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Fandom University of Walt Disney at Magic Kingdom

@incrusade Aurora @Inritz [/color]




Maria took a seat, smiling as she was handed a cup of coffee. She listened intently as Theodore began spouting his story as though he had always wanted to tell someone. She admired that he had known what he wanted to do at a young age. Ambition was an admirable trait in a person. What she could not sympathise with was his [/font]attachment to the students he taught. Maria could not see herself even liking any of her students. They would merely be underlings to her. "I don't think it is a bad thing that your students are intimidated by you. It means you have a sense of authority and they will not take you for a fool. I admire it señor. As for your little magic trick, it is impressive. Illusionists have always intrigued me. They can make one see exactly what they want you to see." She smiled to herself at this last part, knowing that she did this in a different way every day. She always made people see what they wanted to see and had quite the talent for it too. She then took another sip of coffee, simply relaxing.[/font]
Theodore Baar

Location: Apartment 2.1 Scenario: An Exotic Visitor With: @ShurikenPhoenix Time: 7:25

Theo laughed a bit at Maria's words. "Careful or you'll end up like Professor Gothel, hated even more than me and the students are always playing pranks on her. I don't mind holding a bit of respect, but I'm one of the last memories they are going to have of this place. I want it to be a good one. I want to set an example for someone to follow, not make them dread the last year of school here. I'm 35, almost old enough to be a grandfather if my theoretical child made a bad choice young. This was, and is my life. Was married once, she ran a Agrabahian food truck for the students, but she wanted to go to far away lands and I wanted to teach. I can see all the kingdoms from right here. The teachers are from everywhere and I learn something about all sorts of lands. Something about this place grabs you and hold you if you're of a mind to let it. I'll introduce you to one of the security guards and one of my first students, Jim. He's a rough looking guy but he's a big teddy bear. They say this University is the Most Magical Place on Earth." Theo got a sly look on his face. "So tell my Miss Maria, what will you be teaching? I hope it's not locksmithing." Sorry if I asked this already it's been one hell of a past few days.
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Lolani Pelaki


Lolani smiled brightly when the girl infront of her, Lillith if she remembered correctly, gave her her key. When she told her to stop by her room, Lolani only nodded. She took her key and stepped out of line, hearing crowds of arguing behind her. Lolani turned to see all of the people and stood there for a second, putting two and two together. She quickly blushed and looked at them all.

"I am so sorry everyone! I'll make it up to you all, somehow! I promise." she told them all, turning on her heel and heading up to her dorm. As she walked up the stairs to her room, Pangie let out a small cry and scratched against the fabric of Lolani's backpack. Lolani looked back at Pangie and reached back to pet his head. He nuzzled his head into her hand and licked it. She smiled softly and nodded to him.

"I know, Pang. I'm a little nervous too. Let's hope our roommates are nice." she whispers softly and makes it to the door, putting her key into the door and opening the door. Silently, Lolani was hoping that her new roomies would accept her.

Location: Dorm || Time: 7:50 || Class: n/a || With: Lillith @NessieAlways ||

August Wood


August grinned and followed Esme, Shawna barking happily at Djali as she followed August. August stood in line behind everyone where he suggested he was supposed to be for his room key. August stood there patiently, tapping his boot. He was ready to get to his room and put his things down.

"Pull this truck to the side of the road. Slide on over, let me hold you close and tell you everything I'm thinking. Hop on out and let the tailgate fall. Get drunk on you with no alcohol." he sang, his shoulders dipping from side to side and doing a little dance as he waited. This was something August always did while he waited.

While he waited and the line grew shorter, he heard Shawna yelp and bite onto his leg. August began to hop on one foot, looking down at Shawna who was licking her foot. August shook his head and rubbed his leg, flicking one of Shawna's ears.

"Dang it, baby girl! That hurt. I didn't mean to step on ya. Calm down."

Location: University Entrance || Time: 7:47 || Class: n/a || With: Esme & Elle || Mentioned:@crucialstar@Geek with Me
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Location | Dorm Lounge Class | None at the moment Time | 8:00AM With | Lilith @NessieAlways



Adeline was not a fan of planes. They had to be one of her least favorite things in the world, so having her flight delayed certainly hadn't helped her situation any. She was still jittery as she hopped into the cab--apologies, as she hopped into the 'Taxi', fiddling idly with the hem of her blue blouse. The blonde woman was nervous, going to a new country where she would be surrounded by a different culture and different peoples. Gnawing on the inside of her lip as she stared out the window at the rapidly changing scenery, she hoped that at least her new roommates were nice. The was another thing she would have to adjust to, having people living with her, she had lived on her own for a few years after she had gotten her GED, so it would take some getting used to, though hopefully not much. She knew that WDU was pet friendly and she hoped that perhaps one of her roommates would have a pet. Preferably a dog, though really she was alright with anything.

Checking her make-up with the inside camera of her phone briefly as the Taxi pulled up outside the University, and she opened her wallet and paid the good man, who helped her take her few things out of the trunk. As she would be having the rest of her things shipped over to her to save time. Slipping her bag over her shoulders before grabbing the rolling suitcase and the carry suitcase and starting towards the school with a mixed feeling of excitement and apprehension, hoping that she would get used to all of this...university life soon. She would certainly need a map, Adeline decided, as she looked around, thankful for the small signs showing her the way to the dorms, where they had said that she would grab her key. Finally walking inside to the dorm lounge, even as she continued to look around in slight awe, as everything was just so incredible.

Finally, upon noticing the large queue to get to a table, where she noticed a young girl, about her age, was handing out keys, she hopped into the line before she continued to look around. The place was lively, and she assumed it would calm down once moving-day was over and done with. It didn't take too awfully long for her to reach the front of the line, smiling sweetly, albeit a bit nervously, at the brunette,
"Hello, considering I heard everyone else tell you their name I'm assuming that what you want. Adeline Ellington." She spoke softly, with a small laugh.

Hugo Pieter Pan
@Inritz @lonecoyote ||[/i][/color][/size][/font]​


At realising Dodger wasn't going to be falling for such simple charms any time soon Hugo sighed. Looks like he would have to improve his techniques once again. "Yeah, sometimes I forget how street smart you are" he deadpanned realising Dodger probably knew a lot more than he did about it considering where Hugo's scene truly was.

"D-double date?" Hugo said with a slight blush. He wasn't really sure what an actual date went like. Sure, Hugo had 'girlfriends' - that is if you count random girls who just asked him out and him saying yes for sympathy but never actually going on dates - but actually going on dates was a whole new concept. The furthest Hugo had ever usually gone with a woman was probably hugging, maybe the occasional peck but that was about it but other than that he was completely hopeless when it came to these things.

Still, Hugo had actually managed to keep up the facade to all his friends, especially Lolani, that he actually had an active dating life. Speaking of which, he should probably see her soon, not having seen her for over the summer was strangely getting to him."Yeah, yeah of course, that is if I haven't got my head buried in a book" he joked knowing that he never actually payed attention in class.

