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Fandom Undertale: A New Threat Rises- Character select (Character sheet)


Agender,prefers female pronouns.
Flame Elemental,same as Grillby.
Lilac is a generally gentle person,being friendly to most people she meets. Her head is usually in the clouds and she gets distracted often,especially when she sees something interesting. But despite her friendly nature,Lilac is hot-headed,and will burst out at any person who is rude or hurtful to her friends. She usually struggles to understand the concept of sarcasm. Lilac glows with a blue light when she is angry.
Battle stats
LV: 1
ATK: 20
DEF: 2
MAGIC ATTACKS: Fire attack,sword handle,fire storm (strongest attack),dodging (taught by Sans)
PASSIVE MAGIC: Lilac soul,makes other soul hearts slower,but can only be used once.
GOLD : Has enough for food and some trinkets.

Lilac is Grillby's daughter. For some reason,her flame was unusually weak. She had great difficulty keeping her form and was sure to perish at anything cooler than the hot lands. To help her survive, she was built a body; a sort of incubator where all outside forces would be kept away from her soul, letting it exist safely and warmly. Once inside this safe environment, her soul flourished beyond anyone’s expectation. Although absolutely dreadful in it’s defense, her soul was a powerful,it seemed. A bit of a glass cannon, as some may put it. It took a *lot* of convicing for her father to train her attacks though,but he recognized it could be useful. Sans also helped a little,focusing on defense. Soon Lilac joined the Royal Guard as an apprentice.
Theme song


Accepted but i think you'll have to make them not canon that they are Grillby's daughter for KAmber KAmber kinda disagrees with the matter.
I don't feel that comfortable with that.
I said don't be TOO cheesy, to the point that it doesn't look too unrealistic and something very descent. So being a little cheesy is fine.
~Tuna St. Targo~

Real Name
Terrie Salivon




Salmon Monster

Tuna St. Targo is ruthless, and bent on creating an army of monsters to become the most powerful criminal mastermind in the world.
He is very power-hungry, and he leads an entire gang of din-witted monster thugs who are out to help him go about with his criminal activities. Self-centered, he puts his needs above those of his minions' and doesn't show compassion if they or anyone around him gets hurt. Despite his evil personality, he is quite cowardly, childish, and weak, having his minions fight for him (never engaging in combat personally). He is the leader of the Guppytooth Mafia, a gang that has past it's former glory after the death of his father, Garago Salivion. Though he now continue's his father's legacy, Tuna St. Targo is struggling to keep it afloat, having to rely on incompetent henchmen and a society of humans that wants nothing more than to have his head on a plate.
Despite his unlikable personality and affiliations with organized crime, Tuna St. Targo often feels self-hatred and frustration towards himself. Being raised since birth to take up his father's position, he has known nothing more than how to be cruel and ruthless towards others. Though he acts this way mainly to try and act like his father (despite the love-hate relationship he had with him), he also does his because he was never allowed to know what love or affection felt like, and now abhors those things as being thing that would make him feel weak and pitiful.

Battle Stats
HP: 15
LV: 1
ATK: 3
DEF: 2
Various weapons hidden within his mechanical suit.
Shouting at his henchmen.
500,000 (he's the leader of a gang after all)

Ever since birth, Terrie Salivon had been pampered and prepped into becoming the next leader of the Guppytooth Mafia, since his father was getting ready for retirement. With the headquarters of the gang being in Brookland, which was facing much tension between humans and monsters, Terrie had been relentless bullied by humans throughout his childhood, making fun of his size and beating him up. His family was no difference, since his father believed that in order for Terrie to lead his gang, he need to become a "man". As such, Terrie was given nothing but neglect and abuse by his own family, and was taught by his father that "Love and compassion will get you nowhere in this world! If you wanna make it out there with those filthy humans, you gotta treat them like they'd treat you; even if it means killin' them! It's a fish eat fish world out there, and by the time you become a man, you'll be at the top of the food chain!"
This ended up greatly warping Terrie's childhood, believing that being cruel and ruthless was the only was to survive in a world that hated you back. But alas, tragedy would strike the family when his father was killed by a traitor among them, who had been against the killings of humans Terrie's father had been responsible of. But from that, Terrie was given the seat of the leader of the Gubbytooth Mafia, and believing that humans were responsible for his father's death, sought to extract his revenge. But as years passed, the family could only watch as Terrie slowly destroyed the gang, using all of their wealth to fund his plans of extracting his revenge (if one would even call it revenge) against humans, throwing the family deeper and deeper into debt. In truth, though, Terrie's desires of extracting revenge were nothing more than him letting loose all of the pain, rage and sorrow he accumulated over the course of his broken childhood; a path of self-destruction that would lead to him becoming an absolute failure to his family.
Today, the Guppytooth Mafia is nothing more than a joke, a shadow of it's former self, run by a spiteful and childish monster who, although talks big and has even bigger ambitions, is in truth aware of how much he was fallen. And with the rise of a human organization that has been attacking monsters all over, Terrie will need to think of something fact, in order to keep his minions, his family legacy and himself from being snuffed-out forever.

