop into the air as his fist raised up as he jumped. "Yeah!" He felt excitement in the air and couldn't wait to share it with his fellow classmates. Atlas turned towards Olivia and the rest of his team, "Guys. . that felt, great!" He said enthusiastically as he went off the stage to cool of the sweat that dripped off his face.

Captain Jack Sparrow

Location: Campus | Time: 7:30-8:00AM | With: Elizabeth @munchkincora

Teaching: Not in session | Scenario: I know you missed me, luv


The Captain Jack Sparrow grinned mischievously at Elizabeth's outburst and even let her take a swing at his arm. He was quite amused by the woman's antics and just let her curse or hit him if she pleased. At least, even though he was here at this apartment with a bunch of other mates, he atleast knew this woman would entertain him long enough so he wouldn't be so bored. However, as for as muses goes, it comes and goes as it pleases, flaky that one. Ah and there it was, that million dollar question, why are you here so early at the crack of dawn, although it wasn't, it sure felt like it. "It must be quite a miracle, darling, don't you see?" He expressed while using his hands for emphasis on "miracle". "Of course, it is the first day and I sure would love to have seen you pretty porcelain face before any other suitors do, hm?" The Captain Sparrow said nonchalantly as he took the rum bottle in his hands and poured it into his flask. He never told the whole truth or even half truth, he said what he pleased and did what he wanted. And now this, this remark, will surely get a rise out of dear lovely Miss Swann. Mark quickly ran over to retrieve the empty bottle as he took the Captain's belongings inside the apartment. "Now, luv, are we going to chat out here all day, or shall we go inside for some rum?" He said as he held up his bottle and walked in front of Elizabeth without looking back to see if she was following. Perhaps he should indulge in the conversation, considering the woman was curious about him. This caused the Captain to smirk widely as he made it into the apartment. Sly, that woman, acting as if she hated the one and only Captain Jack Sparrow, surely no one could ever resist his charms, could they? He smiled smugly and whistled loudly, seeing how tidy the place was. However, never fret, he thought, by the time The Captain Jack Sparrow arrives, nothing shall be in order. He chuckled at that as he took another gulp of his rum, and staggered made his way across the kitchen to the table and sat down. The Captain looked up, "Well, what are you doing, luv? Come sit."
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Rodger "Dodger" Smith

Location: Dorms| Class: None| With: Hugo @ShurikenPhoenix | Time: 7:45

Dodger looked at his watch and jumped. "Crap. Yeah we should get going! Do I look like a first year floozy? Mind tricks don't work on me. Even if you are man pretty. I got street savoire faire." Dodger said with a wink. He grabbed a bag and stuffed his MI stuff inside. "Agrabah huh? Sounds exotic. I spent my time fighting aliens at the arcade and fixing my Impala. You can be well traveled but the chicks here won't go for you if you don't have a set of wheels to get into town on days off. Don't worry we can double date if you bring the girls. You always had better luck than me." Dodger gave Hugo a rougish smile and headed out the door. "Watch out gents. Oh boys. headed to the show? I'll see you there!" A big man said with a smile. Dodger gave a nervous smile and mumbled an apology before running off with hopefully Hugo in tow.

Jim Bearton

Location: Dorms| With: Various Students Time 7:45

Jim continued his rounds and introduced himself to new students making sure they would feel safe. He side stepped an opening door as two students came flying out. He kindly reprimanded them. Dorm safety wasn't his deal aside from keeping bad people out but he'd do the two a favor and not bring it to the attention of a teacher. He remembered his years here with Baggy after all. He walked to where the Melody Illusions were doing a show and nodded at another security guard protecting the students, he grabbed a coke and leaned back and drank it. It was almost time to start.

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