Noticing the man who bumped into Dodger Hugo raised an eyebrow before looking at Dodger. He was pretty sure he'd never seen that guy in his life. Not that he really cared of course but he found it interesting to at least sometimes get inspiration for characters. Especially when he writes a new draft of his Novel that he was working on. "Who was that?" Hugo asked, tailing behind Dodger, quickly catching up.

After walking for a couple of minutes Hugo and Dodger had found themselves at the Dorm Lounge. Hugo had a smile plastered across his face knowing that he wasn't actually that late. For some reason this actually made him proud. Probably because his tardy reputation precedes him. "We made it".

Vayne Von Lope


Location: Outside dorm 207

Class: N/A

Time: 7:40-7:45 am

With: Jasmine @crucialstar Wynter @Miss Alice Madden @NessieAlways Marian @ShurikenPhoenix with Beatrice @themysteriousashe mentioned

Action: talking to other girls and hugging other girls

Feeling: Calm

Vayne thought about going to the Mall with Madden even though her first impression of Madden was that Madden was a scary woman but decided against when a cute girl named Marian walked over and told her that if she went Vayne would become a doll. Vayne walks over to Marian and gives her a hug before she walked away. "Tell Madden I appreciate the offer, but I've decided I really want to see the school performances. Maybe I'll go to the mall with you guys next time" Vayne says with a smile. Vanye watches Madden and Marian walk away and wonders if the two of them are dating.

Vayne walks over to Jasmine and gives her a hug. "Thanks again for the tour and I'll be down for the performances in a couple of minutes I want to look around my dorm room first" Vayne says while hugging her. During the hug Beatrice sneaks into the dorm room without any of the three girls standing next to the door seeing her. Vayne walks into the dorm room and notices a cute little kitty on the ground while Beatrice had already sneaked into the closet. "Is this your kitty Miss Wynter?" Vayne asks. Vayne looks around the room noticing the bunk-beds for four people and instantly thought to herself that the room is too small for four people. "Guess we will decide who gets which bed when all four of us are in the room". Vayne finds where Doc put her bags and then pulls out a container of lollipops from one of the bags. Vayne puts three in her purse one grape, one cherry, and one lemon and puts another cherry one in her mouth before putting the container back into the bag she took it out of. Vayne leaves the room and over to the room where the Medley Illusions are going to be performing. "This performance better be worth it, since I'm skipping a trip to mall for it" Vayne says to herself while walking.

Rodger Dodger Smith

Location: Student Lounge| With: Hugo @Cami | Scene: Pan the Man and the MI Escapade | Time: 7:45

"Jim Bear-something. We're not close and he insists I call him Papa Bear, probably an old nickname cause he's huge and hairy." Dodger said with a grin, "I bribed him with pizza and beer to sneak an outside girl into the dorms during class. Remember when I had the 'One day flu last year? I wanna stay on his good side in case I need his help again so I apologized. Though don't tell anyone cause both him and I will swing if they find out. Just bring food and soda or beer and he's ready to do what you need. As long as it doesn't endanger the students. He may be a bit lazy, bur he takes that part of his job seriously. Professor Baar also told me he's a creative writing grad. He writes romantic fiction under the name 'Lavender Ross'. Hard to think that a big guy like that writes girl porn but hey if it gets him money. Wonder why he's even here; Professor Baar said he was pretty successful"

Dodger mulled that over. He remembered Theo's words about this place holding onto you if you let it. He still wasn't sure what that meant. He was unsure of what that could even begin to mean. Sure he liked it here, but he had places to go. On the other hand Jim, a successful author, chose to be a security guard just to stay here. Curious. Anyway it was time to get ready.

Welcome Ceremony!

Saturday, August, 29 2015


@incrusade @Geek with Me @Inritz

Welcome Ceremony!

Students and Teachers will be escorted to the courtyard for student organization for the Welcome Ceremony.


~Jasmine and Welcoming committee (@Geek with Me @lonecoyote

Time: 7:40 A.M. - 8:15 A.M.

Lilith couldn't help but laugh as Lolani apologized. Though the two never talked much, Lilith was familiar with Lolani's personality. She loved it! When Lolani was out of the line, Lilith returned her attention to the girl in front of her. "Sorry about that. What did you say your name was?" The girl's answer made Lilith's face lighten up. "Ava? Ava Kosa? My goodness! You're our fourth roommate!" She looked around excitedly for Jasmine or Annabelle to introduce the girl to her other two roommates, but they weren't around. With a small frown, Lilith began to fish through the keys finding the one to their dorm. "Here you go Ava! You're in room 209 with Jasmine, Annabelle and me. We've left room for you in the drawers and closet. Hopefully it's enough. If you need anything at all just let me know okay?" Lilith waved Ava goodbye as she checked her phone once again. It was already 8:00 A.M. She had to start getting things moving for the Welcome Ceremony. Lilith texted Jasmine.

Jasmine <3
Hey Jas! Can you start knocking on doors and escorting people to the courtyard? Please and thank you! =)

As Lilith finished sending the text, she looked up to find a girl standing in front of her.

"Hello, considering I heard everyone else tell you their name I'm assuming that what you want. Adeline Ellington."

Lilith smiled. "Hey Adeline! That's a pretty name and you're a very pretty girl, but I'm sure you get told that a lot."

Lilith began to look for the girl's name. "Here you go! Room two oh five. The welcoming ceremony is about to start. If you'd like we can go together. I have to take care of a few things, so you can go drop off your stuff in the mean time. Have Happy help you, he's free.

Lilith waved Happy over signaling him to help the girl carry some of her things. "I'll meet you back here in fifteen minutes, if you'd like to join me."

Lilith waved both the girl and dwarf away before calling Grumpy over.

"Alright Grumps, you're in charge now. Remember names, list, key, schedule. And please try to be nice."

"Yeah yeah" The dwarf answered annoyed snatching the list from her hand and taking a seat behind the table.

Lilith shook her head with a slight smile wondering if she'd ever see him in a good mood.

The first thing on Lilith's to do list was go to the Game room where Medley Illusions was rehearsing. She knocked before entering. "Hey Elle! Ceremony's about to start. Have your team make their way over to the courtyard. Good Luck guys!" With a smile, Lilith headed over to the Assembly room walking in on the team as they finished their routine. "Wow! That looks amazing Olivia! Good job! Just came by to let you all know it's eight already and if you can send your team to the courtyard already." Lilith smile waving towards Annabelle before leaving the room and heading back to lounge. She got out her phone and called President Mouse. "Good morning sir! Hope everything is going well. Just calling with updates on the ceremony. Teams and students are already on their way....Yes I've left someone in charge...Yes, I'm sure Edgar has left someone in charge as well...No we still have keys so not everyone's moved in yet...Okay...Yes...Of course sir...I'll have that ready...Thank you very much. I'll see you in a bit!" Lilith hung up as soon as she arrived at the lounge. She looked at her phone, 8:13 A.M. She'd wait just a few more minutes for Adeline to show up. If not she'd have to go and get things settled.