Theme song(optional)
~Tuna St. Targo~
View attachment 309099

Real Name
Terrie Salivon




Salmon Monster

Tuna St. Targo is ruthless, and bent on creating an army of monsters to become the most powerful criminal mastermind in the world.
He is very power-hungry, and he leads an entire gang of din-witted monster thugs who are out to help him go about with his criminal activities. Self-centered, he puts his needs above those of his minions' and doesn't show compassion if they or anyone around him gets hurt. Despite his evil personality, he is quite cowardly, childish, and weak, having his minions fight for him (never engaging in combat personally). He is the leader of the Guppytooth Mafia, a gang that has past it's former glory after the death of his father, Garago Salivion. Though he now continue's his father's legacy, Tuna St. Targo is struggling to keep it afloat, having to rely on incompetent henchmen and a society of humans that wants nothing more than to have his head on a plate.
Despite his unlikable personality and affiliations with organized crime, Tuna St. Targo often feels self-hatred and frustration towards himself. Being raised since birth to take up his father's position, he has known nothing more than how to be cruel and ruthless towards others. Though he acts this way mainly to try and act like his father (despite the love-hate relationship he had with him), he also does his because he was never allowed to know what love or affection felt like, and now abhors those things as being thing that would make him feel weak and pitiful.

Battle Stats
HP: 15
LV: 1
ATK: 3
DEF: 2
Various weapons hidden within his mechanical suit.
Shouting at his henchmen.
500,000 (he's the leader of a gang after all)

Ever since birth, Terrie Salivon had been pampered and prepped into becoming the next leader of the Guppytooth Mafia, since his father was getting ready for retirement. With the headquarters of the gang being in Brookland, which was facing much tension between humans and monsters, Terrie had been relentless bullied by humans throughout his childhood, making fun of his size and beating him up. His family was no difference, since his father believed that in order for Terrie to lead his gang, he need to become a "man". As such, Terrie was given nothing but neglect and abuse by his own family, and was taught by his father that "Love and compassion will get you nowhere in this world! If you wanna make it out there with those filthy humans, you gotta treat them like they'd treat you; even if it means killin' them! It's a fish eat fish world out there, and by the time you become a man, you'll be at the top of the food chain!"
This ended up greatly warping Terrie's childhood, believing that being cruel and ruthless was the only was to survive in a world that hated you back. But alas, tragedy would strike the family when his father was killed by a traitor among them, who had been against the killings of humans Terrie's father had been responsible of. But from that, Terrie was given the seat of the leader of the Gubbytooth Mafia, and believing that humans were responsible for his father's death, sought to extract his revenge. But as years passed, the family could only watch as Terrie slowly destroyed the gang, using all of their wealth to fund his plans of extracting his revenge (if one would even call it revenge) against humans, throwing the family deeper and deeper into debt. In truth, though, Terrie's desires of extracting revenge were nothing more than him letting loose all of the pain, rage and sorrow he accumulated over the course of his broken childhood; a path of self-destruction that would lead to him becoming an absolute failure to his family.
Today, the Guppytooth Mafia is nothing more than a joke, a shadow of it's former self, run by a spiteful and childish monster who, although talks big and has even bigger ambitions, is in truth aware of how much he was fallen. And with the rise of a human organization that has been attacking monsters all over, Terrie will need to think of something fact, in order to keep his minions, his family legacy and himself from being snuffed-out forever.

Theme song(optional)

After chapter two. Do not worry you can make your first idle post now as long as they don't interrupt Frisk's and the others main mission. You can be the mini sub boss of chapter 3. DestinyGuy3712 DestinyGuy3712
Appearance(Descriptive or image):
(will add more drawings later on)




very curious,friendly,confident,bold,random,weird,flirty,and impish. also slightly moody. he is neutral.
loves being petted and can get distracted by moving or shiny things.

Battle stats:
LV: 7
ATK: 10
DEF: 5
metal swipe, lockjaw, and shards

metal swipe- sharpens his claws and slashing very quickly
lock jaw- temporarily paralyzes from biting using his tail's powerful jaws
shards- shards of metal burst from the mouth of his tail shooting at opponent
healing- can heal others

(key is to dodge his attacks or shield from them)

not much is actually known about where zebby came from really but he ended up growing up in snowdin. he always had a deep interest in making things from charms to clothing to art to food. he's always been a creative type and often kept to himself alot when he was younger. he used to and somewhat still does try to eat others thanks to his carnivorous nature.