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Jasmine Al-Hamed

Location: Dorms | Year: 2nd | Class: Not at the moment | Time: 8:00am-8:30am

Talks to / With :
@Ilikepie , Wynter @Miss Alice , Madden @NessieAlways , Autumn @ShurikenPhoenix , Lilith @NessieAlways

Sencario: Time to knock down some doors and gather the sheeps! It's almost time for the performances!


Jasmine's lips formed a thin line as she heard Madden talk down to Wynter. It was something about Madden's tone and attitude that was making Jasmine's inner anger bubble, however, she never acted on it but made it known how she disliked it. Usually, she could take Madden's blunt and insults, but being nasty on the first day of university wasn't in her schedule plus she won't allow a sullen mood on such a glorious day, even if Madden had a legitimate reason to do so. Jasmine looked towards Wynter, ignoring Madden's tone of putting down Wynter, "Wynter, there's no need to go to Lilith. I have schedules including who dorms with who. You're in the correct spot." Jasmine then looked towards Madden before she walked away, "If there's any other problems, please contact me. But you two are dormmates whether you like it or not. At the moment there's no switching out." Jasmine sighed, not liking the headache forming, she didn't know if Madden had heard her, but spoke out loud anyways. The way she saw it, the two obviously needed to get something settled. Whatever happened in the past needs to stay in the past even if one or the other caused each other harm. Plus, it's a perfect opportunity to start slowly forgiving each other, maybe not friends, but at least to the point of somewhat getting along. Jasmine actually hated seeing Madden's temper flaring and disgust at seeing the first year, it made her a bit sad yet anger. Not necessarily at Madden, but at whatever happened between the two. But knowing Madden's temper and the fake facade she had put on, the two getting along most likely won't happen. As for Wynter, Jasmine had no clue to how she is or what she's like, but never judge a book by its cover, it seems. Jasmine wouldn't take anyone's side but she will not take snide remarks even if it meant going against Madden.

As Madden walked away with Marian, Jasmine heard Madden insulting what her idea was "fun" was, she frowned slightly. Watching Annabelle's performance and hanging with Lilith is definitely fun, they're similar in most cases, yet exact opposites: it's the perfect fit.
"Everyone's idea of fun is different. And it's not a dumb idea, Madden. Some of us actually have school spirit or have an interest in music and dance." Jasmine has no idea what to do with Madden sometimes, you can't hate her and you can't love her. Surprisingly, when Madden isn't as well. . mean as a while ago, she's quite fun to be around. As soon as Madden and Marian left, she looked towards Vayne. Jasmine smiled when she was given a hug and hugged her back, "I'm so glad you decided to join and watch the performances! You won't regret it!" Winking slightly at Vayne and then looking towards Wynter, "Hope to see you there! The performances will be in the courtyard. When you're ready, I'll be waiting outside the dorms to escort you girls there" At that, Jasmine nodded, seeing that Vayne wanted to see her dorm before going and waved good bye to the two girls. As soon as she started walked down the hallways, Jasmine heard a buzz in her purse. Taking out her phone, Jasmine saw a text message from : Lils <3. Jasmine gasped slightly seeing the time was 8:00am. Reading the message, Jasmine responded quickly,

Lily Darling ?
Hey Jas! Can you start knocking on some doors and escorting people to the courtyard? Please and thank you =)
Of course! I'm on it! See you soon, Darling<3.

As soon as Jasmine press send, she placed her phone back in her bags and started knocking on some doors,
"Guys! It's time for the performances! It'll be in the courtyard! It'll be fun! Come and join! I'll be happily waiting in front of the dorm to escort you guys. Let's make haste and not be late!" She said to each door she knocked on and spoke into, hoping those inside the dorms would hear her. It took at least 15 minutes for her to knock on every door, including the guy's dorm. Finally, she made her way outside and patiently waited for her fellow classmates to help escort them to the courtyard. Jasmine's inside was getting all jittery and fuzzy. "This is it! The start of a new year! Let's hope for the best." She thought to herself supportingly. Everything has gone smoothly and in order so far, let's hope to the fairies that it'll continue to stay like this.

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Rodger Dodger Smith

Location: Courtyard | Scene: Time to Groove | With: The MI Gang @ Lots of people but I'm not sure who all right now | Time 7:55

Dodger ran up to the rest of the MI group with a few minutes to spare. "Sorry. Fire breathing dragon. Had to put it down. Blood everywhere. Then I had to shower and then boom! Girls everywhere! Then they were aliens and wanted to impregnate me, and I was not about to let that happen so I let them know Gothel hated aliens and they attacked her. She killed them all. Messy. Anyway let's just be grateful I survived." He changed into his MI outfit behind the curtains in full view of his club, but he was at least wearing shorts under his pants. "So if I burst into fire during the show it's cause Gothel's got a nark on for me for sicing aliens on her. Who's ready to melt some hearts?"

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Belinda Gothel (aka the alien-slayer/devil reincarnation)

Location: Teachers' apartments, TA lobby | Class: N/A | With: Elizabeth Swann @munchkincora and Jack Sparrow @crucialstar | Time: 7:30

Her eyes were watering. They shined like two perfect orbs, the color of nature after rain, the likes of two emeralds twinkling in the depths of an underground cave. Her pink lips were sculpted into a small smile, meant to be reassuring. A tear traveled down her rosy cheeks, and she let go of Belinda's hand, backing away. Belinda struggled to reach out, to hold her once more, but she couldn't seem to move a finger; it was as if she was paralyzed, bound by her own fear.

Now just out of Belinda's reach, Raizel stood still. All at once, she began to slowly ebb away--small, jagged fragments of her suddenly breaking off, drifting into the surrounding blackness, carried farther and farther by a nonexistent breeze. It was as if Raizel, a delicate slip of paper, was being torn to pieces.

And Belinda was powerless to stop it.

The professor awoke with a start, her hands curled into tight fists around clumps of her bed spread. Her eyes darted around the darkness, landing upon the bright orange lights of her bedside table's clock--2:15 AM. This was one of many nights she had emerged from sleep in such a terrified state; it was always the same dream behind every sleepless night, every miserable day.


"No point in staying awake," Belinda grumbled to herself, pulling aside her blanket. The professor was prepared for this, considering the fact that this had happened almost every other night for the past 10 years. She reached under her pillow and retrieved the book she was currently reading--Die Verwandlung, more commonly known as The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka--and headed out to the balcony. The balcony's light green papasan chair, situated in the shade of its canopy, had become Belinda's escape from her nightly terrors; and by 2:30, she had brewed herself a cup of black tea, found a comfy position in the chair, wrapped herself in a thin blanket, and was submerged in Kafka's interestingly grotesque novella.

The silence of her WDU apartment eased the tension in her mind, and she embraced the last few hours of isolation she was being allotted. Soon, she'd be thrust into the flow of the school year once more; and even after the school day was over, she was forced to share her apartment--her safe haven from the misery of teacherhood, one she'd had to herself for
years--with a Ms. Elizabeth Swann. Needless to say, Belinda Gothel was not a happy camper.


The click of a key in the apartment's door rose above the television's noise. Belinda's eyes glanced towards the door way, and from her spot on the couch, she could make out Ms. Swann's fair features through the opening. She had planned to completely disregard Elizabeth--at least until classes had begun--but something kept her eyes glued to the door. Another figure appeared beside Ms. Swann, and Belinda wrinkled her nose in disdain at the sight of him--Jack Sparrow, or as Belinda preferred to call him, an utter arschloch.

Her eyes almost popped out of their sockets when the bastard actually
came inside.

A bottle of alcohol in hand, the man staggered around the apartment, oblivious to Belinda's presence, and took a seat at the dining table. Belinda's head turned from Jack to Elizabeth, back and forth, struggling to process what had just happened. She sat in disbelief for a moment, but her incredulity soon gave way to anger. If this was the company Elizabeth Swann kept, Belinda knew it would only take a few short days for Swann to push all her buttons.


Belinda brushed a few bread crumbs from breakfast off her dress, cleared her throat, and stood up.
"Okay, first order of business. When you're living with me," she asserted, stalking over to Jack and swiping the bottle from his shaky hands, "we don't have friends over." The man reeked of alcohol, but it wasn't until she had drained the bottle's contents in the sink that she realized what type. Rum for a captain. No wonder.

Belinda put the bottle down on the kitchen counter, rinsed her hands, and walked over to Ms. Swann. As much as she would have loved to incapacitate Jack Sparrow with a few well-placed, pressure point hits, she refused to get her hands dirty this early in the morning. When she was only a few inches from Elizabeth's face, Belinda said, her tone sharp,
"I want Sparrow out--I don't need his wretched breath stinking up my apartment." Her light German accent added an air of authority to her words as she continued to speak. "Your bedroom is the last room down the hall. Mine is on the right--don't go near it. If you need me," Belinda paused mid-sentence, slipping a satchel over her shoulder, "I'll be in the lobby. Edgar and Cogsworth are to collect us from there, if I'm not mistaken."

With that, she slipped past Elizabeth and out of the room, glad to be rid of Ms. Swann and the nauseating odors of her entourage.

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Location: Practicing with sqaud //Class: N/A// Scenario: Where's Annabelle?// Time:7:55// With: Medley Illusions

Eleanor Snow


"Hey Elle! Ceremony's about to start. Have your team make their way over to the courtyard. Good Luck guys!" Lilith say with a smile and Elle playfully saluted back with a smile "Let's do a roll call" Elle screamed and stood on a chair, her eyes quickly scanned and counted how many people were there roughly. She grabbed her clipboard and a pen then began to go through the roll "Alright listen up!" She yelled to get everyone attention "Is Ruby, Harley and Alex here?" Elle yelled and she got three hellos back. She ticked off their names and continued through the list "Rocko, Zero and Gwen here?" She shrieked then heard three grunts "Alrighty then" Eleanor commented to herself

"Annabelle?" She asked and go no reply. Elle frowned then tried again "Annabelle!" Still no reply. They were going to move in ten minutes and Annabelle is missing. With quick thinking she grabbed someone's phone and began texting Annabelle

Hey Annie! Need you to come over now as we R about 2 move 2 the courtyard. Don't 4get to change. Ciao <3

Elle gave the phone and thanked the person she took it off from. Trying to figure a way to keep them busy she started to play the song again "Let's go!" She yelled then watched them perform it, tweaking the little errors in the performance "Elbows high Ruby!" She yelled as she slowly paced in front of them "Keep your chin high we want hear you sing!" She yelled again

(Tags: @NessieAlways @ShurikenPhoenix)
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Location: Kitchen || With: Rachel Flynn @Ethereal || Time: 7:30-8:10 AM



"So, what are we going to be battering up today, chef?"

Leah washed her hands thoroughly in the kitchen's sink and sent Rachel an excited grin. "We'll be exploring the marvelous world of sandwiches and tea, mon amour," she exclaimed, tossing an apron her way. Leah slipped on an apron of her own and surveyed her surroundings; mahogany cabinets lined the walls, accented by a light, tiled back splash. A huge island counter sat in the middle of the room, but despite its size, left ample room to move around.

Every spice and herb in the world could be found in the WDU kitchen pantries, along with all the latest kitchen appliances and recipes from around the globe. It was a chef's heaven, and Leah often found herself wishing her mother could see it all; she knew, though, that no matter what kitchen Tiana Chase was in, her smile would never falter. The joy Leah's mother felt when in the kitchen never depended on size, and never would.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Leah opened a drawer near the sink and began rifling through cook books. "Business at the restaurant has been a little slow, what with my mother's--" Leah began to say, owing a response to Rachel's previous questions, but abruptly pausing at the mention of her mother. The words were at the tip of her tongue, but she simply couldn't say them; it was as if her mind were foreshadowing the incoming onslaught of tears, and fighting to prevent it. "My mother's . . . condition," she finished slowly, almost releasing a sigh of relief when her eyes managed to refrain from welling up. Leah most definitely was not a sensitive girl, but the topic of her mother was her Achilles' Heel--one blow, and her every resolve diminished.

Leah forced a smile onto her face, scolding herself mentally--it was selfish of her to ruin Rachel's mood. Her melancholy may have only lasted a second, but Rachel was one of the most perceptive people she knew, and would catch even the slightest flicker of emotion. Never one to sit back and watch as someone suffered, Rachel would go out of her way to comfort Leah, but comfort was the last thing she needed. The facts were simple: Tiana Chase was slowly dying, and nothing anyone said or did could change that.


Leah pushed all her negative thoughts aside and turned to Rachel, who stood on the opposite end of island. She slid a cookbook her way and said, "Page 93: Smoked Ham and Swiss Sandwich. I'll be making the Grilled Cheese with Tomato and Basil on 76. The rye bread is in the bread pantry--we need to make maybe 100 of each, so with the help of Doc and Bashful, we can mass produce and slice them into fourths." Leah directed her attention towards Doc and Bashful, who were awkwardly standing in a corner, awaiting orders. She wondered how long they'd been listening in. "Grab the paper cups from the cupboard, Bashful--no, not those, the pretty ones. No, the ones next to them. Yes, those!" Once Bashful had set out the right paper cups, Leah filled the two in on the rest of their work: fill up thirty cups each, place them on trays, and begin setting up in the courtyard at 8:10. Doc and Bashful nodded eagerly and set off to work.