Theme song(optional):

his tail can have a mind of it's own.
Last edited:
Appearance(Descriptive or image):
(will add more drawings later on)
View attachment 315724




very curious,friendly,confident,bold,random,weird,flirty,and impish. also slightly moody. he is neutral.
loves being petted and can get distracted by moving or shiny things.

Battle stats:
LV: 7
ATK: 10
DEF: 5
metal swipe, lockjaw, and shards

metal swipe- sharpens his claws and slashing very quickly
lock jaw- temporarily paralyzes from biting using his tail's powerful jaws
shards- shards of metal burst from the mouth of his tail shooting at opponent
healing- can heal others

(key is to dodge his attacks or shield from them)

not much is actually known about where zebby came from really but he ended up growing up in snowdin. he always had a deep interest in making things from charms to clothing to art to food. he's always been a creative type and often kept to himself alot when he was younger. he used to and somewhat still does try to eat others thanks to his carnivorous nature.

Theme song(optional):

his tail can have a mind of it's own.

I forgot to say Accepted.
Hey Howdy Hey Ho Here I go

Appearance(Descriptive or image):
A creamy, almost white goat monster with brown at the tips of her ears and no horns. She's average height, often seen wearing an orange sweater with light blue stripes. Almost always seen carrying a little plush like the ones in Toriel's house

close to Frisk's age
Boss monster/goat monster
Very organized, fairly kind, dislikes puns but doesn't hate them. Likes tea, reading, and bicycles. She isn't a genius, but smart enough to get by. Not very athletic, but pretty good at art. She's pretty innocent, not knowing about all the bad things in the world. Enjoys spending time with other people.
(I hope that wasn't not enough or too much)
Battle stats:
LV: 2
ATK: 5
DEF: 3
MAGIC ATTACKS: blue and orange rings, tries to get people to stop fighting by making them move away or stop moving
PASSIVE MAGIC: red soul, light blue (don't move) and orange (move)
GOLD(optional): not much, she's a kid

has a knack for bullet pattern birthday cards and other party tricks, but not very skillful in battle

Theme song(optional):
She's Playing Piano
Nothing here
Hey Howdy Hey Ho Here I go

Appearance(Descriptive or image):
A creamy, almost white goat monster with brown at the tips of her ears and no horns. She's average height, often seen wearing an orange sweater with light blue stripes. Almost always seen carrying a little plush like the ones in Toriel's house

close to Frisk's age
Boss monster/goat monster
Very organized, fairly kind, dislikes puns but doesn't hate them. Likes tea, reading, and bicycles. She isn't a genius, but smart enough to get by. Not very athletic, but pretty good at art. She's pretty innocent, not knowing about all the bad things in the world. Enjoys spending time with other people.
(I hope that wasn't not enough or too much)
Battle stats:
LV: 2
ATK: 5
DEF: 3
MAGIC ATTACKS: blue and orange rings, tries to get people to stop fighting by making them move away or stop moving
PASSIVE MAGIC: red soul, light blue (don't move) and orange (move)
GOLD(optional): not much, she's a kid

has a knack for bullet pattern birthday cards and other party tricks, but not very skillful in battle

Theme song(optional):
She's Playing Piano
Nothing here

I didn't enter a name. Once again I submitted an incomplete thing.
The name is Eliza, or just Liza with her friends
Hey Howdy Hey Ho Here I go

Appearance(Descriptive or image):
A creamy, almost white goat monster with brown at the tips of her ears and no horns. She's average height, often seen wearing an orange sweater with light blue stripes. Almost always seen carrying a little plush like the ones in Toriel's house

close to Frisk's age
Boss monster/goat monster
Very organized, fairly kind, dislikes puns but doesn't hate them. Likes tea, reading, and bicycles. She isn't a genius, but smart enough to get by. Not very athletic, but pretty good at art. She's pretty innocent, not knowing about all the bad things in the world. Enjoys spending time with other people.
(I hope that wasn't not enough or too much)
Battle stats:
LV: 2
ATK: 5
DEF: 3
MAGIC ATTACKS: blue and orange rings, tries to get people to stop fighting by making them move away or stop moving
PASSIVE MAGIC: red soul, light blue (don't move) and orange (move)
GOLD(optional): not much, she's a kid

has a knack for bullet pattern birthday cards and other party tricks, but not very skillful in battle