Things were off to a smooth start.

Leah twisted the knob underneath the grilling half of the stove, alighting a flame beneath its grilling surface, and cracked her knuckles. Beside her, she'd already set up her ingredients: butter, white bread, tomato slices, mozzarella cheese, and basil leaves. "Here we go," she whispered, placing the first two sandwich set-ups onto the grill.

It was going to be a long day.


At exactly 7:59, Leah's internal clock chimed. Her head perked up from the grill and she whipped around to face Rachel. "It's time."

The four of them combined had managed to whip up nearly 200 mini-sandwiches--in addition to the desserts Mrs. Cerami, the university chef, and her team had whipped up the night before, there would be enough food to satiate the students until lunchtime at noon. "Doc and Bash, you get the drinks out first--Rach and I will tackle the sandwiches. Once they're set out, I have a very special job for the two of you." Leah asserted, hurriedly placing a tray on each of her palms and resting the end of each tray on her shoulders. A few fourth years had helped set up the other snacks, and were off seating students for the performances, leaving the hot--and extremely heavy--sandwich trays to Leah and Rachel.

On her way out of the kitchen, Leah bumped her hip into Rachel's playfully, mouthing a silent thank you for her help. She was fully aware that Rachel Flynn would stick her neck out for even the cruelest of people, but she never wanted to seem as though she didn't appreciate her friend's kind nature. Leah cherished their friendship, as she did all those close to her.


20 minutes later, all the sandwiches and drinks had been loaded out, and all that was left to do was add some finishing touches. Leah glided over to Doc and Bashful, and produced a large jar or decorative toothpicks from behind her back. "You know what you have to do." she said, glancing over at the sandwiches.

Bashful happily took the jar from her, slightly blushing at the notion of being given such a special task. Leah rolled her eyes in amusement and headed over towards Rach, noticing that the first performance of the day was just about to begin. "Grab, like, a handful of cookies, and meet me by the stage. I'll try and find us some good seats . . ." Leah said, trailing off as she looked around for seats with a good vantage point--the rows of chairs lined in front of the stage were already filled, as were the good spots on the ground. Her eyes landed upon a tree directly beside the stage--close to the speakers for great sound, and a few sturdy branches angled just enough for a perfect view of the stage.

Would you look at that . . .
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Location | Teacher Apartment 1 Teaching | Not at the moment Time | 7:40AM With | Captain Jack Sparrow @crucialstar Belinda Gothel @Rida



"Of course, it is the first day and I sure would love to have seen you pretty porcelain face before any other suitors do, hm?" This statement had the exact effect on her that Jack wanted. Flaring up her quick-temper even more so than he did just by being there. But she knew he wanted a reaction. The most she let happen was her eyes narrowed and her lips tightened, point blank refusing to give the ass what he wanted. Rolling her eyes as he poured the rum into his always on hand flask, not bothering to wait until he couldn't here her to mutter, "You espèce d'imbécile..." He probably didn't even know French anyway so what was the harm really.

Walking inside she huffed, about ready to give Jack a piece of her mind when Belinda beat her to the punch. She and the older German teacher hadn't really spoken much and honestly they probably didn't care much for each other one way or the other. But apparently they were roommates now. Going through the door she set down her bags on the floor, just before the shorter woman walked up to her. Right up to her, enough so that Elizabeth shifted back instinctively, her foot taking one step before her brain caught up with her body, stopping. It certainly didn't matter that Gothel was shorter than she was, the woman definitely lived up to her reputation.

Elizabeth watched her go with half a mind to call her back right here and let her know that if she wanted her space respected, her own space had better be respected. But she bit her tongue, the gears working in her mind as she turned her usually bright, kind eyes onto Jack, smiling venomously sweet, "Jack...Darling." The word scraped up her throat and past her lips slowly, dragging the word out in an attempt to flatter the still surprised that someone touched his alcohol Captain Jack Sparrow. "If you would be so kind, chérie, as to help me take these--" She gestured to her bags on the floor as she shed her leather jacket, deliberately dropping it onto the floor because Belinda seemed like a clean person, "Into my room I'd be ever so grateful." Her overly pleasant tone showing how conflicted she was at the moment. Using the man she hated to get back at her new roommate. "Stay here as long as you like. By the way, it's not rum but I do happen to have a bottle of whiskey back at my old apartment just in case you wanted payment for that horribly wasted rum down the sink."

espèce d'imbécile = Complete Idiot

chérie = Dear
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Location: Entering the School || With: Madden de Vil

@NessieAlways | Marian Autumn @ShurikenPhoenix | Wynter @Miss Alice | Lillith @NessieAlways || Time: 7:30-8:10 AM || outfit: Katrina Shire


"I don't see why I couldn't drive" Kat protested against Mother Anna driving towards Katrina's new home "Oh be quiet Katrina Carol Shire" Mother Anna yelled in a frustrated tone as she parked in front of the magnificent castle. Mother Anna began to pray to the Lord as Kat hopped out of the car and grabbed her two suitcase containing everything she has ever owned which wasn't very much to be honest. As the nun came out she went up to the girl with cat ears on her head like a small girl "Dear child, please do not create havoc, the Lord will guide you" Mother Anna smiled softly at Katrina then in the air drew the cross on Katrina's body and hers as well. Katrina just shook the nun's hand, giving her an electric shock then running away with laughter. Mother Anna shook her wrinkly fist in the air "KATRINA!" She yelled, Kat continued to ignore it as she continue to laugh at the prank . It was a bad prank but she always enjoyed the shocking handshake. Kat had to stop at the entrance to calm herself laughing then she looked around "Where are you Madden?" She said to herself then began walking towards the courtyard only to see Madden with Wynter

"Oh Wonderlands" Kat murmured then raced up to Madden, pulling a quick smile for her friend then she noticed the red head girl standing next to her best friend. Katrina held her smile but leaned in and whispered into Madden's ear "Who's this?" She asked then Madden continued to walk away from Wynter "Look, let's try not to focus on Miss. Unsure okay?" She tried to reassure Madden then stopped in front of herr "I got a surprise for you!" She cooed with a large grin on her lips. She opened one of her suitcases and searched for a wrapped box. She smiled and picked up a rectangular box "Open it" Katrina insisted then handed her the box. Ince Madden opened it Kat squealed then hugged her. The box had red velvet Louboutin heels "I hope you like them" Kat smiled then closed her suit case "I must go" She huffed "I have a surprise for the principal. Toodles" She waved goodbye to her best friend then headed towards the chairs in the courtyard. She pulled out her prank kit the began building her prank underneath each every chair in a quick minute. First she stuck a water balloon filled with a nasty gas that smelled of old socks and moldy cheese had a baby, next she stuck a small contraption that had a red LED light and a sharp needle on it. She aligned it next to the balloon the stuck it on carefully, making sure she didn't pop the balloon. Once Kat finished she checked the time on her watch it reading 8:30 "Just in time" She smiled then raced off to the lounge and went up to a girl wearing blue "Apparently you have my key?" Kat cocked a brow "Name's Shire, Katrina Shire" She said in a low, sexy tone like the famous James Bind. Kat held her hand out and received her her keys "So, who's in my dorm?" She asked with a sly smirk on her lips and her eyelashes batting. She finally moved away from the girl then slipped out her phone and began texting Madden to make sure she wasn't caught in the prank​

Mad Bear <3
Hey Mad Bear, meet me next to the big tree near the stage. I want you to see the surprise for Mr. Mousey - Cheshire

Katrina slipped her phone back into her bag then headed towards the allocated spot
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Captain Tora Fa

Location: Headed to the Courtyard| With: None | Time 7:55

The click of boots fell down the hall as Tora quick-stepped towards her destination. She was dressed in full dress uniform today. The ROTC Building was small, she never had that many students, but she preferred uphill battles. She had eaten a simple breakfast an looked at dresses, then deleted her search history. Can't have her men finding that. She saw a really cute one though. Maybe she could hide it in her room and only wear it there! She hadn't had a roommate in ages, so there was that. She mulled the decision around while she took her seat. At least a little pomp and ceremony could take her mind off the day's work. She hoped her "recruiters" would bring in some new blood. They were down to two members, a third year and a second. That simply would not do.
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@Inritz [/color]




Maria had just been about to reply to Theo's witty quip, when her gaze fell on a clock mounted on the wall. Reading the time, she realised that it would soon be time to watch the students' welcoming performances, and Maria was not one for being late. "As much as I have enjoyed this conversation, I think it is time we go to the courtyard. If I am not mistaken, there is a performances there that I would hate to miss." Maria was quite partial to a good show and would not miss it for the world. It would have been even better if they had been serving sangria as a refreshment, but that was wishful thinking on her part. Standing up and setting her cup of coffee down on a table, she brushed off her bright red coat and gestured for Theo to follow her. "I assume you are coming to watch, señor?"[/font][/center]


Location:Heading out the dorms-Parking Lot- Madden's Car||

Class: None||

With:Marian-Katrina|| Mentions: Jasmine-Wynter-Vayne

@ShurikenPhoenix @lostviolence @crucialstar @Miss Alice @Ilikepie

Time: 7:50-8:15 A.M.

Madden kept her head straight keeping her pace steady. She didn't dare look back and see Wynter's face and she most certainly didn't go back to reply to Jasmine. She heard Marian speaking to Vayne and Vayne reject her offer. To be honest Madden felt indifferent about Vayne joining them. She'd seen great potential in the girl given the nerve to wear something out of the ordinary on her first day, but if she wanted to go watch rejects from American Idol and Dancing with the Stars, Madden wasn't going to waste her time with her. Right now all Madden needed to do was get as far away as possible, of course that didn't take her very far. Madden's furious escape came to an abrupt halt as Katrina appeared in front of her. It'd be a relief to say that Madden's frustrations dissipated when she saw the girl, but they did the completely opposite. Madden wanted to leave and Katrina was in the way. Before Madden could push Katrina aside and continue on her furry walk, she heard the clicking of Marian's heels behind her catching up. "Who's this?" Katrina asked. Rolling her eyes and shoving past the girl, Madden continued to walk away from the group of girls behind her hearing her two girls still following. "Marian, Kat. Kat, Marian. She's a not as sexually attractive version of you, but I'm fixing that. Madden's voice was short obvious that she wasn't in the mood to speak.

Though it had been years, seeing Wynter again, rattled something inside Madden that shouldn't have been rattled. "Look, let's try not to focus on Miss. Unsure okay?" Once again, Madden came to an abrupt stop. She turn around sharply causing her hair to whip back. "First rule of the semester. Don't ever mention Wynter again. Do you understand?" Her eyes were glued to Katrina knowing that she held the dagger with Madden's secret. Madden had only felt this vulnerable once and she wasn't about to run around the school with her heart on her sleeve. "If I ever hear you speak her name once again, I'll make sure you rot in whatever basement those nuns put you in." Madden's voice had lowered to a threatening whisper. The kind you hear chanting out your name in the middle of the night. She turned to look briefly at Marian letting her know that the threat was also addressed towards her, and before the two could speak Madden smiled devilishly, spun on her heels, and continued walking, smile fading once again to a glare when Katrina once again stepped in front of her. Madden was now on the edge of frustration and rage.

"I got a surprise for you! Open it." At first Madden was weary of the contents of the box. Knowing Katrina's trickster tendencies, she was already imagining things popping out of the box, filling her with glitter, or goo, or whatever. She eyed the box cautiously with a snark expression. After turning it various times to make sure it wasn't booby trapped and shaking it so whatever explosion might be inside could go off and spare her clothing, Madden finally opened the box slowly making sure it was pointing at Katrina the entire time so if there was anything popping out, Katrina would be the victim of her own joke. Once the lid was completely off Katrina squealed and hugged Madden who stiffened at the girl's affection. "Get off of me!" Madden yelled never being one for close intimacy or public display of affection. It repulsed Madden, so she was quick to shove off the girl. "God Kat. Get a hold of yourself." finally looking down at the gift Katrina had given Madden, her eyes went wide and her lips curled into a half smile. "I hope you like them"

"Who'd you steal these from? They're so out of your budget." Translation: These are amazing. Thank you.

"I must go. I have a surprise for the principal. Toodles" As Katrina bounced away, Madden rolled her eyes playfully and shoved the box to Marian. "See dear these are quality heels. Try them on. They'll look a lot better than Spartacus's sandals." Madden had always loved Katrina's fashion. That was the reason they became friends in the first place. Out of all her high school, only Katrina and Madden were bold enough to make a statement with clothing. However they weren't instant best friends. Katrina had a lot of qualities Madden didn't like. Her cheerfulness and craze over PDA were some of them. However, as the years went by, Katrina's fashion statements and pranks where hard to overlook, so Madden decided to tolerate several of Katrina's quirks. As high school went on, the friendship between the two only intensified. To outsiders, Madden and Katrina seemed to hate each other. Madden would always criticize her and Katrina would always try to prank Madden, but in reality, the two girls just had a weird way of going about their friendship. It had been dreadful when Katrina was taken away to Wonderland, but Madden got over it pretty quickly. At the moment she was still sulking over Wynter. Adding Katrina's leaving was too much, so Madden just ignored it. However, finding her friend back in college was more of a relief that Madden like to admit.

As the Madden and Marian got to the parking lot, Madden received a text. It was from Katrina. "Didn't I just speak to you?" She thought. "So much for abandonment issues." Madden quickly replied before getting into her car and starting the engine. "So, darling, Where do you want to go first?"