Theme song(optional):
She's Playing Piano
Nothing here
Before i accept your character can you please answer these following questions. How did they gain LV: 2? I need a very good reason why. What's her back story? Also can you be a little more specific in your character's magic set of attacks? I really didn't quite catch it. Please edit your CS as you answer these questions. Don't forget to edit the name too.
Before i accept your character can you please answer these following questions. How did they gain LV: 2? I need a very good reason why. What's her back story? Also can you be a little more specific in your character's magic set of attacks? I really didn't quite catch it. Please edit your CS as you answer these questions. Don't forget to edit the name too.
In a minute I'll edit the character sheet, the LV wasn't supposed to be two, It's just one.
God I'm screwing everything up today
Hey Howdy Hey Ho Here I go
I'm pretty sure I actually did this right this time, sorry for the mistakes
Appearance(Descriptive or image):
A creamy, almost white goat monster with brown at the tips of her ears and no horns. She's average height, often seen wearing an orange sweater with light blue stripes. Almost always seen carrying a little plush like the ones in Toriel's house
Nickname: (by close friends) Liza
close to Frisk's age
Boss monster/goat monster
Very organized, fairly kind, dislikes puns but doesn't hate them. Likes tea, reading, and bicycles. She isn't a genius, but smart enough to get by. Not very athletic, but pretty good at art. She's pretty innocent, not knowing about all the bad things in the world. Enjoys spending time with other people.
(I hope that wasn't not enough or too much)
Battle stats:
LV: 1
ATK: 5
DEF: 3
MAGIC ATTACKS: blue and orange rings. The rings of magic either stay in place and shrink slowly or bounce around.
She often will surround someone with a blue ring, run away, and get rid of the ring once she's far away so she doesn't have to fight.
PASSIVE MAGIC: red soul, light blue (don't move) and orange (move)
GOLD(optional): not much, she's a kid

has a knack for bullet pattern birthday cards and other party tricks, but not very skillful in battle
Nothing very interesting, she grew up in the capital but often explored Hotlands. Looked up to Alphys a lot. She never met her parents but it isn't an important thing, she was raised by two kind bird monsters and has no desire to learn about her parentage.
She's never faces much trauma and really had a pretty good life. Her plush was gifted to her by Asgore, when he dressed up as Santa and gave a lot of monsters presents
Theme song(optional):
She's Playing Piano
Nothing here
Hey Howdy Hey Ho Here I go
I'm pretty sure I actually did this right this time, sorry for the mistakes
Appearance(Descriptive or image):
A creamy, almost white goat monster with brown at the tips of her ears and no horns. She's average height, often seen wearing an orange sweater with light blue stripes. Almost always seen carrying a little plush like the ones in Toriel's house
Nickname: (by close friends) Liza
close to Frisk's age
Boss monster/goat monster
Very organized, fairly kind, dislikes puns but doesn't hate them. Likes tea, reading, and bicycles. She isn't a genius, but smart enough to get by. Not very athletic, but pretty good at art. She's pretty innocent, not knowing about all the bad things in the world. Enjoys spending time with other people.
(I hope that wasn't not enough or too much)
Battle stats:
LV: 1
ATK: 5
DEF: 3
MAGIC ATTACKS: blue and orange rings. The rings of magic either stay in place and shrink slowly or bounce around.
She often will surround someone with a blue ring, run away, and get rid of the ring once she's far away so she doesn't have to fight.
PASSIVE MAGIC: red soul, light blue (don't move) and orange (move)
GOLD(optional): not much, she's a kid

has a knack for bullet pattern birthday cards and other party tricks, but not very skillful in battle
Nothing very interesting, she grew up in the capital but often explored Hotlands. Looked up to Alphys a lot. She never met her parents but it isn't an important thing, she was raised by two kind bird monsters and has no desire to learn about her parentage.
She's never faces much trauma and really had a pretty good life. Her plush was gifted to her by Asgore, when he dressed up as Santa and gave a lot of monsters presents
Theme song(optional):
She's Playing Piano
Nothing here
Appearance(Descriptive or image):
A tall figure in a coat much too large. He's a spider like Muffet, and has four arms. Typically holding an umbrella, and likes turtlenecks. He also keeps a rapier on his belt at all times. Also carries a gun, but never uses it.

Name: Aran Alba, 'Alb'

Age: 27 pre-barrier

Gender: Male

Species: Monster, Spider

Personality: Very laid back, if you need a full personality reference I'd suggest looking up Wayne from the Mistborn series.

Battle stats:
LV: 3. He regrets it.
ATK: 45
DEF: 60
MAGIC ATTACKS: Swords, rapiers, daggers, more swords.
PASSIVE MAGIC: Purple, yellow
GOLD(optional): 15 and a dented piece from someone he killed.

Magic: Blades and more blades. Nuff said. Also, teleportation.

Backstory: After the war, he disappeared and reappeared in the lab. (yep, he's there now.

Theme song(optional):

I'm sorry. But i can no longer accept another character, i forgot to say i will not be accepting new characters since were already half way. I hope you understand. KAmber KAmber
come on!
now i need to edit my post!
crap crap crap

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