Kat =^.^=
Hey Mad Bear, meet me next to the big tree near the stage. I want you to see the surprise for Mr. Mousey - Cheshire
And risk smelling like last week's meat loaf all day? No thanks. Going shopping with Marian. You're welcome to join once your child's play is over. Kisses.

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Location: Kitchen > Stage || With: Leah Chase, Doc & Bashful || Mood: Tired, but eager || Time: 8:32am-ish || Class: N/A || Tags: @Rida

Rachel threw her hands up towards the flying apron that was coming her way. She slipped on the apron at the same time as Leah and watched as she took a few gazes around. The blonde loved seeing her best friend get into the mood of cooking. She could see the passion that she held in her eyes and it brought joy to her mood as well. Being able to help someone she cared about, was really all Rachel thought of about in life.

Rachel hovered around the counter, as Leah went over and began pulling out spicy smelling herbs from the drawer, and briskly flipping pages out of various cook books.
"Business at the restaurant has been a little slow with my mother's..." Rachel perked up at the beginning of her friend's conversation. It wouldn't take a scientist to see that the sweet and melancholy expression that her friends once possessed, was now gone, sadly turned into a more gloomy look. "My mothers..condition," Leah finally let out, for what seemed to be a sigh of relief escaping from her plush lips.

Tiana Chase ; both a wonderful cook, and woman, was insanely ill. It wasn't the first time Leah had mentioned her sick mother, and it wasn't the first time that she almost broke down in tears because of it. Rachel remembered the cheerful time when she finally was able to persuade her parents into visiting the Chase's marvelous restaurant. It was a long drive, and the distance from her house to Leah's was about 3 hours away, but when they got there, everything came into place and was worth it. After they left, both of Rachel's parents wouldn't stop blabbering about how incredible the food was and how magical everything looked. To think that it was only a year ago that this happened, and everything changed in merely a flash, was saddening. Rachel slithered near her best friend, lightly pushing Leah's head towards her shoulder and stroking her friend, reassuring her that everything was going to be okay.

Despite her mood, Leah still seemed to want to make an amazing dinner, and of course that didn't come to a surprise to Rachel. As Leah handed her a cookbook, she began to search for the sandwiches that they were going to be making, and got right to it.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Even after Doc and Bashful came to sincerely help, and Rachel was being thrown orders left and right, she still managed to put the rightful ingredients in their rightful dishes. The four of them were all able to whip up a solid number of about 200 sandwiches, which of course would be plenty to feed the famished mouths of the student body. We're amazing, was the instinctive thought that came from the tiresome blonde, but of course they weren't done just yet. As Doc and Bashful were out setting up the drinks, both other girls took on the job of having to carry out the numerous of heavy metal trays, covered in sandwiches.

As they made their way out of the kitchen, Rachel felt a playful nudge on her hip, to which she knew right away, that it was Leah's. She solemnly, turned her head towards her best friend who had mouthed her a generous "thank you". Rachel flashed her a wide teethed smile in return, knowing that she would go out of her way to literally do anything for her friend.

Rachel couldn't believe the beautiful scene that they had created. The wonderfully stacked sandwiches, the artistically well laid out platters, the magnetic cups that consisted of chilled drinks. A sweet aroma filled the air, and Rachel inhaled deeply, her mouth watering in thought of how delicious the sandwiches would taste. Interrupting her thoughts was the calm voice of Leah's.
"Grab, like, a handful of cookies and meet me by the stage. I'll try to find us some good seats. . ."

Rachel spun back to the brunette, and shot her two thumbs up.
"Make sure you get the seats by the stage, they're better! I'll be back!"

At that, she rushed off back into the kitchen, and arrived in pants. For a minute, she leaned against the marble counter which was covered in traces of flour, and mayonnaise. Mixed together, the smell was foul, but she was still joyful at the fact that they accomplished so much, in so little time. Working with Leah was never a disappointment, the two made a great team. She gracefully twirled over to the oven, pulling out a whole platter of cookies. With that, Rachel shuffled into the cabinets, in search for a bowl big enough for her to look normal walking around with, and big enough to hold all of the cookies. The last thing she would want would be to look like an idiot, carrying around a plate full of warm chocolate chip cookies.

After for what seemed to be forever, the teen successfully found the perfect bowl, and poured all of the cookies into it. She held the bowl tightly against her chest, and began skipping back to the stage. It took her awhile before she spotted her best friend, but when she did, she slipped right into the seat next to her. Rachel carefully handed Leah the bowl, and once again gazed around at the surroundings, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Ya'know Leah, you're a really special girl. This is beautiful. All of it is beautiful...you're mother would be proud."

Okay so I was listening to music trying to figure out what I should write for the last few paragraphs. I listened to this song, and everything just came to me. Its the bomb:

Theodore Baar

Location: Apartment 2.1 With: Maria @ShurikenPhoenix Scene: Hurry to Hello | Time: 7:42

Theo looked at his pocket watch and said "Oh goodness yes! They will definitely want you, your introduction will be expected. Can't show up late the fist day. Gives the students the wrong impression. Let's hurry to our seats. Your companionship was lovely Professor. I host a Welcome Party for new teachers. I don't mind if you don't go, but the party would be poorer for it."


Location | Assembly Hall Class | None Time | 7:30-8:00AM With | Aurora @incrusade Annabell @ShurikenPhoenix Atlas @crucialstar



Flynn grinned broadly as Aurora walked over to him. He couldn't help but adore the blonde. She was pretty much exactly like him just a girl. Not bothering to question the fact that she was nearly right up against him. This was normal. He settled his large hand against her small waist, smirking down at her, "What do you think Princess?" He nearly purred back, before he watched her take the coffee from him, chuckling as Maximus nosed at their knees, trying to separate them to get some attention. Flynn merely rolled his eyes at her complaint looking up at the other voice that came up next to him.

"Livi!" Flynn beamed, pulling her into a quick hug as she walked over. He only vaugely actually remembered the night that Aurora had introduced them. Though he definitely recalled himself liking her quite a bit. She was really cute, and by and far his type, though she didn't seem fazed by any of his advances so he had stepped of mostly. Well. He still had the occasional flirty comment, though she didn't respond. Shrugging lightly at her comment, "Oh I dunno. I think me and Maximus here got ourselves pretty set without bringing a girl into the picture." He joked, watching as the white puppies entire body wiggled in Olivia's arms, overly excited at the greeting he got.

Watching everyone in the room get ready and in position he flashed a smirk, and a wink in their direction,
"Course I'll be watching." He assured them both, running his fingers through his hair as he moved over to a chair to give them room. Watching Li pop back in, looking like his usual chill and calm self, and then Atlas. Flynn almost missed his chair, stumbling slightly before sitting down with an extremely serious expression on his face, hoping against hope that nobody saw that.
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@Inritz [/color]



Maria chuckled heartily at what she perceived to be shallow flattery from Theo. The party invitation was indeed thoughtful, but to suggest the party would be a lesser event without her was presumptuous. He knew barely anything about her. However she would be lying if she did not believe the statement. She believed any event was lesser without her. She feigned humility though, it was socially unacceptable for one to agree when complimented lest they appear arrogant, and appearances were very important to Maria. "I should be glad to attend your party Theodore," she smiled and addressed him by name for the first time as they made their way to the courtyard. It was quite a pleasant walk, and she found she did not feel she was simply 'tolerating' the man quite as much as most people, but rather enjoying his company. How long that would last was debatable. "Please, tell me of some of the other professors, I am intrigued."[/font]
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Theodore Baar

Location: Walking to the Courtyard | With: Maria @ShurikenPhoenix | Scene: A Dance with Hook | Time:7:50

"So the staff eh? Well Duckinghiem and his wife are pleasant enough but they don't do much, never get out of school mode. Gothel, when you meet her prepare for a rant on the evils of love. When I got my divorce she sent me a cake. Sparrow....well let's just say he's an acquired taste, and don't try to out drink him, for the janitor's sake if nothing else. I don't mind him because I've seen far odder in my years but he is a sight to behold. Then there's Tora. Young Captain that runs the ROTC in our school. She's about as tall as a rum bottle and will hit you twice as hard if you make fun if her. Sensitive type. We have some new teachers coming too. Yourself and the staff mentioned an Archer coming? Of all bleeding things let's give the kids yard long arrows to shoot. This is supposed to be a peaceful place. Tora's bad enough as it is."
He sighed. "I know about the rest of the staff but nothing more than faces. I try to get to know each of them better but more and more leave and more and more are replaced. I barely know Tora, but John Smith, her predecessor was a good friend of mine for 10 years. He just retired three years ago though."

Theo thought back to the many years he'd been here. Maybe he had been here too long. 15 years ago this was supposed to be a few years gig, not fifteen. He sighed and walked along. He hoped he could find another friend in Maria. Though he never did ask where she was from....

Captain Jack Sparrow

Location: Campus | Time: 8:00-8:30AM | With: Elizabeth @Ethereal and Leah @Rida [/font]

Sencario: Guiding the students to the courtyard, almost time for the performance!



After a few more minutes, Jasmine decided it was time to go as she saw more students coming out of the dorm waiting for her to guide them to the courtyard. She smiled, "Ready guys? Let's head to the courtyard, follow me!" Jasmine led them through the campus, straight towards the courtyard. However, she went at a pace where the students could get used to where they would walk for the year. She had let them take in the scenary and memorize the layout to the courtyard from their dorm. As they arrived, Jasmine was relieved that the set up looked organized and was right on time. The chairs were set up nicely in neat rows. The clubs were putting together their tent, making it presentable for the students and the turn-out was looking great! Jasmine turned around and saw some of the students taking it upon themselves to look around the courtyard and find their own seats. Seeing that they had everything handled, Jasmine decided to go to the booths, seeing if anyone needed any help setting up for their presentation. Looking around she spotted Leah and Rachel, she called out to them, "Leah! Rach!" Jasmine waved to them, smiling brightly, "Smelling good, girls!" She gave them a thumbs up and went back to her chart, making sure she wasn't missing anything. She really hoped that no one would mess up this perfect day. Speaking of which, where is Lilith? She must be busy with something it seemed. Shrugging her shoulders lightly, Jasmine saw that she had a little bit of time before the performances began and seeing the workers diligently preparing for the shows, she couldn't find any faults with the set up, which made her extremely proud.

Turning on around, Jasmine took out her phone and dialed Luca, her driver / friend "Luca? Where are you? Is Rahjah ready? You can come and bring him now. Everyone will be in the courtyard, so bringing Rahjah now wouldn't scare the other students." She laughed lightly, remembering the reactions she had gotten from her fellow classmates that she brought her tiger companion to school. She decided to not make it a scene this year and just bring him in when the others were watching the performance. As Jasmine held the phone, she heard a chuckle through the other line, "Yes, mam'. What time exactly? Rahjah's sort of dozing and you know what they say about waking up a sleeping cat." Jasmine shook her head, of course, Rahjah's cat naps. "Okay, how about bring him over at 11:00? I'll meet you at the gates." Luca laughed, "I'll be there on time. See you soon. Bye, Jas and good luck." Jasmine smiled softly and hung up the phone. She ruffled her hair slightly and looked over the courtyard. Jasmine made sure to keep her phone handy on her in case she was needed for anything. She made her way to the stage and stood next to it, waiting for the shows to begin.
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  • tumblr_lxr1m4r9sK1qedzelo1_500.gif

    Olivia showed off a radiant smile to the group as the dance routine came to an end. "You guys make it so easy for me to love what I do!" She complimented. What she said was true, and came it from the deepest parts of her heart. At first when she joined WDU, she asked Principal Mickey to develop a cheer-leading group, but because there was a rule that forbid first years to make a club, and no one was interested in a cheer-leading, so she turned to the dance which was the closest to her liking even though it was Alice who owned it. This year, although she did like Alice as a person, Olivia was thankful that she moved to another state and that she finally had her chance of being the Dance President. Plus, the fact that all of her friends were part of it with her, made it a way better and easier experience.

    After the group kind of seperated and began to do their own thing, Olivia twirled around on her tip toes to Flynn, and shot him a thumbs up, clicking her tongue at him. She didn't know why, but ever since they met, he was one of the people that she was easily comforted by. He
    actually was super sweet, despite that he was always flirting with other girls, and for some weird reason, that exasperated Olivia. The brunette skipped over to Aurora, and threw her arm over the blonde's neck. "We're so good..Flynn wouldn't be able to do half of the things we just did," She teased. Olivia playfully rolled her eyes at the both of them. One of the perks of being both of their friends was that, both Flynn and Aurora were two very easily aroused people when it came to flirtatious teasing, so it wasn't hard to get them sparked up with adrenaline.

    About to say something witty again, Olivia spotted a slight wave in the corner of her eye. She whipped her head to the side to see Annabelle scurrying out. The brunette tilted her head in confusion, and shrugged at her friend's sudden leave. The fact that Annabelle was in so many clubs at once, she assumed that the female had something else that she had to do. But, quite frankly, she admired the fact that Annabelle was able to do her thing quickly and be in and out. Something she herself would never be able to do. As Annabelle left her view, another slim little blonde replaced her, and stood at the doorway with her luggage wrapped around her hand, and a quaint little puppy that followed her. (Ava)

    Location: Assembly Room || With: Ava, Aurora, Flynn, Atlas, Li, & Annabelle (formerly) || Class: N/A || Mood: Puzzled at who Ava is ; Excited that the crew was ready to perform. || Tags:
    @NessieAlways @munchkincora @crucialstar @ShurikenPhoenix

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